MDEV-7618: Improve semaphore instrumentation
Introduced two new information schema tables to monitor mutex waits
and semaphore waits. Added a new configuration variable
innodb_intrument_semaphores to add thread_id, file name and
line of current holder of mutex/rw_lock.
in file line 439
Analysis: At shutdown multi-threaded flush sends a exit work
items to all mtflush threads. We wait until the work queue is
empty. However, as we did not hold the mutex, some other thread
could also put work-items to work queue.
Fix: Take mutex before adding exit work items to work queue and
wait until all work-items are really processed. Release
mutex after we have marked that multi-threaded flush is not
anymore active.
Fix test failure on innodb_bug12902967 caused by unnecessary
info output on xtradb/buf/
Do not try to enable atomic writes if the file type
is not OS_DATA_FILE. Atomic writes are unnecessary
for log files. If we try to enable atomic writes
to log writes that are stored to media supporting
atomic writes we will end up problems later.
Analysis: For some reason actual thread handle is not
returned on Windows instead lpThreadId was returned and
thread handle was closed after thread create. Later
CloseHandle was called for recv_writer_thread_handle
and psort_info->thread_hdl.
Fix: Return thread handle from os_thread_create()
also on Windows and store these thread handles also
in so that they can be later closed.
Use traditional statistics estimation by default (innodb-stats-traditional=true).
There could be performance regression for customers if there is a lot of
open table operations.
Analysis: If you set the number of analyzed pages
to very low number compared to actual pages on
that table/index it randomly pics those pages
(default 8 pages), this leads to fact that query
after analyze table returns different results. If
the index tree is small, smaller than 10 *
n_sample_pages + total_external_size, then the
estimate is ok. For bigger index trees it is
common that we do not see any borders between
key values in the few pages we pick. But still
there may be n_sample_pages different key values,
or even more. And it just tries to
approximate to n_sample_pages (8).
Fix: (1) Introduced new dynamic configuration variable
innodb_stats_sample_traditional that retains
the current design. Default false.
(2) If traditional sample is not used we use
n_sample_pages = max(min(srv_stats_sample_pages,
(3) Introduced new dynamic configuration variable
stat_modified_counter (default = 0) if set
sets lower bound for row updates when statistics is re-estimated.
If user has provided upper bound for how many rows needs to be updated
before we calculate new statistics we use minimum of provided value
and 1/16 of table every 16th round. If no upper bound is provided
(srv_stats_modified_counter = 0, default) then calculate new statistics
if 1 / 16 of table has been modified
since the last time a statistics batch was run.
We calculate statistics at most every 16th round, since we may have
a counter table which is very small and updated very often.
@param t table
@return true if the table has changed too much and stats need to be
((ib_int64_t) (t)->stat_modified_counter > (srv_stats_modified_counter ? \
ut_min(srv_stats_modified_counter, (16 + (t)->stat_n_rows / 16)) : \
16 + (t)->stat_n_rows / 16))
Merge Facebook commit cd063ab930
authored by Peng Tian from
Introduced a new configuration variable innodb_fatal_semaphore_wait_threshold,
it makes the fatal semaphore timeout configurable. Modified original commit
so that no MariaDB server files are changed, instead introduced a new
InnoDB/XtraDB configuration variable.
Its default/min/max vlaues are 600/1/2^32-1 in seconds (it was hardcoded
as 600, now its default value is 600, so the default behavior of this diff
should be no change).
Merged Facebook commit 617aef9f911d825e9053f3d611d0389e02031225
authored by Inaam Rana to InnoDB storage engine (not XtraDB)
WL#7047 - Optimize buffer pool list scans and related batch processing
Reduce excessive scanning of pages when doing flush list batches. The
fix is to introduce the concept of "Hazard Pointer", this reduces the
time complexity of the scan from O(n*n) to O.
The concept of hazard pointer is reversed in this work. Academically
hazard pointer is a pointer that the thread working on it will declar
such and as long as that thread is not done no other thread is allowe
do anything with it.
In this WL we declare the pointer as a hazard pointer and then if any
thread attempts to work on it, it is allowed to do so but it has to a
the hazard pointer to the next valid value. We use hazard pointer sol
reverse traversal of lists within a buffer pool instance.
Add an event to control the background flush thread. The background f
thread wait has been converted to an os event timed wait so that it c
signalled by threads that want to kick start a background flush when
buffer pool is running low on free/dirty pages.
Merge Facebook commit 154c579b828a60722a7d9477fc61868c07453d08
and e8f0052f9b112dc786bf9b957ed5b16a5749f7fd authored
by Steaphan Greene from
Optimize prefix index queries to skip cluster index lookup when possible.
Currently InnoDB will always fetch the clustered index (primary key
index) for all prefix columns in an index, even when the value of a
particular record is smaller than the prefix length. This change
optimizes that case to use the record from the secondary index and avoid
the extra lookup.
Also adds two status vars that track how effective this is:
Times secondary index lookup triggered cluster lookup.
Times prefix optimization avoided triggering cluster lookup.
Merge Facebook commit 4f3e0343fd2ac3fc7311d0ec9739a8f668274f0d
authored by Steaphan Greene from
Adds innodb_idle_flush_pct to enable tuning of the page flushing rate
when the system is relatively idle. We care about this, since doing
extra unnecessary flash writes shortens the lifespan of the flash.
New generation hard drives, SSDs and NVM devices support 4K
sector size. Supported sector size can be found using fstatvfs()
or GetDiskFreeSpace() functions.
Merged Facebook commit dd2d11be7aaf3be270e740fb95cbc4eacb52f4d7
authored by Rongrong Zhong from
This fixes MySQL Bug #68220 innodb_rows_updated is misleading on slave
Added innodb_system_rows_read/inserted/updated/deleted counters
that are the equivalent of innodb_rows_* but that only account for
changes made to system databases (mysql, information_schame and
preformance_schema). These counters will be used on slaves to
differentiated the updates made on system databases from those made on
user databases.
innodb_rows_* status counters are not updated when innodb_system_rows_*
are updated.
Merged Facebook commit ecff018632c6db49bad73d9233c3cdc9f41430e9
authored by Steaphan Greene from
This change is to fix:
This makes innodb_max_dirty_pages_pct a double with min,default,max values
0.001, 75, 99.999.
This also makes innodb_max_dirty_pages_pct_lwm and adaptive_flushing_lwm
doubles, as these sysvars are inter-dependent.
Percent pages dirty: X.X
This is all n_dirty_pages / used_pages
Percent all pages dirty: X.X
This is all n_dirty_pages / all-pages
Max dirty pages percent: X.X
This is innodb_max_dirty_pages_pct
Also changed all of buf from 2 to 3 digits of precision (%.2f -> %.3f).
you the progress of inplace alter table and row log buffer usage
- (x 100%, it's 4-digit. 10000 means 100.00%)
- Innodb_onlineddl_rowlog_rows
Shows how many rows are stored in row log buffer.
- Innodb_onlineddl_rowlog_pct_used
Shows row log buffer usage in percent ( *100%, it's 4-digit. 10000 means 100.00% ).
- Innodb_onlineddl_pct_progress
Shows the progress of inplace alter table. It might
be not so accurate because inplace alter is highly
depend on disk and buffer pool status.
But still it is useful and better than nothing.
- Add some log for inplace alter table
XtraDB/InnoDB will print some message before and
after doing some task.
Merged lp:maria/maria-10.0-galera up to revision 3880.
Added a new functions to handler API to forcefully abort_transaction,
producing fake_trx_id, get_checkpoint and set_checkpoint for XA. These
were added for future possiblity to add more storage engines that
could use galera replication.
Merged lp:maria/maria-10.0-galera up to revision 3879.
Added a new functions to handler API to forcefully abort_transaction,
producing fake_trx_id, get_checkpoint and set_checkpoint for XA. These
were added for future possiblity to add more storage engines that
could use galera replication.
Analysis: When database is migrated from 5.5 or earlier and
database needs crash recovery, there is possibility that
SYS_DATAFILES system table does not exists, but
crash recovery in function dict_check_tablespaces_and_store_max_id()
assumes that SYS_DATAFILES exists.
Fix: If SYS_DATAFILES does not exists, create it before
we end up to function dict_check_tablespaces_and_store_max_id()
on crash recovery.
Part of this work is based on Stewart Smitch's memory barrier and lower priori
patches for power8.
- Added memory syncronization for innodb & xtradb for power8.
- Added HAVE_WINDOWS_MM_FENCE to CMakeList.txt
- Added os_isync to fix a syncronization problem on power
- Added log_get_lsn_nowait which is now used srv_error_monitor_thread to ensur
if log mutex is locked.
All changes done both for InnoDB and Xtradb
Analysis: InnoDB writes also files that do not contain FIL-header.
This could lead incorrect analysis on os_fil_read_func function
when it tries to see is page page compressed based on FIL_PAGE_TYPE
field on FIL-header. With bad luck uncompressed page that does
not contain FIL-headed, the byte on FIL_PAGE_TYPE position could
indicate that page is page comrpessed.
Fix: Upper layer must indicate is file space page compressed
or not. If this is not yet known, we need to read the FIL-header
and find it out. Files that we know that are not page compressed
we can always just provide FALSE.
Analysis: Can't disable the error message because you may get database
started with incorrect log file size.
Fix: Thus only improve the error message to give more information
to users.