This patch adds a way to override default collations
(or "character set collations") for desired character sets.
The SQL standard says:
> Each collation known in an SQL-environment is applicable to one
> or more character sets, and for each character set, one or more
> collations are applicable to it, one of which is associated with
> it as its character set collation.
In MariaDB, character set collations has been hard-coded so far,
e.g. utf8mb4_general_ci has been a hard-coded character set collation
for utf8mb4.
This patch allows to override (globally per server, or per session)
character set collations, so for example, uca1400_ai_ci can be set as a
character set collation for Unicode character sets
(instead of compiled xxx_general_ci).
The array of overridden character set collations is stored in a new
(session and global) system variable @@character_set_collations and
can be set as a comma separated list of charset=collation pairs, e.g.:
SET @@character_set_collations='utf8mb3=uca1400_ai_ci,utf8mb4=uca1400_ai_ci';
The variable is empty by default, which mean use the hard-coded
character set collations (e.g. utf8mb4_general_ci for utf8mb4).
The variable can also be set globally by passing to the server startup command
line, and/or in my.cnf.