"Federared Transactions Failure"
Bug occurs when the user performs an operation which inserts more than
one row into the federated table and the federated table references a
remote table stored within a transactional storage engine. When the
insert operation for any one row in the statement fails due to
constraint violation, the federated engine is unable to perform
statement rollback and so the remote table contains a partial commit.
The user would expect a statement to perform the same so a statement
rollback is expected.
This bug was fixed by implementing bulk-insert handling into the
federated storage engine. This will relieve the bug for most common
situations by enabling the generation of a multi-row insert into the
remote table and thus permitting the remote table to perform
statement rollback when neccessary.
The multi-row insert is limited to the maximum packet size between
servers and should the size overflow, more than one insert statement
will be sent and this bug will reappear. Multi-row insert is disabled
when an "INSERT...ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE" is being performed.
The bulk-insert handling will offer a significant performance boost
when inserting a large number of small rows.
This patch builds on Bug29019 and Bug25511
"Federated INSERT failures"
Federated does not correctly handle "INSERT...ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE"
However, implementing such support is not reasonably possible without
increasing complexity of the storage engine: checking that constraints
on remote server match local server and parsing error messages.
This patch causes 'ON DUPLICATE KEY' to fail with ER_DUP_KEY message
if a conflict occurs and not to fail silently.
Federated does not record neccessary HA_EXTRA flags in order to
Implement ::extra() to capture flags neccessary for functionality.
New function append_ident() to better escape identifiers consistantly.
CHECK TABLE against ARCHIVE table may falsely report table corruption,
or cause server crash.
Fixed by using proper buffer for CHECK TABLE.
Affects both 5.0 and 5.1.
Max compressed file size was calculated incorretly causing server
crash on INSERT.
With this patch we use proper max file size provided by zlib.
Affects 5.0 only.
the loose scan optimization for grouping queries was applied returned
a wrong result set when the query was used with the SQL_BIG_RESULT
The SQL_BIG_RESULT option forces to use sorting algorithm for grouping
queries instead of employing a suitable index. The current loose scan
optimization is applied only for one table queries when the suitable
index is covering. It does not make sense to use sort algorithm in this
case. However the create_sort_index function does not take into account
the possible choice of the loose scan to implement the DISTINCT operator
which makes sorting unnecessary. Moreover the current implementation of
the loose scan for queries with distinct assumes that sorting will
never happen. Thus in this case create_sort_index should not call
the function filesort.
INSERT into table from SELECT from the same table
with ORDER BY and LIMIT was inserting other data
than sole SELECT ... ORDER BY ... LIMIT returns.
One part of the patch for bug #9676 improperly pushed
LIMIT to temporary table in the presence of the ORDER BY
That part has been removed.
The reason the "reap;" succeeds unexpectedly is because the query was completing(almost always) and the network buffer was big enough to store the query result (sometimes) on Windows, meaning the response was completely sent before the server thread could be killed.
Therefore we use a much longer running query that doesn't have a chance to fully complete before the reap happens, testing the kill properly.
- When creating an index for the sort, the number of rows plus 1 is used
to allocate a buffer. In this test case, the number of rows 4294967295
is the max value of an unsigned integer, so when 1 was added to it, a
buffer of size 0 was allocated causing the crash.
- Create new test suite for this bug's test suite as per QA.