In the code that converts IN predicates to EXISTS predicates it is changing
the select list elements to constant 1. Example :
is transformed to :
However there can be no FROM clause in the IN subquery and it may not be
a simple select : SELECT ... FROM ... WHERE a IN (SELECT f(..) AS
c UNION SELECT ...) This query is transformed to : SELECT ... FROM ...
x HAVING a = c) In the above query c in the HAVING clause is made to be
an Item_null_helper (a subclass of Item_ref) pointing to the real
Item_field (which is not referenced anywhere else in the query anymore).
This is done because Item_ref_null_helper collects information whether
there are NULL values in the result. This is OK for directly executed
statements, because the Item_field pointed by the Item_null_helper is
already fixed when the transformation is done. But when executed as
a prepared statement all the Item instances are "un-fixed" before the
recompilation of the prepared statement. So when the Item_null_helper
gets fixed it discovers that the Item_field it points to is not fixed
and issues an error. The remedy is to keep the original select list
references when there are no tables in the FROM clause. So the above
AS c UNION SELECT ...) x HAVING a = c) In this way c is referenced
directly in the select list as well as by reference in the HAVING
clause. So it gets correctly fixed even with prepared statements. And
since the Item_null_helper subclass of Item_ref_null_helper is not used
anywhere else it's taken out.
too much memory. Instead, either create the equvalent SEL_TREE manually, or create only two ranges that
strictly include the area to scan
(Note: just to re-iterate: increasing NOT_IN_IGNORE_THRESHOLD will make optimization run slower for big
IN-lists, but the server will not run out of memory. O(N^2) memory use has been eliminated)
The SQL standard doesn't allow to use in HAVING clause fields that are not
present in GROUP BY clause and not under any aggregate function in the HAVING
clause. However, mysql allows using such fields. This extension assume that
the non-grouping fields will have the same group-wise values. Otherwise, the
result will be unpredictable. This extension allowed in strict
MODE_ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY sql mode results in misunderstanding of HAVING
The new error message ER_NON_GROUPING_FIELD_USED message is added. It says
"non-grouping field '%-.64s' is used in %-.64s clause". This message is
supposed to be used for reporting errors when some field is not found in the
GROUP BY clause but have to be present there. Use cases for this message are
this bug and when a field is present in a SELECT item list not under any
aggregate function and there is GROUP BY clause present which doesn't mention
that field. It renders the ER_WRONG_FIELD_WITH_GROUP error message obsolete as
being more descriptive.
The resolve_ref_in_select_and_group() function now reports the
ER_NON_GROUPING_FIELD_FOUND error if the strict mode is set and the field for
HAVING clause is found in the SELECT item list only.
CONNECTION_ID() was implemented as a constant Item, i.e. an instance of
Item_static_int_func class holding value computed at creation time.
Since Items are created on parsing, and trigger statements are parsed
on table open, the first connection to open a particular table would
effectively set its own CONNECTION_ID() inside trigger statements for
that table.
Re-implement CONNECTION_ID() as a class derived from Item_int_func, and
compute connection_id on every call to fix_fields().
The problem was due to the fact that with --lower-case-table-names set to 1
the function find_field_in_group did not convert the prefix 'HU' in
HU.PROJ.CITY into lower case when looking for it in the group list. Yet the
names in the group list were extended by the database name in lower case.
Multiple equalities were not adjusted after reading constant tables.
It resulted in neglecting good index based methods that could be
used to access of other tables.
The bug was due to a missed case in the detection of whether an index
can be used for loose scan. More precisely, the range optimizer chose
to use loose index scan for queries for which the condition(s) over
an index key part could not be pushed to the index together with the
loose scan.
As a result, loose index scan was selecting the first row in the
index with a given GROUP BY prefix, and was applying the WHERE
clause after that, while it should have inspected all rows with
the given prefix, and apply the WHERE clause to all of them.
The fix detects and skips such cases.
union.result, union.test:
Adding test case.
Allow safe character set conversion in UNION
- string constant to column's charset
- to unicode
Thus, UNION now works the same with CONCAT (and other string functions)
in respect of aggregating arguments with different character sets.
To quote Timour review lines:
The actual cause of the bug is that
sets "select_lex->with_wild = 0" (in the end of the function) once
it expands all wild-cards, and wild-card expansion is done during
the prepare phase. During this phase we replace all "*" with the
corresponding items, which for views happen to be references to
references. When we do execute, select_lex->with_wild = 0, and
all "*" are already replaced by the corresponding items, which
in the case of views need to be dereferenced first.
Fixed by refining the assert. Regression test for the bug is rpl_row_view01,
as was reported.
If item->cached_table is set, find_field_in_tables() returns found field
even if it doesn't belong to current select. Because Item_field::fix_fields
doesn't expect such behaviour, reported bug occurs.
Item_field::fix_fields() was modifed to detect when find_field_in_tables()
can return field from outer select and process such fields accordingly.
In order to ease this code which was searching and processing outed fields was
moved into separate function called Item_field::fix_outer_field().
- BUG#15166: Wrong update permissions required to execute triggers
- BUG#15196: Wrong select permission required to execute triggers
The idea of the fix is to check necessary privileges
in Item_trigger_field::fix_fields(), instead of having "special variables"
technique. To achieve this, we should pass to an Item_trigger_field instance
a flag, which will indicate the usage/access type of this trigger variable.
- Fixed tests
- Optimized new code
- Fixed some unlikely core dumps
- Better bug fixes for:
- #14397 - OPTIMIZE TABLE with an open HANDLER causes a crash
- #14850 (ERROR 1062 when a quering a view using a Group By on a column that can be null
to Crash": the bug was that due to non-standard name
resolution precedence in stored procedures (See Bug#5967)
a stored procedure variable took precedence over a table column
when the arguments for VALUES() function were resolved.
The implementation of VALUES() function was not designed to work
with Item_splocal and crashed.
VALUES() function is non-standard. It can refer to, and
is meaningful for, table columns only. The patch disables SP
variables as possible arguments of VALUES() function.
according to the standard.
The idea is to use Field-classes to implement stored routines
variables. Also, we should provide facade to Item-hierarchy
by Item_field class (it is necessary, since SRVs take part
in expressions).
The patch fixes the following bugs:
- BUG#8702: Stored Procedures: No Error/Warning shown for inappropriate data
type matching;
- BUG#8768: Functions: For any unsigned data type, -ve values can be passed
and returned;
- BUG#8769: Functions: For Int datatypes, out of range values can be passed
and returned;
- BUG#9078: STORED PROCDURE: Decimal digits are not displayed when we use
DECIMAL datatype;
- BUG#9572: Stored procedures: variable type declarations ignored;
- BUG#12903: upper function does not work inside a function;
- BUG#13705: parameters to stored procedures are not verified;
- BUG#13808: ENUM type stored procedure parameter accepts non-enumerated
- BUG#13909: Varchar Stored Procedure Parameter always BINARY string (ignores
- BUG#14161: Stored procedure cannot retrieve bigint unsigned;
- BUG#14188: BINARY variables have no 0x00 padding;
- BUG#15148: Stored procedure variables accept non-scalar values;
Post-review fixes that simplify the way access rights
are checked during name resolution and factor out all
entry points to check access rights into one single
resolve_const_item() substitutes item which will evaluate to constant with
equvalent constant item, basing on the item's result type. In this case
subselect was resolved as constant, and resolve_const_item() was substituting
it's result's Item_caches to Item_null. Later Item_cache's function was called
for Item_null object, which caused server crash.
resolve_const_item() now substitutes constants for items with
result_type == ROW_RESULT only for Item_rows.