The REPAIR TABLE ... USE_FRM query silently corrupts data of tables
with old .FRM file version.
The mysql_upgrade client program or the REPAIR TABLE query (without
the USE_FRM clause) can't prevent this trouble, because in the
common case they don't upgrade .FRM file to compatible structure.
1. Evaluation of the REPAIR TABLE ... USE_FRM query has been
modified to reject such tables with the message:
"Failed repairing incompatible .FRM file".
2. REPAIR TABLE query (without USE_FRM clause) evaluation has been
modified to upgrade .FRM files to current version.
3. CHECK TABLE ... FOR UPGRADE query evaluation has been modified
to return error status when .FRM file has incompatible version.
4. mysql_upgrade and mysqlcheck client programs call CHECK TABLE
FOR UPGRADE and REPAIR TABLE queries, so their behaviors have
been changed too to upgrade .FRM files with incompatible
version numbers.
ChangeSet@1.2583, 2008-03-31
Merge five.local.lan:/work/merge/mysql-5.0-Bug
into five.local.lan:/work/merge/mysql-5.1-Bug
Addditional manual fixes will be needed.
MERGE: 1.1810.3667.16
Which contains
ChangeSet@1.1810.3667.16, 2008-03-31
Fix for Bug
#35335 funcs_1: Some tests fail within load_file during
pushbuild runs
Bug#35335 funcs_1: Some tests fail within load_file during
pushbuild runs
Solution: 1. Move files with input data used in load_file,
load data etc.
from suite/funcs_1/<whatever>
to std_data
2. Use for testsuite funcs_1 the server option
3. Outfiles have to be stored under MYSQLTEST_VARDIR
+ changes according to WL#4304 Cleanup in funcs_1 tests
- backport of fixes/improvements made in 5.1 to 5.0
The differences between scripts in 5.0 and 5.1 cause
much additional and annoying work during any upmerge.
- replace error numbers with names
- improved comments
- improved formatting
- Unify storage engine names so that result files for
storage engine variants do not differ (some tests)
- remove a script no more used (tests are done in other scripts)
The problem was that LOAD DATA code ( didn't take into
account that there may be items, representing references to other
columns. This is a usual case in views. The crash happened because
Item_direct_view_ref was casted to Item_user_var_as_out_param,
which is not a base class.
The fix is to
1) Handle references properly;
2) Ensure that an item is treated as a user variable only when
it is a user variable indeed;
3) Report an error if LOAD DATA is used to load data into
non-updatable column.
using a trig in SP
For all 5.0 and up to 5.1.12 exclusive, when a stored routine or
trigger caused an INSERT into an AUTO_INCREMENT column, the
generated AUTO_INCREMENT value should not be written into the
binary log, which means if a statement does not generate
AUTO_INCREMENT value itself, there will be no Intvar event (SET
INSERT_ID) associated with it even if one of the stored routine
or trigger caused generation of such a value. And meanwhile, when
executing a stored routine or trigger, it would ignore the
INSERT_ID value even if there is a INSERT_ID value available set
by a SET INSERT_ID statement.
Starting from MySQL 5.1.12, the generated AUTO_INCREMENT value is
written into the binary log, and the value will be used if
available when executing the stored routine or trigger.
Prior fix of this bug in MySQL 5.0 and prior MySQL 5.1.12
(referenced as the buggy versions in the text below), when a
statement that generates AUTO_INCREMENT value by the top
statement was executed in the body of a SP, all statements in the
SP after this statement would be treated as if they had generated
AUTO_INCREMENT by the top statement. When a statement that did
not generate AUTO_INCREMENT value by the top statement but by a
function/trigger called by it, an erroneous Intvar event would be
associated with the statement, this erroneous INSERT_ID value
wouldn't cause problem when replicating between masters and
slaves of 5.0.x or prior 5.1.12, because the erroneous INSERT_ID
value was not used when executing functions/triggers. But when
replicating from buggy versions to 5.1.12 or newer, which will
use the INSERT_ID value in functions/triggers, the erroneous
value will be used, which would cause duplicate entry error and
cause the slave to stop.
The patch for 5.1 fixed it to ignore the SET INSERT_ID value when
executing functions/triggers if it is replicating from a master
of buggy versions, another patch for 5.0 fixed it not to generate
the erroneous Intvar event.
When running mysqlbinlog on a 64-bit machine with a corrupt relay log,
it causes mysqlbinlog to crash. In this case, the crash is caused
because a request for 18446744073709534806U bytes is issued, which
apparantly can be served on a 64-bit machine (speculatively, I assume)
but this causes the memcpy() issued later to copy the data to segfault.
The request for the number of bytes is caused by a computation
of data_len - server_vars_len where server_vars_len is corrupt in such
a sense that it is > data_len. This causes a wrap-around, with the
the data_len given above.
This patch adds a check that if server_vars_len is greater than
data_len before the substraction, and aborts reading the event in
that case marking the event as invalid. It also adds checks to see
that reading the server variables does not go outside the bounds
of the available space, giving a limited amount of integrity check.
Bug #30316: Some "parts" tests fail because the server uses "--secure-file-priv"
Bug #30341: Test suite "parts" needs to be adapted to the new rules disallowing many functio
Bug #30408: Suite "parts" needs bug numbers updated
Bug #30411: Suite "parts" needs bug numbers updated: ER_UNIQUE_KEY_NEED_ALL_FIELDS_IN_PF
Bug #30576: part_supported_sql_func_innodb.test tries to LOAD DATA outside of var dir
Bug #30581: partition_value tests use disallowed CAST() function
Included are some general fixes to allow the "parts" test suite to be run
successfully. This includes disabling a few tests or parts of tests,
cleaning up the test cases and their results, etc. Basically, these tests
have not been run for some time, and had suffered some bit rot.
The bugs were fixed as a single changeset, because in some ways they depend
on each other. I couldn't be sure I'd updated all the error codes (for
bugs 30408 and 30411) without also adapting to the new allowed functions
rules (bug 30341), and vice versa.
Moved CERT files to where they are used, avoids conflict
between two make files trying to install the same CERTs
Move: SSL/*.pem -> mysql-test/std_data/
and is not described in the manual
- Adding missing initialization for utf8 collations
- Minor code clean-ups: renaming variables,
moving code into a new separate function.
- Adding test, to check that both ucs2 and utf8 user
defined collations work (ucs2_test_ci and utf8_test_ci)
- Adding Vietnamese collation as a complex user defined
collation example.
This patch fixes problem that LOAD DATA could use different
character sets when loading files on master and on slave sides:
- Adding replication of thd->variables.collation_database
- Adding optional character set clause into LOAD DATA
Note, the second way, with explicit CHARACTER SET clause
should be the recommended way to load data using an alternative
character set.
The old way, using "SET @@character_set_database=xxx" should be
gradually depricated.
- Starting time of a query sent by bootstrapping wasn't initialized
and starting time defaulted to 0. This later used value by NOW-
item and was translated to 1970-01-01 11:00:00.
- Marketing the time with thd->set_time() before the call to
mysql_parse resolves this issue.
- set_time was refactored to be part of the thd->init_for_queries-
Moved .progress files into the log directory
Moved 'cluster' database tables into the MySQL database, to not have 'cluster' beeing a reserved database name
Fixed bug where mysqld got a core dump when trying to use a table created by MySQL 3.23
Fixed some compiler warnings
Fixed small memory leak in libmysql
Note that this doesn't changeset doesn't include the new mysqldump.c code required to run some tests. This will be added when I merge 5.0 to 5.1
- Detect if a table has field of type MYSQL_TYPE_VAR_STRING while running
"CHECK TABLE t FOR UPGRADE" and indicate it need to be fixed
with "REPAIR TABLE t".
- When running a "REPAIR TABLE t" or "ALTER TABLE t FORCE" on the above
table, install a special copy function to trim off the trailing spaces
which we safely can say that the pre 5.0 mysqld didn't put there.