This patch was created by running the following commands:
for i in */*[ch]; do $i; done
perl -i -pe 's#\*{3} \*/$#****/#' */*[ch]
where is r510
Verified the consistency as follows:
(0) not too many /* in: */ or /* out: */ comments left in the code:
grep -l '/\*\s*\(in\|out\)[,:/]' */*[ch]
(1) no difference when ignoring blank lines, after stripping all
C90-style /* comments */, including multi-line ones, before and after
applying this patch:
perl -i -e 'undef $/;while(<ARGV>){s#/\*(.*?)\*/##gs;print}' */*[ch]
diff -I'^\s*$' --exclude .svn -ru TREE1 TREE2
(2) after stripping @return comments and !<, generated a diff and omitted
the hunks where /* out: */ function return comments were removed:
perl -i -e'undef $/;while(<ARGV>){s#!<##g;s#\n\@return\t.*?\*/# \*/#gs;print}'\
svn diff|
perl -e 'undef $/;$_=<>;s#\n-\s*/\* out[:,]([^\n]*?)(\n-[^\n]*?)*\*/##gs;print'
Some unintended changes were left. These will be removed in a
subsequent patch.
* Remove old Innobase copyright lines from C source files
* Add a reference to the GPLv2 license as recommended by the lawyers
at Oracle Legal
[Step 9/28]
Implement a limit on the memory used by the INNODB_TRX, INNODB_LOCKS and
INNODB_LOCK_WAITS tables. The maximum allowed memory is defined with the
Approved by: Marko (via IM)
Add a type that stores chunks of data in its own storage and avoids
duplicates. Supported methods:
Allocates new storage object.
Copies a given data chunk into the storage and returns pointer to the
copy. If the data chunk is already present, a pointer to the existing
object is returned and the given data chunk is not copied.
Clears (empties) the storage from all data chunks that are stored in it.
Destroys a storage object. Opposite to ha_storage_create().
Approved by: Marko