but even if this script called as /bin/mysql_install_db
it is still standard install and scripts are in /usr/share/
(but not in the /share/)
2. fix of bindir path
Most of the mtr tests in the galera_3nodes suite fail
for a variety of reasons with a variety of errors.
This patch fixes several substantial flaws
in the galera_3nodes suite tests and in the mtr framework
service files, adapting the tests from galera_3nodes
for the current version of MariaDB.
This patch also synchronizes some galera_3nodes-related
files with the latest changes made for MDEV-17835 (v2 patch)
and for MDEV-18379 in other branches (10.2 and 10.3).
This patch contains the port of the MDEV-18379 patch
for 10.1 branch, but also includes a number of changes
made within MDEV-17835, which are necessary for the
normal operation of tests that use IPv6:
1) Fixed flaws in the galera_3nodes mtr suite control scripts,
because of which they could not work with mariabackup.
2) Fixed numerous bugs in the SST scripts and in the mtr test
files (galera_3nodes mtr suite) that prevented the use of Galera
with IPv6 addresses.
3) Fixed flaws in tests for rsync and mysqldump (for galera_3nodes
mtr tests suite). These tests were not performed successfully
without these fixes.
4) Currently, the three-node mtr suite for Galera (galera_3nodes)
uses a separate IPv6 availability check using the "have_ipv6.inc"
file. This check duplicates a more accurate check at suite.pm
level, which can be used by including the file "check_ipv6.inc".
This patch removes this discrepancy between suites.
5) GAL-501 test in the galera_3nodes suite does not contain the
option "--bind-address=::" which is needed for the test to work
correctly with IPv6 (at least on some systems), since without
it the server will not wait for connections on the IPv6 interface.
and partially https://jira.mariadb.org/browse/MDEV-17835
Avoid introducing new dependencies or new syntax.
That is, don't use $(...) and don't assume dirname is present.
And remove unsighty /foo/bar/../xyz from the path. Use dirname
instead of ../
Also, apply the MDEV-17957 changes to encrypted page checksums,
and remove error message output from the checksum function,
because these messages would be useless noise when mariabackup
is retrying reads of corrupted-looking pages, and not that
useful during normal server operation either.
The error messages in fil_space_verify_crypt_checksum()
should be refactored separately.
mysql_upgrade used to convert all columns of mysql.db to
utf8_general_ci and then back to utf8_bin. In two separate ALTER's.
This failed if UNIQUE indexes in mysql.db contained entries
that differ only in the letter case.
Problem was that in SST log_bin_index name and directory was not
handled and passed to rsync SST script.
Read binlog index dirname and filename if --binlog-index
parameter is provided. Read binlog filenames from that file
from donor and write transfered binlog filenames to that
file in joiner.
mysqld.cc, mysqld.h
Moved opt_binlog_index_name from static to global and added
it to extern.
New function to generate binlog index name if opt_binlog_index_name is
given on configuration.
Add binlog index configuration to SST command.
Add new SST parameter --binlog-index
Add test case.
Current versions of xtrabackup-v2 and mariabackup support the option
--innodb-data-home-dir, but this parameter is not passed to them from
the SST script, since the SST script does not receive this information
from mysqld. The transfer of this information to the SST is already
fixed by the MDEV-10754 patch, but we need to process it in the SST
script. Also, we should take into account that on the joiner side
the corresponding information is not read yet from the configuration
file (at the mysqld side) during the start of SST, so the script must
itself read it.
If --innodb-undo-tablespaces is used, then InnoDB stores undo in a
separate file(s) which whould also be replicated.
This fixes
Issue#337 This filter will cause sst failed at applying undo...
If innodb_data_home_dir path specified in the configuration file
then rsync IST/SST will fail because the wsrep_sst_rsync.sh script
does not read this parameter from the configuration file and then
tries to find the data files in the default directory.
To fix this error, we need to add reading of the innodb_data_home_dir
configuration parameter to the rsync-related SST script.
avoid round-robin conversions, if the column is MODIFY-ed,
it should always be modified to its final definition, not to some
intermediate state.
also avoid other unconditional changes, like
Don't install server files if WITHOUT_SERVER is specified.
"Server files" are defined as files going into the MariaDB-Server RPM,
that is files in the components Server, ManPagesServer, Server_Scripts,
IniFiles, SuportFiles, and Readme.