Fix BUG#16814: "SHOW INNODB STATUS format error in LATEST FOREIGN KEY ERROR section"
Add a missing newline to the LAST FOREIGN KEY ERROR section in SHOW INNODB STATUS
Fix BUG#18934: "InnoDB crashes when table uses column names like DB_ROW_ID".
Refuse tables that use reserved column names.
table' lockup".
Changes from the innodb-4.1-ss11 snapshot.
Do not call os_file-create_tmpfile() at runtime. Instead, create
a tempfile at startup and guard access to it with a mutex.
Also, fix bugs:
10511: "Wrong padding of UCS2 CHAR columns in ON UPDATE CASCADE";
13778: "If FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0, one can create inconsistent FOREIGN
KEYs". When FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0 we still need to check that
datatypes between foreign key references are compatible.
Also, added test cases (also for bug 9802).
data files. Previously, writes were flushed until the doublewrite
buffer was created. That would be too slow on systems where
os_file_flush() [or fsync(2)] is slow. (Bug #12125)
Fix a problem in crash recovery of .ibd files on Windows if the user used lower_case_table_names=0 or 2; the directory scan in crash recovery forgot to put all paths to lower case, so that the tablespace name would be consistent with the internal data dictionary of InnoDB; remember that InnoDB puts internally all database names and table names to lower case on Windows, regardless of the value of lower_case_table_names
between two server instances at server shutdown/startup.
This conflict on advisory locks appears to be the result of a bug
in the operating system; these locks should be released when the
files are closed, but somehow that does not always happen
immediately in Linux. (Bug #9381)
Add diagnostic code to track assertion failure in ut_a(cursor->old_stored == BTR_PCUR_OLD_STORED); the failure happened in OPTIMIZE TABLE, and in 4.0.24 in some other context
If MySQL wrote to its binlog, but for some reason trx->update_undo and trx->insert_undo were NULL in InnoDB, then trx->commit_lsn was garbage, and InnoDB could assert in the log flush of trx_commit_complete_for_mysql() (Bug #9277)
at run-time, so that an executable compiled on Mac OS X 10.2 can
be run on Mac OS X 10.2 (without the work-around) and Mac OS X 10.3
and later with the work-aroud enabled.
Fix InnoDB critical bug #7496; we scan the InnoDB data dictionary also at a normal mysqld startup, and create the spaces, so that we know the mapping space id -> .ibd file name; fix an infinite loop if DISCARD TABLESPACE coincides with INSERT or some other table operation; fix a potential crash if DISCARD TABLESPACE coincides with a cascaded FOREIGN KEY operation in the same table; do not allow DISCARD TABLESPACE of a referenced table if FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=1
Fix for the 0xA0 character problem in the InnoDB FOREIGN KEY parser: if my_isspace() treats 0xA0 as space, then let InnoDB do the same; this might break some multi-byte charset id's, though for big5, ujis, sjis this seems not to change the current behavior (I checked the tables in /share/charsets); this fix must NOT be merged to 4.1 because in 4.1 everything is in UTF-8
Fix bug #6817 and bug #6827 : do not crash the server if the buffer pool becomes filled by the locks of ONE huge transaction, return error 1206 instead; do not crash the server, but return error if we cannot allocate memory for the buffer pool at a mysqld startup
X-locks on duplicates also on LOAD DATA...REPLACE clause and
fixes a bug #6086 adding --disable_warnings and --enable_warnings around
the create table clauses in ctype_utf8 tests for InnoDB.