fix innodb auto-increment handling
three bugs:
1. innobase_next_autoinc treated the case of current<offset incorrectly
2. ha_innobase::get_auto_increment didn't recalculate current when increment changed
3. ha_innobase::get_auto_increment didn't pass offset down to innobase_next_autoinc
Analysis: There were two problems. (1) if partition table was
created using lower_case_tables = 1 on windows we did find the
correct table but we did not set share->ib_table correctly.
(2) we did open table on dictionary but did not increase
Fix: In xtradb allow access to tables with incorrect
lower case names (warning is printed to error log). If
table is opened increase mysql_open_tables count to avoid
crash on flush tables.
Note: Backporting the patch from mysql-5.6.
A CREATE TABLE with an invalid table name is detected
at SQL layer. So the table name is reset to an empty
string. But the storage engine is called with this
empty table name. The table name is specified as
"database/table". So, in the given scenario we get
only "database/".
Within InnoDB, detect this error and report it to
higher layer.
rb#9274 approved by jimmy.
Analysis: At check_trx_exists function InnoDB allocates
a new trx if no trx is found from thd but this newly
allocated trx is not registered to thd. This is unsafe,
because nothing prevents InnoDB plugin from being uninstalled
while there's active transaction. This can cause crashes, hang
and any other odd behavior. It may also corrupt stack, as
functions pointers are not available after dlclose.
Fix: The fix is to use thd_set_ha_data() when
manipulating per-connection handler data. It does appropriate
plugin locking.
Analysis: Problem is that SQL-layer calls handler API after storage
engine has already returned error state. InnoDB does internal
rollback when it notices transaction error (e.g. lock wait timeout,
deadlock, etc.) and after this transaction is not naturally in
correct state to continue.
Fix: Do not continue fetch operations if transaction is not started.
Create time is calculated as last status change time of .frm file.
The first problem was that innodb was passing file name as
"table_name#po#p0.frm" to the stat() call which calculates the create time.
Since there is no frm file with this name create_time will be stored as NULL.
The second problem is ha_partition::info() updates stats for create time
when HA_STATUS_CONST flag was set ,where as innodb calculates this statistic
when HA_STATUS_TIME is set,which causes create_time to be set as NULL.
Pass proper .frm name to stat() call and calculate create time when
HA_STATUS_CONST flag is set.
Analysis: On master when executing (single/multi) row INSERTs/REPLACEs
InnoDB fallback to old style autoinc locks (table locks)
only if another transaction has already acquired the AUTOINC lock.
Instead on slave as we are executing log_events and sql_command
is not correctly set, InnoDB does not use new style autoinc
locks when it could.
Fix: Use new style autoinc locks also when
thd_sql_command(user_thd) == SQLCOM_END i.e. this is RBR event.
There can be up to MERGEBUFF2 number of sorted merge chunks,
We need enough buffer space for at least one record from
each merge chunks. If estimates are wrong(very low) and we
allocate buffer space for less than MERGEBUFF2, then we will
have issue in merge_buffers, if actual number of rows to be
sorted is bigger than estimate and external filesort is
Set number of rows to sort to be at least MERGEBUFF2.
push_warning_printf function is used to print the warning message
to the client. So this function should not invoke while recovering
the server. Moreover current_thd is NULL while starting the server.
- Avoiding the warning to be printed while recovery.
This patch already pushed in mysql-5.6.
Use traditional statistics estimation by default (innodb-stats-traditional=true).
There could be performance regression for customers if there is a lot of
open table operations.
Analysis: If you set the number of analyzed pages
to very low number compared to actual pages on
that table/index it randomly pics those pages
(default 8 pages), this leads to fact that query
after analyze table returns different results. If
the index tree is small, smaller than 10 *
n_sample_pages + total_external_size, then the
estimate is ok. For bigger index trees it is
common that we do not see any borders between
key values in the few pages we pick. But still
there may be n_sample_pages different key values,
or even more. And it just tries to
approximate to n_sample_pages (8).
Fix: (1) Introduced new dynamic configuration variable
innodb_stats_sample_traditional that retains
the current design. Default false.
(2) If traditional sample is not used we use
n_sample_pages = max(min(srv_stats_sample_pages,
(3) Introduced new dynamic configuration variable
stat_modified_counter (default = 0) if set
sets lower bound for row updates when statistics is re-estimated.
If user has provided upper bound for how many rows needs to be updated
before we calculate new statistics we use minimum of provided value
and 1/16 of table every 16th round. If no upper bound is provided
(srv_stats_modified_counter = 0, default) then calculate new statistics
if 1 / 16 of table has been modified
since the last time a statistics batch was run.
We calculate statistics at most every 16th round, since we may have
a counter table which is very small and updated very often.
@param t table
@return true if the table has changed too much and stats need to be
((ib_int64_t) (t)->stat_modified_counter > (srv_stats_modified_counter ? \
ut_min(srv_stats_modified_counter, (16 + (t)->stat_n_rows / 16)) : \
16 + (t)->stat_n_rows / 16))
Using correct length when moving to next field in cmp_ref. The store
length already includes the length bytes of blobs, which is already considered
earlier for blob types.
Approved by Mattias, Jimmy [rb-7088]
In a stored procedure, CREATE TABLE statement is not allowed. But an
exception is provided for CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE. We can create a temporary
table in a stored procedure.
Let there be two stored functions f1 and f2 and two stored procedures p1 and
p2. Their properties are as follows:
. stored function f1() calls stored procedure p1().
. stored function f2() calls stored procedure p2().
. stored procedure p1() creates temporary table t1.
. stored procedure p2() does DML on t1.
Consider the following situation:
1. Autocommit mode is on.
2. select f1()
3. select f2()
Step 2: In this step, t1 would be created via p1(). A table level transaction
lock would have been taken. The ::external_lock() would not have been called
on this table. At the end of step 2, because of autocommit mode on, this table
level lock will be released.
Step 3: When we execute DML on table t1 via p2() we have two problems:
Problem 1:
The function ha_innobase::external_lock() would have been called but since
it is a select query no table level locks would have been taken. Hence the
following assert will fail:
ut_ad(lock_table_has(thr_get_trx(thr), index->table, LOCK_IX));
The solution would be to identify this situation and take a table level lock
and use the proper lock type prebuilt->select_lock_type = LOCK_X for DML
Problem 2:
Another problem is that in step 3, ha_innobase::open() is never called on
the table t1.
The solution would be to identify this situation and call re-init the handler
of table t1.
rb#6429 approved by Krunal.
In a stored procedure, CREATE TABLE statement is not allowed. But an
exception is provided for CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE. We can create a temporary
table in a stored procedure.
Let there be two stored functions f1 and f2 and two stored procedures p1 and
p2. Their properties are as follows:
. stored function f1() calls stored procedure p1().
. stored function f2() calls stored procedure p2().
. stored procedure p1() creates temporary table t1.
. stored procedure p2() does DML on t1.
Consider the following situation:
1. Autocommit mode is on.
2. select f1()
3. select f2()
Step 2: In this step, t1 would be created via p1(). A table level transaction
lock would have been taken. The ::external_lock() would not have been called
on this table. At the end of step 2, because of autocommit mode on, this table
level lock will be released.
Step 3: When we execute DML on table t1 via p2() we have two problems:
Problem 1:
The function ha_innobase::external_lock() would have been called but since
it is a select query no table level locks would have been taken. Hence the
following assert will fail:
ut_ad(lock_table_has(thr_get_trx(thr), index->table, LOCK_IX));
The solution would be to identify this situation and take a table level lock
and use the proper lock type prebuilt->select_lock_type = LOCK_X for DML
Problem 2:
Another problem is that in step 3, ha_innobase::open() is never called on
the table t1.
The solution would be to identify this situation and call re-init the handler
of table t1.
rb#6429 approved by Krunal.
Creation of a table fails when innodb_strict_mode is enabled, but the same
table is created without any warning when innodb_strict_mode is enabled.
If creation of a table fails with an error when innodb_strict_mode is
enabled, it must issue a warning when innodb_strict_mode is disabled.
rb#6723 approved by Krunal.
Creation of a table fails when innodb_strict_mode is enabled, but the same
table is created without any warning when innodb_strict_mode is enabled.
If creation of a table fails with an error when innodb_strict_mode is
enabled, it must issue a warning when innodb_strict_mode is disabled.
rb#6723 approved by Krunal.
Issue here is, while creating or altering the InnoDB table,
if the foreign key defined on the table references a parent
table on which the user has no access privileges then the
table is created without reporting any error.
Currently the privilege level REFERENCES_ACL is unused
and is not used for access evaluation while creating the
table with a foreign key constraint or adding the foreign
key constraint to a table. But when no privileges are granted
to user then also access evaluation on parent table is ignored.
For DMLs, irrelevant of the fact, support does not want any
changes to avoid permission checks on every operation.
So, as a fix, added a function "check_fk_parent_table_access"
to check whether any of the SELECT_ACL, INSERT_ACL, UDPATE_ACL,
DELETE_ACL or REFERENCE_ACL privileges are granted for user
at table level. If none of them is granted then error is reported.
This function is called during the table creation and alter
Issue here is, while creating or altering the InnoDB table,
if the foreign key defined on the table references a parent
table on which the user has no access privileges then the
table is created without reporting any error.
Currently the privilege level REFERENCES_ACL is unused
and is not used for access evaluation while creating the
table with a foreign key constraint or adding the foreign
key constraint to a table. But when no privileges are granted
to user then also access evaluation on parent table is ignored.
For DMLs, irrelevant of the fact, support does not want any
changes to avoid permission checks on every operation.
So, as a fix, added a function "check_fk_parent_table_access"
to check whether any of the SELECT_ACL, INSERT_ACL, UDPATE_ACL,
DELETE_ACL or REFERENCE_ACL privileges are granted for user
at table level. If none of them is granted then error is reported.
This function is called during the table creation and alter
~40% bugfixed(*) applied
~40$ bugfixed reverted (incorrect or we're not buggy)
~20% bugfixed applied, despite us being not buggy
(*) only changes in the server code, e.g. not cmakefiles
Broken invariant triggered when building a unique index on a
binary column and the input data contains duplicate keys. This was broken
in debug builds only.
Fixed length of the binary datatype can be greater than length of
the shorter prefix on which index is being created.
Broken invariant triggered when building a unique index on a
binary column and the input data contains duplicate keys. This was broken
in debug builds only.
Fixed length of the binary datatype can be greater than length of
the shorter prefix on which index is being created.
When auto_increment_increment system variable decreases,
immediate next value of auto increment column is not affected.
Get the previous inserted value of auto increment column by
subtracting the previous auto_increment_increment from next
auto increment value. After that calculate the current autoinc value
using newly changed auto_increment_increment variable.
Approved by Sunny [rb#4394]
When auto_increment_increment system variable decreases,
immediate next value of auto increment column is not affected.
Get the previous inserted value of auto increment column by
subtracting the previous auto_increment_increment from next
auto increment value. After that calculate the current autoinc value
using newly changed auto_increment_increment variable.
Approved by Sunny [rb#4394]
The maximum value for innodb_thread_sleep_delay is 4294967295 (32-bit) or
18446744073709551615 (64-bit) microseconds. This is way too big, since
the max value of innodb_thread_sleep_delay is limited by
innodb_adaptive_max_sleep_delay if that value is set to non-zero value
(its default is 150,000).
The maximum value of innodb_thread_sleep_delay should be the same as
the maximum value of innodb_adaptive_max_sleep_delay, which is 1000000.
Approved by Jimmy, rb#4429
The maximum value for innodb_thread_sleep_delay is 4294967295 (32-bit) or
18446744073709551615 (64-bit) microseconds. This is way too big, since
the max value of innodb_thread_sleep_delay is limited by
innodb_adaptive_max_sleep_delay if that value is set to non-zero value
(its default is 150,000).
The maximum value of innodb_thread_sleep_delay should be the same as
the maximum value of innodb_adaptive_max_sleep_delay, which is 1000000.
Approved by Jimmy, rb#4429
The documentation says that we support 'K' prefix
while specifiying size for innodb datafile in the
server variable for innodb_data_file_path ,but the
function srv_parse_megabytes() only handles only
'M' (megabytes) and 'G' (gigabytes) .
Modify srv_parse_megabytes() to handle Kilobytes.
Add in documentation that while specifying size
in KB it should be mentioned in multiples of 1024
other wise they will be rounded off to nearest
MB (megabyte) boundry .(eg if size mentioned
as 2313KB will be considered as 2 MB ).
[ Approved by Marko #rb 2387 ]
The documentation says that we support 'K' prefix
while specifiying size for innodb datafile in the
server variable for innodb_data_file_path ,but the
function srv_parse_megabytes() only handles only
'M' (megabytes) and 'G' (gigabytes) .
Modify srv_parse_megabytes() to handle Kilobytes.
Add in documentation that while specifying size
in KB it should be mentioned in multiples of 1024
other wise they will be rounded off to nearest
MB (megabyte) boundry .(eg if size mentioned
as 2313KB will be considered as 2 MB ).
[ Approved by Marko #rb 2387 ]
Any error during the renaming of the table was
incorrectly logged in the dict_foreign_err_file
and it showed up in foreign key section when
we give the query "show engine innodb status".
Prevent renaming error from being logged in
dict_foreign_err_file section.
[Aprooved by marko #rb 2501 ]
Any error during the renaming of the table was
incorrectly logged in the dict_foreign_err_file
and it showed up in foreign key section when
we give the query "show engine innodb status".
Prevent renaming error from being logged in
dict_foreign_err_file section.
[Aprooved by marko #rb 2501 ]
--Implemented CHECK TABLE...QUICK.
Introduce CHECK TABLE...QUICK that would skip the btr_validate_index()
and btr_search_validate() call, and count the no. of records in each index.
Approved by Marko and Kevin. (rb#3567).