This patch removes a false memory leak error report from the test suite.
There is a test case that puposely provokes a SAFEMALLOC leak report,
even though there is no actual leak.
Bug #23667 "CREATE TABLE LIKE is not isolated from alteration
by other connections"
Bug #18950 "CREATE TABLE LIKE does not obtain LOCK_open"
As well as:
Bug #25578 "CREATE TABLE LIKE does not require any privileges
on source table".
The first and the second bugs resulted in various errors and wrong
binary log order when one tried to execute concurrently CREATE TABLE LIKE
statement and DDL statements on source table or DML/DDL statements on its
target table.
The problem was caused by incomplete protection/table-locking against
concurrent statements implemented in mysql_create_like_table() routine.
We solve it by simply implementing such protection in proper way.
Most of actual work for 5.1 was already done by fix for bug 20662 and
preliminary patch changing locking in ALTER TABLE.
The third bug allowed user who didn't have any privileges on table create
its copy and therefore circumvent privilege check for SHOW CREATE TABLE.
This patch solves this problem by adding privilege check, which was missing.
Finally it also removes some duplicated code from mysql_create_like_table()
and thus fixes bug #26869 "TABLE_LIST::table_name_length inconsistent with
cache by changing the behavior of the query cache resize-method.
- set query_cache_size=<new_size>; is significantly faster than RESET QUERY
CACHE as it simply destroys and recreates the query cache, whereas
RESET QUERY CACHE keeps its internal structure aligned with server
load profile.
The problem reported is a compile bug,
reported by the development GCC team with GCC 4.2.
The original issue can no longer be reproduced in MySQL 5.1,
since the configure script no longer define HAVE_ATOMIC_ADD,
which caused the Linux atomic functions to be used (and cause a problem
with an invalid cast).
This patch implements some code cleanup for 5.1 only, which was identified
during the investigation of this issue.
With this patch, statistics maintained in THD::status_var are by definition
owned by the running thread, and do not need to be protected against race
conditions. These statistics are maintained by the status_var_* helpers,
which do not require any lock.
Uninitialized in the constructor member variables were
pointing to nirvana and causing a crash when debug information
of the Event Scheduler was dumped in result to COM_DEBUG
packet sent to the server.
and invalidation in the most general case (non-temporary table and
not simple RENAME or ENABLE/DISABLE KEYS or partitioning command).
See comment for sql/ for more information.
These changes are prerequisite for 5.1 version of fix for bug #23667
"CREATE TABLE LIKE is not isolated from alteration by other connections"
- Adding variable m_cached_result_type to keep the variable type consistent
during the execution of a statement.
- Before each result set is returned to the client the description of each
column is sent as meta data.
Previously the result type for a column could change if the hash variable
entry changed between statements. This caused the result set of the query
to alternate column types in certain cases which is not supported by MySQL
client-server protocol. Example:
Previously this sequence:
SET @a:=1;
SELECT @a:="text", @a;
would return "text", "text";
After the change the SELECT returns "text", 0
The reson for this is that previously the result set from 'SELECT @a;'
would always be of the type STRING, whereas now the type of the variable
is taken from the last SET statement. However, 'SELECT @a:="text"' will
return type of STRING since the right side of the assignment is used.
Bug#21483 "Server abort or deadlock on INSERT DELAYED with another
implicit insert"
Also fixes and adds test cases for bugs:
20497 "Trigger with INSERT DELAYED causes Error 1165"
21714 "Wrong NEW.value and server abort on INSERT DELAYED to a
table with a trigger".
Post-review fixes.
In MySQL INSERT DELAYED is a way to pipe all inserts into a
given table through a dedicated thread. This is necessary for
simplistic storage engines like MyISAM, which do not have internal
concurrency control or threading and thus can not
achieve efficient INSERT throughput without support from SQL layer.
DELAYED INSERT works as follows:
For every distinct table, which can accept DELAYED inserts and has
pending data to insert, a dedicated thread is created to write data
to disk. All user connection threads that attempt to
delayed-insert into this table interact with the dedicated thread in
producer/consumer fashion: all records to-be inserted are pushed
into a queue of the dedicated thread, which fetches the records and
writes them.
In this design, client connection threads never open or lock
the delayed insert table.
This functionality was introduced in version 3.23 and does not take
into account existence of triggers, views, or pre-locking.
E.g. if INSERT DELAYED is called from a stored function, which,
in turn, is called from another stored function that uses the delayed
table, a deadlock can occur, because delayed locking by-passes
pre-locking. Besides:
* the delayed thread works directly with the subject table through
the storage engine API and does not invoke triggers
* even if it was patched to invoke triggers, if triggers,
in turn, used other tables, the delayed thread would
have to open and lock involved tables (use pre-locking).
* even if it was patched to use pre-locking, without deadlock
detection the delayed thread could easily lock out user
connection threads in case when the same table is used both
in a trigger and on the right side of the insert query:
the delayed thread would not release locks until all inserts
are complete, and user connection can not complete inserts
without having locks on the tables used on the right side of the
These considerations suggest two general alternatives for the
* it is considered a full-fledged alternative to normal INSERT
* it is regarded as an optimisation that is only relevant
for simplistic engines.
Since we missed our chance to provide complete support of new
features when 5.0 was in development, the first alternative
currently renders infeasible.
However, even the second alternative, which is to detect
new features and convert DELAYED insert into a normal insert,
is not easy to implement.
The catch-22 is that we don't know if the subject table has triggers
or is a view before we open it, and we only open it in the
delayed thread. We don't know if the query involves pre-locking
until we have opened all tables, and we always first create
the delayed thread, and only then open the remaining tables.
This patch detects the problematic scenarios and converts
DELAYED INSERT to a normal INSERT using the following approach:
* if the statement is executed under pre-locking (e.g. from
within a stored function or trigger) or the right
side may require pre-locking, we detect the situation
before creating a delayed insert thread and convert the statement
to a conventional INSERT.
* if the subject table is a view or has triggers, we shutdown
the delayed thread and convert the statement to a conventional
TABLES" and failures of alter_table.test on Windows which occured after
pushing fix for bugs #20662, #20903, #24508, #24738 (various problems
ALTER TABLE statements which were handled using "fast" alter table
optimization were not properly working under LOCK TABLES if table
was transactional (for all table types under Windows).
Code implementing "fast" version of ALTER TABLE tried to open and
lock table using open_ltable() after renaming .FRM files (which
corresponds to renaming tables in normal case) in some cases
(for transactional tables or on Windows). This caused problems
under LOCK TABLES and conflicted with name-lock taken by
ALTER TABLE RENAME on target tables.
This patch solves this issue by using reopen_name_locked_table()
instead of open_ltable().
a crash when the left operand of the predicate is evaluated to NULL.
It happens when the rows from the inner tables (tables from the subquery)
are accessed by index methods with key values obtained by evaluation of
the left operand of the subquery predicate. When this predicate is
evaluated to NULL an alternative access with full table scan is used
to check whether the result set returned by the subquery is empty or not.
The crash was due to the fact the info about the access methods used for
regular key values was not properly restored after a switch back from the
full scan access method had occurred.
The patch restores this info properly.
The same problem existed for queries with IN subquery predicates if they
were used not at the top level of the queries.
If a user has a right to update anything in the current database then the
access was granted and further checks of access rights for underlying tables
wasn't done correctly. The check is done before a view is opened and thus no
check of access rights for underlying tables can be carried out.
This allows a user to update through a view a table from another database for
which he hasn't enough rights.
Now the mysql_update() and the mysql_test_update() functions are forces
re-checking of access rights after a view is opened.
Bug #20662 "Infinite loop in CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ... SELECT
with locked tables"
Bug #20903 "Crash when using CREATE TABLE .. SELECT and triggers"
Bug #24738 "CREATE TABLE ... SELECT is not isolated properly"
Bug #24508 "Inconsistent results of CREATE TABLE ... SELECT when
temporary table exists"
Deadlock occured when one tried to execute CREATE TABLE IF NOT
EXISTS ... SELECT statement under LOCK TABLES which held
read lock on target table.
Attempt to execute the same statement for already existing
target table with triggers caused server crashes.
Also concurrent execution of CREATE TABLE ... SELECT statement
and other statements involving target table suffered from
various races (some of which might've led to deadlocks).
Finally, attempt to execute CREATE TABLE ... SELECT in case
when a temporary table with same name was already present
led to the insertion of data into this temporary table and
creation of empty non-temporary table.
All above problems stemmed from the old implementation of CREATE
TABLE ... SELECT in which we created, opened and locked target
table without any special protection in a separate step and not
with the rest of tables used by this statement.
This underminded deadlock-avoidance approach used in server
and created window for races. It also excluded target table
from prelocking causing problems with trigger execution.
The patch solves these problems by implementing new approach to
handling of CREATE TABLE ... SELECT for base tables.
We try to open and lock table to be created at the same time as
the rest of tables used by this statement. If such table does not
exist at this moment we create and place in the table cache special
placeholder for it which prevents its creation or any other usage
by other threads.
We still use old approach for creation of temporary tables.
Note that we have separate fix for 5.0 since there we use slightly
different less intrusive approach.
Bug #20662 "Infinite loop in CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ... SELECT
with locked tables"
Bug #20903 "Crash when using CREATE TABLE .. SELECT and triggers"
Bug #24738 "CREATE TABLE ... SELECT is not isolated properly"
Bug #24508 "Inconsistent results of CREATE TABLE ... SELECT when
temporary table exists"
Deadlock occured when one tried to execute CREATE TABLE IF NOT
EXISTS ... SELECT statement under LOCK TABLES which held
read lock on target table.
Attempt to execute the same statement for already existing
target table with triggers caused server crashes.
Also concurrent execution of CREATE TABLE ... SELECT statement
and other statements involving target table suffered from
various races (some of which might've led to deadlocks).
Finally, attempt to execute CREATE TABLE ... SELECT in case
when a temporary table with same name was already present
led to the insertion of data into this temporary table and
creation of empty non-temporary table.
All above problems stemmed from the old implementation of CREATE
TABLE ... SELECT in which we created, opened and locked target
table without any special protection in a separate step and not
with the rest of tables used by this statement.
This underminded deadlock-avoidance approach used in server
and created window for races. It also excluded target table
from prelocking causing problems with trigger execution.
The patch solves these problems by implementing new approach to
handling of CREATE TABLE ... SELECT for base tables.
We try to open and lock table to be created at the same time as
the rest of tables used by this statement. If such table does not
exist at this moment we create and place in the table cache special
placeholder for it which prevents its creation or any other usage
by other threads.
We still use old approach for creation of temporary tables.
Also note that we decided to postpone introduction of some tests
for concurrent behaviour of CREATE TABLE ... SELECT till 5.1.
The main reason for this is absence in 5.0 ability to set @@debug
variable at runtime, which can be circumvented only by using several
test files with individual .opt files. Since the latter is likely
to slowdown test-suite unnecessary we chose not to push this tests
into 5.0, but run them manually for this version and later push
their optimized version into 5.1