Logging to logging@openlogging.org accepted
SCI_Transporter.hpp, SCI_Transporter.cpp:
Major fix-up of SCI Transporter, fixed so that it works with single card, fixed wrap around, added lots of DBUG statements, merged with new transporter handling
Some fixes for wrap around needed plus DBUG handling
TCP_Transporter.hpp, TCP_Transporter.cpp:
Added DBUG statements
SHM_Transporter.hpp, SHM_Transporter.cpp:
Fixed SHM Transporter
Fixed SHM Buffer to handle wrap around properly
Fixed up config of SCI
Added DBUG support for SocketServer threads
Config changes for SCI
TransporterDefinitions.hpp, mgmapi_config_parameters.h:
SCI fixes
Makefile.am, type_ndbapitools.mk.am, type_ndbapitest.mk.am:
Added SCI library path to Makefiles
Fixed small bug with shared mem and sci together in configure
Added possibility of providing SCI library path in confgure
clearer configure description texts
changed Ndb_local_table_info to use create, destroy metods and hidden constructor/destructor
move definition if Thd_ndb to .h file and changes seize/release to operate on Thd_ndb instead of Ndb objects
moved allocation/deletion of Ndb objects to Thd_ndb
new methods to keep "records" up to date
unset flag HA_NOT_EXACT_COUNT to make handler read "records" field, for count() optim and join optimization
new methods to keep "records" up to datecorrect record field in ndbcluster handler
new method for ndbcluster handler to store/retrieve table and thread specific data
changed local hash to store new table_info object, with placeholders for local data, instead of TableImpl
hanged deleteKey to return ponter to deleted object
moved heavy global cache fetch from inline to separate method
fixed some mutex locks for Ndb objects
moved TranspoterFacade::stop_instance to cluster connection
moved Socket Server::start_server outside the TransporterFacade::start_instance thread
added sanity checks for config file
changed so that ndb_0 is replaced by ndb_pid#### in ndb files
added error_string for to some functions, alloc_node_id(), start()
added better error printout for failed alloc node id
better error printouts for failures when starting ndb_mgmd