BEGIN/COMMIT/ROLLBACK was subject to replication db rules, and
caused the boundary of a transaction not recognized correctly
when these queries were ignored by the rules.
Fixed the problem by skipping replication db rules for these
Make the caller of Query_log_event, Execute_load_log_event
constructors and THD::binlog_query to provide the error code
instead of having the constructors to figure out the error code.
Bug#44091: libmysqld gets stuck waiting on mutex on initialization
The problem was that libmysqld wasn't enforcing a certain
initialization and deinitialization order for the mysys
library. Another problem was that the global object used
for management of log event handlers (aka LOGGER) wasn't
being prepared for a possible reutilization.
What leads to the hang/crash reported is that a failure
to load the language file triggers a double call of the
cleanup functions, causing an already destroyed mutex to
be used.
The solution is enforce a order on the initialization and
deinitialization of the mysys library within the libmysqld
library and to ensure that the global LOGGER object reset
it's internal state during cleanup.
When the thread executing a DDL was killed after finished its
execution but before writing the binlog event, the error code in
the binlog event could be set wrongly to ER_SERVER_SHUTDOWN or
This patch fixed the problem by ignoring the kill status when
constructing the event for DDL statements.
This patch also included the following changes in order to
provide the test case.
1) modified mysqltest to support variable for connection command
2) modified, add new variable MYSQL_SLAVE to
run mysql client against the slave mysqld.
The problem here seem to be that when mysql
is redirecting stderr to a file, stderr becomes
buffered, whereas it is unbuffered by definition.
The solution is to unbuffer it by setting buffer
to null.
- Remove bothersome warning messages. This change focuses on the warnings
that are covered by the ignore file: support-files/compiler_warnings.supp.
- Strings are guaranteed to be max uint in length
Text conflict in client/
Text conflict in mysql-test/include/
Text conflict in mysql-test/lib/
Text conflict in mysql-test/
Text conflict in mysql-test/r/events_bugs.result
Text conflict in mysql-test/r/log_state.result
Text conflict in mysql-test/r/myisam_data_pointer_size_func.result
Text conflict in mysql-test/r/mysqlcheck.result
Text conflict in mysql-test/r/query_cache.result
Text conflict in mysql-test/r/status.result
Text conflict in mysql-test/suite/binlog/r/binlog_index.result
Text conflict in mysql-test/suite/binlog/r/binlog_innodb.result
Text conflict in mysql-test/suite/rpl/r/rpl_packet.result
Text conflict in mysql-test/suite/rpl/t/rpl_packet.test
Text conflict in mysql-test/t/disabled.def
Text conflict in mysql-test/t/events_bugs.test
Text conflict in mysql-test/t/log_state.test
Text conflict in mysql-test/t/myisam_data_pointer_size_func.test
Text conflict in mysql-test/t/mysqlcheck.test
Text conflict in mysql-test/t/query_cache.test
Text conflict in mysql-test/t/rpl_init_slave_func.test
Text conflict in mysql-test/t/status.test
BUG#39325 Server crash inside MYSQL_LOG::purge_first_log halts replicaiton
The patch reverses the order of the purging and updating events for log and files respectively.
This solves the problem of having holes caused by crashes happening between updating
info/index files and purging logs.
This patch also contains an aditional test case for testing the crashing before purge logs.
NOTE1: This is a combined patch for BUG#38826 and BUG#39325. This patch is based on
bugteam tree and takes into account reviewers suggestions.
NOTE2: Merge from 5.0-bugteam
BUG#39325 Server crash inside MYSQL_LOG::purge_first_log halts replicaiton
The patch reverses the order of the purging and updating events for log and files respectively.
This solves the problem of having holes caused by crashes happening between updating info/index files and purging logs.
NOTE: This is a combined patch for BUG#38826 and BUG#39325. This patch is based on bugteam tree and takes into account reviewers suggestions.
after rollback on master
When starting a transaction with a statement containing changes
to both transactional tables and non-transactional tables, the
statement is considered as non-transactional and is therefore
written directly to the binary log. This behaviour was present
in 5.0, and has propagated to 5.1.
If a trigger containing a change of a non-transactional table is
added to a transactional table, any changes to the transactional
table is "tainted" as non-transactional.
This patch solves the problem by removing the existing "hack" that
allows non-transactional statements appearing first in a transaction
to be written directly to the binary log. Instead, anything inside
a transaction is treaded as part of the transaction and not written
to the binary log until the transaction is committed.
A transaction could result in having an extra event after a query that
errored e.g because of a dup key. Such a query is rolled back in
innodb, as specified, but has not been in binlog.
It appeares that the binlog engine did not always register for a query
(statement) because the previous query had not reset at its statement
commit time. Because of that fact there was no roll-back to the
trx_data->before_stmt_pos position and a the pending event of the
errorred query could become flushed to the binlog file.
Fixed with deploying the reset of trx_data->before_stmt_pos at the end
of the query processing.
Debug builds of MySQL 5.1, 6.0 with Sun Studio 12 broke because of
use of gcc specific feature.
The fix is to replace __FUNCTION__ with the corresponding character string
Debug builds of MySQL 5.1, 6.0 with Sun Studio 12 broke because of
use of gcc specific feature.
The fix is to replace __FUNCTION__ with the corresponding character
The failure was caused by executing a CREATE-SELECT statement that creates a
table in another database than the current one. In row-based logging, the
CREATE statement was written to the binary log without the database, hence
creating the table in the wrong database, causing the following inserts to
fail since the table didn't exist in the given database.
Fixed the bug by adding a parameter to store_create_info() that will make
the function print the database name before the table name and used that
in the calls that write the CREATE statement to the binary log. The database
name is only printed if it is different than the currently selected database.
The output of SHOW CREATE TABLE has not changed and is still printed without
the database name.
"Trigger fired multiple times leads to gaps in auto_increment sequence".
The bug was that if a trigger fired multiple times inside a top
statement (for example top-statement is a multi-row INSERT,
and trigger is ON INSERT), and that trigger inserted into an auto_increment
column, then gaps could be observed in the auto_increment sequence,
even if there were no other users of the database (no concurrency).
It was wrong usage of THD::auto_inc_intervals_in_cur_stmt_for_binlog.
Note that the fix changes "class handler", I'll tell the Storage Engine API team.
Rotate event is automatically generated and written when rotating binary
log or relay log. Rotate events for relay logs are usually ignored by slave
SQL thread becuase they have the same server id as that of the slave.
However, if --replicate-same-server-id is enabled, rotate event
for relay log would be treated as if it's a rotate event from master, and
would be executed by slave to update the rli->group_master_log_name and
rli->group_master_log_pos to a wrong value and cause the MASTER_POS_WAIT
function to fail and return NULL.
This patch fixed this problem by setting a flag bit (LOG_EVENT_RELAY_LOG_F)
in the event to tell the SQL thread to ignore these Rotate events generated
for relay logs.
This patch also added another binlog event flag bit (LOG_EVENT_ARTIFICIAL_F)
to distinquish faked events, the method used before this was by checking if
log_pos was zero.
The assertion indicates that some data was left in the transaction
cache when the server was shut down, which means that a previous
statement did not commit or rollback correctly.
What happened was that a bug in the rollback of a transactional
table caused the transaction cache to be emptied, but not reset.
The error can be triggered by having a failing UPDATE or INSERT,
on a transactional table, causing an implicit rollback.
Fixed by always flushing the pending event to reset the state
The failure was caused by executing a CREATE-SELECT statement that creates a
table in another database than the current one. In row-based logging, the
CREATE statement was written to the binary log without the database, hence
creating the table in the wrong database, causing the following inserts to
fail since the table didn't exist in the given database.
Fixed the bug by adding a parameter to store_create_info() that will make
the function print the database name before the table name and used that
in the calls that write the CREATE statement to the binary log. The database
name is only printed if it is different than the currently selected database.
The output of SHOW CREATE TABLE has not changed and is still printed without
the database name.
The Diagnostic_area caused an assertion failure in debug mode when
the disk was full.
By setting the internal error handler to ignore errors caused by
underlying logging methods, the error is avoided.
If a binlog file is manually replaced with a namesake directory the internal purging did
not handle the error of deleting the file so that eventually
a post-execution guards fires an assert.
Fixed with reusing a snippet of code for bug@18199 to tolerate lack of the file but no other error
at an attempt to delete it.
The same applied to the index file deletion.
The cset carries pieces of manual merging.
The bug allow multiple executing transactions working with non-transactional
to interfere with each others by interleaving the events of different trans-
Bug is fixed by writing non-transactional events to the transaction cache and
flushing the cache to the binary log at statement commit. To mimic the behavior
of normal statement-based replication, we flush the transaction cache in row-
based mode when there is no committed statements in the transaction cache,
which means we are committing the first one. This means that it will be written
to the binary log as a "mini-transaction" with just the rows for the statement.
Note that the changes here does not take effect when building the server with
HAVE_TRANSACTIONS set to false, but it is not clear if this was possible before
this patch either.
For row-based logging, we also have that when AUTOCOMMIT=1, the code now always
generates a BEGIN/COMMIT pair for single statements, or BEGIN/ROLLBACK pair in the
case of non-transactional changes in a statement that was rolled back. Note that
for the case where changes to a non-transactional table causes a rollback due
to error, the statement will now be logged with a BEGIN/ROLLBACK pair, even
though some changes has been committed to the non-transactional table.
Bug #18453 Warning/error message if there is a mismatch between ...
There were three problems:
1. the reported lack of warnings for the BEFORE syntax of PURGE;
2. the similar lack of warnings for the TO syntax;
3. incompatible behaviour between the two in that the latter blanked out
regardlessly of presence or lack the actual file corresponding to
an index record; the former version gave up at the first mismatch.
fixed with deploying the warning's generation and synronizing logics of
purge_logs() and purge_logs_before_date().
my_stat() is called in either of two branches of purge_logs() (responsible
for the TO syntax of PURGE) similarly to how it has behaved in the BEFORE syntax.
If there is no actual binlog file, my_stat returns NULL and my_delete is
not invoked.
A critical error is reported to the user if a file from the index
could not be retrieved info about or deleted with a system error code
different than ENOENT.