Backporting a changeset made for 5.0. Comments from there:
The fix refines the algorithm of generating DROPs for binlog.
Temp tables with common pseudo_thread_id are clustered into one query.
Consequently one replication event per pseudo_thread_id is generated.
The bug caused wrong result sets for union constructs of the form
(SELECT ... ORDER BY order_list1 [LIMIT n]) ORDER BY order_list2.
For such queries order lists were concatenated and limit clause was
completely neglected.
The bug caused a reported index corruption in the cases when
key_cache_block_size was not a multiple of myisam_block_size,
e.g. when key_cache_block_size=1536 while myisam_block_size=1024.
MySQL 4.1
and Bug#16920 rpl_deadlock_innodb fails in show slave status (reported for MySQL 5.1)
- backport of several fixes done in MySQL 5.0 to 4.1
- fix for new discovered instability (see comment on Bug#12429 + Bug#16920)
- reenabling of testcases
Conversion from int and real numbers to UCS2 didn't work fine:
The problem appeared because numbers have binary charset, so,
simple charset recast binary->ucs2 was performed
instead of real conversion.
Fixed to make numbers pretend to be non-binary.
In a simple queries a result of the GROUP_CONCAT() function was always of
varchar type.
But if length of GROUP_CONCAT() result is greater than 512 chars and temporary
table is used during select then the result is converted to blob, due to
policy to not to store fields longer than 512 chars in tmp table as varchar
In order to provide consistent behaviour, result of GROUP_CONCAT() now
will always be converted to blob if it is longer than 512 chars.
Item_func_group_concat::field_type() is modified accordingly.
too many open statements". The patch adds a new global variable
@@max_prepared_stmt_count. This variable limits the total number
of prepared statements in the server. The default value of
@@max_prepared_stmt_count is 16382. 16382 small statements
(a select against 3 tables with GROUP, ORDER and LIMIT) consume
100MB of RAM. Once this limit has been reached, the server will
refuse to prepare a new statement and return ER_UNKNOWN_ERROR
(unfortunately, we can't add new errors to 4.1 without breaking 5.0). The limit is changeable after startup
and can accept any value from 0 to 1 million. In case
the new value of the limit is less than the current
statement count, no new statements can be added, while the old
still can be used. Additionally, the current count of prepared
statements is now available through a global read-only variable
gives wrong results". Implement previously missing
Item_row::cleanup. The bug is not repeatable in 5.0, probably
due to a coincidence: the problem is present in 5.0 as well.
The GROUP_CONCAT uses its own temporary table. When ROLLUP is present
it creates the second copy of Item_func_group_concat. This copy receives the
same list of arguments that original group_concat does. When the copy is
set up the result_fields of functions from the argument list are reset to the
temporary table of this copy.
As a result of this action data from functions flow directly to the ROLLUP copy
and the original group_concat functions shows wrong result.
Since queries with COUNT(DISTINCT ...) use temporary tables to store
the results the COUNT function they are also affected by this bug.
The idea of the fix is to copy content of the result_field for the function
under GROUP_CONCAT/COUNT from the first temporary table to the second one,
rather than setting result_field to point to the second temporary table.
To achieve this goal force_copy_fields flag is added to Item_func_group_concat
and Item_sum_count_distinct classes. This flag is initialized to 0 and set to 1
into the make_unique() member function of both classes.
To the TMP_TABLE_PARAM structure is modified to include the similar flag as
The create_tmp_table() function passes that flag to create_tmp_field().
When the flag is set the create_tmp_field() function will set result_field
as a source field and will not reset that result field to newly created
field for Item_func_result_field and its descendants. Due to this there
will be created copy func to copy data from old result_field to newly
created field.
Fixing to use system_charset_info instead of default_charset_info.
Crash happened because the "ctype" array is empty in UCS2,
and thus cannot be used with my_isspace().
The reason why UCS2 appeared in this context was because of
of default_charset_info variable incorrectly substituted to my_isspace().
As functions check_db_name(), check_table_name() and check_column_name()
always get values in utf8, system_charset_info must be used instead.
ctype_ucs2_def.test, ctype_ucs2_def-master.opt, ctype_ucs2_def.result:
new file
For "count(*) while index_column = value" an index read
is done. It consists of an index scan and retrieval of
each key.
For efficiency reasons the index scan stores the key in
the special buffer 'lastkey2' once only. At the first
iteration it notes this fact with the flag
HA_STATE_RNEXT_SAME in 'info->update'.
For efficiency reasons, the key retrieval for blobs
does not allocate a new buffer, but uses 'lastkey2'...
Now I clear the HA_STATE_RNEXT_SAME flag whenever the
buffer has been polluted. In this case, the index scan
copies the key value again (and sets the flag again).
union.result, union.test:
Adding test case.
Allow safe character set conversion in UNION
- string constant to column's charset
- to unicode
Thus, UNION now works the same with CONCAT (and other string functions)
in respect of aggregating arguments with different character sets.
Fix URLs.
Fix URL.
Update test result for real_sleep error message.
Fix do_sleep() to print correct command name for real_sleep.
column is increasing when table is recreated with PS/SP":
make use of create_field::char_length more consistent in the code.
Reinit create_field::length from create_field::char_length
for every execution of a prepared statement (actually fixes the