- Added show status variable "compression" for checking that compression is turned on.
- Updated show status variable "have_openssl" to be set to DISABLED if server supports ssl but it's not turned on to accept incoming ssl connections.
- Setup server to accept ssl connections from clients ig that is supported by server
- New tests
- ssl - Run with ssl turned on
- ssl_compress - Run with ssl and compression turned on
- compress - Run with compression turned in
- Updated test
- openssl_1, rpl_openssl1 - Changed to run if server supports ssl
Added flag to Field::store(longlong) to specify if value is unsigned.
This fixes bug #12750: Incorrect storage of 9999999999999999999 in DECIMAL(19, 0)
Fixed warning from valgrind in CREATE ... SELECT
Fixed double free of mysql.options if reconnect failed
provide created shared memory objects with proper
access rights to make them usable when client and server
are running under different accounts.
Post review fixes.
The patch implements the idea suggested by Olaf van der Spek in
thread "Client: many small reads?" (internals@lists.mysql.com).
Now small reads performed by the client library are buffered.
The buffering gives up to 2 times speedup when retrieving
one-column tables.
This is the first changeset of suggested changes recommended in Kostja's
review of my patch, 1.1846, which includes only functionality changes.
Style changes/Documentation patch to follow.
This patch contains all that my previous patch (1.1814) contained, with the addition of using cli_fetch_lengths for
handling binary data (Bar noted this on the review of 1.1814, Guilhem suggested using cli_fetch_lenghts by
making available via removal of static in method definition and declaration in mysql.h, but
Konstantin had some reservations, but he said to commit the patch using this anyway,
and I suppose this can be discussed. I abandoned 1.1814 because Monty made a couple
fixes to my code as well as formatting changes, and I thought it would just be easier
to hand-edit my changes into a fresh clone and then make a patch.
The reason for using cli_fetch_lengths is so that I can correctly get the length of
the field I am setting into the field. I was previously using 'strlen' but Bar pointed out this
won't correctly get the length of binary data and is also less effecient. Upon testing,
it was in fact verified that binary data in a blob table was being inserted correctly,
but not being retrieved correctly, all due to not having the correct value for the
(*field)->store(row[x], strlen(row[x]), &my_charset_bin);
was changed to:
(*field)->store(row[x], lengths[x], &my_charset_bin);
lengths being a unsigned long pointer to the values of the field lengths from a
Since the server doesn't have the function "mysql_fetch_lengths" available, I tried
to use "result->lengths", but this isn't set, so I finally successfully used
cli_fetch_lenghts, which does give the correct lengths, and now the binary data gets
retrieved correctly.
I've also run the code through indent-ex and am using Brian's vimrc to ensure correct formatting!
This code passes the entire test suite, without any errors or warning on both my
workstation and build.mysql.com
Make multi-statements the preferred option name (to coincide
with the renaming of the CLIENT_MULTI_RESULTS symbol to
CLIENT_MULTI_STATEMENTS). Continue to allow multi-queries
for backward compatibility.