replace echo in with AC_MSG_WARN/AC_MSG_ERROR
don't set -DUSE_MYSYS_NEW for gcc 2.95
set $USE_MYSYS_NEW even if CXX is g++
yassl bugfixes
instantiate all yassl templates explicitly
Produce warnings of wrong cast of strings to signed/unsigned.
Don't block not resolved IP's if DNS server is down (Bug #8467)
Fix compiler problems with MinGW (Bug #8872)
Define a new CPP symbol that the target OS is Linux, and use it where only the OS matters and not the threads Library.
Until now, 'HAVE_LINUXTHREADS' was used to indicate "Target is Linux" in many places.
When we support configuration with NPTL but no Linuxthreads, this misuse must cease.
added libs variable for ndbmgmclient used by mysqladmin
add linkage with @ndb_mgmclient_libs@
additional options for ndbcluster
added support for managing the cluster to mysqladmin
added DEFINE_CXA_PURE_VIRTUAL flag to CFLAGS to enable linkage with c++ libs
use macros for C_MODE_START/END so that define of FIX_GCC_LINKING_PROBLEM works in c-programs
Bug #5492
"set @@session.read_rnd_buffer_size=33554432" crashes server on query
1. added warning comments for uint3korr (need one more byte allocated)
2. unsigned long in uint3korr was replaced by unsigned int to
avoid problems on 64-bits platforms
3. shorten warning comments in init_rr_cache in sql/
but apparently MySQL works without too.
Added basic per-thread time zone functionality (based on public
domain elsie-code). Now user can select current time zone
(from the list of time zones described in system tables).
All NOW-like functions honor this time zone, values of TIMESTAMP
type are interpreted as values in this time zone, so now
our TIMESTAMP type behaves similar to Oracle's TIMESTAMP WITH
LOCAL TIME ZONE (or proper PostgresSQL type).
WL#1266 "CONVERT_TZ() - basic time with time zone conversion
Fixed problems described in Bug #2336 (Different number of warnings
when inserting bad datetime as string or as number). This required
reworking of datetime realted warning hadling (they now generated
at Field object level not in conversion functions).
Optimization: Now Field class descendants use table->in_use member
instead of current_thd macro.