Item::tmp_table_field_from_field_type() and create_tmp_field_from_item()
was converting string field to blob depending on byte-wise length instead of
character length, which results in converting valid varchar string with
length == 86 to longtext.
Made that functions above take into account max width of character when
converting string fields to blobs.
"Interleaved SPs execution is now binlogged properly, "SELECT spfunc()" is binlogged too.
The known remaining issue is binlogging/replication of "a routine is deleted while it is executed" scenario.
In cp932, '\' character can be the second byte in a
multi-byte character stream. This makes it difficult to use
mysql_escape_string. Added flag to indicate which languages allow
'\' as second byte of multibyte sequence so that when putting a prepared
statement into the binlog we can decide at runtime whether hex encoding
is really needed.
"Process NATURAL and USING joins according to SQL:2003".
* Some of the main problems fixed by the patch:
- in "select *" queries the * expanded correctly according to
ANSI for arbitrary natural/using joins
- natural/using joins are correctly transformed into JOIN ... ON
for any number/nesting of the joins.
- column references are correctly resolved against natural joins
of any nesting and combined with arbitrary other joins.
* This patch also contains a fix for name resolution of items
inside the ON condition of JOIN ... ON - in this case items must
be resolved only against the JOIN operands. To support such
'local' name resolution, the patch introduces a stack of
name resolution contexts used at parse time.
- This patch is not complete in the sense that
- there are 2 test cases that still do not pass -
one in join.test, one in select.test. Both are marked
with a comment "TODO: WL#2486".
- it does not include a new test specific for the task
Adding Item_param::safe_charset_converter,
not to return collation mix error if
parameter can be converted into operation
character set.
adding test case
adding test case
fixing tests accordingly
Bug #10892 user variables not auto cast for comparisons
When mixing strings with different character sets,
and coercibility is the same, we allow conversion
if one character set is superset for other character set.
Before the fix in ~Prepared_statments we got a memory leak when executing mysql_client_test.test
Note that test 'variables.test' fails.
This will be fixed when Jimw pushes the fix for Bug 10351
Adding test
Adding a call for collation/charset aggregation,
to collect attributes from the arguments. The actual bug fix.
item_func.h,, item.h,
- Removing collation aggrgation functions from Item_func class
in, and adding it as non-class functions in
to be able to reuse this code for group_concat.
- Adding replacement for these functions into Item_func class
as wrappers for moved functions, to minizize patch size,
data": remove the fix for another bug (8807) that
added OUTER_REF_TABLE_BIT to all subqueries that used a placeholder
to prevent their evaluation at prepare. As this bit hanged in
Item_subselect::used_tables_cache for ever, a constant subquery with
a placeholder was never evaluated as such, which caused wrong
choice of the execution plan for the statement.
- to fix Bug#8807 backport a better fix from 5.0
- post-review fixes.
adding test case
- do not create a new item when charsets are the same
- return ER_INVALID_DEFAULT if default value cannot
be converted into the column character set.
- Allow conversion not only to Unicode,
but also to and from "binary".
- Adding safe_charset_converter() for Item_num
and Item_varbinary, returning a fixed const Item.
When searching column to sort on, item was compared to field under view
column, but not the column itself. Because names of view column and underlaid
field may differ, it leads to possibly choosing wrong column for sorting on.
This patch makes Item_direct_view_ref::eq(Item *item,...) compare
item's name with it's own name proir to comparing to *ref item.
The problem here is that columns that have an especially long type
such as an enum type with many options would be longer than 40 chars
but the type column returned from show columns always was defined
as varchar(40).
This is fixed in 5.0 using info schema.
bug #10617: Insert from same table to same table give incorrect result for bit(4) column.
bug #11091: union involving BIT: assertion failure in Item::tmp_table_field_from_field_type
bug #11572: MYSQL_TYPE_BIT not taken care of in temp. table creation for VIEWs
#9728 'Decreased functionality in "on duplicate key update
#8147 'a column proclaimed ambigous in INSERT ... SELECT .. ON DUPLICATE'
This ensures fields are uniquely qualified and also that one can't update other tables in the ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE part
Remove changes made by bug fix#8147. They strips list of insert_table_list to
only insert table, which results in error reported in bug #9728.
Added flag to Item to resolve ambigous fields reported in bug #8147.