In the output from mysqlbinlog, incident log events were
represented as just a comment. Since the incident log event
represents an incident that could cause the contents of the
database to change without being logged to the binary log,
it means that if the SQL is applied to a server, it could
potentially lead to that the databases are out of sync.
In order to handle that, this patch adds the statement "RELOAD
DATABASE" to the SQL output for the incident log event. This will
require a DBA to edit the file and handle the case as apropriate
before applying the output to a server.
Problem: storing "SELECT ... INTO @var ..." results in variables we used val_xxx()
methods which returned results of the current row.
So, in some cases (e.g. SELECT DISTINCT, GROUP BY or HAVING) we got data
from the first row of a new group (where we evaluate a clause) instead of
data from the last row of the previous group.
Fix: use val_xxx_result() counterparts to get proper results.
165 changesets with 23 conflicts:
Text conflict in mysql-test/r/lock_multi.result
Text conflict in mysql-test/t/lock_multi.test
Text conflict in mysql-test/t/mysqldump.test
Text conflict in sql/
Text conflict in sql/
Text conflict in sql/
Text conflict in sql/
Text conflict in sql/
Text conflict in sql/
Text conflict in sql/
Text conflict in sql/
Text conflict in sql/
Text conflict in sql/
Text conflict in sql/
Text conflict in sql/
Text conflict in sql/
Text conflict in sql/
Text conflict in sql/
Text conflict in sql/
Text conflict in sql/
Text conflict in storage/innobase/handler/
Text conflict in storage/myisam/mi_packrec.c
Text conflict in tests/mysql_client_test.c
Updates to Innobase, taken from main 5.1:
bzr: ERROR: Some change isn't sane:
File mysql-test/r/innodb-semi-consistent.result is owned by Innobase and should not be updated.
File mysql-test/t/innodb-semi-consistent.test is owned by Innobase and should not be updated.
File storage/innobase/handler/ is owned by Innobase and should not be updated.
File storage/innobase/ibuf/ibuf0ibuf.c is owned by Innobase and should not be updated.
File storage/innobase/include/row0mysql.h is owned by Innobase and should not be updated.
File storage/innobase/include/srv0srv.h is owned by Innobase and should not be updated.
File storage/innobase/include/trx0trx.h is owned by Innobase and should not be updated.
File storage/innobase/include/trx0trx.ic is owned by Innobase and should not be updated.
File storage/innobase/lock/lock0lock.c is owned by Innobase and should not be updated.
File storage/innobase/page/page0cur.c is owned by Innobase and should not be updated.
File storage/innobase/row/row0mysql.c is owned by Innobase and should not be updated.
File storage/innobase/row/row0sel.c is owned by Innobase and should not be updated.
File storage/innobase/srv/srv0srv.c is owned by Innobase and should not be updated.
File storage/innobase/trx/trx0trx.c is owned by Innobase and should not be updated.
(Set env var 'ALLOW_UPDATE_INNOBASE_OWNED' to override.)
with seg fault
Multiple-table DELETE from a table joined to itself may cause
server crash. This was originally discovered with MEMORY engine,
but may affect other engines with different symptoms.
The problem was that the server violated SE API by performing
parallel table scan in one handler and removing records in
another (delete on the fly optimization).
Certain multi-updates gave different results on InnoDB from
to MyISAM, due to on-the-fly updates being used on the former and
the update order matters.
Fixed by turning off on-the-fly updates when update order
dependencies are present.
'INSERT ... SELECT' statements
The code that produces result rows expected that a duplicate row
error could not occur in INSERT ... SELECT statements with
unfulfilled WHERE conditions. This may happen, however, if the
SELECT list contains only aggregate functions.
Fixed by checking if an error occured before trying to send EOF
to the client.
A backport of fix for "BUG40092 - Storage engine API uses
time_t datatype".
Starting from MSVC C++ 2005 (v8), the default size of time_t
is changed from 32-bit to 64-bit. As the result, the binaries
built with pre-v8 MSVC C++ do not work with the binaries
(storage engine plugins) built with v8 or after (server
Fixed storage engine API to use datatype with known size
(ulong) instead of time_t.
EXPLAIN EXTENDED of nested query containing a error:
1054 Unknown column '...' in 'field list'
may cause a server crash.
Parse error like described above forces a call to
JOIN::destroy() on malformed subquery.
That JOIN::destroy function closes and frees temporary
tables. However, temporary fields of these tables
may be listed in st_select_lex::group_list of outer
query, and that st_select_lex may not cleanup them
properly. So, after the JOIN::destroy call that
st_select_lex::group_list may have Item_field
objects with dangling pointers to freed temporary
table Field objects. That caused a crash.
my_error() was invoked in reset_slave()'s with purge_relay_logs()-failing branch
without passing sql_errno to it.
Fixed with setting sql_errno= ER_RELAY_LOG_FAIL in the purge_relay_logs()-failing branch.
Error happens because sp_head::MULTI_RESULTS is not set for SP
which has 'show table status' command.
The fix is to add a SQLCOM_SHOW_TABLE_STATUS case into
sp_get_flags_for_command() func.
The issue of the current bug is unguarded access to mi->slave_running
by the shutdown thread calling end_slave() that is bug#29968
(alas happened not to be cross-linked with the current bug)
with removing the unguarded read of the running status
and perform reading it in terminate_slave_thread()
at time run_lock is taken (mostly bug#29968 backporting, still with some
improvements over that patch - see the error reporting from
Issue of bug#38716 is fixed here for 5.0 branch as well.
There has been a separate artifact identified -
a race condition between init_slave() and end_slave() -
reported as Bug#44467.
the Point() and Linestring() functions create WKB representation of an
object instead of an real geometry object.
That produced bugs when these were inserted into tables.
GIS tests fixed accordingly.
per-file messages:
Bug#38990 Arbitrary data input plus GIS functions causes mysql server crash
test result
Bug#38990 Arbitrary data input plus GIS functions causes mysql server crash
test result
Bug#38990 Arbitrary data input plus GIS functions causes mysql server crash
test fixed - GeomFromWKB invocations removed
Bug#38990 Arbitrary data input plus GIS functions causes mysql server crash
test fixed - AsWKB invocations added
Bug#38990 Arbitrary data input plus GIS functions causes mysql server crash
Point() and similar functions to create a proper object
Bug #40925: Equality propagation takes non indexed attribute
Query execution plans and execution time of queries like
select a, b, c from t1
where a > '2008-11-21' and b = a limit 10
depended on the order of equality operator parameters:
"b = a" and "a = b" are not same.
An equality propagation algorithm has been fixed:
the substitute_for_best_equal_field function should not
substitute a field for an equal field if both fields belong
to the same table.
for indexes of InnoDB table
Fixes by replacing the PRNG that is used to pick random pages with a
better one.
Also adds a configuration option "innodb_use_legacy_cardinality_algorithm"
to enable the fix only when the option is set.
This patch is from
The warning happens because string argument is not zero ended.
The fix is to add new parameter 'length' to SQL_CRYPT() and
use ptr() instead of c_ptr().
The rpl_binlog_corruption test case was inject failures, specifically,
incidents with invalid numbers to see if the replication was failing
gracefully. However, this test was causing the following warning message
in Valgrind: "Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)"
The patch fixes the problem by correctly initializing the m_inicident
In order to define the --slave-load-tmpdir, the init_relay_log_file()
was calling fn_format(MY_PACK_FILENAME) which internally was indirectly
calling strmov_overlapp() (through pack_dirname) and the following
warning message was being printed out while running in Valgrind:
"source and destination overlap in strcpy".
We fixed the issue by removing the flag MY_PACK_FILENAME as it was not
necessary. In a nutshell, with this flag the function fn_format() tried
to replace a directory by either "~", "." or "..". However, we wanted
exactly to remove such strings.
In this patch, we also refactored the functions init_relay_log_file()
and check_temp_dir(). The former was refactored to call the fn_format()
with the flag MY_SAFE_PATH along with the MY_RETURN_REAL_PATH, in order
to avoid issues with long directories and return an absolute path,
respectively. The flag MY_SAFE_UNPACK_FILENAME was removed too as it was
responsible for removing "~", "." or ".." only from the file parameter
and we wanted to remove such strings from the directory parameter in
the fn_format(). This result is stored in an rli variable, which is then
processed by the other function in order to verify if the directory exists
and if we are able to create files in it.
to wrong results
3 problems found with DES_ENCRYPT/DES_DECRYPT :
1. The max length was not calculated properly. Fixed in fix_length_and_dec()
2. DES_ENCRYPT had a side effect of sometimes reallocating and changing
the value of its argument. Fixed by explicitly pre-allocating the necessary
space to pad the argument with trailing '*' (stars) when calculating the
DES digest.
3. in DES_ENCRYPT the string buffer for the result value was not
reallocated to the correct size and only string length was assigned to it.
Fixed by making sure there's enough space to hold the result.
information schema tables are based on internal tmp tables which are removed
after each statement execution. So HANDLER comands can not be used with
information schema.
using it.
The crash was due to a null pointer present for select_lex while
processing the view.
Adding a check while opening the view to see if its a child of a
merge table fixed this problem.
The problem was that new lock types were being added without a
corresponding description. Since the lock types (enum values)
are used as indices to the description array, the descriptions
could be shifted depending on the lock type. The solution is to
ensure that every lock type has a correspondent description.
Engine doesn't allow me to.
In case of incompatible changes between old and new table
versions, the mysqlcheck program prints error messages like
error: Table upgrade required. Please do
"REPAIR TABLE `table_name`" to fix it!
However, InnoDB doesn't support REPAIR TABLE query, so the
message is confusing.
Error message text has been changed to:
Table upgrade required. Please do "REPAIR TABLE `table_name`"
or dump/reload to fix it!"
mysql_rename_view can not rename view if database is not the same.
The fix is to add new argument 'new_db' to mysql_rename_view() and
allow rename with different databases