On this platform we seem to get lots of other signals
while waiting for SIGKILL to be delivered.
Solution: use sigsuspend(<all signals blocked>)
New function _db_suicide_() which does kill(myself, -9) and then waits forever.
Let DBUG_SUICE wait forever until the KILL signal is delivered, and process dies.
Auto increment value wraps when performing a bulk insert with
auto_increment_increment and auto_increment_offset greater than
The fix:
If overflow happened then return MAX_ULONGLONG value as an
indication of overflow and check this before storing the
value into the field in update_auto_increment().
test case
test case fix
test case fix
test case fix
test case fix
test case
If overflow happened then return MAX_ULONGLONG value as an
indication of overflow and check this before storing the
value into the field in update_auto_increment().
Explain fails at fix_fields stage and some items are left unfixed,
particulary Item_group_concat. Item_group_concat::orig_args field
is uninitialized in this case and Item_group_concat::print call
leads to crash.
The fix:
move the initialization of Item_group_concat::orig_args
into constructor.
test case
test case
move the initialization of Item_group_concat::orig_args
into constructor.
mysqltest checks if the stmt is one that should be run in ps mode,
but regexp doesn't match if preceeded by /* */ comment.
Fix: match function will jump over /*..*/ if found at start
Backported use of setenv() from 5.5
This will remove the leak on systems that have setenv()
I have not fixed the string.c leak, it's a local variable
that the cleanup function cannot access.
Var's string value was not 0-terminated if intially null.
While at it, also removed some reported memory leaks
Added sanity check, setting val_len=0 if val==0
my_seek() and my_tell() functions now honour MY_WME flag.
Fix for bug#48451: my_seek and my_tell ignore MY_WME flag
- EE_CANT_SEEK added, used in my_seek() and my_tell() functions.
Fix for bug#48451: my_seek and my_tell ignore MY_WME flag
- EE_CANT_SEEK added, used in my_seek() and my_tell() functions.
Fix for bug#48451: my_seek and my_tell ignore MY_WME flag
- my_seek() and my_tell() handle MY_WME flag.
Fix for bug#48451: my_seek and my_tell ignore MY_WME flag
- __attribute__((unused)) removed, as myf MyFlags is
actually used in the my_realpath() function.
Fix for bug#48451: my_seek and my_tell ignore MY_WME flag
- check my_seek() result.
Fixed the references to security_ctx->priv_user
to be real char * pointers instead of a C array name reference.
This is somehow important for some 3d party
dtrace replacements
Connection auditing class.
Connection auditing class.
Notify disconnect to auditing.
Connection class event dispatcher.
mysql_audit_notify() is not available in embedded.
Notify connect to auditing.
Notify user change to auditing.
On this platform we seem to get lots of other signals
while waiting for SIGKILL to be delivered.
Solution: use sigsuspend(<all signals blocked>)
New function _db_suicide_() which does kill(myself, -9) and then waits forever.
Let DBUG_SUICE wait forever until the KILL signal is delivered, and process dies.
The cause of assert was concurrent execution of
DROP DATABASE and REPAIR TABLE where first statement
deleted table's file .TMD at the same time as
REPAIR TABLE tried to read file details from the old file
that was just removed.
Additionally was fixed trouble when DROP TABLE try delete
all files belong to table being dropped at the same time
when REPAIR TABLE statement has just deleted .TMD file.
No regression test added because this would require adding a
sync point to mysys/my_redel.c. Since this bug is not present in
5.5+, adding test coverage was considered unnecessary.
The patch has been verified using RQG testing.
mysql_rm_known_files() modified: ignore possible ENOENT error
when trying delete all table's files. Such aggressive
algorithm permits skip already deleted (in another thread)
Installation of Drop_table_error_handler as internal error handler
moved from mysql_rm_db() to mysql_rm_knowns_files() near to place
where source of possible errors (call to mysql_rm_table_part2) located.
mi_repair() was modified: set param->retry_repair= 0
in order to don't call following failover procedure
in ha_myisam::repair().
when semijoin=on
When setting the aggregate function as having no rows to report
the function no_rows_in_result() was calling Item_sum::reset().
However this function in addition to cleaning up the aggregate
value by calling aggregator_clear() was also adding the current
value to the aggregate value by calling aggregator_add().
Fixed by making no_rows_in_result() to call aggregator_clear()
Renamed Item_sum::reset to Item_sum::reset_and_add() to
and added a comment to avoid misinterpretation of what the
function does.
Before this fix, the output of SHOW ENGINE PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA STATUS
used uppercase to name performance schema tables.
This is inconsistent since performance schema tables have been renamed to lowercase.
Also, an old table 'PROCESSLIST' was still visible,
even after this table got renamed to 'threads'.
This fix:
- correctly uses lowercases in the output, to match the current naming.
- replaced 'PROCESSLIST' with 'threads'.
Tested the output of SHOW ENGINE PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA STATUS manually.
No automated test cases can be written for this,
since the output is too platform dependent (sizes).
Manual merge from mysql-5.1-bugteam into mysql-5.5-bugteam.
Text conflict in sql/log.cc
Text conflict in sql/log.h
Text conflict in sql/slave.cc
Text conflict in sql/sql_parse.cc
Text conflict in sql/sql_priv.h
when there was one NULL value, AVG(DISTINCT) could forget about other values.
See commit comment of item_sum.cc.
before the code fix, both SELECTs would return NULL
Assume we are executing "SELECT AVG([DISTINCT] some_field) FROM some_table".
and some_field is the single field of some_table for simplicity.
Each time a row is processed (evaluate_join_record()->
end_send_group()->update_sum_func()) an aggregator is notified,
which itself notifies an Item_sum_avg.
Without DISTINCT, this Item_sum_avg immediately increments its
internal "sum of values" and "count of values" (the latter being
Item_sum_avg::count). The count is incremented only if the row's value
is not NULL (in Item_sum_avg::add()), per AVG() semantices. This row's value
is available in args[0] of Item_sum_avg ("args[0]" stands for
"the first argument of the item": it's an Item_field which automatically
receives the row's value when a row is read from the table).
bool Item_sum_avg::add()
if (Item_sum_sum::add()) << calculates the sum (ignores NULL)
return TRUE;
if (!args[0]->null_value)<<if added value is not NULL
count++; <<increment "count"
return FALSE;
and everything works.
With DISTINCT, when a row is processed by evaluate_join_record(),
Item_sum_avg does no immediate computation, rather stores
the row's value in a tree (to throw the value away if it is a duplicate
of previous value, otherwise to remember all
distinct values). It's only when it's time to send the average to the
user (at end of the query:
Item::send()->Item_sum_avg->val_str()), that we iterate over the tree,
compute the sum and count: for this, for each element of the tree,
Item_sum_avg::add() is called and has the same two steps as before:
* Item_sum_sum::add() updates the sum (finding the tree element's value
correctly, and determining correctly its NULLness - look for "arg_is_null"
in that function)
* the "if (!args[0]->null_value)" test right after, breaks: it uses args[0],
which isn't the tree's element but rather the value for the last row
processed by evaluate_join_record(). So if that last row was NULL,
"count" stays 0 for each row, and AVG() then returns NULL (count==0 =>
NULL, per AVG() semantics).
The fix is to let the aggregator tell whether the value
it just saw was NULL. The aggregator knows where to get the info
thanks to virtual functions. Item_sum_sum::add() now asks
the aggregator. Item_sum_avg() also asks the aggregator
and then knows it shouldn't increment "count".
Aggregator can now tell about value/NULLness of just-aggregated value
command line clients.
Command line tools like mysqladmin and mysqldump did not recognize
default-auth and plugin-dir options.
Support for these options was found missing in these command line
Fixed by adding support for the same.
Bug#58139 : default-auth option not recognized in MySQL standard
command line clients.
Introduced two new variables to hold values from default-auth and
plugin-dir options and further pushed them to client's st_mysql
Bug#58139 : default-auth option not recognized in MySQL standard
command line clients.
Introduced two new variables to hold values from default-auth and
plugin-dir options and further pushed them to client's st_mysql
Added test case for Bug#58139.
Added test case for Bug#58139.
Problem: "read-only" option ignored if it's enabled in
the command line (or in the config file).
Fix: sync opt_readonly (which is used for checks) with
read_only (global var) when all server options are handled.
Fix for bug #58669: read_only not enforced on 5.5.x
- test result.
Fix for bug #58669: read_only not enforced on 5.5.x
- test case.
Fix for bug #58669: read_only not enforced on 5.5.x
- test case.
Fix for bug #58669: read_only not enforced on 5.5.x
- sync opt_readonly boolean with read_only boolean
in the get_options().
Fix for bug #58669: read_only not enforced on 5.5.x
- sync opt_readonly boolean with read_only boolean
in the get_options().
Fix for bug #58669: read_only not enforced on 5.5.x
- sync opt_readonly boolean with read_only boolean
in the get_options().
When a query fails with a different error on the slave,
the sql thread outputs a message (M) containing:
1. the error message format for the master error code
2. the master error code
3. the error message for the slave's error code
4. the slave error code
Given that the slave has no information on the error message
itself that the master outputs, it can only print its own
version of the message format (but stripped from the
additional data if the message format requires). This may
confuse users.
To fix this we augment the slave's message (M) to explicitly
state that the master's message is actually an error message
format, the one associated with the given master error code
and that the slave server knows about.