/Library/StartupItems/MySQL to /Library/StartupItems/MySQLCOM
to avoid a name space collision with the MySQL Startup Item shipped
with Mac OS X Server, updated the MySQLStartupItem PKG version
number to reflect the change.
- Renamed the StartupItem directory from /Library/StartupItems/MySQL
to /Library/StartupItems/MySQLCOM to avoid a name space collision
with the MySQL Startup Item in Mac OS X Server
- Bumped up the StartupItem Package version to 1.1 to indicate the
change in directory naming
startup item: MySQL (the startup script), StartupItem.Description.plist,
StartupItem.Info.plist (PKGMaker control files), StartupItem.postinstall
(post-installation script for the Startup Item package)
- modified support-files/MacOSX/Makefile.am to include the newly added files
in the source distribution
Added scripts/make_win_src_distribution to the ignore list
- added the Mac OS X StartupItem files to the source distribution