The 'data' field in the XA RECOVER resultset changed
to be charset_bin. It seems to me right and also
--binary-as-hex starts working. The XA RECOVER FORMAT='SQL' option
implemented. It returns the XID string that fits to be an argument for the
XA ... statements.
Merge branch '10.3' into trunk
Both field_visibility and VERS_HIDDEN_FLAG exist independently.
Feature Definition:-
This feature adds invisible column functionality to server.
There is 4 level of "invisibility":
1. Not invisible (NOT_INVISIBLE) — Normal columns created by the user
2. A little bit invisible (USER_DEFINED_INVISIBLE) — columns that the
user has marked invisible. They aren't shown in SELECT * and they
don't require values in INSERT table VALUE (...). Otherwise
they behave as normal columns.
3. More invisible (SYSTEM_INVISIBLE) — Can be queried explicitly,
otherwise invisible from everything. Think ROWID sytem column.
Because they're invisible from ALTER TABLE and from CREATE TABLE
they cannot be created or dropped, they're created by the system.
User cant not create a column name which is same as of
4. Very invisible (COMPLETELY_INVISIBLE) — as above, but cannot be
queried either. They can only show up in EXPLAIN EXTENDED (might
be possible for a very invisible indexed virtual column) but
otherwise they don't exist for the user.If user creates a columns
which has same name as of COMPLETELY_INVISIBLE then
COMPLETELY_INVISIBLE column is renamed again. So it is completely
invisible from user.
Invisible Index(HA_INVISIBLE_KEY):-
Creation of invisible columns require a new type of index which
will be only visible to system. User cant see/alter/create/delete
this index. If user creates a index which is same name as of
invisible index then it will be renamed.
Syntax Details:-
Only USER_DEFINED_INVISIBLE column can be created by user. This
can be created by adding INVISIBLE suffix after column definition.
Create table t1( a int invisible, b int);
There are some rules/restrictions related to use of invisible columns
1. All the columns in table cant be invisible.
Create table t1(a int invisible); \\error
Create table t1(a int invisible, b int invisble); \\error
2. If you want invisible column to be NOT NULL then you have to supply
Default value for the column.
Create table t1(a int, b int not null); \\error
3. If you create a view/create table with select * then this wont copy
invisible fields. So newly created view/table wont have any invisible
Create table t2 as select * from t1;//t2 wont have t1 invisible column
Create view v1 as select * from t1;//v1 wont have t1 invisible column
4. Invisibility wont be forwarded to next table in any case of create
table/view as select */(a,b,c) from table.
Create table t2 as select a,b,c from t1; // t2 will have t1 invisible
// column(b), but this wont be invisible in t2
Create view v1 as select a,b,c from t1; // v1 will have t1 invisible
// column(b), but this wont be invisible in v1
Implementation Details:-
Parsing:- INVISIBLE_SYM is added into vcol_attribute(so its like unique
suffix), It is also added into keyword_sp_not_data_type so that table
can have column with name invisible.
Implementation detail is given by each modified function/created function.
(Some function are left as they were self explanatory)
(m= Modified, n= Newly Created)
mysql_prepare_create_table(m):- Extra checks for invisible columns are
added. Also some DEBUG_EXECUTE_IF are also added for test cases.
mysql_prepare_alter_table(m):- Now this will drop all the
Modifications are made to stop drop/change/delete of SYSTEM_INVISIBLE
build_frm_image(m):- Now this allows incorporating field_visibility
status into frm image. To remain compatible with old frms
field_visibility info will be only written when any of the field is
extra2_write_additional_field_properties(n):- This will write field
visibility info into buffer. We first write EXTRA2_FIELD_FLAGS into
buffer/frm , then each next char will have field_visibility for each
init_from_binary_frm_image(m):- Now if we get EXTRA2_FIELD_FLAGS,
then we will read the next n(n= number of fields) chars and set the
field_visibility. We also increment
thd->status_var.feature_invisible_columns. One important thing to
note if we find out that key contains a field whose visibility is
> USER_DEFINED_INVISIBLE then , we declare this key as invisible
key. is changed accordingly to make show table, show keys
mysql_insert(m):- If we get to know that we are doing insert in
this way insert into t1 values(1,1); without explicitly specifying
columns, then we check for if we have invisible fields if yes then
we reset the whole record, Why ? Because first we want hidden columns
to get default/null value. Second thing auto_increment has property
no default and no null which voilates invisible key rule 2, And
because of this it was giving error. Reseting table->record[0]
eliminates this issue. More info put breakpoint on handler::write_row
and see auto_increment value.
fill_record(m):- we continue loop if we find invisible column because
this is already reseted/will get its value if it is default.
Test cases:- Since we can not directly add > USER_DEFINED_INVISIBLE
column then I have debug_dbug to create it in mysql_prepare_create_table.
Patch Credit:- Serg Golubchik
non-standard, redundant, potentially risky in the future,
hides bugs. See #383, #384, #385
Fixed a parser bug where
SELECT * FROM (t1 join t2) FOR SYSTEM_TIME ...
was not an error.
* again, as in 10.2, NOW is a keyword only if followed by parentheses
not AS OF NOW(0), (same behavior as in a DEFAULT clause)
This commit implements aggregate stored functions. The basic idea behind
the feature is:
* Implement a special instruction FETCH GROUP NEXT ROW that will pause
the execution of the stored function. When the instruction is reached,
execution of the initial query resumes "as if" the function returned.
This gives the server the opportunity to advance to the next row in the
result set.
* Stored aggregates behave like regular aggregate functions. The
implementation of thus resides in the class Item_sum_sp. Because it is
an aggregate function, for each new row in the group, the
Item_sum_sp::add() method will be called. This is when execution resumes
and the function does another iteration to "add" one extra element to
the final result.
* When the end of group is reached, val_xxx() method will be called for
the item. This case is handled by another execute step for the stored
function, only with a special flag to force a call to the return
handler. See Item_sum_sp::execute() for details.
To allow this pause and resume semantic, we must preserve the function
context across executions. This is stored in Item_sp::sp_query_arena only for
aggregate stored functions, but has no impact for regular functions.
We also enforce aggregate functions to include the "FETCH GROUP NEXT ROW"
Signed-off-by: Vicențiu Ciorbaru <>
Window is a reserved keyword according to SQL Standard 2016. However, we
can make the grammar slightly flexible by allowing WINDOW keyword everywhere
except table aliases. Change yacc grammar to separate between all keywords
and table_alias keywords.
As reported in MDEV-11969 "there's no way to ditch knowledge" about some
domain that is no longer updated on a server. Besides being of annoyance to
clutter output in DBA console stale domains can prevent the slave
to connect the master as MDEV-12012 witnesses.
What domain is obsolete must be evaluated by the user (DBA) according
to whether the domain info is still relevant and will the domain ever
receive any update.
This patch introduces a method to discard obsolete gtid domains from
the server binlog state. The removal requires no event group from such
domain present in existing binlog files though. If there are any the
containing logs must be first PURGEd in order for
succeed. Otherwise the command returns an error.
The list of obsolete domains can be computed through
intersecting two sets - the earliest (first) binlog's Gtid_list
and the current value of @@global.gtid_binlog_state - and extracting
the domain id components from the intersection list items.
The new DELETE_DOMAIN_ID featured FLUSH continues to rotate binlog
omitting the deleted domains from the active binlog file's Gtid_list.
Notice though when the command is ineffective - that none of requested to delete
domain exists in the binlog state - rotation does not occur.
Obsolete domain deletion is not harmful for connected slaves as long
as master side binlog files *purge* is synchronized with FLUSH-DELETE_DOMAIN_ID.
The slaves must have the last event from purged files processed as usual,
in order not to bump later into requesting a gtid from a file which
was already gone.
While the command is not replicated (as ordinary FLUSH BINLOG LOGS is)
slaves, even though having extra domains, won't suffer from reconnection errors
thanks to master-slave gtid connection protocol allowing the master
to be ignorant about a gtid domain.
Should at failover such slave to be promoted into master role it may run
the ex-master's
to clean its own binlog state.
is re-recorded as consequence of internal parser codes changes.
As a result of this merge the code for the following tasks appears in 10.3:
- MDEV-12172 Implement tables specified by table value constructors
- MDEV-12176 Transform [NOT] IN predicate with long list of values INTO
[NOT] IN subquery.