In RBR, There is an inconsistency between slaves and master.
When INSERT statement which includes an auto_increment field is executed,
Store engine of master will check the value of the auto_increment field.
It will generate a sequence number and then replace the value, if its value is NULL or empty.
if the field's value is 0, the store engine will do like encountering the NULL values
unless NO_AUTO_VALUE_ON_ZERO is set into SQL_MODE.
In contrast, if the field's value is 0, Store engine of slave always generates a new sequence number
whether or not NO_AUTO_VALUE_ON_ZERO is set into SQL_MODE.
SQL MODE of slave sql thread is always consistency with master's.
Another variable is related to this bug.
If generateing a sequence number is decided by the values of
table->auto_increment_field_not_null and SQL_MODE(if includes MODE_NO_AUTO_VALUE_ON_ZERO)
The table->auto_increment_is_not_null is FALSE, which causes this bug to appear. ..
Essentially, Bug#45574 results in this bug. The 'CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS' statement was not
binlogged, when the database has existed.
Sometimes, the master and slaves become inconsistent. The "CREATE DATABASE
IF NOT EXISTS mysqltest1" statement is not binlogged
if the db 'mysqltest1' existed before the test case is executed.
So the db 'mysqltest1' can't be created on slave.
Patch of Bug#45574 has resolved this problem.
But I think it is better to replace 'mysqltest1' by default db 'test'.
Slave does not correctly handle "expected errors" leading to inconsistencies
between the mater and slave. Specifically, when a statement changes both
transactional and non-transactional tables, the transactional changes are
automatically rolled back on the master but the slave ignores the error and
does not roll them back thus leading to inconsistencies.
To fix the problem, we automatically roll back a statement that fails on
the slave but note that the transaction is not rolled back unless a "rollback"
command is in the relay log file.
Mixing transactional (T) and non-transactional (N) tables on behalf of a
transaction may lead to inconsistencies among masters and slaves in STATEMENT
mode. The problem stems from the fact that although modifications done to
non-transactional tables on behalf of a transaction become immediately visible
to other connections they do not immediately get to the binary log and therefore
consistency is broken. Although there may be issues in mixing T and M tables in
STATEMENT mode, there are safe combinations that clients find useful.
In this bug, we fix the following issue. Mixing N and T tables in multi-level
(e.g. a statement that fires a trigger) or multi-table table statements (e.g.
update t1, t2...) were not handled correctly. In such cases, it was not possible
to distinguish when a T table was updated if the sequence of changes was N and T.
In a nutshell, just the flag "modified_non_trans_table" was not enough to reflect
that both a N and T tables were changed. To circumvent this issue, we check if an
engine is registered in the handler's list and changed something which means that
a T table was modified.
Check WL 2687 for a full-fledged patch that will make the use of either the MIXED or
ROW modes completely safe.
The "get_master_version_and_clock(...)" function in sql/ ignores
error and passes directly when queries fail, or queries succeed
but the result retrieved is empty.
The "get_master_version_and_clock(...)" function should try to reconnect master
if queries fail because of transient network problems, and fail otherwise.
The I/O thread should print a warning if the some system variables do not
exist on master (very old master)
"create as select" (innodb table)
Problem: code constructing "CREATE TABLE..." statement
doesn't take into account that current database is not set
in some cases. That may lead to a server crash.
Fix: check if current database is set.
The test case added failed sporadically on PB. This is due to the
fact that the user thread in some cases is waiting for slave IO
to stop and then check the error number. Thence, sometimes the
user thread would race for the error number with IO thread.
This post push fix addresses this by replacing the wait for slave
io to stop with a wait for slave io error (as it seems it was
added in 6.0 also after patch on which this is based was
pushed). This implied backporting
from 6.0 also.
The server was not cleaning the last IO error and error number when
resetting slave.
This patch addresses this issue by backporting into 5.1 part of the
patch in BUG 34654. A fix for this issue had already been pushed into
6.0 as part of the aforementioned bug, however the patch also included
some refactoring. The fix for 5.1 does not take into account the
refactoring part.
1. Test case was rewritten completely.
2. Test covers 3 cases:
a) do deadlock on slave, wait retries of transaction, unlock slave before lock
b) do deadlock on slave and wait error 'lock timeout exceed' on slave;
c) same as b) but if of max relay log size = 0;
3. Added comments inline.
4. Updated result file.
LOAD_FILE is not safe to replicate in STATEMENT mode, because it
depends on a file (which is loaded on master and may not exist in
slave(s)). This leads to scenarios on which the slave replicates the
statement with 'load_file' and it will try to load the file from local
file system. Given that the file may not exist in the slave filesystem
the operation will not succeed (probably returning NULL), causing
master and slave(s) to diverge. However, when using MIXED mode
replication, this can be made to work, if the statement including
LOAD_FILE is marked as unsafe, triggering a switch to ROW mode,
meaning that the contents of the file are written to binlog as row
events. Consequently, the contents from the file in the master will
reach the slave via the binlog.
This patch addresses this bug by marking the load_file function as
unsafe. When in mixed mode and when LOAD_FILE is issued, there will be
a switch to row mode. Furthermore, when in statement mode, the
LOAD_FILE will raise a warning that the statement is unsafe in that
TRUNCATE TABLE fails to replicate when stmt-based binlogging is not supported.
There were two separate problems with the code, both of which are fixed with
this patch:
1. An error was printed by InnoDB for TRUNCATE TABLE in statement mode when
the in isolation levels READ COMMITTED and READ UNCOMMITTED since InnoDB
does permit statement-based replication for DML statements. However,
the TRUNCATE TABLE is not transactional, but is a DDL, and should therefore
be allowed to be replicated as a statement.
2. The statement was not logged in mixed mode because of the error above, but
the error was not reported to the client.
This patch fixes the problem by treating TRUNCATE TABLE a DDL, that is, it is
always logged as a statement and not reporting an error from InnoDB for TRUNCATE
Documented behaviour was broken by the patch for bug 33699
that actually is not a bug.
This fix reverts patch for bug 33699 and reverts the
UPDATE of NOT NULL field with NULL query to old
Remove size of binlog file from SHOW BINARY LOGS.
Changing size of binlog file is an affect of adding or removing events to/from
binlog and it can be checked in next command of test: SHOW BINLOG EVENTS.
For SHOW BINARY LOGS statement enough to show the list of file names.
Text conflict in client/
Text conflict in mysql-test/include/
Text conflict in mysql-test/lib/
Text conflict in mysql-test/
Text conflict in mysql-test/r/events_bugs.result
Text conflict in mysql-test/r/log_state.result
Text conflict in mysql-test/r/myisam_data_pointer_size_func.result
Text conflict in mysql-test/r/mysqlcheck.result
Text conflict in mysql-test/r/query_cache.result
Text conflict in mysql-test/r/status.result
Text conflict in mysql-test/suite/binlog/r/binlog_index.result
Text conflict in mysql-test/suite/binlog/r/binlog_innodb.result
Text conflict in mysql-test/suite/rpl/r/rpl_packet.result
Text conflict in mysql-test/suite/rpl/t/rpl_packet.test
Text conflict in mysql-test/t/disabled.def
Text conflict in mysql-test/t/events_bugs.test
Text conflict in mysql-test/t/log_state.test
Text conflict in mysql-test/t/myisam_data_pointer_size_func.test
Text conflict in mysql-test/t/mysqlcheck.test
Text conflict in mysql-test/t/query_cache.test
Text conflict in mysql-test/t/rpl_init_slave_func.test
Text conflict in mysql-test/t/status.test
The next number (AUTO_INCREMENT) field of the table for write
rows events are not initialized, and cause some engines (innodb)
not correctly update the tables's auto_increment value.
This patch fixed this problem by honor next number fields if present.
Added cleanup of status variables to the end of binlog_database.
Re-recorded .result file to account for cleanup statement.
NOTE: binlog.binlog_innodb also has had an FLUSH STATUS; statement added to it as well, but
adding this cleanup as a preventative measure.
Problem 1: The test waits for an error in the slave sql thread,
then resolves the error and issues 'start slave'. However, there
is a gap between when the error is reported and the slave sql
thread stops. If this gap was long, the slave would still be
running when 'start slave' happened, so 'start slave' would fail
and cause a test failure.
Fix 1: Made wait_for_slave_sql_error wait for the slave to stop
instead of wait for error in the IO thread. After stopping, the
error code is verified. If the error code is wrong, debug info
is printed. To print debug info, the debug printing code in was moved out to a new file,
Problem 2: rpl_stm_mystery22 is a horrible name, the comments in
the file didn't explain anything useful, the test was generally
hard to follow, and the test was essentially duplicated between
rpl_stm_mystery22 and rpl_row_mystery22.
Fix 2: The test is about conflicts in the slave SQL thread,
hence I renamed the tests to rpl_{stm,row}_conflicts. Refactored
the test so that the work is done in
extra/rpl_tests/, and
rpl.rpl_{row,stm}_conflicts merely sets some variables and then
sourced extra/rpl_tests/
The tests have been rewritten and comments added.
Problem 3: When calling, you always
want to verify that the sql thread stops because of the expected
error and not because of some other error. Currently, allows the caller to omit the error
code, in which case all error codes are accepted.
Fix 3: Made fail if no error code
is given. Updated rpl_filter_tables_not_exist accordingly.
Problem 4: rpl_filter_tables_not_exist had a typo, the dollar
sign was missing in a 'let' statement.
Fix 4: Added dollar sign.
Problem 5: When replicating from other servers than the one named
'master', the wait_for_slave_* macros were unable to print debug
info on the master.
Fix 5: Replace parameter $slave_keep_connection by
where timeout can happen:
1. Added waiting start/stop slave to make sure that slave works properly.
2. Added cleanup for slave.
3. Updated related result files.
Problem: Many test cases don't clean up after themselves (fail
to drop tables or fail to reset variables). This implies that:
(1) check-testcase in the new mtr that currently lives in
5.1-rpl failed. (2) it may cause unexpected results in
subsequent tests.
Fix: make all tests clean up.
Also: cleaned away unnecessary output in rpl_packet.result
Also: fixed bug where rpl_log called RESET MASTER with a running
slave. This is not supposed to work.
Also: removed unnecessary code from rpl_stm_EE_err2 and made it
verify that an error occurred.
Also: removed unnecessary code from rpl_ndb_ctype_ucs2_def.
In certain situations, a scan of the table will return the error
code HA_ERR_RECORD_DELETED, and this error code is not
correctly caught in the Rows_log_event::find_row() function, which
causes an error to be returned for this case.
This patch fixes the problem by adding code to either ignore the
record and continuing with the next one, the the event of a table
scan, or change the error code to HA_ERR_KEY_NOT_FOUND, in the event
that a key lookup is attempted.
The code to get read the value of a system variable was extracting its value
on PREPARE stage and was substituting the value (as a constant) into the parse tree.
Note that this must be a reversible transformation, i.e. it must be reversed before
each re-execution.
Unfortunately this cannot be reliably done using the current code, because there are
other non-reversible source tree transformations that can interfere with this
reversible transformation.
Fixed by not resolving the value at PREPARE, but at EXECUTE (as the rest of the
functions operate). Added a cache of the value (so that it's constant throughout
the execution of the query). Note that the cache also caches NULL values.
Updated an obsolete related test suite (variables-big) and the code to test the
result type of system variables (as per bug 74).
The Blackhole engine did not support row-based replication
since the delete_row(), update_row(), and the index and range
searching functions were not implemented.
This patch adds row-based replication support for the
Blackhole engine by implementing the two functions mentioned
above, and making the engine pretend that it has found the
correct row to delete or update when executed from the slave
SQL thread by implementing index and range searching functions.
It is necessary to only pretend this for the SQL thread, since
a SELECT executed on the Blackhole engine will otherwise never
return EOF, causing a livelock.
The size of the Innodb_buffer_pool_pages differs by one byte on row versus statement
log, so neuter the last position of the stringified decimal representation. Innobase
says the size isn't very important in any case.
Also, split out the "mixed" format to its own file, as mtr seems to dislike having only
stm and row but not mix.
The assertion indicates that some data was left in the transaction
cache when the server was shut down, which means that a previous
statement did not commit or rollback correctly.
What happened was that a bug in the rollback of a transactional
table caused the transaction cache to be emptied, but not reset.
The error can be triggered by having a failing UPDATE or INSERT,
on a transactional table, causing an implicit rollback.
Fixed by always flushing the pending event to reset the state