The bug report has demonstrated the following two problems.
1. If an ORDER/GROUP BY list includes a constant expression being
optimized away and, at the same time, containing single-row
subselects that return more that one row, no error is reported.
Strictly speaking the standard allows to ignore error in this case.
Yet, now a corresponding fatal error is reported in this case.
2. If a query requires sorting by expressions containing single-row
subselects that, however, return more than one row, then the execution
of the query may cause a server crash.
To fix this some code has been added that blocks execution of a subselect
item in case of a fatal error in the method Item_subselect::exec.
VALUES() was considered a constant. This caused replacing
(or pre-calculating) it using uninitialized values before the actual
execution takes place.
Mark it as a non-constant (still not dependent of tables) to prevent
the pre-calculation.
can lead to a wrong result.
All date/time functions has the STRING result type thus their results are
compared as strings. The string date representation allows a user to skip
some of leading zeros. This can lead to wrong comparison result if a date/time
function result is compared to such a string constant.
The idea behind this bug fix is to compare results of date/time functions
and data/time constants as ints, because that date/time representation is
more exact. To achieve this the agg_cmp_type() is changed to take in the
account that a date/time field or an date/time item should be compared
as ints.
This bug fix is partially back ported from 5.0.
The agg_cmp_type() function now accepts THD as one of parameters.
In addition, it now checks if a date/time field/function is present in the
list. If so, it tries to coerce all constants to INT to make date/time
comparison return correct result. The field for the constant coercion is
taken from the Item_field or constructed from the Item_func. In latter case
the constructed field will be freed after conversion of all constant items.
Otherwise the result is same as before - aggregated with help of the
item_cmp_type() function.
From the Item_func_between::fix_length_and_dec() function removed the part
which was converting date/time constants to int if possible. Now this is
done by the agg_cmp_type() function.
The new function result_as_longlong() is added to the Item class.
It indicates that the item is a date/time item and result of it can be
compared as int. Such items are date/time fields/functions.
Correct val_int() methods are implemented for classes Item_date_typecast,
Item_func_makedate, Item_time_typecast, Item_datetime_typecast. All these
classes are derived from Item_str_func and Item_str_func::val_int() converts
its string value to int without regard to the date/time type of these items.
Arg_comparator::set_compare_func() and Arg_comparator::set_cmp_func()
functions are changed to substitute result type of an item with the INT_RESULT
if the item is a date/time item and another item is a constant. This is done
to get a correct result of comparisons like date_time_function() = string_constant.
In the code that converts IN predicates to EXISTS predicates it is changing
the select list elements to constant 1. Example :
is transformed to :
However there can be no FROM clause in the IN subquery and it may not be
a simple select : SELECT ... FROM ... WHERE a IN (SELECT f(..) AS
c UNION SELECT ...) This query is transformed to : SELECT ... FROM ...
x HAVING a = c) In the above query c in the HAVING clause is made to be
an Item_null_helper (a subclass of Item_ref) pointing to the real
Item_field (which is not referenced anywhere else in the query anymore).
This is done because Item_ref_null_helper collects information whether
there are NULL values in the result. This is OK for directly executed
statements, because the Item_field pointed by the Item_null_helper is
already fixed when the transformation is done. But when executed as
a prepared statement all the Item instances are "un-fixed" before the
recompilation of the prepared statement. So when the Item_null_helper
gets fixed it discovers that the Item_field it points to is not fixed
and issues an error. The remedy is to keep the original select list
references when there are no tables in the FROM clause. So the above
AS c UNION SELECT ...) x HAVING a = c) In this way c is referenced
directly in the select list as well as by reference in the HAVING
clause. So it gets correctly fixed even with prepared statements. And
since the Item_null_helper subclass of Item_ref_null_helper is not used
anywhere else it's taken out.
In cp932, '\' character can be the second byte in a
multi-byte character stream. This makes it difficult to use
mysql_escape_string. Added flag to indicate which languages allow
'\' as second byte of multibyte sequence so that when putting a prepared
statement into the binlog we can decide at runtime whether hex encoding
is really needed.
Adding Item_param::safe_charset_converter,
not to return collation mix error if
parameter can be converted into operation
character set.
adding test case
adding test case
Adding test
Adding a call for collation/charset aggregation,
to collect attributes from the arguments. The actual bug fix.
item_func.h,, item.h,
- Removing collation aggrgation functions from Item_func class
in, and adding it as non-class functions in
to be able to reuse this code for group_concat.
- Adding replacement for these functions into Item_func class
as wrappers for moved functions, to minizize patch size,
data": remove the fix for another bug (8807) that
added OUTER_REF_TABLE_BIT to all subqueries that used a placeholder
to prevent their evaluation at prepare. As this bit hanged in
Item_subselect::used_tables_cache for ever, a constant subquery with
a placeholder was never evaluated as such, which caused wrong
choice of the execution plan for the statement.
- to fix Bug#8807 backport a better fix from 5.0
- post-review fixes.
adding test case
- do not create a new item when charsets are the same
- return ER_INVALID_DEFAULT if default value cannot
be converted into the column character set.
- Allow conversion not only to Unicode,
but also to and from "binary".
- Adding safe_charset_converter() for Item_num
and Item_varbinary, returning a fixed const Item.
#9728 'Decreased functionality in "on duplicate key update
#8147 'a column proclaimed ambigous in INSERT ... SELECT .. ON DUPLICATE'
This ensures fields are uniquely qualified and also that one can't update other tables in the ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE part
Remove changes made by bug fix#8147. They strips list of insert_table_list to
only insert table, which results in error reported in bug #9728.
Added flag to Item to resolve ambigous fields reported in bug #8147.
Fixed bug #11088: a crash for queries with GROUP BY a BLOB column
+ COUNT(DISTINCT...) due to an attempt to allocate a too large
buffer for the BLOB field.
Now the size of the buffer is limited by max_sort_length.
group_by.test, group_by.result:
Added a test case for bug #11088.
records if prepared statements is used".
This fix changes equality evaluation method of basic constants from
by-name to by-value, thus effectively enabling use of parameter markers
in some optimizations (constants propagation, evaluation of possible
keys for query).
Produce warnings of wrong cast of strings to signed/unsigned.
Don't block not resolved IP's if DNS server is down (Bug #8467)
Fix compiler problems with MinGW (Bug #8872)
- Add function Item_param::fix_fields which will update any subselect they are part of and indicate that the subsleect is not const during prepare phase, and thus should not be executed during prepare.
Added a test case for bug #8616.
Fixed bug #8616.
Added class Item_null_result used in rollup processing.
Fixed bug #8616.
Added JOIN::rollup_write_data to cover rollup queries
with DISTINCT. Modified other rollup methods.
fixing test results accordingly.
New test that illegal mix of collations does not happen anymore.
safe_charset_converter() was added for system constants.
safe_charset_converter() was added for system constants., item.h,
Bug#8291: Illegal collation mix with USER() function.
After discussion with PeterG and Serge, a new coercibility
level for "system constants" was introduced, between
SELECT col1 = USER() FROM t1; - is done according to col1 collation.
SELECT 'string' = USER(); - is done according to USER() collation.
At the same time, "nagg" and "strong" members were removed as unused.
Version is a system constant too.
Change string->float conversion to delay division as long as possible.
This gives us more exact integer->float conversion for numbers of type '123.45E+02' (Bug #7740)
Revised the fix for bug #7098.
Corrected the method Item_string::new_item.
Revised the fix for bug #7098.
Aborted the previous modifications.
delete is declared. As we don't use exceptions placement delete is never
called and the fix only affects numerous warnings when
compiling with MS Visual C++.
For more info see
Ensure that references in HAVING, ORDER BY or GROUP BY are calculated after fields in SELECT.
This will ensure that any reference to these has a valid value.
Generalized the code for split_sum_func()
* Added Item_ref::set_properties
* Item_ref::Item_ref now expects to get in *item either
NULL - then fix_fields() will be called later or
ptr to Item it will refer to - then an equivalent of fix_fields() call is performed