Some places didn't match the previous rules, making the Floor
address wrong.
Additional sed rules:
sed -i -e 's/Place.*Suite .*, Boston/Street, Fifth Floor, Boston/g'
sed -i -e 's/Suite .*, Boston/Fifth Floor, Boston/g'
This commit is based on the work of Michal Schorm, rebased on the
earliest MariaDB version.
Th command line used to generate this diff was:
find ./ -type f \
-exec sed -i -e 's/Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, /Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, /g' {} \; \
-exec sed -i -e 's/Foundation, Inc. 59 Temple Place.* Suite 330, Boston, /Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, /g' {} \; \
-exec sed -i -e 's/MA.*.....-1307.*USA/MA 02110-1335 USA/g' {} \; \
-exec sed -i -e 's/Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple/Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin/g' {} \; \
-exec sed -i -e 's/Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA.*02111-1307.*USA/Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1335 USA/g' {} \; \
-exec sed -i -e 's/MA.*.....-1307/MA 02110-1335/g' {} \;
The general technique to generate MSI using CMake is taken from MySQL 5.5
Additional features not present in 5.5 installer :
-optionally creating a new database
(as Windows service), using new mysql_install_db.exe to do the job
- optional upgrade of existing services from old MySQL or Maria installation.
This work is actually done by the upgrade wizard that is launched at the
end of installation.