In RBR, DDL statement will change binlog format to non row-based
format before it is binlogged, but the binlog format was not be
restored, and then manipulating a temporary table can not reset binlog
format to row-based format rightly. So that the manipulated statement
is binlogged with statement-based format.
To fix the problem, restore the state of binlog format after the DDL
statement is binlogged.
Added the test file to verify if executing DDL statement before
trying to manipulate a temporary table causes row-based replication
to break with error 'table does not exist'.
Correct the test result, all the above binlog event
should be row-based after the bug49132 is fixed IN RBR.
Test result for bug#49132 base on ndb engine.
Added the test file to verify if executing DDL statement before
trying to manipulate a temporary table causes row-based replication
to break with error 'table does not exist' base on ndb engine.
Test result for bug#49132 base on myisam engine.
Added the test file to verify if executing DDL statement before
trying to manipulate a temporary table causes row-based replication
to break with error 'table does not exist' base on myisam engine.
Added code to restore the state of binlog format after the DDL
statement is binlogged.
Added code to restore the state of binlog format after the DDL
statement is binlogged.
Added code to restore the state of binlog format after the DDL
statement is binlogged.
Added code to restore the state of binlog format after the DDL
statement is binlogged.
Added code to restore the state of binlog format after the DDL
statement is binlogged.
Resetting the master before stopping the slave was generating the message
"[ERROR] Slave I/O: Got fatal error 1236 from master when reading data from
binary log: 'could not find next log', Error_code: 1236". In consequence,
the test case was failing because the message had not been suppressed.
To circumvent the failure, we rewrote the test stopping the slave before
resetting the master. We prefer this alternative rather than suppressing
the message.
It is well-known that due to concurrency issues, a slave can become
inconsistent when a transaction contains updates to both transaction and
non-transactional tables in statement and mixed modes.
In a nutshell, the current code-base tries to preserve causality among the
statements by writing non-transactional statements to the txn-cache which
is flushed upon commit. However, modifications done to non-transactional
tables on behalf of a transaction become immediately visible to other
connections but may not immediately get into the binary log and therefore
consistency may be broken.
In general, it is impossible to automatically detect causality/dependency
among statements by just analyzing the statements sent to the server. This
happen because dependency may be hidden in the application code and it is
necessary to know a priori all the statements processed in the context of
a transaction such as in a procedure. Moreover, even for the few cases that
we could automatically address in the server, the computation effort
required could make the approach infeasible.
So, in this patch we introduce the option
- "--binlog-direct-non-transactional-updates" that can be used to bypass
the current behavior in order to write directly to binary log statements
that change non-transactional tables.
Backported this from Celosia to improve the test cases related to the NTM issue.
Checks the --binlog-direct-non-transactional-updates before choosing
to either use the trxn-cache or not.
Introduces the option --binlog-direct-non-transactional-updates.
Introduces the option --binlog-direct-non-transactional-updates.
Introduces the option --binlog-direct-non-transactional-updates.
Text conflict in .bzr-mysql/default.conf
Text conflict in mysql-test/suite/rpl/r/rpl_loaddata_fatal.result
Text conflict in mysql-test/suite/rpl/r/rpl_stm_log.result
Text conflict in mysql-test/t/mysqlbinlog.test
Text conflict in sql/
Text conflict in sql/
Text conflict in sql/
Text conflict in support-files/
BUG#49481: RBR: MyISAM and bit fields may cause slave to stop on delete:
cant find record
BUG#49482: RBR: Replication may break on deletes when MyISAM tables +
char field are used
When using MyISAM tables, despite the fact that the null bit is
set for some fields, their old value is still in the row. This
can cause the comparison of records to fail when the slave is
doing an index or range scan.
We fix this by avoiding memcmp for MyISAM tables when comparing
records. Additionally, when comparing field by field, we first
check if both fields are not null and if so, then we compare
them. If just one field is null we return failure immediately. If
both fields are null, we move on to the next field.
Problem: When RAND() is binlogged in statement mode, the seed is
binlogged too, so the replication slave generates the same
sequence of random numbers. This makes replication work in many
cases, but not in all cases: the order of rows is not guaranteed
for, e.g., UPDATE or INSERT...SELECT statements, so the row data
will be different if master and slave retrieve the rows in
different orders.
Fix: Mark RAND() as unsafe. It will generate a warning if
binlog_format=STATEMENT and switch to row-logging if
updated test case to ignore new warnings
updated result file
Added test for RAND().
Also clarified some old comments.
updated result file
updated test case to ignore new warnings
updated result file
updated result file
updated test case to ignore new warnings
updated test case to ignore new warnings
updated test case to ignore new warnings
updated test case to ignore new warnings
updated result file
Mark RAND() unsafe.
Manually deleteing one or more entries from 'master-bin.index', will
cause master infinitely loop to send one binlog file.
When starting a dump session, master opens index file and search the binlog file
which is being requested by the slave. The position of the binlog file in the
index file is recorded. it will be used to find the next binlog file when current
binlog file has dumped completely. As only the position is used, it may
not get the correct file if some entries has been removed manually from the index file.
the master will reopen the current binlog file which has been dump completely
and redump it if it can not get the next binlog file's name from index file.
It obviously is a logical error.
Even though it is allowed to manually change index file,
but it is not recommended. so after this patch, master
sends a fatal error to slave and close the dump session if a new binlog file
has been generated and master can not get it from the index file.
For tables with metadata sizes ranging from 251 to 255 the size
of the event data (m_data_size) was being improperly calculated
in the Table_map_log_event constructor. This was due to the fact
that when writing the Table_map_log_event body (in
Table_map_log_event::write_data_body) a call to net_store_length
is made for packing the m_field_metadata_size. It happens that
net_store_length uses *one* byte for storing
m_field_metadata_size when it is smaller than 251 but *three*
bytes when it exceeds that value. BUG 42749 had already
pinpointed and fix this fact, but the fix was incomplete, as the
calculation in the Table_map_log_event constructor considers 255
instead of 251 as the threshold to increment m_data_size by
three. Thence, the window for having a mismatch between the
number of bytes written and the number of bytes accounted in the
event length (m_data_size) was left open for
m_field_metadata_size values between 251 and 255.
We fix this by changing the condition in the Table_map_log_event
constructor to match the one in the net_store_length, ie,
increment one byte if m_field_metadata_size < 251 and three if it
exceeds this value.
Updated result file.
Changes to the original test case: added slave and moved
file into the rpl suite.
New test case: replicates two tables one with 250 and
another with 252 metadata sizes. This exercises the usage
of 1 or 3 bytes while packing the m_field_metadata_size.
Made the m_data_size calculation for the table map log event
to match the number of bytes used while packing the
m_field_metadata_size value (according to net_store_length
function in pack.c).
This bug is the same problem as Bug 49836 for 5.1 versions.
Test case for bug 48776
Test case for bug 48776
Add missing case MYSQL_TYPE_GEOMETRY
In statement-based or mixed-mode replication, use DROP TEMPORARY TABLE
to drop multiple tables causes different errors on master and slave,
when one or more of these tables do not exist. Because when executed
on slave, it would automatically add IF EXISTS to the query to ignore
all ER_BAD_TABLE_ERROR errors.
To fix the problem, do not add IF EXISTS when executing DROP TEMPORARY
TABLE on the slave, and clear the ER_BAD_TABLE_ERROR error after
execution if the query does not expect any errors.
Updated for the patch of bug#49137.
Added the test file to verify if DROP MULTI TEMPORARY TABLE
will cause different errors on master and slave, when one or
more of these tables do not exist.
Added code to handle above cases which are
removed from
Remove the code to issue the 'Unknown table' error,
if the temporary table does not exist when dropping
it on slave. The above cases decribed in comments
will be handled later in
'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ... SELECT' statement were causing 'CREATE
TEMPORARY TABLE ...' to be written to the binary log in row-based
mode (a.k.a. RBR), when there was a temporary table with the same name.
Because the 'CREATE TABLE ... SELECT' statement was executed as
'INSERT ... SELECT' into the temporary table. Since in RBR mode no
other statements related to temporary tables are written into binary log,
this sometimes broke replication.
This patch changes behavior of 'CREATE TABLE [IF NOT EXISTS] ... SELECT ...'.
it ignores existence of temporary table with the
same name as table being created and is interpreted
as attempt to create/insert into base table. This makes behavior of
'CREATE TABLE [IF NOT EXISTS] ... SELECT' consistent with
how ordinary 'CREATE TABLE' and 'CREATE TABLE ... LIKE' behave.
Conflict adding files to server-tools. Created directory.
Conflict because server-tools is not versioned, but has versioned children. Versioned directory.
Conflict adding files to server-tools/instance-manager. Created directory.
Conflict because server-tools/instance-manager is not versioned, but has versioned children. Versioned directory.
Contents conflict in server-tools/instance-manager/
Contents conflict in server-tools/instance-manager/
Contents conflict in server-tools/instance-manager/
Contents conflict in server-tools/instance-manager/
When the $diff_statement variable for was
put in multiple lines, the rear part of the statement would be
missing when being executed on Windows systems.
Fixed the problem by always putting the value for $diff_statement
in one line.
putting the statement for $diff_statement variable in one line.
The bug is caused by a race condition between the
INSERT DELAYED thread and the client thread's FLUSH TABLE. The
FLUSH TABLE does not guarantee (as is (wrongly) suggested in the
test case) that the INSERT DELAYED is ever executed. The
execution of the test case will thus not be deterministic.
The fix has been to do a deterministic verification that both
threads are complete by checking the content of the table.
This test case tests a circular replication of four hosts.
The replicate is slow and needs more time to replicate all data in the circle.
The time it spends to replicate, sometimes, is longer than the time that spends to wait that all data has been replicated. This
cause sporadical failure of this test case.
This patch uses sync_slave_with_master to ensure that all data can be replicated
successfully in the circle.
'LOAD DATA CONCURRENT [LOCAL] INFILE ...' statment only is binlogged as
'LOAD DATA [LOCAL] INFILE ...' in SBR and MBR. As a result, if replication is on,
queries on slaves will be blocked by the replication SQL thread.
This patch write code to write 'CONCURRENT' into the log event if 'CONCURRENT' option
is in the original statement in SBR and MBR.
This fix changes the character set used within the
IBMDB2I handler to hash table names to information
about open tables. Previously, tables with names
that differed only in letter case would hash to the
same data structure. This caused incorrect behavior
or errors when two such tables were in use simultaneously.
Bug#49329 example (and other) engines use wrong collation for open tables hash
Result file for the test case.
Bug#49329 example (and other) engines use wrong collation for open tables hash
Test case for the bug fix.
Bug#49329 example (and other) engines use wrong collation for open tables hash
change the character set used within the IBMDB2I
handler to hash table names to information about
open tables.
The master would hit an assertion when binary log was
active. This was due to the fact that the thread's diagnostics
area was being cleared before writing to the binlog,
independently of mysql_routine_grant returning an error or
not. When mysql_routine_grant was to return an error, the return
value and the diagnostics area contents would
mismatch. Consequently, neither my_ok would be called nor an
error would be signaled in the diagnostics area, eventually
triggering the assertion in net_end_statement.
We fix this by not clearing the diagnostics area at binlogging
escaped field names
When in mixed or statement mode, the master logs LOAD DATA
queries by resorting to an Execute_load_query_log_event. This
event does not contain the original query, but a rewritten
version of it, which includes the table field names. However, the
rewrite does not escape the field names. If these names match a
reserved keyword, then the slave will stop with a syntax error
when executing the event.
We fix this by escaping the fields names as it happens already
for the table name.
Added test case for the reported bug.
Changed result to support escaped field name.
Changed result to support escaped field name.
Changed result to support escaped field name.
Changed result to support escaped field name.
Changed result to support escaped field name.
Changed result to support escaped field name.
Added result for new test.
Changed show slave status positions which are now different because of
extra escape character in field names.
Changed show slave status positions which are now different because of
extra escape character.
Changed result to support escaped field name.
Changed result to support escaped field name.
Changed positions which is now different because of extra escape
character in field names.
Appended escape characters before and after field names.