Problem: passing a non-constant name to the NAME_CONST function results in a crash.
Fix: check the NAME_CONST name argument; return fake item type if we got
non-constant argument(s).
Index lookup does not always guarantee that we can
simply remove the relevant conditions from the WHERE
clause. Reasons can be e.g. conversion errors,
partial indexes etc.
The optimizer was removing these parts of the WHERE
condition without any further checking.
This leads to "false positives" when using indexes.
Fixed by checking the index reference conditions
(using WHERE) when using indexes with sub-queries.
Problem: caching 00000000-00000099 dates as integer values we're
improperly shifting them up twice in the get_datetime_value().
Fix: don't shift cached DATETIME values up for the second time.
After adding an index the <VARBINARY> IN (SELECT <BINARY> ...)
clause returned a wrong result: the VARBINARY value was illegally padded
with zero bytes to the length of the BINARY column for the index search.
(<VARBINARY>, ...) IN (SELECT <BINARY>, ... ) clauses are affected too.
variable in where clause.
Problem: the new_item() method of Item_uint used an incorrect
constructor. "new Item_uint(name, max_length)" calls
Item_uint::Item_uint(const char *str_arg, uint length) which assumes the
first argument to be the string representation of the value, not the
item's name. This could result in either a server crash or incorrect
results depending on usage scenarios.
Fixed by using the correct constructor in new_item():
Item_uint::Item_uint(const char *str_arg, longlong i, uint length).
Since, as of MySQL 5.0.15, CHAR() arguments larger than 255 are converted into multiple result bytes, a single CHAR() argument can now take up to 4 bytes. This patch fixes Item_func_char::fix_length_and_dec() to take this into account.
This patch also fixes a regression introduced by the patch for bug21513. As now we do not always have the 'name' member of Item set for Item_hex_string and Item_bin_string, an own print() method has been added to Item_hex_string so that it could correctly be printed by Item_func::print_args().
Bug#30982 CHAR(..USING..) can return a not-well-formed string
Bug#30986 Character set introducer followed by a HEX string can return bad result
check_well_formed_result moved to Item from Item_str_func
fixed Item_func_char::val_str for proper ucs symbols converting
added check for well formed strings for correct conversion of constants with underscore
We use get_geometry_type() call to decide the exact type
of a geometry field to be created (POINT, POLYGON etc)
Though this function was only implemented for few items.
In the bug's case we need to call this function for the
Item_sum instance, where it was not implemented, what is
the reason of the crash.
Fixed by implementing virtual Item::get_geometry_type(),
so it can be called for any Item.
The NAME_CONST function is required to work correctly with constants only.
When executed with functions that return types other than those returned by
Item::field_type (string, int, decimal, or real), the result gets cast to
one of those types. This cannot happen for constants.
Fixed by only allowing constants as arguments to NAME_CONST.
- Introduced val_int_endpoint() function which converts between func
argument intervals and func value intervals for monotonic functions.
- Made partition interval analyzer use part_expr->val_int_endpoint()
to check if the edge values should be included.
(Regression, caused by a patch for the bug 22646).
Problem: when result type of date_format() was changed from
binary string to character string, mixing date_format()
with a ascii column in CONCAT() stopped to work.
- adding "repertoire" flag into DTCollation class,
to mark items which can return only pure ASCII strings.
- allow character set conversion from pure ASCII to other character sets.
--long-query-time is now given in seconds with microseconds as decimals
--min_examined_row_limit added for slow query log
long_query_time user variable is now double with 6 decimals
Added functions to get time in microseconds
Added faster time() functions for system that has gethrtime() (Solaris)
We now do less time() calls.
Added field->in_read_set() and field->in_write_set() for easier field manipulation by handlers and my_getopt() can now handle DOUBLE variables.
All time() calls changed to my_time()
my_time() now does retry's if time() call fails.
Added debug function for stopping in mysql_admin_table() when tables are locked
Some trivial function and struct variable renames to avoid merge errors.
Fixed compiler warnings
Initialization of some time variables on windows moved to my_init()
SP with local variables with non-ASCII names crashed the server.
The server replaces SP local variable names with NAME_CONST calls
when putting statements into the binary log. It used UTF8-encoded
item names as variable names for the replacement inside NAME_CONST
calls. However, statement string may be encoded by any
known character set by the SET NAMES statement.
The server used byte length of UTF8-encoded names to increment
the position in the query string that led to array index overrun.
Item_func_user doesn't calculate anything in it's val_str() method,
just returns saved str_value.
Though Item::save_in_field method can destroy str_value, relying on
val_str() return. As a result we get the garbage stored in field.
We cannot use Item::save_in_field implementation for Item_func_user,
reimplement it in simpler way.
causes full table lock on innodb table.
Also fixes Bug#28502 Triggers that update another innodb table
will block on X lock unnecessarily (duplciate).
Code review fixes.
Both bugs' synopses are misleading: InnoDB table is
not X locked. The statements, however, cannot proceed concurrently,
but this happens due to lock conflicts for tables used in triggers,
not for the InnoDB table.
If a user had an InnoDB table, and two triggers, AFTER UPDATE and
AFTER INSERT, competing for different resources (e.g. two distinct
MyISAM tables), then these two triggers would not be able to execute
concurrently. Moreover, INSERTS/UPDATES of the InnoDB table would
not be able to run concurrently.
The problem had other side-effects (see respective bug reports).
This behavior was a consequence of a shortcoming of the pre-locking
algorithm, which would not distinguish between different DML operations
(e.g. INSERT and DELETE) and pre-lock all the tables
that are used by any trigger defined on the subject table.
The idea of the fix is to extend the pre-locking algorithm to keep track,
for each table, what DML operation it is used for and not
load triggers that are known to never be fired.
The need arose when working on Bug 26141, where it became
necessary to replace TABLE_LIST with its forward declaration in a few
headers, and this involved a lot of s/TABLE_LIST/st_table_list/.
Although other workarounds exist, this patch is in line
with our general strategy of moving away from typedef-ed names.
Sometime in future we might also rename TABLE_LIST to follow the
coding style, but this is a huge change.
This bug may manifest itself for select queries over a multi-table view
that includes an ORDER BY clause in its definition. If the select list of
the query contains references to the same view column with different
aliases the names of the columns in the result output will be nevertheless
the same, coinciding with one of the alias.
The bug happened because the method Item_ref::get_tmp_table_item that
was inherited by the class Item_direct_view_ref ignored the fact that
the name of the view column reference must be inherited by the fields
of the temporary table that was created in order to get the result rows
Actually, the bug discovers two problems:
- the original query is not preserved properly. This is the problem
of BUG#16291;
- the resultset of SHOW CREATE TABLE statement is binary.
This patch fixes the second problem for the 5.0.
Both problems will be fixed in 5.1.