- Moved the definitions of the classes to store data from persistent
statistical tables into statistics.h, leaving in other internal
data structures only references to the corresponding objects.
- Defined class Column_statistics_collected derived from the class
Column_statistics. This is a helper class to collect statistics
on columns.
- Moved references to read statistics to TABLE SHARE, leaving the
the reference to the collected statistics in TABLE.
- Added a new clone method for the class Field allowing to clone
fields attached to table shares. It was was used to create
fields for min/max values in the memory of the table share.
A lso:
- Added procedures to allocate memory for statistical data in
the table share memory and in table memory.
- Added a test case demonstrating how ANALYZE could work in parallel
to collect statistics on different indexes of the same table.
- Added a test two demonstrate how two connections working
simultaneously could allocate memory for statistical data in the
table share memory.
Now partition engine adds underlying tables to the QC and ask underlying tables engine permittion to cache the query and return result of the query.
Incorrect QC cleanup in case of table registration failure fixe.
Unified interface for myisammrg & partitioned engnes for QC.
Now when a table is dropped the statistics on the table is removed
from the statistical tables. If the table is altered in such a way
that a column is dropped or the type of the column is changed then
statistics on the column is removed from the table column_stat.
It also triggers removal of the statistics on the indexes who use
this column as its component.
Added procedures that changes the names of the tables or columns
in the statistical tables for.
These procedures are used when tables/columns are renamed.
Also partly re-factored the code that introduced the persistent
statistical tables.
Added test cases into statistics.test to cover the new code.
1. Clear text password client plugin disabled by default.
2. Added an environment variable LIBMYSQL_ENABLE_CLEARTEXT_PLUGIN, that
when set to something starting with '1', 'Y' or 'y' will enable the clear
plugin for all connections.
3. Added a new mysql_options() option : MYSQL_ENABLE_CLEARTEXT_PLUGIN
that takes an my_bool argument. When the value of the argument is non-zero
the clear text plugin is enabled for this connection only.
4. Added an enable-cleartext-plugin config file option that takes a numeric
argument. If the numeric value of the numeric argument is non-zero the
text plugin is enabled for the connection
5. Added a boolean command line option "--enable_cleartext_plugin" to
mysql, mysqlslap and mysqladmin. When specified it will call mysql_options
with the effect of #3
6. Added a new CLEARTEXT option to the connect command in mysqltest.
When specified it will enable the cleartext plugin for usage.
7. Added test cases and updated existing ones that need the clear text
Print the warning(note):
YEAR(x) is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please use YEAR(4) instead
on "CREATE TABLE ... YEAR(x)" or "ALTER TABLE MODIFY ... YEAR(x)", where x != 4
TABLE_LIST::check_single_table made aware about fact that now if table attached to a merged view it can be (unopened) temporary table
(in 5.2 it was always leaf table or non (in case of several tables)).
mysql.column_stat, mysql.table_stat for the type DECIMAL(12,4).
When cached the values from these columns are multiplied by factor 10^5
and stored as ulong numbers now.
make sure that find_date_time_item() is called before agg_arg_charsets_for_comparison().
optimize Item_func_conv_charset to avoid conversion if no string result is needed
The fix for bug lp:985667 implements the method Item_subselect::no_rows_in_result()
for all main kinds of subqueries. The purpose of this method is to be called from
return_zero_rows() and set Items to some default value in the case when a query
returns no rows. Aggregates and subqueries require special treatment in this case.
Every implementation of Item_subselect::no_rows_in_result() called
Item_subselect::make_const() to set the subquery predicate to its default value
irrespective of where the predicate was located in the query. Once the predicate
was set to a constant it was never executed.
At the same time, the JOIN object of the fake select for UNIONs (the one used for
the final result of the UNION), was set after all subqueries in the union were
executed. Since we set the subquery as constant, it was never executed, and the
corresponding JOIN was never created.
In order to decide whether the result of NOT IN is NULL or FALSE, Item_in_optimizer
needs to check if the subquery result was empty or not. This is where we got the
crash, because subselect_union_engine::no_rows() checks for
unit->fake_select_lex->join->send_records, and the join object was NULL.
If a subquery is in the HAVING clause it must be evaluated in order to know its
result, so that we can properly filter the result records. Once subqueries in the
HAVING clause are executed even in the case of no result rows, this specific
crash will be solved, because the UNION will be executed, and its JOIN will be
constructed. Therefore the fix for this crash is to narrow the fix for lp:985667,
and to apply Item_subselect::no_rows_in_result() only when the subquery predicate
is in the SELECT clause.
The class Item_func missed an implementation of the virtual
function update_null_value.
Back-ported the fix for bug 62125 from mysql 5.6 code line.
The test case was also back-ported.
Queries with implicit grouping (there is aggregate, but no group by)
follow some non-obvious semantics in the case of empty result set.
Aggregate functions produce some special "natural" value depending on
the function. For instance MIN/MAX return NULL, COUNT returns 0.
The complexity comes from non-aggregate expressions in the select list.
If the non-aggregate expression is a constant, it can be computed, so
we should return its value, however if the expression is non-constant,
and depends on columns from the empty result set, then the only meaningful
value is NULL.
The cause of the wrong result was that for subqueries the optimizer didn't
make a difference between constant and non-constant ones in the case of
empty result for implicit grouping.
In all implementations of Item_subselect::no_rows_in_result() check if the
subquery predicate is constant. If it is constant, do not set it to the
default value for implicit grouping, instead let it be evaluated.
The bug prevented acceptance of UNION queries whose non-first select
clauses contained join expressions with degenerated single-table nests
as valid queries.
The bug was introduced into mysql-5.5 code line by the patch for
bug 33204.
Fixed MDEV-331: last_insert_id() returns a signed number
Added test case
Added test case
Changed last_insert_id() to be unsigned.
When the method JOIN::choose_subquery_plan() decided to apply
the IN-TO-EXISTS strategy, it set the unit and select_lex
uncacheable flag to UNCACHEABLE_DEPENDENT_INJECTED unconditionally.
As result, even if IN-TO-EXISTS injected non-correlated predicates,
the subquery was still treated as correlated.
Set the subquery as correlated only if the injected predicate(s) depend
on the outer query.