Re-enabling this test in 5.1 tree since the bug that caused disabling
(Bug#33696 CSV storage engine allows nullable colums via ALTER TABLE statements)
doesn't appear in 5.1 (6.0 only)
Recorded .result file and removed test from the main.disabled.def file.
GLOBAL STATUS is calculated by studying the list of threads. In the
embedded server threads were not linked to the internal list, so the
calculation always returns 0. Fixed by 'linking' the embedded-server
threads to the same list
per-file comments:
Bug#34517 SHOW GLOBAL STATUS does not work properly in embedded server.
Add newly created 'threads' to the internal thread list.
Remove them from the list as they're freed.
Bug#34517 SHOW GLOBAL STATUS does not work properly in embedded server.
test result
Bug#34517 SHOW GLOBAL STATUS does not work properly in embedded server.
test case added
Item_func_div didn't calculate the precision of the result properly.
The result of 5/0.0001 is 5000 so we have to add decimals of the divisor
to the planned precision.
per-file comments:
Bug#31616 div_precision_increment description looks wrong
test result fixed
Bug#31616 div_precision_increment description looks wrong
test case
Bug#31616 div_precision_increment description looks wrong
precision must be increased with args[1]->decimals parameter
The function thd_security_context allocates memory on an unprotected MEM_ROOT if the
message length becomes longer than requested and the initial buffer memory needs to
be reallocated.
This patch fixes the design error by copying parts of the reallocated buffer
to the destination buffer. This works because the destination buffer isn't
owned by the String object and thus isn't freed when a new buffer is allocated.
Any new memory allocated by the String object is reclaimed when the object
is destroyed at the end of the function call.
missing after downgrade
Obsolete arc/ directory and view .frm file backup support
has been removed by the patch for bug 17823. However, that
bugfix caused a problem with "live downgrades" of the
server: if we rename some view 4 times under 5.1.29/5.0.72
and then try to rename it under 5.1.28/5.0.70 on the same
database, the server fails with a error:
query 'RENAME TABLE ... TO ...' failed: 6: Error on
delete of '....frm-0001' (Errcode: 2)
Also .frm file of that view may be lost (renamed to .frm~).
The server failed because it tried to rename latest 3
backup .frm files renaming the view: the server used an
integer value of the "revision" field of .frm file to
extract those file names. After the fix for bug 17823 those
files were not created/maintained any more, however the
"revision" field was incremented as usual. So, the server
failed renaming non existent files.
This fix solves the problem by removing the support for
"revision" .frm file field:
1. New server silently ignores existent "revision" fields
in old .frm files and never write it down;
2. Old server assumes, that missing "revision" field in new
.frm files means default value of 0.
3. Accordingly to the fix for bug 17823 the new server
drops arc/ directory on alter/rename view, so after
"live downgrade" old server begins maintenance of the
arc/ directory from scratch without conflicts with .frm
tables can cause server to crash!
The bug will be fixed by patch for #34779: "crash in checksum table
on federated tables with blobs containing nulls"
Only a test case commited.
when InnoDB frm file corruption
Problem: mysqlcheck runs 'SHOW FULL TABLE' queries to get table lists.
The query may fail for some reasons (e.g. null .frm file) then
mysqlcheck doesn't process the database tables.
Fix: try to run 'SHOW TABLES' if 'SHOW FULL TABLES' failed.
The problem appears to be a race condition, when service is being
stopped right after startup. We set the service status to SERVICE_RUNNING
way too early it cannot yet handle stop requests - initialization has
not finished and hEventShutdown that signals server to stop is not yet
created. If somebody issues "net stop MySQL" at this time, MySQL is not
informed about the stop and continues to run as usual, while
NTService::ServiceMain() stucks forever waiting for mysql's "main" thread
to finish.
Solution is to remain in SERVICE_START_PENDING status until after server
initialization is fully complete and only then change the status to
SERVICE_RUNNING. In SERVICE_START_PENDING we do not accept service control
requests, i.e it is not possible to stop service in that time.
Reordered include files so that no mess will be left if this test is run without InnoDB
Previously, this test would leave a database named 'federated' in such a case and would
cause tests that examined existing databases to fail.
VARIABLE_VALUE field is decreased to 1024 symbols.
The only variable which can be longer than 1024 is
init_connect. The variable will be truncated with warning.
Additional fix:
Added where condition filter which speed up queries which
have where condition with expressions which use VARIABLE_NAME
changed 'charset', 'collation' field length from 64 to MY_CS_NAME_SIZE(32)
in tables:
Occurred with EXTRA_DEBUG on windows.
Problem was insufficient length of a local variable that stored path names.
Solution was to use the correct length.
With fix for bug 25951 index hints are ignored for fulltext
searches, as handling of fulltext indexes is different from
handling regular indexes. Meaning it is not possible to
implement true index hints support for fulltext indexes within
the scope of current fulltext architecture.
The problem is that prior to fix for bug 25951, some useful
index hints still could be given for boolean mode searches.
This patch implements special index hints support for fulltext
indexes with the following characteristics:
- all index hints are still ignored for NLQ mode searches -
it cannot work without an index;
- for 5.1 and up index hints FOR ORDER BY and FOR GROUP BY are
still ignored for fulltext indexes;
- boolean mode searches honor USE/FORCE/IGNORE INDEX hints;
- as opposed to index hints for regular indexes, index hints
for fulltext BOOLEAN mode searches affect the usage of the
index for the whole query.
mysql_config did not output -ldl (or equivalent) when needed for --libmysqld-libs,
so its output could be insufficient to build an application using the embedded
LIBDL was already set in configure; it's now propagated all the way into the
relevant mysql_config scripts.
japanese characters.
Fix - removed obsolvete setlocale from my_init.c . In MBCS
environments it caused unwanted character-to-byte translations
in fputc() in client code and wrong output as result.
on tables with partitions
Problem was that the handler function try_semi_consistent_read
was not propagated to the innodb handler.
Solution was to implement that function in the partitioning
Innodb monitor could cause a server crash because of invalid access to a
shared variable in a concurrent environment.
This patch adds a guard to protect against crashes but not against
inconsistent values because of performance reasons.