The table->auto_increment_field_not_null variable wasn't reset after
reading a row which may lead to inserting a wrong value to the auto-increment
field to the following row.
The table->auto_increment_field_not_null variable is reset now right after a
row is being written in the read_fixed_length() and the read_sep_field()
Removed wrong setting of the table->auto_increment_field_not_null variable in
the read_sep_field() function.
Only require the more recent zlibCompileFlags() when
building the server, client zlib don't need it.
Always build the bundled zlib static only
Look for dlopen() even if --with-mysqld-ldflags constains "-static",
as this is not the same as the flag to "ld", it just informs
"libtool" to link static with libraries created part of the build,
even if there exists shared versions.
Real "mysqlmanager" executable might be in ".libs"
In certain cases AFTER UPDATE/DELETE triggers on NDB tables that referenced
subject table didn't see the results of operation which caused invocation
of those triggers. In other words AFTER trigger invoked as result of update
(or deletion) of particular row saw version of this row before update (or
The problem occured because NDB handler in those cases postponed actual
update/delete operations to be able to perform them later as one batch.
This fix solves the problem by disabling this optimization for particular
operation if subject table has AFTER trigger for this operation defined.
To achieve this we introduce two new flags for handler::extra() method:
These are called if there exists AFTER DELETE/UPDATE triggers during a
statement that potentially can generate calls to delete_row()/update_row().
This includes multi_delete/multi_update statements as well as insert statements
that do delete/update as part of an ON DUPLICATE statement.
IN/BETWEEN predicates in sorting expressions.
Wrong results may occur when the select list contains an expression
with IN/BETWEEN predicate that differs from a sorting expression by
an additional NOT only.
Added the method Item_func_opt_neg::eq to compare correctly expressions
containing [NOT] IN/BETWEEN.
The eq method inherited from the Item_func returns TRUE when comparing
'a IN (1,2)' with 'a NOT IN (1,2)' that is not, of course, correct.
The problem was that THD::db_access variable was not restored after
database switch in stored-routine-execution code.
The fix is to restore THD::db_access in this case.
Unfortunately, this fix requires additional changes,
because in prepare_schema_table(), called on the parsing stage, we checked
privileges. That was wrong according to our design, but this flaw haven't
struck so far, because it was masked. All privilege checkings must be
done on the execution stage in order to be compatible with prepared statements
and stored routines. So, this patch also contains patch for
prepare_schema_table(), which moves the checkings to the execution phase.