is not needed any more with current versions of FreeBSD.
(Entries 52410 and 52412 in the Bug DB)
That change is based on Dan Nelson replying on the
FreeBSD mailing list,
in a thread running from 2010-Apr-29 to 2010-May-1 titled
"Need info about FreeBSD and interrupted system
calls for MySQL code"
Also, ensure the cmake settings correspond to the autotools
ones: Add "HAVE_BROKEN_REALPATH" to cmake.
With current versions of FreeBSD, threading is not done on
the user-level any more, so the huge "net retry count"
is not needed any more.
However, it is still being kept as a comment for now,
so that it can be re-activated should the need arise.
In addition, set "HAVE_BROKEN_REALPATH" to completely
mirror the autotools path.
With current versions of FreeBSD, threading is not done on
the user-level any more, so the huge "net retry count"
is not needed any more.
This definitely holds for FreeBSD version 6 and up.
Adapt the informational messages to the path taken.
-lthread works fine in most cases, but at least with gcc 3.4.6 on x86, dlopen() crashes when libpthread is not used.
Note : the workaround existed prior and did not work since CMAKE_THREADS_LIBS_INIT was already
in cache. Now, use SET(.. CACHE FORCE) to overwrite the cached value.
polluting code with IF(CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME MATCHES...), first on Windows.
Fix the case in MERGE_LIBRARIES, where there is no dependency on OS libraries.
Move windows specific code to cmake/os/Windows.cmake
Move some Windows code to cmake/os/Windows.cmake