This patch corrects a problem found during testing on Solaris. The code
changes how length values are retrieved on big endian machines. The
patch allows the rpl_extraColmaster tests to run on these machines.
This patch adds the ability to store extra field metadata in the table
map event. This data can include pack_length() or field_lenght() for
fields such as CHAR or VARCHAR enabling developers to add code that
can check for compatibilty between master and slave columns. More
importantly, the extra field metadata can be used to store data from the
master correctly should a VARCHAR field on the master be <= 255 bytes
while the same field on the slave is > 255 bytes.
The patch also includes the needed changes to unpack to ensure that data
which is smaller on the master can be unpacked correctly on the slave.
WL#3915 : (NDB) master's cols > slave
Slave starts accepting and handling rows of master's tables which have more columns.
The most important part of implementation is how to caclulate the amount of bytes to
skip for unknown by slave column.