Plus a changeset which I had committed but forgot to push (and this changeset is lost on
another computer, so I recreate it here). This changeset is "user-friendly SHOW BINLOG EVENTS
and CHANGE MASTER TO when log positions < 4 are used.
Here is another pack of changes about gathering common client code in
Now i symlink the client.c from sql/ and libmysql/. These directories
have client_settings.h files to be included to client.c. It contains
defines and declarations to compile client.c in appropriate manner.
Also i've added include/sql_common.h, containing declarations of what
is exported from client.c
I removed as many #ifdef-s from client.c as i dared to. I think it's better
push it with some extra #ifdef-s now (of course, if everythihg besides it is
ok) so other people can check the code.
- A few more mutex locks and unlocks of rli.log_space_lock for doing clean reads of
- Broadcast after unlock, not before (small speed optimisation).
now we'll have something like this :
030308 18:46:58 Slave I/O thread: connected to master 'gb@localhost:3306', replication started in log 'FIRST' at position 4
030308 18:46:58 While trying to obtain the list of slaves from the master 'localhost:3306', user 'gb' got the following error: 'Access denied. You need the REPLICATION SLAVE privilege for this operation'
030308 18:46:58 Slave I/O thread exiting, read up to log 'FIRST', position 4
instead of "Error updating slave list: Query error".
This fixes bug #80.
Added ALL as parameter option for all group functions.
Make join handling uniform. This allows us to use ',', JOIN and INNER JOIN the same way.
Sort NULL last if DESC is used (ANSI SQL 99 requirement)
Call pthread_mutex_destroy() on not used mutex.
Changed comments in .h and .c files from // -> /* */
Added detection of mutex on which one didn't call pthread_mutex_destroy()
Fixed bug in create_tmp_field() which causes a memory overrun in queries that uses "ORDER BY constant_expression"
Added optimisation for ORDER BY NULL
Fixed comparision of log-binary name to handle comparison when file name extension wraps from .999 to .1000
Don't replicate CREATE/DROP DATABASE if wild_xxx_table=database.% is used.