The patch implements the idea suggested by Olaf van der Spek in
thread "Client: many small reads?" (
Now small reads performed by the client library are buffered.
The buffering gives up to 2 times speedup when retrieving
one-column tables.
added event_conn_closed
replaced WaitForSingleObject on WaitForMultipleObjects
inserted a check in vio_close()
added SetEvent() for event_conn_closed
client capabilities included into libmysqld
some API methods became "virtual"
lots of duplicated code removed
IMHO all the above made library's code way more pleasant to look at, didn't it?
Fixed bug in SELECT ... ORDER BY ... LIMIT
Fixed bug in ALTER TABLE and RENAME TABLE with --lower-case-table-names
Fixed hang when using --with-openssl
Fixed that GRANT ... REQUIRE options are not forgot when doing new GRANT
Changed fn_ext to point at first '.' after directory.
FLUSH LOGS removed numerical extension for all future update logs.
Fixed the mysqld --help reports right values for --datadir and --bind-address
--log-binary=a.b.c now properly strips of .b.c
Fix that one can DROP UDF functions that was not loaded at startup
Made AND optional in REQUIRE
Fixed bugs in my last changeset that made MySQL hard to compile.
Added mutex around some data that could cause table cache corruptions when using OPTIMIZE TABLE / REPAIR TABLE or automatic repair of MyISAM tables.
Added mutex around some data in the slave start/stop code that could cause THD linked list corruptions
Extended my_chsize() to allow one to specify a filler character.
Extend vio_blocking to return the old state (This made some usage of this function much simpler)
Added testing for some functions that they caller have got the required mutexes before calling the function.
Use setrlimit() to ensure that we can write core file if one specifies --core-file.
Added --slave-compressed-protocol
Made 2 the minimum length for ft_min_word_len
Added variables foreign_key_checks & unique_checks.
Less logging from replication code (if not started with --log-warnings)
Changed that SHOW INNODB STATUS requre the SUPER privilege
More DBUG statements and a lot of new code comments