- "Using MRR" is no longer shown with range access.
- Instead, both range and BKA accesses will show one of the following:
= "Rowid-ordered scan"
= "Key-ordered scan"
= "Key-ordered Rowid-ordered scan"
depending on whether DS-MRR implementation will do scan keys in order, rowids in order,
or both.
- The patch also introduces a way for other storage engines/MRR implementations to
pass information to EXPLAIN output about the properties of employed MRR scans.
When this flag is 'off' the size of the used join buffer
is taken directly from the system variable 'join_buffer_size'.
When this flag is 'on' then the size of the buffer depends
on the estimated number of rows in the partial join whose
records are to be stored in the buffer.
By default this flag is set 'on'.