This has been back-ported from 6.0 as the problems proved to afflict
5.1 as well.
The fix exposed two new bugs. They were reported as follows.
Bug no 52174: Sometimes wrong plan when reading a MAX value
from non-NULL index
Bug no 52173: Reading NULL value from non-NULL index gives wrong
result in embedded server
Both bugs taken together affect a much smaller class of queries than #47762,
so the fix stays for now.
Optimizer erroneously translated LEFT JOIN into INNER JOIN.
It leads to cutting rows with NULL right side. It happens
because Item_row uses not_null_tables() method form the
base(Item) class and does not calculate 'null tables'
properly. The fix is adding calculation of 'not null tables'
to Item_row.
The crash happens because of discrepancy between values of
conts_tables and join->const_table_map(make_join_statisctics).
Calculation of conts_tables used condition with
HA_STATS_RECORDS_IS_EXACT flag check. Calculation of
join->const_table_map does not use this flag check.
In case of MERGE table without union with index
the table does not become const table and
thus join_read_const_table() is not called
for the table. join->const_table_map supposes
this table is const and later in make_join_select
this table is used for making&calculation const
condition. As table record buffer is not populated
it leads to crash.
The fix is adding a check if an engine supports
HA_STATS_RECORDS_IS_EXACT flag before updating
reverse DNS lookup of "localhost" returns "broadcasthost" on Snow Leopard, and NULL on most others.
Simply ignore the output, as this is not an essential part of UDF testing.
definition at engine
If a single ALTER TABLE contains both DROP INDEX and ADD INDEX using
the same index name (a.k.a. index modification) we need to disable
in-place alter table because we can't ask the storage engine to have
two copies of the index with the same name even temporarily (if we
first do the ADD INDEX and then DROP INDEX) and we can't modify
indexes that are needed by e.g. foreign keys if we first do
Fixed the problem by disabling in-place ALTER TABLE for these cases.
NULL column for NULL
The optimization to read MIN() and MAX() values from an
index did not properly handle comparisons with NULL
values. Fixed by giving up the particular optimization step
if there are non-NULL safe comparisons with NULL values, as
the result is NULL anyway.
Also, Oracle copyright notice was added to all files.
Base Tables
The type inferrence of a view column caused the result to be
interpreted as the wrong type: DATE colums were interpreted
as TIME and TIME as DATETIME. This happened because view
columns are represented by Item_ref objects as opposed to
Item_field's. Item_ref had no method for retrieving a TIME
value and thus was forced to depend on the default
implementation for any expression, which caused the
expression to be evaluated as a string and then parsed into
Fixed by letting Item_ref classes forward the request for a
TIME value to the referred Item - which is a field in this
case - this reads the TIME value directly without
index cardinalities=1
Parallel repair didn't poroperly update index cardinality
in certain cases.
When myisam_sort_buffer_size is not enough to store all
keys, index cardinality was updated before index was
actually written, when no index statistic is available.
Problem was that partition pruning did not exclude the
last partition if the range was beyond it
(i.e. not using MAXVALUE)
Fix was to not include the last partition if the
partitioning function value was not within the partition
SET autocommit=1 while XA transaction is active may
cause various side effects, including memory corruption
and server crash.
The problem is that SET autocommit=1 and further queries
attempt to commit local transaction, whereas XA transaction
is still active.
As local and XA transactions are mutually exclusive, this
patch forbids enabling autocommit mode while XA transaction
is active.
The problem was that UNINSTALL PLUGIN wasn't performing privilege
checks before removing a plugin. Any user (including users without
any kind of privileges) could uninstall any plugin.
The solution is to verify if the user has the DELETE privilege for
the mysql.plugin table before uninstalling a plugin.
The problem is that Item_direct_view_ref which is inherited
from Item_ident updates orig_table_name and table_name with
the same values. The fix is introduction of new constructor
into Item_ident and up which updates orig_table_name and
table_name separately.
The problem is that not all column names retrieved from a SELECT
statement can be used as view column names due to length and format
restrictions. The server failed to properly check the conformity
of those automatically generated column names before storing the
final view definition on disk.
Since columns retrieved from a SELECT statement can be anything
ranging from functions to constants values of any format and length,
the solution is to rewrite to a pre-defined format any names that
are not acceptable as a view column name.
The name is rewritten to "Name_exp_%u" where %u translates to the
position of the column. To avoid this conversion scheme, define
explict names for the view columns via the column_list clause.
Also, aliases are now only generated for top level statements.
The problem was that bits of the destructive equality propagation
optimization weren't being undone after the execution of a stored
program. Modifications to the parse tree that are based on transient
properties must be undone to enable the re-execution of stored
The solution is to cleanup any references to predicates generated
by the equality propagation during the execution of a stored program.
Spatial indexes were not checking for out-of-record condition in
the handler next command when the previous command didn't found
Fixed by making the rtree index to check for end of rows condition
before re-using the key from the previous search.
Fixed another crash if the tree has changed since the last search.
Added a test case for the other error.
auto_increment on duplicate entry
The bug was that when INSERT_ID was used and the storage
engine was told to release any reserved but not used
auto_increment values, it set the highest auto_increment
value to INSERT_ID.
The fix was to check if the auto_increment value was forced
by user (INSERT_ID) or by slave-thread, i.e. not auto-
generated. So that it is only allowed to release generated
Spatial indexes were not checking for out-of-record condition in
the handler next command when the previous command didn't found
Fixed by making the rtree index to check for end of rows condition
before re-using the key from the previous search.
Fixed another crash if the tree has changed since the last search.
Added a test case for the other error.
consider clustered primary keys
Choosing a shortest index for the covering index scan,
the optimizer ignored the fact, that the clustered primary
key read involves whole table data.
The find_shortest_key function has been modified to
take into account that fact that a clustered PK has a
longest key of possible covering indices.
Problem was block_size on partitioned tables was not set,
resulting in keys_per_block was not correct which affects
the cost calculation for read time of indexes (including
cost for group min/max).Which resulted in a bad optimizer
Fixed by setting stats.block_size correctly.
work in 5.1.40)
MERGE engine fails to open child table from a different
database if child table/database name contains characters
that are subject for table name to filename encoding
Another problem is that MERGE engine didn't properly open
child table from the same database if child table name
contains characters like '/', '#'.
The problem was that table name to file name encoding was
applied inconsistently:
* On CREATE: encode table name + database name if child
table is in different database; do not encode table
name if child table is in the same database;
* No decoding on open.
With this fix child table/database names are always
encoded on CREATE and decoded on open. Compatibility
with older tables preserved.
Along with this patch comes fix for SHOW CREATE TABLE,
which used to show child table/database path instead
of child table/database names.
If an outer query is broken, a subquery might not even get set up.
EXPLAIN EXTENDED did not expect this and merrily tried to de-ref all
of the half-setup info.
We now catch this case and print as much as we have, as it doesn't cost us
anything (doesn't make regular execution slower).
backport from 5.1
Queries following bulk insert into an empty MyISAM table
may break it. This was pure MyISAM problem.
When bulk insert into an empty table is complete, MyISAM
may want to enable indexes via repair by sort. If repair
by sort fails (e.g. insufficient buffer), MyISAM failover
to repair with key cache, requesting repair of data file.
Repair of data file performs data file substitution. This
means that current table instance will point to new data
file. Other cached table instances are still pointing to
an old, deleted data file.
This is fixed by not requesting repair of data file
during enable indexes.
Explicit REPAIR is not affected, since it flushes all
table instances.
for same data when using bit fields
Problem: checksum for BIT fields may be computed incorrectly
in some cases due to its storage peculiarity.
Fix: convert a BIT field to a string then calculate its checksum.