Corrected spelling in copyright text
Don't update the files from BitKeeper
Many files:
Removed "MySQL Finland AB & TCX DataKonsult AB" from copyright header
Adjusted year(s) in copyright header
Many files:
Added GPL copyright text
Removed files:
(Mostly in DBUG_PRINT() and unused arguments)
Fixed bug in query cache when used with traceing (--with-debug)
Fixed memory leak in mysqldump
Removed warnings from mysqltest scripts (replaced -- with #)
A communication packet can also be a binlog event sent from the master to the slave.
To be sent by master dump and accepted by slave io thread both have to have
the value of max_allowed_packet bigger than one that client connection had.
In the patch there is the MAX possible replicatio header size estimation for events
in binlog that embedded user query. Only these events of query_log_event type, i.e
just plain queries, require attention.
Idea of the fix is for master to send FD event with `created' as 0
to reconnecting slave (upon slave_net_timeout, no master crash) to avoid destroying temp tables.
In a case of a connect by slave to the master after its crash temp tables have been already
cleaned up so that slave can not keep `orphan' temp tables.
my_sopen() on win32 which allows to use FILE_SHARE_DELETE flag to
allow deleting opened files. my_sopen() implementation is added to
support this functionality.
Information_schema DB
Bug#9846 Inappropriate error displayed while
dropping table from 'INFORMATION_SCHEMA'
Bug#10734 Grant of privileges other than 'select' and
'create view' should fail on schema
cumulative fix for bugs above(after review, 2nd version)
added privilege check for information schema db & tables
LOCK_thread_count)" and for BUG#12004 "SHOW BINARY LOGS reports 0
for the size of all binlogs but the current one".
There are a lot of 4.1->5.0 unmerged changes (hardest are in the optimizer), can't merge; still pushing in 4.1 because my changes
are very small. Feel free to ask me if you have problems merging them.
error for LIMIT placeholder".
The patch adds grammar support for LIMIT ?, ? and changes the
type of ST_SELECT_LEX::select_limit,offset_limit from ha_rows to Item*,
so that it can point to Item_param.
Semi-synchronous replication for InnoDB type tables; before telling the client that a commit has been processed, wait that the replication thread has returned from my_net_send() where it sends the binlog to the slave; note that TCP/IP, even with the TCP_NODELAY option does not guarantee that the slave has RECEIVED the data - this is just heuristic at the moment; this is useful in failover: in almost all cases, every transaction that has returned from the commit has been sent and processed in the slave, which makes failover to the slave simpler if the master crashes; the code does not work yet as is, because MySQL should call innobase_report_binlog_offset_and_commit() in a commit; we will most probably return that call to 5.0.x, to make InnoDB Hot Backup and group commit to work again; XA code broke them temporarily in 5.0.3
Now one can use user variables as target for data loaded from file
(besides table's columns). Also LOAD DATA got new SET-clause in which
one can specify values for table columns as expressions.
For example the following is possible:
LOAD DATA INFILE 'words.dat' INTO TABLE t1 (a, @b) SET c = @b + 1;
This patch also implements new way of replicating LOAD DATA.
Now we do it similarly to other queries.
We store LOAD DATA query in new Execute_load_query event
(which is last in the sequence of events representing LOAD DATA).
When we are executing this event we simply rewrite part of query which
holds name of file (we use name of temporary file) and then execute it
as usual query. In the beggining of this sequence we use Begin_load_query
event which is almost identical to Append_file event
because old behaviour was somewhat nonsensical (kind of bug). Changes are that if repl threads are
down or disconnected the column will be NULL, and if master is idle the column will not grow indefinitely anymore.
tables requires privileges for them if some table or column level grants
present" (with after-review fixes).
We should set SELECT_ACL for implicitly opened tables in
my_tz_check_n_skip_implicit_tables() to be able to bypass privilege
checking in check_grant(). Also we should exclude those tables from
privilege checking in multi-update.