- InnoDB fails to recover the full crc32 encrypted page from
doublewrite buffer. The reason is that buf_dblwr_t::recover()
fails to identify the space id from the page because the page has
been encrypted from FIL_PAGE_FILE_FLUSH_LSN_OR_KEY_VERSION bytes.
buf_dblwr_t::recover(): preserve any pages whose space_id
does not match a known tablespace. These could be encrypted pages
of tablespaces that had been created with
buf_page_t::read_complete(): If the page looks corrupted and the
tablespace is encrypted and in full_crc32 format, try to
restore the page from doublewrite buffer.
recv_dblwr_t::recover_encrypted_page(): Find the page which
has the same page number and try to decrypt the page using
space->crypt_data. After decryption, compare the space id.
Write the recovered page back to the file.
The invariant of write-ahead logging is that before any change to a
page is written to the data file, the corresponding log record must
must first have been durably written.
In crash recovery, there were some sloppy checks for this. Let us
implement accurate checks and flag an inconsistency as a hard error,
so that we can avoid further corruption of a corrupted database.
For data extraction from the corrupted database, innodb_force_recovery
can be used.
Before recovery is reading any data pages or invoking
buf_dblwr_t::recover() to recover torn pages from the
doublewrite buffer, InnoDB will have parsed the log until the
final LSN and updated log_sys.lsn to that. So, we can rely on
log_sys.lsn at all times. The doublewrite buffer recovery has been
refactored in such a way that the recv_sys.dblwr.pages may be consulted
while discovering files and their page sizes, but nothing will be
written back to data files before buf_dblwr_t::recover() is invoked.
recv_max_page_lsn, recv_lsn_checks_on: Remove.
recv_sys_t::validate_checkpoint(): Validate the write-ahead-logging
condition at the end of the recovery.
recv_dblwr_t::validate_page(): Keep track of the maximum LSN
(if we are checking a non-doublewrite copy of a page) but
do not complain LSN being in the future. The doublewrite buffer
is a special case, because it will be read early during recovery.
Besides, starting with commit 762bcb81b5
the dblwr=true copies of pages may legitimately be "too new".
recv_dblwr_t::find_page(): Find a valid page with the smallest
FIL_PAGE_LSN that is in the valid range for recovery.
recv_dblwr_t::restore_first_page(): Replaced by find_page().
Only buf_dblwr_t::recover() will write to data files.
buf_dblwr_t::recover(): Simplify the message output. Do attempt
doublewrite recovery on user page read error. Ignore doublewrite
pages whose FIL_PAGE_LSN is outside the usable bounds. Previously,
we could wrongly recover a too new page from the doublewrite buffer.
It is unlikely that this could have lead to an actual error.
Write back all recovered pages from the doublewrite buffer here,
including for the first page of any tablespace.
buf_page_is_corrupted(): Distinguish the return values
buf_page_check_corrupt(): Return the error code DB_CORRUPTION
in case the LSN is in the future.
Datafile::read_first_page_flags(): Split from read_first_page().
Take a copy of the first page as a parameter.
recv_sys_t::free_corrupted_page(): Take the file as a parameter
and return whether a message was displayed. This avoids some duplicated
and incomplete error messages.
buf_page_t::read_complete(): Remove some redundant output and always
display the name of the corrupted file. Never return DB_FAIL;
use it only in internal error handling.
IORequest::read_complete(): Assume that buf_page_t::read_complete()
will have reported any error.
fil_space_t::set_corrupted(): Return whether this is the first time
the tablespace had been flagged as corrupted.
Datafile::validate_first_page(), fil_node_open_file_low(),
fil_node_open_file(), fil_space_t::read_page0(),
fil_node_t::read_page0(): Add a parameter for a copy of the
first page, and a parameter to indicate whether the FIL_PAGE_LSN
check should be suppressed. Before buf_dblwr_t::recover() is
invoked, we cannot validate the FIL_PAGE_LSN, but we can trust the
FSP_SPACE_FLAGS and the tablespace ID that may be present in a
potentially too new copy of a page.
Reviewed by: Debarun Banerjee
The invariant of write-ahead logging is that before any change to a
page is written to the data file, the corresponding log record must
must first have been durably written.
On crash recovery, there were some sloppy checks for this. Let us
implement accurate checks and flag an inconsistency as a hard error,
so that we can avoid further corruption of a corrupted database.
For data extraction from the corrupted database, innodb_force_recovery
can be used.
Before recovery is reading any data pages or invoking
buf_dblwr_t::recover() to recover torn pages from the
doublewrite buffer, InnoDB will have parsed the log until the
final LSN and updated log_sys.lsn to that. So, we can rely on
log_sys.lsn at all times. The doublewrite buffer recovery has been
refactored in such a way that the recv_sys.dblwr.pages may be consulted
while discovering files and their page sizes, but nothing will be
written back to data files before buf_dblwr_t::recover() is invoked.
A section of the test mariabackup.innodb_redo_overwrite
that is parsing some mariadb-backup --backup output has
been removed, because that output "redo log block is overwritten"
would often be missing in a Microsoft Windows environment
as a result of these changes.
recv_max_page_lsn, recv_lsn_checks_on: Remove.
recv_sys_t::validate_checkpoint(): Validate the write-ahead-logging
condition at the end of the recovery.
recv_dblwr_t::validate_page(): Keep track of the maximum LSN
(if we are checking a non-doublewrite copy of a page) but
do not complain LSN being in the future. The doublewrite buffer
is a special case, because it will be read early during recovery.
Besides, starting with commit 762bcb81b5
the dblwr=true copies of pages may legitimately be "too new".
recv_dblwr_t::find_page(): Find a valid page with the smallest
FIL_PAGE_LSN that is in the valid range for recovery.
recv_dblwr_t::restore_first_page(): Replaced by find_page().
Only buf_dblwr_t::recover() will write to data files.
buf_dblwr_t::recover(): Simplify the message output. Do attempt
doublewrite recovery on user page read error. Ignore doublewrite
pages whose FIL_PAGE_LSN is outside the usable bounds. Previously,
we could wrongly recover a too new page from the doublewrite buffer.
It is unlikely that this could have lead to an actual error.
Write back all recovered pages from the doublewrite buffer here,
including for the first page of any tablespace.
buf_page_is_corrupted(): Distinguish the return values
buf_page_check_corrupt(): Return the error code DB_CORRUPTION
in case the LSN is in the future.
Datafile::read_first_page(): Handle FSP_SPACE_FLAGS=0xffffffff
in the same way on both 32-bit and 64-bit architectures.
Datafile::read_first_page_flags(): Split from read_first_page().
Take a copy of the first page as a parameter.
recv_sys_t::free_corrupted_page(): Take the file as a parameter
and return whether a message was displayed. This avoids some duplicated
and incomplete error messages.
buf_page_t::read_complete(): Remove some redundant output and always
display the name of the corrupted file. Never return DB_FAIL;
use it only in internal error handling.
IORequest::read_complete(): Assume that buf_page_t::read_complete()
will have reported any error.
fil_space_t::set_corrupted(): Return whether this is the first time
the tablespace had been flagged as corrupted.
Datafile::validate_first_page(), fil_node_open_file_low(),
fil_node_open_file(), fil_space_t::read_page0(),
fil_node_t::read_page0(): Add a parameter for a copy of the
first page, and a parameter to indicate whether the FIL_PAGE_LSN
check should be suppressed. Before buf_dblwr_t::recover() is
invoked, we cannot validate the FIL_PAGE_LSN, but we can trust the
FSP_SPACE_FLAGS and the tablespace ID that may be present in a
potentially too new copy of a page.
Reviewed by: Debarun Banerjee
for large transaction
When a transaction commits, it copies the binlog events from
binlog cache to binlog file. Very large transactions
(eg. gigabytes) can stall other transactions for a long time
because the data is copied while holding LOCK_log, which blocks
other commits from binlogging.
The solution in this patch is to rename the binlog cache file to
a binlog file instead of copy, if the commiting transaction has
large binlog cache. Rename is a very fast operation, it doesn't
block other transactions a long time.
* binlog_large_commit_threshold
type: ulonglong
scope: global
dynamic: yes
default: 128MB
Only the binlog cache temporary files large than 128MB are
renamed to binlog file.
* #binlog_cache_files directory
To support rename, all binlog cache temporary files are managed
as normal files now. `#binlog_cache_files` directory is in the same
directory with binlog files. It is created at server startup if it doesn't
exist. Otherwise, all files in the directory is deleted at startup.
The temporary files are named with ML_ prefix and the memorary address
of the binlog_cache_data object which guarantees it is unique.
* Reserve space
To supprot rename feature, It must reserve enough space at the
begin of the binlog cache file. The space is required for
Format description, Gtid list, checkpoint and Gtid events when
renaming it to a binlog file.
Since binlog_cache_data's cache_log is directly accessed by binlog log,
online alter and wsrep. It is not easy to update all the code. Thus
binlog cache will not reserve space if it is not session binlog cache or
wsrep session is enabled.
- m_file_reserved_bytes
Stores the bytes reserved at the begin of the cache file.
It is initialized in write_prepare() and cleared by reset().
The reserved file header is hide to callers. Thus there is no
change for callers. E.g.
- get_byte_position() still get the length of binlog data
written to the cache, but not the file length.
- truncate(0) will truncate the file to m_file_reserved_bytes but not 0.
- write_prepare()
write_prepare() is called everytime when anything is being written
into the cache. It will call init_file_reserved_bytes() to create
the cache file (if it doesn't exist) and reserve suitable space if
the data written exceeds buffer's size.
* Binlog_commit_by_rotate
It is used to encapsulate the code for remaing a binlog cache
tempoary file to binlog file.
- should_commit_by_rotate()
it is called by write_transaction_to_binlog_events() to check if
a binlog cache should be rename to a binlog file.
- commit()
That is the entry to rename a binlog cache and commit the
transaction. Both rename and commit are protected by LOCK_log,
Thus not other transactions can write anything into the renamed
binlog before it.
Rename happens in a rotation. After the new binlog file is generated,
replace_binlog_file() is called to:
- copy data from the new binlog file to its binlog cache file.
- write gtid event.
- rename the binlog cache file to binlog file.
After that the rotation will continue to succeed. Then the transaction
is committed in a seperated group itself. Its cache file will be
detached and cache log will be reset before calling
trx_group_commit_with_engines(). Thus only Xid event be written.
buf_page_t::read_complete(): Fix an incorrect condition that had been
added in commit aaef2e1d8c (MDEV-27058).
Also for compressed-only pages we must remember that buffered changes
may exist.
buf_read_page(): Correct the function comment; this is for a synchronous
and not asynchronous read. Pass the parameter unzip=true to
buf_read_page_low(), because each of our callers will be interested in
the uncompressed page frame. This will cause the test
encryption.innodb-compressed-blob to emit more errors when the
correct keys for decrypting the clustered index root page are unavailable.
Reviewed by: Debarun Banerjee
- After the commit ada1074bb1 (MDEV-14398)
fil_crypt_set_encrypt_tables() iterates through all tablespaces to
fill the default_encrypt tables list. This was a trigger to
encrypt or decrypt when key rotation age is set to 0. But import
tablespace does call fil_crypt_set_encrypt_tables() unnecessarily.
The motivation for the call is to signal the encryption threads.
ha_innobase::discard_or_import_tablespace: Remove the
fil_crypt_set_encrypt_tables() and add the import tablespace
to the default encrypt list if necessary
When there is no bounds on the upper or lower part of the window,
it doesn't matter if the type is numeric.
It also doesn't matter how many ORDER BY items there are in the
Reviewers: Sergei Petrunia and Oleg Smirnov
This bug could affect queries containing a join of derived tables over
grouping views such that one of the derived tables contains a window
function while another uses view V with dependent subquery DSQ containing
a set function aggregated outside of the subquery in the view V. The
subquery also refers to the fields from the group clause of the view.Due to
this bug execution of such queries could produce wrong result sets.
When the fix_fields() method performs context analysis of a set function AF
first, at the very beginning the function Item_sum::init_sum_func_check()
is called. The function copies the pointer to the embedding set function,
if any, stored in THD::LEX::in_sum_func into the corresponding field of the
set function AF simultaneously changing the value of THD::LEX::in_sum_func
to point to AF. When at the very end of the fix_fields() method the function
Item_sum::check_sum_func() is called it is supposed to restore the value
of THD::LEX::in_sum_func to point to the embedding set function. And in
fact Item_sum::check_sum_func() did it, but only for regular set functions,
not for those used in window functions. As a result after the context
analysis of AF had finished THD::LEX::in_sum_func still pointed to AF.
It confused the further context analysis. In particular it led to wrong
resolution of Item_outer_ref objects in the fix_inner_refs() function.
This wrong resolution forced reading the values of grouping fields referred
in DSQ not from the temporary table used for aggregation from which they
were supposed to be read, but from the table used as the source table for
This patch guarantees that the value of THD::LEX::in_sum_func is properly
restored after the call of fix_fields() for any set function.
Part#2, variant 2: Make the printed r_ values in JSON output consistent.
After this patch, ANALYZE output has:
- r_index_rows (NEW) - Observed number of rows before ICP or Rowid Filtering
checks. This is a per-scan average. like r_rows and "rows" are.
- r_rows (AS BEFORE) - Observed number of rows after ICP and Rowid Filtering.
- r_icp_filtered (NEW) - Observed selectivity of ICP condition.
- (AS BEFORE) observed selectivity of Rowid Filter is in
- r_total_filtered - Observed combined selectivity: fraction of rows left
after applying ICP condition, Rowid Filter, and attached_condition.
This is now comparable with "filtered" and is printed right after it.
- r_filtered (AS BEFORE) - Observed selectivity of "attached_condition".
Tabular ANALYZE output is not changed. Note that JSON's r_filtered and
r_rows have the same meanings as before and have the same meaning as in
tabular output.