This patch adds support for SYS_REFCURSOR (a weakly typed cursor)
for both sql_mode=ORACLE and sql_mode=DEFAULT.
Works as a regular stored routine variable, parameter and return value:
- can be passed as an IN parameter to stored functions and procedures
- can be passed as an INOUT and OUT parameter to stored procedures
- can be returned from a stored function
Note, strongly typed REF CURSOR will be added separately.
Note, to maintain dependencies easier, some parts of sql_class.h
and item.h were moved to new header files:
- select_results.h:
class select_result_sink
class select_result
class select_result_interceptor
- sp_cursor.h:
class sp_cursor_statistics
class sp_cursor
- sp_rcontext_handler.h
class Sp_rcontext_handler and its descendants
The implementation consists of the following parts:
- A new class sp_cursor_array deriving from Dynamic_array
- A new class Statement_rcontext which contains data shared
between sub-statements of a compound statement.
It has a member m_statement_cursors of the sp_cursor_array data type,
as well as open cursor counter. THD inherits from Statement_rcontext.
- A new data type handler Type_handler_sys_refcursor in plugins/type_cursor/
It is designed to store uint16 references -
positions of the cursor in THD::m_statement_cursors.
- Type_handler_sys_refcursor suppresses some derived numeric features.
When a SYS_REFCURSOR variable is used as an integer an error is raised.
- A new abstract class sp_instr_fetch_cursor. It's needed to share
the common code between "OPEN cur" (for static cursors) and
"OPER cur FOR stmt" (for SYS_REFCURSORs).
- New sp_instr classes:
* sp_instr_copen_by_ref - OPEN sys_ref_curor FOR stmt;
* sp_instr_cfetch_by_ref - FETCH sys_ref_cursor INTO targets;
* sp_instr_cclose_by_ref - CLOSE sys_ref_cursor;
* sp_instr_destruct_variable - to destruct SYS_REFCURSOR variables when
the execution goes out of the BEGIN..END block
where SYS_REFCURSOR variables are declared.
- New methods in LEX:
* sp_open_cursor_for_stmt - handles "OPEN sys_ref_cursor FOR stmt".
* sp_add_instr_fetch_cursor - "FETCH cur INTO targets" for both
static cursors and SYS_REFCURSORs.
* sp_close - handles "CLOSE cur" both for static cursors and SYS_REFCURSORs.
- Changes in cursor functions to handle both static cursors and SYS_REFCURSORs:
* Item_func_cursor_isopen
* Item_func_cursor_found
* Item_func_cursor_notfound
* Item_func_cursor_rowcount
- A new system variable @@max_open_cursors - to limit the number
of cursors (static and SYS_REFCURSORs) opened at the same time.
Its allowed range is [0-65536], with 50 by default.
- A new virtual method Type_handler::can_return_bool() telling
if calling item->val_bool() is allowed for Items of this data type,
or if otherwise the "Illegal parameter for operation" error should be raised
at fix_fields() time.
- New methods in Sp_rcontext_handler:
* get_cursor()
* get_cursor_by_ref()
- A new class Sp_rcontext_handler_statement to handle top level statement
wide cursors which are shared by all substatements.
- A new virtual method expr_event_handler() in classes Item and Field.
It's needed to close (and make available for a new OPEN)
unused THD::m_statement_cursors elements which do not have any references
any more. It can happen in various moments in time, e.g.
* after evaluation parameters of an SQL routine
* after assigning a cursor expression into a SYS_REFCURSOR variable
* when leaving a BEGIN..END block with SYS_REFCURSOR variables
* after setting OUT/INOUT routine actual parameters from formal
This commit implements optimizer hints allowing to affect the order
of joining tables:
- JOIN_FIXED_ORDER similar to existing STRAIGHT_JOIN hint;
- JOIN_ORDER to apply the specified table order;
- JOIN_PREFIX to hint what tables should be first in the join;
- JOIN_SUFFIX to hint what tables should be last in the join.
- Using Lex_ident_sys to scan identifiers, like the SQL parser does.
This fixes handling of double-quote-delimited and backtick-delimited identifiers,
as well as handling of non-ASCII identifiers.
Unescaping and converting from the client character set to the system
character set is now done using Lex_ident_cli_st and Lex_ident_sys,
like it's done in the SQL tokenizer/parser.
Adding helper methods to_ident_cli() and to_ident_sys()
in Optimizer_hint_parser::Token.
- Fixing the hint parser to report a syntax error when an empty identifiers:
SELECT /*+ BKA(``) */ * FROM t1;
- Moving a part of the code from opt_hints_parser.h to
Moving these method definitions:
- Optimizer_hint_tokenizer::find_keyword()
- Optimizer_hint_tokenizer::get_token()
to avoid huge pieces of the code in the header file.
- A Lex_ident_cli_st cleanup
Fixing a few Lex_ident_cli_st methods to return Lex_ident_cli_st &
instead of void, to use them easier in the caller code.
- Fixing the hint parser to display the correct line number
Adding a new data type Lex_comment_st
(a combination of LEX_CSTRING and a line number)
Using it in sql_yacc.yy
- Getting rid of redundant dependencies on sql_hints_parser.h
Moving void LEX::resolve_optimizer_hints() from sql_lex.h to
Adding a class Optimizer_hint_parser_output, deriving from
Optimizer_hint_parser::Hint_list. Fixing the hint parser to
return a pointer to an allocated instance of Optimizer_hint_parser_output
rather than an instance of Optimizer_hint_parser::Hint_list.
This allows to use a forward declaration of Optimizer_hint_parser_output
in sql_lex.h and thus avoid dependencies on sql_hints_parser.h.
This commit introduces:
- the infrastructure for optimizer hints;
- hints for join buffering: BNL(), NO_BNL(), BKA(), NO_BKA();
- NO_ICP() hint for disabling index condition pushdown;
- MRR(), MO_MRR() hint for multi-range reads control;
- NO_RANGE_OPTIMIZATION() for disabling range optimization;
- QB_NAME() for assigning names for query blocks.
Added capability to create a trigger associated with several trigger events.
For this goal, the syntax of the CREATE TRIGGER statement was extended
to support the syntax structure { event [ OR ... ] } for the `trigger_event`
clause. Since one trigger will be able to handle several events it should be
provided a way to determine what kind of event is handled on execution of a
trigger. For this goal support of the clauses INSERTING, UPDATING , DELETING
was added by this patch. These clauses can be used inside a trigger body
to detect what kind of trigger action is currently processed using the following
In case one of the clauses INSERTING, UPDATING, DELETING specified in
a trigger's body not matched with a trigger event type, the error
After this patch be pushed, one Trigger object will be associated with several
trigger events. It means that the array Table_triggers_list::triggers can
contain several pointers to the same Trigger object in array members
corresponding to different events. Moreover, support of several trigger events
for the same trigger requires that the data members `next` and `action_order`
of the Trigger class be converted to arrays to store relating information per
trigger event base.
Ability to specify the same trigger for different event types results in
necessity to handle invalid cases on execution of the multi-event trigger,
when the OLD or NEW qualifiers doesn't match a current event type against that
the trigger is run. The clause OLD should produce the NULL value for INSERT event,
whereas the clause NEW should produce the NULL value for DELETE event.
This new CHANGE MASTER TO field specifies the `--master-retry-count`
(global option: the number of Primary connection attempts)
for each multi-source replica; i.e, per-channel `performance_schema.`
`--master-retry-count` remains the default for new `CHANGE MASTER TO`s.
This new keyword and `master-info` entry
matches those of pre-‘REPLICATION SOURCE’ MySQL.
It was not possible to use a package body variable as a
fetch target:
vc INT := 0;
OPEN cur;
FETCH cur INTO vc; -- this returned "Undeclared variable: vc" error.
CLOSE cur;
FETCH assumed that all fetch targets reside of the same sp_rcontext
instance with the cursor. This patch fixes the problem.
Now a cursor and its fetch target can reside in different sp_rcontext
- Adding a helper class sp_rcontext_addr
(a combination of Sp_rcontext_handler pointer and an offset in the rcontext)
- Adding a new class sp_fetch_target deriving from sp_rcontext_addr.
Fetch targets in "FETCH cur INTO target1, target2 ..." are now collected
into this structure instead of sp_variable.
sp_variable cannot be used any more to store fetch targets,
because it does not have a pointer to Sp_rcontext_handler
(it only has the current rcontext offset).
- Removing members sp_instr_set members m_rcontext_handler and m_offset.
Deriving sp_instr_set from sp_rcontext_addr instead.
- Renaming sp_instr_cfetch member "List<sp_variable> m_varlist"
to "List<sp_fetch_target> m_fetch_target_list".
- Fixing LEX::sp_add_cfetch() to return the pointer to the
created sp_fetch_target instance (instead of returning bool).
This helps to make the grammar in sql_yacc.c simpler
- Renaming LEX::sp_add_cfetch() to LEX::sp_add_instr_cfetch(),
as `if(sp_add_cfetch())` changed its meaning to the opposite,
to avoid automatic wrong merge from earlier versions.
- Chaning the "List<sp_variable> *vars" parameter to sp_cursor::fetch
to have the data type "List<sp_fetch_target> *".
- Changing the data type of "List<sp_variable> &vars" in
to "List<sp_fetch_target> &".
- Adding THD helper methods get_rcontext() and get_variable().
- Moving the code from sql_yacc.yy into a new LEX method
- Simplifying the grammar in sql_yacc.yy using the new LEX method.
Changing the data type of the bison rule sp_fetch_list from "void"
to "List<sp_fetch_target> *".
* rpl.rpl_system_versioning_partitions updated for MDEV-32188
* innodb.row_size_error_log_warnings_3 changed error for MDEV-33658
(checks are done in a different order)
Alternative, more general fix, Variant 2.
The problem was as follows: Suppose we are running a PS/SP statement and
we get an error while doing optimization that is done once per statement
life. This may leave the statement data structures in an undefined state,
where it is not safe to execute it again.
The fix: introduce LEX::needs_reprepare and set it in such cases.
Make PS and SP runtime check it and re-prepare the statement before
executing it again.
We do not use Reprepare_observer, because it turns out it is tightly tied
to watching versions of statement's objects. For example, it must not be
used when running the statement for the first time, exactly when the
once-per-statement-lifetime optimizations are done.
Implement default values for parameters of stored routines
in both default and oracle mode.
- Default values for cursor parameters are *NOT* supported yet.
- An IN parameter with DEFAULT followed by an OUT param is not supported yet.
This combination will be enabled together with the arrow syntax:
The default values can be either literals or expressions.
When it is an expression, it is only evaluated if the parameter
has not been supplied by the caller
(important if the expression has side effects).
Added support of the clause `UPDATE OF <columns>` for
BEFORE/AFTER UPDATE triggers. Triggers defined with this clause
are fired and run actions only in case an UPDATE statement affects
any of the listed columns. For columns not specified in the clause
`UPDATE OF <columns>`, an UPDATE statement with such columns as
targets don't result in running a trigger.
Output of SHOW TRIGGERS isn't affected by this task. Output of
the statement SHOW CREATE TRIGGER shows the clause `UPDATE OF <columns>`
if it was specified on trigger creation.
Tests accompany this task don't include tests that checking for cooperation of
the statement LOAD DATA and the clause `UPDATE OF <columns>` for
BEFORE/AFTER UPDATE triggers since the statement LOAD DATA is treated like
the statement INSERT INTO and therefore doesn't fire BEFORE/AFTER UPDATE
Row-injection updates don’t correctly set the historical partition
for tables with system versioning and system_time partitions. This
results in inconsistencies between the master and slave when
replicating transactions that target such tables (i.e. the primary
server would correctly distribute archived rows amongst its
partitions, whereas the replica would have all archived rows in a
single partition). The function
partition_info::vers_set_hist_part(THD*) is used to set the
partition; however, its initial check for
vers_require_hist_part(THD*) returns false, bypassing the rest of
the function (which sets up the partition to use). This is because
the actual check uses the LEX sql_command (via
LEX::vers_history_generating()) to determine if the command is valid
to generate history. Row injections don’t have sql_commands though.
This patch provides a fix which extends the check in
vers_history_generating() to additionally allow row injections to be
history generating (via the function LEX::is_stmt_row_injection()).
Special thanks to Jan Lindstrom <>
for his work in reproducing the bug, and providing an initial test
Reviewed By
Kristian Nielsen <>
Aleksey Midenkov <>
to explicit row_start/row_end columns
In case of adding both system fields of same type (length, unsigned
flag) as old implicit system fields do the rename of implicit system
fields to the ones specified in ALTER, remove SYSTEM_INVISIBLE flag in
that case. Correct PERIOD clause must be specified in ALTER as well.
MDEV-34904 Inplace alter for implicit to explicit versioning is broken
Whether ALTER goes inplace and how it goes inplace depends on
handler_flags which goes from alter_info->flags by this logic:
ha_alter_info->handler_flags|= (alter_info->flags & ~flags_to_remove);
ALTER_VERS_EXPLICIT was not in flags_to_remove and its value (1ULL <<
ALTER_VERS_EXPLICIT must not affect inplace, it is SQL-only so we
remove it from handler_flags.
Single-table UPDATE/DELETE didn't provide outer_lookup_keys value for
subqueries. This didn't allow to make a meaningful choice between
IN->EXISTS and Materialization strategies for subqueries.
Fix this:
* Make UPDATE/DELETE save Sql_cmd_dml::scanned_rows,
* Then, subquery's JOIN::choose_subquery_plan() can fetch it from
there for outer_lookup_keys
UPDATE/DELETE now calls select_lex->optimize_unflattened_subqueries()
twice, like SELECT does (first call optimize_constant_subquries() in
JOIN::optimize_inner(), then call optimize_unflattened_subqueries() in
1. Call with const_only=true before any optimizations. This allows
range optimizer and others to use the values of cheap const
2. Call it with const_only=false after range optimizer, partition
pruning, etc. outer_lookup_keys value is provided, so it's possible to
pick a good subquery strategy.
Note: PROTECT_STATEMENT_MEMROOT requires that first SP execution
performs subquery optimization for all subqueries, even for degenerate
query plans like "Impossible WHERE". Due to that, we ensure that the
call to optimize_unflattened_subqueries (with const_only=false) even
for degenerate query plans still happens, as was the case before this
Adding support for the ROW data type in the stored function RETURNS clause:
- explicit ROW(..members...) for both sql_mode=DEFAULT and sql_mode=ORACLE
- anchored "ROW TYPE OF [db1.]table1" declarations for sql_mode=DEFAULT
- anchored "[db1.]table1%ROWTYPE" declarations for sql_mode=ORACLE
Adding support for anchored scalar data types in RETURNS clause:
- "TYPE OF [db1.]table1.column1" for sql_mode=DEFAULT
- "[db1.]table1.column1" for sql_mode=ORACLE
CREATE FUNCTION f1() RETURN test.t1.column1%TYPE;
- Adding a new sql_mode_t parameter to
to guarantee early initialization of sp_head::m_sql_mode.
Before this change, this member was not initialized at all during
CREATE FUNCTION/PROCEDURE/PACKAGE statements, and was not used.
Now it needs to be initialized to write properly the
mysql.proc.returns column, according to the create time sql_mode.
- Code refactoring to make the things simpler and functions smaller:
* Adding a new method
Field_row::row_create_fields(THD *thd, List<Spvar_definition> *list)
to make a Virtual_tmp_table with Fields for ROW members
from an explicit definition.
* Adding a new method
Field_row::row_create_fields(THD *thd, const Spvar_definition &def)
to make a Virtual_tmp_table with Fields for ROW members
from an explicit or a table anchored definition.
* Adding a new method
Item_args::add_array_of_item_field(THD *thd, const Virtual_tmp_table &vtable)
to create and array of Item_field corresponding to all Field instances
in a Virtual_tmp_table
* Removing Item_field_row::row_create_items(). It was decomposed
into the new methods described above.
* Moving the code from the loop body in sp_rcontext::init_var_items()
into a separate method Spvar_definition::make_item_field_row(),
to make the code clearer (smaller functions).
make_item_field_row() itself uses the new methods described above.
- Changing the data type of sp_head::m_return_field_def
from Column_definition to Spvar_definition.
So now it supports not only SQL column field types,
but also explicit ROW and anchored ROW data types,
as well as anchored column types.
- Adding a new Column_definition parameter to sp_head::create_result_field().
Before this patch, create_result_field() took the definition only
from m_return_field_def. Now it's also called with a local Column_definition
variable which contains the explicit definition resolved from an
anchored defition.
- Modifying sql_yacc.yy to support the new grammar.
Adding new helper methods:
* sf_return_fill_definition_row()
* sf_return_fill_definition_rowtype_of()
* sf_return_fill_definition_type_of()
- Fixing tests in:
* Virtual_tmp_table::setup_field_pointers() in
* Send_field::normalize() in field.h
* store_column_type()
to prevent calling Type_handler_row::field_type(),
which is implemented a DBUG_ASSERT(0).
Before this patch the affected methods and functions were called only
for scalar data types. Now ROW is also possible.
- Adding a new virtual method Field::cols()
- Overriding methods:
to support the ROW data type.
- Extending the rule sp_return_type to support
* explicit ROW and anchored ROW data types
* anchored scalar data types
- Overriding Field_row::sql_type() to print
the data type of an explicit ROW.
The existing syntax for CREATE SERVER
OPTIONS (option [, option] ...)
{ HOST character-literal
| DATABASE character-literal
| USER character-literal
| PASSWORD character-literal
| SOCKET character-literal
| OWNER character-literal
| PORT numeric-literal }
With this change we have:
{ HOST character-literal
| DATABASE character-literal
| USER character-literal
| PASSWORD character-literal
| SOCKET character-literal
| OWNER character-literal
| PORT numeric-literal
| PORT quoted-numerical-literal
| identifier character-literal}
We store these options as a JSON field in the mysql.servers system
table. We retain the restriction that PORT needs to be a number, but
also allow it to be a quoted number, so that SHOW CREATE SERVER can be
used for dumping. Without an accompanied implementation of SHOW CREATE
SERVER, some mysqldump tests will fail. Therefore this commit should
be immediately followed by the one implementating SHOW CREATE SERVER,
with testing covering both.
In specifying a derived table with a union, for example
we bypass an earlier check for the correct number of specified column
names, causing a crash.
Fixed by adding a check for the correct number of supplied arguments
in st_select_lex_unit::rename_types_list()
Extend derived table syntax to support column name assignment.
(subquery expression) [as|=] ident [comma separated column name list].
Prior to this patch, the optional comma separated column name list is
not supported.
Processing within the unit of the subquery expression will use
original column names, outside the unit will use the new names.
For example, in the query
select a1, a2 from
(select c1, c2, c3 from t1 where c2 > 0) as dt (a1, a2, a3)
where a2 > 10;
we see the second column of the derived table dt being used both within,
(where c2 > 0), and outside, (where a2 > 10), the specification.
Both conditions apply to t1.c2.
When multiple unit preparations are required, such as when being used within
a prepared statement or procedure, original column names are needed for
correct resolution. Original names are reset within mysql_derived_reinit().
Item_holder items, used for result tables in both TVC and union preparations
are renamed before use within st_select_lex_unit::prepare().
During wildcard expansion, if column names are present, items names are
set directly after creation.
Reviewed by Igor Babaev (
The memory leak happened on second execution of a prepared statement
that runs UPDATE statement with correlated subquery in right hand side of
the SET clause. In this case, invocation of the method
could return the zero value that results in going into the 'if' branch
that handles impossible where condition. The issue is that this condition
branch missed saving of leaf tables that has to be performed as first
condition optimization activity. Later the PS statement memory root
is marked as read only on finishing first time execution of the prepared
statement. Next time the same statement is executed it hits the assertion
on attempt to allocate a memory on the PS memory root marked as read only.
This memory allocation takes place by the sequence of the following
To fix the issue, add the flag SELECT_LEX::leaf_tables_saved to control
whether the method SELECT_LEX::save_leaf_tables() has to be called or
it has been already invoked and no more invocation required.
Similar issue could take place on running the DELETE statement with
the LIMIT clause in PS/SP mode. The reason of memory leak is the same as for
UPDATE case and be fixed in the same way.
This commit adds 3 new status variables to 'show all slaves status':
- Master_last_event_time ; timestamp of the last event read from the
master by the IO thread.
- Slave_last_event_time ; Master timestamp of the last event committed
on the slave.
- Master_Slave_time_diff: The difference of the above two timestamps.
All the above variables are NULL until the slave has started and the
slave has read one query event from the master that changes data.
- Added information_schema.slave_status, which allows us to remove:
- show_master_info(), show_master_info_get_fields(),
send_show_master_info_data(), show_all_master_info()
- class Sql_cmd_show_slave_status.
- Protocol::store(I_List<i_string_pair>* str_list) as it is not
used anymore.
use the SELECT code path, as all other SHOW ... STATUS commands.
Other things:
- Xid_log_time is set to time of commit to allow slave that reads the
binary log to calculate Master_last_event_time and
This is needed as there is not 'exec_time' for row events.
- Fixed that Load_log_event calculates exec_time identically to
- Updated RESET SLAVE to reset Master/Slave_last_event_time
- Updated SQL thread's update on first transaction read-in to
only update Slave_last_event_time on group events.
- Fixed possible (unlikely) bugs in ...old_format() functions
if allocation of 'field' would fail.
Reviewed By:
Brandon Nesterenko <>
Kristian Nielsen <>
- Lex_ident_cli* into a new file sql/lex_ident_cli.h
- Lex_ident_sys* into a new file sql/lex_ident_sys.h
- Well_formed_prefix into include/m_ctype.h
This change is needed to the optimizer hint parser coming soon.
The memory leak happened on second execution of a prepared statement
that runs UPDATE statement with correlated subquery in right hand side of
the SET clause. In this case, invocation of the method
could return the zero value that results in going into the 'if' branch
that handles impossible where condition. The issue is that this condition
branch missed saving of leaf tables that has to be performed as first
condition optimization activity. Later the PS statement memory root
is marked as read only on finishing first time execution of the prepared
statement. Next time the same statement is executed it hits the assertion
on attempt to allocate a memory on the PS memory root marked as read only.
This memory allocation takes place by the sequence of the following
To fix the issue, add the flag SELECT_LEX::leaf_tables_saved to control
whether the method SELECT_LEX::save_leaf_tables() has to be called or
it has been already invoked and no more invocation required.
Similar issue could take place on running the DELETE statement with
the LIMIT clause in PS/SP mode. The reason of memory leak is the same as for
UPDATE case and be fixed in the same way.