1. Special mode to search in error logs: if SEARCH_RANGE is not set,
the file is considered an error log and the search is performed
since the last CURRENT_TEST: line
2. Number of matches is printed too. "FOUND 5 /foo/ in bar".
Use greedy .* at the end of the pattern if number of matches
isn't stable. If nothing is found it's still "NOT FOUND",
not "FOUND 0".
3. SEARCH_ABORT specifies the prefix of the output.
Can be "NOT FOUND" or "FOUND" as before,
but also "FOUND 5 " if needed.
the test restarts the server, giving it 60 seconds to shutdown
and then killing it mercilessly.
make sure the server closes all MyISAM tables before shutdown,
as we cannot reliably expect it to make the deadline.
The fix from MDEV-10866 was insufficient.
Attempt 2 at fixing this.
binlog.binlog_row_ctype_ucs 'row' w18 [ fail ]
Test ended at 2017-02-13 10:36:57
CURRENT_TEST: binlog.binlog_row_ctype_ucs
--- /mariadb/mysql-test/suite/binlog/r/binlog_row_ctype_ucs.result 2017-02-06 09:29:43.116183650 +1100
+++ /mariadb/mysql-test/suite/binlog/r/binlog_row_ctype_ucs.reject 2017-02-13 10:36:56.984056229 +1100
@@ -71,21 +71,21 @@
# at #
-#700101 6:46:40 server id # end_log_pos # CRC32 XXX Start: binlog v 4, server v #.##.## created 700101 6:46:40
+#170213 10:36:56 server id # end_log_pos # CRC32 XXX Start: binlog v 4, server v #.##.## created 170213 10:36:56
# at #
-#700101 6:46:40 server id # end_log_pos # CRC32 XXX Gtid list [#-#-#]
+#170213 10:36:56 server id # end_log_pos # CRC32 XXX Gtid list [#-#-#]
# at #
-#700101 6:46:40 server id # end_log_pos # CRC32 XXX Binlog checkpoint master-bin.000002
+#170213 10:36:56 server id # end_log_pos # CRC32 XXX Binlog checkpoint master-bin.000002
# at #
-#700101 6:46:40 server id # end_log_pos # CRC32 XXX Binlog checkpoint master-bin.000003
+#170213 10:36:56 server id # end_log_pos # CRC32 XXX Binlog checkpoint master-bin.000003
# at #
-#700101 6:46:40 server id # end_log_pos # CRC32 XXX GTID #-#-# ddl
+#170213 10:36:56 server id # end_log_pos # CRC32 XXX GTID #-#-# ddl
/*!100101 SET @@session.skip_parallel_replication=0*//*!*/;
/*!100001 SET @@session.gtid_domain_id=#*//*!*/;
/*!100001 SET @@session.server_id=#*//*!*/;
/*!100001 SET @@session.gtid_seq_no=#*//*!*/;
# at #
-#700101 6:46:40 server id # end_log_pos # CRC32 XXX Query thread_id=# exec_time=# error_code=0
+#170213 10:36:56 server id # end_log_pos # CRC32 XXX Query thread_id=# exec_time=# error_code=0
use `test`/*!*/;
SET @@session.pseudo_thread_id=#/*!*/;
Signed-off-by: Daniel Black <daniel.black@au.ibm.com>
The race condition happened if mark_xid_done was considerably delayed,
and an extra Binlog_checkpoint event was written into the binary log
which was later indicated in an error message. Fixed by ensuring
that the event is written before the binary log is rotated to the one
which is used in the output.
- created binlog_encryption test suite and added it to the default list
- moved some tests from rpl, binlog and multisource suites to extra
so that they could be re-used in different suites
- made minor changes in include files
Merge feature into 10.2 from feature branch.
Delayed replication adds an option
CHANGE MASTER TO master_delay=<seconds>
Replication will then delay applying events with that many
seconds. This creates a replication slave that reflects the state of
the master some time in the past.
Feature is ported from MySQL source tree.
Signed-off-by: Kristian Nielsen <knielsen@knielsen-hq.org>
When using the delayed slave feature, and the SQL thread is delaying,
and the user issues STOP SLAVE, the event we wait for was executed.
It should not be executed.
Check the return value from the delay function,
slave.cc:slave_sleep(). If the return value is 1, it means the thread
has been stopped, in this case we don't execute the statement.
Also, refactored the test case for delayed slave a little: added the
test script include/rpl_assert.inc, which asserts that a condition holds
and prints a message if not. Made rpl_delayed_slave.test use this. The
advantage is that the test file is much easier to read and maintain,
because it is clear what is an assertion and what is not, and also the
expected result can be found in the test file, you don't have to compare
it to the result file.
Manually merged into MariaDB from MySQL commit
Signed-off-by: Kristian Nielsen <knielsen@knielsen-hq.org>
Initial merge of delayed replication from MySQL git.
The code from the initial push into MySQL is merged, and the
associated test case passes. A number of tasks are still pending:
1. Check full test suite run for any regressions or .result file updates.
2. Extend the feature to also work for parallel replication.
3. There are some todo-comments about future refactoring left from
MySQL, these should be located and merged on top.
4. There are some later related MySQL commits, these should be checked
and merged. These include:
5. The testcase from MySQL relies heavily on sleep and timing for
testing, and seems likely to sporadically fail on heavily loaded test
servers in buildbot or distro build farms.
Signed-off-by: Kristian Nielsen <knielsen@knielsen-hq.org>
This is similar to MysQL Worklog 3253, but with
a different implementation. The disk format and
SQL syntax is identical with MySQL 5.7.
Fetures supported:
- "Any" ammount of any trigger
- Supports FOLLOWS and PRECEDES to be
able to put triggers in a certain execution order.
Implementation details:
- Class Trigger added to hold information about a trigger.
Before this trigger information was stored in a set of lists in
Table_triggers_list and in Table_triggers_list::bodies
- Each Trigger has a next field that poinst to the next Trigger with the
same action and time.
- When accessing a trigger, we now always access all linked triggers
- The list are now only used to load and save trigger files.
- MySQL trigger test case (trigger_wl3253) added and we execute these
- Even more gracefully handling of wrong trigger files than before. This
is useful if a trigger file uses functions or syntax not provided by
the server.
- Each trigger now has a "Created" field that shows when the trigger was
created, with 2 decimals.
Other comments:
- Many of the changes in test files was done because of the new "Created"
field in the trigger file. This shows up in SHOW ... TRIGGER and when
using information_schema.trigger.
- Don't check if all memory is released if on uses --gdb; This is needed
to be able to get a list from safemalloc of not freed memory while
- Added option to trim_whitespace() to know how many prefix characters
was skipped.
- Changed a few ulonglong sql_mode to sql_mode_t, to find some wrong usage
of sql_mode.
ENOTEMPTY is 247 on hppa, not 39 like on Linux, according to this report:
So add another replacement for this to rpl.rpl_drop_db and
binlog.binlog_databasae tests (there were already a couple similar
replacements for other platforms).
Signed-off-by: Kristian Nielsen <knielsen@knielsen-hq.org>
MDEV-10134 Add full support for DEFAULT
- Added support for using tables with MySQL 5.7 virtual fields,
including MySQL 5.7 syntax
- Better error messages also for old cases
- CREATE ... SELECT now also updates timestamp columns
- Blob can now have default values
- Added new system variable "check_constraint_checks", to turn of
CHECK constraint checking if needed.
- Removed some engine independent tests in suite vcol to only test myisam
- Moved some tests from 'include' to 't'. Should some day be done for all tests.
- FRM version increased to 11 if one uses virtual fields or constraints
- Changed to use a bitmap to check if a field has got a value, instead of
setting HAS_EXPLICIT_VALUE bit in field flags
- Expressions can now be up to 65K in total
- Ensure we are not refering to uninitialized fields when handling virtual fields or defaults
- Changed check_vcol_func_processor() to return a bitmap of used types
- Had to change some functions that calculated cached value in fix_fields to do
this in val() or getdate() instead.
- store_now_in_TIME() now takes a THD argument
- fill_record() now updates default values
- Add a lookahead for NOT NULL, to be able to handle DEFAULT 1+1 NOT NULL
- Automatically generate a name for constraints that doesn't have a name
- Ensure that partition functions register virtual fields used. This fixes
some bugs when using virtual fields in a partitioning function
The problem was that wait_for_slave_io_to_start reported that the io thread
was ready, when it was still initializing. This caused test suite to
continue too early, for example before the semi sync plugin was properly
Fixed by introducing a new internal stage: "Preparing". Slave_IO_Running is
now set to "Yes" only when all initializing is done and the IO thread is
ready to read things from the master.
The only test affected by this change is rpl_flsh_tbls, which got stuck in
the preparing phase while trying to read the GTID position from a table.
Fixed by having this test waiting for Preparing instead of Yes.