Fix #374, replace use a loop instead of recursion in {{{distribute_data}}}.

git-svn-id: file:///svn/tokudb@2236 c7de825b-a66e-492c-adef-691d508d4ae1
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Bradley C. Kuszmaul 2008-02-10 14:59:43 +00:00
parent 07047bdfd0
commit f93c6fb185

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@ -325,30 +325,34 @@ void toku_print_pma (PMA pma) {
/* Smooth the data, and return the location of the null. */
/* Smooth the data, and return the location of the null.
* The sourcepairs are dense. The destpairs are sized to leave some holes.
* The destpairs are all initialized with null.
static int distribute_data (struct kv_pair *destpairs[], int dcount,
struct kv_pair_tag sourcepairs[], int scount,
PMA pma) {
int null_location = -1;
unsigned long long numerator=0;
unsigned long long have_placed=0;
int i;
if (scount==0) {
return -1;
if (scount==1) {
if (pma)
sourcepairs[0].newtag = destpairs - pma->pairs;
if (destpairs[0]==0) return 0;
else return -1;
} else {
int r1 = distribute_data(destpairs, dcount/2,
sourcepairs, scount/2, pma);
int r2 = distribute_data(destpairs +dcount/2, dcount-dcount/2,
sourcepairs+scount/2, scount-scount/2, pma);
assert(r1==-1 || r2==-1);
if (r1!=-1) return r1;
else if (r2!=-1) return r2+dcount/2;
else return -1;
assert(dcount<(1<<30)); // so that long long will be enough to do everything precisely
for (i=0; i<dcount; i++) {
if (numerator>dcount*have_placed) {
struct kv_pair *pair = sourcepairs[have_placed].pair;
assert(have_placed<(unsigned int)scount);
destpairs[i] = pair;
if (pma) sourcepairs[have_placed].newtag = destpairs+i-pma->pairs;
if (pair==0) {
return null_location;
static int pma_log_distribute (TOKULOGGER logger, FILENUM filenum, DISKOFF old_diskoff, DISKOFF new_diskoff, int n_pairs, struct kv_pair_tag *pairs, LSN *oldnode_lsn, LSN*newnode_lsn) {