diff --git a/storage/connect/CMakeLists.txt b/storage/connect/CMakeLists.txt
index c8747f889c6..fd006e104c1 100644
--- a/storage/connect/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/storage/connect/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301 USA
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1335 USA
@@ -68,7 +68,15 @@ ELSE(NOT UNIX)
   tabwmi.cpp tabwmi.h tabmac.cpp tabmac.h macutil.cpp macutil.h)
   # Add exception handling to the CONNECT project)
   SET(IPHLPAPI_LIBRARY iphlpapi.lib)
+    # Connect does not work with clang-cl
+    RETURN()
+  ENDIF()
@@ -109,7 +117,6 @@ IF(CONNECT_WITH_LIBXML2)
     SET(CONNECT_SOURCES ${CONNECT_SOURCES} libdoc.cpp libdoc.h)
@@ -301,6 +308,30 @@ IF(CONNECT_WITH_MONGO)
+OPTION(CONNECT_WITH_REST "Compile CONNECT storage engine with REST support" ON)
+  MESSAGE(STATUS "=====> REST support is ON")
+  FIND_PACKAGE(cpprestsdk)
+  IF (cpprestsdk_FOUND)
+    MESSAGE(STATUS "=====> cpprestsdk found")
+#     If needed edit next line to set the path to libcpprest.so
+      SET(REST_LIBRARY -lcpprest)
+    SET(CONNECT_SOURCES ${CONNECT_SOURCES} tabrest.cpp restget.cpp tabrest.h)
+    add_definitions(-DREST_SUPPORT)
+  ELSE(NOT cpprestsdk_FOUND)
+    MESSAGE(STATUS "=====> cpprestsdk package not found")
+  ENDIF (cpprestsdk_FOUND)
@@ -320,24 +351,16 @@ MYSQL_ADD_PLUGIN(connect ${CONNECT_SOURCES}
   COMPONENT connect-engine
 IF(NOT TARGET connect)
-# Don't link with bundled zlib and systel libxml2 at the same time.
-# System libxml2 uses system zlib, might conflict with the bundled one.
   IF (libmongoc-1.0_FOUND)
-	    "/DELAYLOAD:libbson-1.0.dll /DELAYLOAD:libmongoc-1.0.dll")
+      "/DELAYLOAD:libbson-1.0.dll /DELAYLOAD:libmongoc-1.0.dll")
diff --git a/storage/connect/array.cpp b/storage/connect/array.cpp
index cd1785b48ac..3478342a788 100644
--- a/storage/connect/array.cpp
+++ b/storage/connect/array.cpp
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 /************* Array C++ Functions Source Code File (.CPP) *************/
 /*  Name: ARRAY.CPP  Version 2.3                                       */
 /*                                                                     */
-/*  (C) Copyright to the author Olivier BERTRAND          2005-2017    */
+/*  (C) Copyright to the author Olivier BERTRAND          2005-2019    */
 /*                                                                     */
 /*  This file contains the XOBJECT derived class ARRAY functions.      */
 /*  ARRAY is used for elaborate type of processing, such as sorting    */
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ PARRAY MakeValueArray(PGLOBAL g, PPARM pp);  // avoid gcc warning
 /*  MakeValueArray: Makes a value array from a value list.             */
 PARRAY MakeValueArray(PGLOBAL g, PPARM pp)
-  {
   int    n, valtyp = 0;
   size_t len = 0;
   PARRAY par;
@@ -82,8 +82,7 @@ PARRAY MakeValueArray(PGLOBAL g, PPARM pp)
   if ((valtyp = pp->Type) != TYPE_STRING)
     len = 1;
- 	if (trace(1))
- 		htrc("valtyp=%d len=%d\n", valtyp, len);
+ 	xtrc(1, "valtyp=%d len=%d\n", valtyp, len);
   /*  Firstly check the list and count the number of values in it.     */
@@ -127,13 +126,13 @@ PARRAY MakeValueArray(PGLOBAL g, PPARM pp)
         // Integer stored inside pp->Value
         par->AddValue(g, parmp->Intval);
-      } // endswitch valtyp
+    } // endswitch valtyp
   /*  Send back resulting array.                                       */
   return par;
-  } // end of MakeValueArray
+} // end of MakeValueArray
 /* -------------------------- Class ARRAY ---------------------------- */
@@ -151,6 +150,9 @@ ARRAY::ARRAY(PGLOBAL g, int type, int size, int length, int prec)
   Type = type;
   Xsize = -1;
   Len = 1;
+	X = 0;
+	Inf = 0;
+	Sup = 0;
   switch (type) {
     case TYPE_STRING:
@@ -281,130 +283,109 @@ void ARRAY::Empty(void)
 /*  Add a string element to an array.                                  */
 bool ARRAY::AddValue(PGLOBAL g, PSZ strp)
-  {
   if (Type != TYPE_STRING) {
     sprintf(g->Message, MSG(ADD_BAD_TYPE), GetTypeName(Type), "CHAR");
     return true;
-    } // endif Type
+  } // endif Type
-  if (trace(1))
-    htrc(" adding string(%d): '%s'\n", Nval, strp);
-//Vblp->SetValue(valp, Nval++);
+  xtrc(1, " adding string(%d): '%s'\n", Nval, strp);
   Vblp->SetValue(strp, Nval++);
   return false;
-  } // end of AddValue
+} // end of AddValue
 /*  Add a char pointer element to an array.                            */
 bool ARRAY::AddValue(PGLOBAL g, void *p)
-  {
   if (Type != TYPE_PCHAR) {
     sprintf(g->Message, MSG(ADD_BAD_TYPE), GetTypeName(Type), "PCHAR");
     return true;
-    } // endif Type
-  if (trace(1))
-    htrc(" adding pointer(%d): %p\n", Nval, p);
+  } // endif Type
+  xtrc(1, " adding pointer(%d): %p\n", Nval, p);
   Vblp->SetValue((PSZ)p, Nval++);
   return false;
-  } // end of AddValue
+} // end of AddValue
 /*  Add a short integer element to an array.                           */
 bool ARRAY::AddValue(PGLOBAL g, short n)
-  {
   if (Type != TYPE_SHORT) {
     sprintf(g->Message, MSG(ADD_BAD_TYPE), GetTypeName(Type), "SHORT");
     return true;
-    } // endif Type
+  } // endif Type
-  if (trace(1))
-    htrc(" adding SHORT(%d): %hd\n", Nval, n);
-//Vblp->SetValue(valp, Nval++);
+  xtrc(1, " adding SHORT(%d): %hd\n", Nval, n);
   Vblp->SetValue(n, Nval++);
   return false;
-  } // end of AddValue
+} // end of AddValue
 /*  Add an integer element to an array.                                */
 bool ARRAY::AddValue(PGLOBAL g, int n)
-  {
   if (Type != TYPE_INT) {
     sprintf(g->Message, MSG(ADD_BAD_TYPE), GetTypeName(Type), "INTEGER");
     return true;
-    } // endif Type
+  } // endif Type
-  if (trace(1))
-    htrc(" adding int(%d): %d\n", Nval, n);
-//Vblp->SetValue(valp, Nval++);
+  xtrc(1, " adding int(%d): %d\n", Nval, n);
   Vblp->SetValue(n, Nval++);
   return false;
-  } // end of AddValue
+} // end of AddValue
 /*  Add a double float element to an array.                            */
 bool ARRAY::AddValue(PGLOBAL g, double d)
-  {
   if (Type != TYPE_DOUBLE) {
     sprintf(g->Message, MSG(ADD_BAD_TYPE), GetTypeName(Type), "DOUBLE");
     return true;
-    } // endif Type
-  if (trace(1))
-    htrc(" adding float(%d): %lf\n", Nval, d);
+  } // endif Type
+  xtrc(1, " adding float(%d): %lf\n", Nval, d);
   Vblp->SetValue(Value, Nval++);
   return false;
-  } // end of AddValue
+} // end of AddValue
 /*  Add the value of a XOBJECT block to an array.                      */
 bool ARRAY::AddValue(PGLOBAL g, PXOB xp)
-  {
-  if (Type != xp->GetResultType()) {
-    sprintf(g->Message, MSG(ADD_BAD_TYPE),
-            GetTypeName(xp->GetResultType()), GetTypeName(Type));
-    return true;
-    } // endif Type
+	if (Type != xp->GetResultType()) {
+		sprintf(g->Message, MSG(ADD_BAD_TYPE),
+			GetTypeName(xp->GetResultType()), GetTypeName(Type));
+		return true;
+	} // endif Type
-  if (trace(1))
-    htrc(" adding (%d) from xp=%p\n", Nval, xp);
-  Vblp->SetValue(xp->GetValue(), Nval++);
-  return false;
-  } // end of AddValue
+	xtrc(1, " adding (%d) from xp=%p\n", Nval, xp);
+	Vblp->SetValue(xp->GetValue(), Nval++);
+	return false;
+} // end of AddValue
 /*  Add a value to an array.                                           */
 bool ARRAY::AddValue(PGLOBAL g, PVAL vp)
-  {
   if (Type != vp->GetType()) {
     sprintf(g->Message, MSG(ADD_BAD_TYPE),
             GetTypeName(vp->GetType()), GetTypeName(Type));
     return true;
-    } // endif Type
-  if (trace(1))
-    htrc(" adding (%d) from vp=%p\n", Nval, vp);
+  } // endif Type
+  xtrc(1, " adding (%d) from vp=%p\n", Nval, vp);
   Vblp->SetValue(vp, Nval++);
   return false;
-  } // end of AddValue
+} // end of AddValue
 /*  Retrieve the nth value of the array.                               */
@@ -973,7 +954,7 @@ int ARRAY::BlockTest(PGLOBAL, int opc, int opm,
 /*  MakeArrayList: Makes a value list from an SQL IN array (in work).  */
 PSZ ARRAY::MakeArrayList(PGLOBAL g)
-  {
   char   *p, *tp;
   int     i;
   size_t  z, len = 2;
@@ -988,11 +969,9 @@ PSZ ARRAY::MakeArrayList(PGLOBAL g)
     Value->SetValue_pvblk(Vblp, i);
     Value->Prints(g, tp, z);
     len += strlen(tp);
-    } // enfor i
-  if (trace(1))
-    htrc("Arraylist: len=%d\n", len);
+  } // enfor i
+  xtrc(1, "Arraylist: len=%d\n", len);
   p = (char *)PlugSubAlloc(g, NULL, len);
   strcpy(p, "(");
@@ -1001,19 +980,17 @@ PSZ ARRAY::MakeArrayList(PGLOBAL g)
     Value->Prints(g, tp, z);
     strcat(p, tp);
     strcat(p, (++i == Nval) ? ")" : ",");
-    } // enfor i
-  if (trace(1))
-    htrc("Arraylist: newlen=%d\n", strlen(p));
+  } // enfor i
+  xtrc(1, "Arraylist: newlen=%d\n", strlen(p));
   return p;
-  } // end of MakeArrayList
+} // end of MakeArrayList
 /*  Make file output of ARRAY  contents.                               */
 void ARRAY::Printf(PGLOBAL g, FILE *f, uint n)
-  {
   char m[64];
   int  lim = MY_MIN(Nval,10);
@@ -1035,19 +1012,19 @@ void ARRAY::Printf(PGLOBAL g, FILE *f, uint n)
   } else
     fprintf(f, "%sVALLST: numval=%d\n", m, Nval);
-  } // end of Printf
+} // end of Printf
 /*  Make string output of ARRAY  contents.                             */
 void ARRAY::Prints(PGLOBAL, char *ps, uint z)
-  {
   if (z < 16)
   sprintf(ps, "ARRAY: type=%d\n", Type);
   // More to be implemented later
-  } // end of Prints
+} // end of Prints
 /* -------------------------- Class MULAR ---------------------------- */
diff --git a/storage/connect/block.h b/storage/connect/block.h
index 737c74c1293..2ca9586ee3f 100644
--- a/storage/connect/block.h
+++ b/storage/connect/block.h
@@ -38,9 +38,7 @@ typedef class BLOCK *PBLOCK;
 class DllExport BLOCK {
   void * operator new(size_t size, PGLOBAL g, void *p = NULL) {
-	  if (trace(256))
-	    htrc("New BLOCK: size=%d g=%p p=%p\n", size, g, p);
+	  xtrc(256, "New BLOCK: size=%d g=%p p=%p\n", size, g, p);
     return (PlugSubAlloc(g, p, size));
     } // end of new
diff --git a/storage/connect/connect.cc b/storage/connect/connect.cc
index 21bca637eab..b1078de8eaa 100644
--- a/storage/connect/connect.cc
+++ b/storage/connect/connect.cc
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-   Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02111-1301 USA */
+   Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1335 USA */
 /*  Author Olivier BERTRAND  bertrandop@gmail.com         2004-2017    */
@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
 /*  plgdbsem.h   is header containing the DB applic. declarations.     */
+#include <my_global.h>
 #include "handler.h"
 #undef  OFFSET
diff --git a/storage/connect/connect.h b/storage/connect/connect.h
index 2bca8bf54cb..3a60cd40160 100644
--- a/storage/connect/connect.h
+++ b/storage/connect/connect.h
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
   along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-  Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02111-1301 USA */
+	Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1335 USA */
 /**************** Cnt H Declares Source Code File (.H) *****************/
 /*  Name: CONNECT.H    Version 2.4                                     */
diff --git a/storage/connect/global.h b/storage/connect/global.h
index dc1e149745f..fd26c87b800 100644
--- a/storage/connect/global.h
+++ b/storage/connect/global.h
@@ -224,6 +224,7 @@ DllExport void   *PlugSubAlloc(PGLOBAL, void *, size_t);
 DllExport char   *PlugDup(PGLOBAL g, const char *str);
 DllExport void   *MakePtr(void *, OFFSET);
 DllExport void    htrc(char const *fmt, ...);
+DllExport void    xtrc(uint, char const* fmt, ...);
 DllExport uint    GetTraceValue(void);
 #if defined(__cplusplus)
diff --git a/storage/connect/ha_connect.cc b/storage/connect/ha_connect.cc
index 191230cb03c..be7c6548181 100644
--- a/storage/connect/ha_connect.cc
+++ b/storage/connect/ha_connect.cc
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
   along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-  Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02111-1301 USA */
+	Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1335 USA */
   @file ha_connect.cc
@@ -164,15 +164,15 @@
 /*  Initialize the ha_connect static members.                          */
-#define SZCONV     8192
+#define SZCONV     1024							// Default converted text size
 #define SZWORK 67108864             // Default work area size 64M
 #define SZWMIN  4194304             // Minimum work area size  4M
 #define JSONMAX      10             // JSON Default max grp size
 extern "C" {
-       char version[]= "Version 1.06.0009 January 27, 2019";
+       char version[]= "Version 1.06.0010 June 01, 2019";
 #if defined(__WIN__)
-       char compver[]= "Version 1.06.0009 " __DATE__ " "  __TIME__;
+       char compver[]= "Version 1.06.0010 " __DATE__ " "  __TIME__;
        char slash= '\\';
 #else   // !__WIN__
        char slash= '/';
@@ -211,14 +211,14 @@ char *GetUserVariable(PGLOBAL g, const uchar *varname)
 	char buf[1024];
 	bool b;
-	THD *thd = current_thd;
-	CHARSET_INFO *cs = system_charset_info;
-	String *str = NULL, tmp(buf, sizeof(buf), cs);
-	HASH uvars = thd->user_vars;
-	user_var_entry *uvar = (user_var_entry*)my_hash_search(&uvars, varname, 0);
+	THD *thd= current_thd;
+	CHARSET_INFO *cs= system_charset_info;
+	String *str= NULL, tmp(buf, sizeof(buf), cs);
+	HASH uvars= thd->user_vars;
+	user_var_entry *uvar= (user_var_entry*)my_hash_search(&uvars, varname, 0);
 	if (uvar)
-		str = uvar->val_str(&b, &tmp, NOT_FIXED_DEC);
+		str= uvar->val_str(&b, &tmp, NOT_FIXED_DEC);
 	return str ? PlugDup(g, str->ptr()) : NULL;
 }; // end of GetUserVariable
@@ -231,6 +231,9 @@ PQRYRES OEMColumns(PGLOBAL g, PTOS topt, char *tab, char *db, bool info);
 PQRYRES VirColumns(PGLOBAL g, bool info);
 PQRYRES JSONColumns(PGLOBAL g, PCSZ db, PCSZ dsn, PTOS topt, bool info);
 PQRYRES XMLColumns(PGLOBAL g, char *db, char *tab, PTOS topt, bool info);
+#if defined(REST_SUPPORT)
+PQRYRES RESTColumns(PGLOBAL g, PTOS topt, char *tab, char *db, bool info);
+#endif // REST_SUPPORT
 #if defined(JAVA_SUPPORT)
 PQRYRES MGOColumns(PGLOBAL g, PCSZ db, PCSZ url, PTOS topt, bool info);
 #endif   // JAVA_SUPPORT
@@ -238,7 +241,9 @@ int     TranslateJDBCType(int stp, char *tn, int prec, int& len, char& v);
 void    PushWarning(PGLOBAL g, THD *thd, int level);
 bool    CheckSelf(PGLOBAL g, TABLE_SHARE *s, PCSZ host, PCSZ db,
 	                                           PCSZ tab, PCSZ src, int port);
+#if defined(ZIP_SUPPORT)
 bool    ZipLoadFile(PGLOBAL, PCSZ, PCSZ, PCSZ, bool, bool);
+#endif   // ZIP_SUPPORT
 bool    ExactInfo(void);
 #if defined(CMGO_SUPPORT)
 //void    mongo_init(bool);
@@ -352,7 +357,7 @@ static MYSQL_THDVAR_UINT(work_size,
 static MYSQL_THDVAR_INT(conv_size,
        PLUGIN_VAR_RQCMDARG,             // opt
        "Size used when converting TEXT columns.",
-       NULL, NULL, SZCONV, 0, 65500, 8192);
+       NULL, NULL, SZCONV, 0, 65500, 1);
   Type conversion:
@@ -583,7 +588,9 @@ ha_create_table_option connect_table_option_list[]=
-  HA_TOPTION_NUMBER("LRECL", lrecl, 0, 0, INT_MAX32, 1),
+	HA_TOPTION_NUMBER("LRECL", lrecl, 0, 0, INT_MAX32, 1),
   HA_TOPTION_NUMBER("BLOCK_SIZE", elements, 0, 0, INT_MAX32, 1),
 //HA_TOPTION_NUMBER("ESTIMATE", estimate, 0, 0, INT_MAX32, 1),
   HA_TOPTION_NUMBER("MULTIPLE", multiple, 0, 0, 3, 1),
@@ -991,11 +998,11 @@ static PCONNECT GetUser(THD *thd, PCONNECT xp)
 	if (!xp) {
-		xp = new user_connect(thd);
+		xp= new user_connect(thd);
 		if (xp->user_init()) {
 			delete xp;
-			xp = NULL;
+			xp= NULL;
 		} // endif user_init
 	}	// endif xp
@@ -1027,6 +1034,19 @@ TABTYPE ha_connect::GetRealType(PTOS pos)
     if (type == TAB_UNDEF)
       type= pos->srcdef ? TAB_MYSQL : pos->tabname ? TAB_PRX : TAB_DOS;
+#if defined(REST_SUPPORT)
+		else if (pos->http)
+			switch (type) {
+				case TAB_JSON:
+				case TAB_XML:
+				case TAB_CSV:
+					type = TAB_REST;
+					break;
+				case TAB_REST:
+					type = TAB_NIY;
+					break;
+			}	// endswitch type
+#endif   // REST_SUPPORT
   } else
     type= TAB_UNDEF;
@@ -1130,48 +1150,48 @@ PCSZ GetListOption(PGLOBAL g, PCSZ opname, PCSZ oplist, PCSZ def)
     return (char*)def;
 	char  key[16], val[256];
-	char *pv, *pn, *pk = (char*)oplist;
-	PCSZ  opval = def;
+	char *pv, *pn, *pk= (char*)oplist;
+	PCSZ  opval= def;
 	int   n;
 	while (*pk == ' ')
-	for (; pk; pk = pn) {
-		pn = strchr(pk, ',');
-		pv = strchr(pk, '=');
+	for (; pk; pk= pn) {
+		pn= strchr(pk, ',');
+		pv= strchr(pk, '=');
 		if (pv && (!pn || pv < pn)) {
-			n = MY_MIN(static_cast<size_t>(pv - pk), sizeof(key) - 1);
+			n= MY_MIN(static_cast<size_t>(pv - pk), sizeof(key) - 1);
 			memcpy(key, pk, n);
 			while (n && key[n - 1] == ' ')
-			key[n] = 0;
+			key[n]= 0;
 			while (*(++pv) == ' ');
-			n = MY_MIN((pn ? pn - pv : strlen(pv)), sizeof(val) - 1);
+			n= MY_MIN((pn ? pn - pv : strlen(pv)), sizeof(val) - 1);
 			memcpy(val, pv, n);
 			while (n && val[n - 1] == ' ')
-			val[n] = 0;
+			val[n]= 0;
 		} else {
-			n = MY_MIN((pn ? pn - pk : strlen(pk)), sizeof(key) - 1);
+			n= MY_MIN((pn ? pn - pk : strlen(pk)), sizeof(key) - 1);
 			memcpy(key, pk, n);
 			while (n && key[n - 1] == ' ')
-			key[n] = 0;
-			val[0] = 0;
+			key[n]= 0;
+			val[0]= 0;
 		} // endif pv
 		if (!stricmp(opname, key)) {
-			opval = PlugDup(g, val);
+			opval= PlugDup(g, val);
 		} else if (!pn)
@@ -1219,9 +1239,13 @@ PCSZ GetStringTableOption(PGLOBAL g, PTOS options, PCSZ opname, PCSZ sdef)
   else if (!stricmp(opname, "Colist"))
     opval= options->colist;
 	else if (!stricmp(opname, "Filter"))
-		opval = options->filter;
+		opval= options->filter;
 	else if (!stricmp(opname, "Data_charset"))
     opval= options->data_charset;
+	else if (!stricmp(opname, "Http") || !stricmp(opname, "URL"))
+		opval = options->http;
+	else if (!stricmp(opname, "Uri"))
+		opval = options->uri;
   if (!opval && options->oplist)
     opval= GetListOption(g, opname, options->oplist);
@@ -1252,7 +1276,7 @@ bool GetBooleanTableOption(PGLOBAL g, PTOS options, PCSZ opname, bool bdef)
   else if (!stricmp(opname, "Header"))
     opval= (options->header != 0);   // Is Boolean for some table types
 	else if (!stricmp(opname, "Zipped"))
-		opval = options->zipped;
+		opval= options->zipped;
 	else if (options->oplist)
     if ((pv= GetListOption(g, opname, options->oplist)))
       opval= (!*pv || *pv == 'y' || *pv == 'Y' || atoi(pv) != 0);
@@ -1346,8 +1370,8 @@ PCSZ ha_connect::GetStringOption(PCSZ opname, PCSZ sdef)
 	} else if (!stricmp(opname, "Query_String")) {
 //  This escapes everything and returns a wrong query 
-//	opval = thd_query_string(table->in_use)->str;
-		opval = (PCSZ)PlugSubAlloc(xp->g, NULL, 
+//	opval= thd_query_string(table->in_use)->str;
+		opval= (PCSZ)PlugSubAlloc(xp->g, NULL, 
 			thd_query_string(table->in_use)->length + 1);
 		strcpy((char*)opval, thd_query_string(table->in_use)->str);
 //	sprintf((char*)opval, "%s", thd_query_string(table->in_use)->str);
@@ -1368,7 +1392,7 @@ PCSZ ha_connect::GetStringOption(PCSZ opname, PCSZ sdef)
              || !stricmp(opname, "filename")
 						 || !stricmp(opname, "optname")
 						 || !stricmp(opname, "entry")))
-						 opval = GetRealString(opval);
+						 opval= GetRealString(opval);
   if (!opval) {
     if (sdef && !strcmp(sdef, "*")) {
@@ -1497,7 +1521,7 @@ PFOS ha_connect::GetFieldOptionStruct(Field *fdp)
 void *ha_connect::GetColumnOption(PGLOBAL g, void *field, PCOLINFO pcf)
   const char *cp;
-  char   *chset, v = 0;
+  char   *chset, v= 0;
   ha_field_option_struct *fop;
   Field*  fp;
   Field* *fldp;
@@ -1549,7 +1573,7 @@ void *ha_connect::GetColumnOption(PGLOBAL g, void *field, PCOLINFO pcf)
     pcf->Fieldfmt= NULL;
   } // endif fop
-  chset = (char *)fp->charset()->name;
+  chset= (char *)fp->charset()->name;
   switch (fp->type()) {
     case MYSQL_TYPE_BLOB:
@@ -1817,7 +1841,7 @@ const char *ha_connect::GetTableName(void)
   const char *path= tshp ? tshp->path.str : table_share->path.str;
   const char *name= strrchr(path, slash);
-  return name ? name+1 : path;
+  return name ? name + 1 : path;
 } // end of GetTableName
 char *ha_connect::GetPartName(void)
@@ -2055,10 +2079,10 @@ bool ha_connect::CheckColumnList(PGLOBAL g)
 	} catch (int n) {
 		if (trace(1))
 			htrc("Exception %d: %s\n", n, g->Message);
-		brc = true;
+		brc= true;
 	} catch (const char *msg) {
 		strcpy(g->Message, msg);
-		brc = true;
+		brc= true;
 	} // end catch
   return brc;
@@ -2185,9 +2209,9 @@ int ha_connect::MakeRecord(char *buf)
             rc= fp->store(p, strlen(p), charset, CHECK_FIELD_WARN);
 					case TYPE_BIN:
-						p = value->GetCharValue();
-						charset = &my_charset_bin;
-						rc = fp->store(p, strlen(p), charset, CHECK_FIELD_WARN);
+						p= value->GetCharValue();
+						charset= &my_charset_bin;
+						rc= fp->store(p, strlen(p), charset, CHECK_FIELD_WARN);
           case TYPE_DOUBLE:
             rc= fp->store(value->GetFloatValue());
@@ -2436,7 +2460,7 @@ bool ha_connect::MakeKeyWhere(PGLOBAL g, PSTRG qry, OPVAL vop, char q,
 	kfp= &table->key_info[active_index];
 	old_map= dbug_tmp_use_all_columns(table, table->write_set);
-	for (i = 0; i <= 1; i++) {
+	for (i= 0; i <= 1; i++) {
 		if (ranges[i] == NULL)
@@ -2547,7 +2571,7 @@ const char *ha_connect::GetValStr(OPVAL vop, bool neg)
   switch (vop) {
     case OP_EQ:
-      val= " = ";
+      val= "= ";
     case OP_NE:
       val= " <> ";
@@ -2817,7 +2841,7 @@ PFIL ha_connect::CondFilter(PGLOBAL g, Item *cond)
 PCFIL ha_connect::CheckCond(PGLOBAL g, PCFIL filp, const Item *cond)
-	AMT   tty = filp->Type;
+	AMT   tty= filp->Type;
   char *body= filp->Body;
 	char *havg= filp->Having;
 	unsigned int i;
@@ -2834,7 +2858,7 @@ PCFIL ha_connect::CheckCond(PGLOBAL g, PCFIL filp, const Item *cond)
   if (cond->type() == COND::COND_ITEM) {
     char      *pb0, *pb1, *pb2, *ph0= 0, *ph1= 0, *ph2= 0;
-		bool       bb = false, bh = false;
+		bool       bb= false, bh= false;
     Item_cond *cond_item= (Item_cond *)cond;
     if (x)
@@ -2893,13 +2917,13 @@ PCFIL ha_connect::CheckCond(PGLOBAL g, PCFIL filp, const Item *cond)
 				bb |= filp->Bd;
 				bh |= filp->Hv;
-				filp->Bd = filp->Hv = false;
+				filp->Bd= filp->Hv= false;
       } else
         return NULL;
     if (bb)	{
       strcpy(pb1, ")");
-			filp->Bd = bb;
+			filp->Bd= bb;
 		} else
 			*pb0= 0;
@@ -2907,13 +2931,13 @@ PCFIL ha_connect::CheckCond(PGLOBAL g, PCFIL filp, const Item *cond)
 			if (bb && bh && vop == OP_OR) {
 				// Cannot or'ed a where clause with a having clause
 				bb= bh= 0;
-				*pb0 = 0;
-				*ph0 = 0;
+				*pb0= 0;
+				*ph0= 0;
 			} else if (bh)	{
 				strcpy(ph1, ")");
 				filp->Hv= bh;
 			} else
-				*ph0 = 0;
+				*ph0= 0;
 		} // endif havg
@@ -2926,7 +2950,7 @@ PCFIL ha_connect::CheckCond(PGLOBAL g, PCFIL filp, const Item *cond)
     Item_func *condf= (Item_func *)cond;
     Item*     *args= condf->arguments();
-		filp->Bd = filp->Hv = false;
+		filp->Bd= filp->Hv= false;
     if (trace(1))
       htrc("Func type=%d argnum=%d\n", condf->functype(),
@@ -2942,10 +2966,10 @@ PCFIL ha_connect::CheckCond(PGLOBAL g, PCFIL filp, const Item *cond)
 			case Item_func::GT_FUNC:     vop= OP_GT;   break;
 			case Item_func::LIKE_FUNC:
 				vop= OP_LIKE; 
-				neg = ((Item_func_opt_neg *)condf)->negated;
+				neg= ((Item_func_opt_neg *)condf)->negated;
 			case Item_func::ISNOTNULL_FUNC:
-				neg = true;	
+				neg= true;	
 				// fall through
 			case Item_func::ISNULL_FUNC: vop= OP_NULL; break;
 			case Item_func::IN_FUNC:     vop= OP_IN; /* fall through */
@@ -3003,12 +3027,12 @@ PCFIL ha_connect::CheckCond(PGLOBAL g, PCFIL filp, const Item *cond)
 				} else {
 					bool h;
-					fnm = filp->Chk(pField->field->field_name, &h);
+					fnm= filp->Chk(pField->field->field_name, &h);
 					if (h && i && !ishav)
 						return NULL;			// Having should be	col VOP arg
-						ishav = h;
+						ishav= h;
 				}	// endif's
@@ -3059,7 +3083,7 @@ PCFIL ha_connect::CheckCond(PGLOBAL g, PCFIL filp, const Item *cond)
         if (!x) {
 					const char *p;
-					char *s = (ishav) ? havg : body;
+					char *s= (ishav) ? havg : body;
 					uint	j, k, n;
           // Append the value to the filter
@@ -3116,37 +3140,37 @@ PCFIL ha_connect::CheckCond(PGLOBAL g, PCFIL filp, const Item *cond)
                     strcat(s, "'}");
-										j = strlen(s);
-										s[j++] = '\'';
-										p = res->ptr();
-										n = res->length();
+										j= strlen(s);
+										s[j++]= '\'';
+										p= res->ptr();
+										n= res->length();
-										for (k = 0; k < n; k++) {
+										for (k= 0; k < n; k++) {
 											if (p[k] == '\'')
-												s[j++] = '\'';
+												s[j++]= '\'';
-											s[j++] = p[k];
+											s[j++]= p[k];
 										} // endfor k
-										s[j++] = '\'';
-										s[j] = 0;
+										s[j++]= '\'';
+										s[j]= 0;
 								} // endswitch field type
               } else {
-								j = strlen(s);
-								s[j++] = '\'';
-								p = res->ptr();
-								n = res->length();
+								j= strlen(s);
+								s[j++]= '\'';
+								p= res->ptr();
+								n= res->length();
-								for (k = 0; k < n; k++) {
+								for (k= 0; k < n; k++) {
 									if (p[k] == '\'')
-										s[j++] = '\'';
+										s[j++]= '\'';
-									s[j++] = p[k];
+									s[j++]= p[k];
 								} // endfor k
-								s[j++] = '\'';
-								s[j] = 0;
+								s[j++]= '\'';
+								s[j]= 0;
 							} // endif tty
@@ -3170,7 +3194,7 @@ PCFIL ha_connect::CheckCond(PGLOBAL g, PCFIL filp, const Item *cond)
       } // endif's Type
       if (!x) {
-				char *s = (ishav) ? havg : body;
+				char *s= (ishav) ? havg : body;
 				if (!i)
           strcat(s, GetValStr(vop, neg));
@@ -3184,11 +3208,11 @@ PCFIL ha_connect::CheckCond(PGLOBAL g, PCFIL filp, const Item *cond)
       } // endfor i
 			if (x)
-				filp->Op = vop;
+				filp->Op= vop;
 			else if (ishav)
-				filp->Hv = true;
+				filp->Hv= true;
-				filp->Bd = true;
+				filp->Bd= true;
   } else {
     if (trace(1))
@@ -3238,21 +3262,21 @@ const COND *ha_connect::cond_push(const COND *cond)
 				PCFIL filp;
 				int   rc;
-				if ((filp = tdbp->GetCondFil()) && tdbp->GetCond() == cond &&
+				if ((filp= tdbp->GetCondFil()) && tdbp->GetCond() == cond &&
 					filp->Idx == active_index && filp->Type == tty)
 					goto fin;
-				filp = new(g) CONDFIL(active_index, tty);
-				rc = filp->Init(g, this);
+				filp= new(g) CONDFIL(active_index, tty);
+				rc= filp->Init(g, this);
 				if (rc == RC_INFO) {
-					filp->Having = (char*)PlugSubAlloc(g, NULL, 256);
-					*filp->Having = 0;
+					filp->Having= (char*)PlugSubAlloc(g, NULL, 256);
+					*filp->Having= 0;
 				} else if (rc == RC_FX)
 					goto fin;
-				filp->Body = (char*)PlugSubAlloc(g, NULL, (x) ? 128 : 0);
-				*filp->Body = 0;
+				filp->Body= (char*)PlugSubAlloc(g, NULL, (x) ? 128 : 0);
+				*filp->Body= 0;
 				if (CheckCond(g, filp, cond)) {
 					if (filp->Having && strlen(filp->Having) > 255)
@@ -3266,7 +3290,7 @@ const COND *ha_connect::cond_push(const COND *cond)
 					if (!x)
 						PlugSubAlloc(g, NULL, strlen(filp->Body) + 1);
-						cond = NULL;             // Does this work?
+						cond= NULL;             // Does this work?
 				} else if (x && cond)
@@ -3316,8 +3340,8 @@ ha_rows ha_connect::records()
 int ha_connect::check(THD* thd, HA_CHECK_OPT* check_opt)
-	int     rc = HA_ADMIN_OK;
-	PGLOBAL g = ((table && table->in_use) ? GetPlug(table->in_use, xp) :
+	int     rc= HA_ADMIN_OK;
+	PGLOBAL g= ((table && table->in_use) ? GetPlug(table->in_use, xp) :
 		(xp) ? xp->g : NULL);
@@ -3327,32 +3351,32 @@ int ha_connect::check(THD* thd, HA_CHECK_OPT* check_opt)
 	// Do not close the table if it was opened yet (possible?)
 	if (IsOpened()) {
 		if (IsPartitioned() && CheckColumnList(g)) // map can have been changed
 		else if (tdbp->OpenDB(g))      // Rewind table
 	} else if (xp->CheckQuery(valid_query_id)) {
-		tdbp = NULL;       // Not valid anymore
+		tdbp= NULL;       // Not valid anymore
 		if (OpenTable(g, false))
 	} else // possible?
 	if (rc == HA_ADMIN_OK) {
-		TABTYPE type = GetTypeID(GetStringOption("Type", "*"));
+		TABTYPE type= GetTypeID(GetStringOption("Type", "*"));
 		if (IsFileType(type)) {
 			if (check_opt->flags & T_MEDIUM) {
 				// TO DO
 				do {
-					if ((rc = CntReadNext(g, tdbp)) == RC_FX)
+					if ((rc= CntReadNext(g, tdbp)) == RC_FX)
 				} while (rc != RC_EF);
-				rc = (rc == RC_EF) ? HA_ADMIN_OK : HA_ADMIN_CORRUPT;
+				rc= (rc == RC_EF) ? HA_ADMIN_OK : HA_ADMIN_CORRUPT;
 			} else if (check_opt->flags & T_EXTEND) {
 				// TO DO
 			} // endif's flags
@@ -3380,7 +3404,7 @@ bool ha_connect::get_error_message(int error, String* buf)
 	if (xp && xp->g) {
-		PGLOBAL g = xp->g;
+		PGLOBAL g= xp->g;
 		if (trace(1))
 			htrc("GEM(%d): %s\n", error, g->Message);
@@ -3489,32 +3513,32 @@ int ha_connect::optimize(THD* thd, HA_CHECK_OPT*)
 	try {
 		// Ignore error on the opt file
 		dup->Check &= ~CHK_OPT;
-		tdbp = GetTDB(g);
+		tdbp= GetTDB(g);
 		dup->Check |= CHK_OPT;
 		if (tdbp && !tdbp->IsRemote()) {
-			bool dop = IsTypeIndexable(GetRealType(NULL));
-			bool dox = (tdbp->GetDef()->Indexable() == 1);
+			bool dop= IsTypeIndexable(GetRealType(NULL));
+			bool dox= (tdbp->GetDef()->Indexable() == 1);
-			if ((rc = ((PTDBASE)tdbp)->ResetTableOpt(g, dop, dox))) {
+			if ((rc= ((PTDBASE)tdbp)->ResetTableOpt(g, dop, dox))) {
 				if (rc == RC_INFO) {
 					push_warning(thd, Sql_condition::WARN_LEVEL_WARN, 0, g->Message);
-					rc = 0;
+					rc= 0;
 				} else
-					rc = HA_ERR_CRASHED_ON_USAGE;		// Table must be repaired
+					rc= HA_ERR_CRASHED_ON_USAGE;		// Table must be repaired
 			} // endif rc
 		} else if (!tdbp)
 	} catch (int n) {
 		if (trace(1))
 			htrc("Exception %d: %s\n", n, g->Message);
 	} catch (const char *msg) {
 		strcpy(g->Message, msg);
 	} // end catch
 	if (rc)
@@ -4214,7 +4238,7 @@ int ha_connect::rnd_pos(uchar *buf, uchar *pos)
     rc= rnd_next(buf);
 	} else {
-		PGLOBAL g = GetPlug((table) ? table->in_use : NULL, xp);
+		PGLOBAL g= GetPlug((table) ? table->in_use : NULL, xp);
 //	strcpy(g->Message, "Not supported by this table type");
 		my_message(ER_ILLEGAL_HA, g->Message, MYF(0));
@@ -4298,12 +4322,12 @@ int ha_connect::info(uint flag)
 		} else
       DBUG_RETURN(HA_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR);       // Should never happen
-		if (!(tdbp = GetTDB(g))) {
+		if (!(tdbp= GetTDB(g))) {
 			my_message(ER_UNKNOWN_ERROR, g->Message, MYF(0));
 		} // endif tdbp
-    valid_info = false;
+    valid_info= false;
     } // endif tdbp
   if (!valid_info) {
@@ -4446,6 +4470,7 @@ bool ha_connect::check_privileges(THD *thd, PTOS options, char *dbn, bool quick)
     case TAB_XML:
     case TAB_INI:
     case TAB_VEC:
+		case TAB_REST:
     case TAB_JSON:
 			if (options->filename && *options->filename) {
 				if (!quick) {
@@ -4582,13 +4607,13 @@ MODE ha_connect::CheckMode(PGLOBAL g, THD *thd,
 //      newmode= MODE_UPDATE;               // To be checked
 //      break;
-				*cras = true;
+				*cras= true;
       case SQLCOM_TRUNCATE:
         newmode= MODE_DELETE;
-				*cras = true;
+				*cras= true;
 				newmode= MODE_UPDATE;
@@ -4616,7 +4641,7 @@ MODE ha_connect::CheckMode(PGLOBAL g, THD *thd,
 //        } // endif partitioned
 			case SQLCOM_REPAIR: // TODO implement it
-				newmode = MODE_UPDATE;
+				newmode= MODE_UPDATE;
         htrc("Unsupported sql_command=%d\n", thd_sql_command(thd));
@@ -4731,15 +4756,15 @@ int ha_connect::start_stmt(THD *thd, thr_lock_type lock_type)
 		if (CloseTable(g)) {
 			// Make error a warning to avoid crash
 			push_warning(thd, Sql_condition::WARN_LEVEL_WARN, 0, g->Message);
-			rc = 0;
+			rc= 0;
 		} // endif Close
-		locked = 0;
-		xmod = MODE_ANY;              // For info commands
+		locked= 0;
+		xmod= MODE_ANY;              // For info commands
 	} // endif MODE_ANY
-	newmode = CheckMode(g, thd, newmode, &chk, &cras);
+	newmode= CheckMode(g, thd, newmode, &chk, &cras);
 	if (newmode == MODE_ERROR)
@@ -4815,7 +4840,7 @@ int ha_connect::external_lock(THD *thd, int lock_type)
     } else if (g->Xchk) {
       if (!tdbp) {
-				if (!(tdbp = GetTDB(g))) {
+				if (!(tdbp= GetTDB(g))) {
 //        DBUG_RETURN(HA_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR);  causes assert error
 					push_warning(thd, Sql_condition::WARN_LEVEL_WARN, 0, g->Message);
@@ -4952,7 +4977,7 @@ int ha_connect::external_lock(THD *thd, int lock_type)
 int ha_connect::check_stmt(PGLOBAL g, MODE newmode, bool cras)
-	int rc = 0;
+	int rc= 0;
 	// If this is the start of a new query, cleanup the previous one
@@ -5039,7 +5064,7 @@ THR_LOCK_DATA **ha_connect::store_lock(THD *,
   if (lock_type != TL_IGNORE && lock.type == TL_UNLOCK)
-  *to++ = &lock;
+  *to++= &lock;
   return to;
@@ -5316,7 +5341,7 @@ static bool add_field(String *sql, const char *field_name, int typ, int len,
                       int dec, char *key, uint tm, const char *rem, char *dft,
                       char *xtra, char *fmt, int flag, bool dbf, char v)
-  char var = (len > 255) ? 'V' : v;
+  char var= (len > 255) ? 'V' : v;
   bool q, error= false;
   const char *type= PLGtoMYSQLtype(typ, dbf, var);
@@ -5360,9 +5385,9 @@ static bool add_field(String *sql, const char *field_name, int typ, int len,
     error|= sql->append(" DEFAULT ");
     if (typ == TYPE_DATE)
-      q = (strspn(dft, "0123456789 -:/") == strlen(dft));
+      q= (strspn(dft, "0123456789 -:/") == strlen(dft));
-      q = !IsTypeNum(typ);
+      q= !IsTypeNum(typ);
     if (q) {
       error|= sql->append("'");
@@ -5514,13 +5539,13 @@ static int connect_assisted_discovery(handlerton *, THD* thd,
 	PCSZ     fncn= "?";
 	PCSZ     user, fn, db, host, pwd, sep, tbl, src;
 	PCSZ     col, ocl, rnk, pic, fcl, skc, zfn;
-  char    *tab, *dsn, *shm, *dpath; 
+	char    *tab, *dsn, *shm, *dpath, *url;
 #if defined(__WIN__)
 	PCSZ     nsp= NULL, cls= NULL;
 #endif   // __WIN__
 //int      hdr, mxe;
-	int      port = 0, mxr = 0, rc = 0, mul = 0, lrecl = 0;
-//PCSZ     tabtyp = NULL;
+	int      port= 0, mxr= 0, rc= 0, mul= 0, lrecl= 0;
+//PCSZ     tabtyp= NULL;
 #if defined(ODBC_SUPPORT)
   POPARM   sop= NULL;
 	PCSZ     ucnc= NULL;
@@ -5530,7 +5555,6 @@ static int connect_assisted_discovery(handlerton *, THD* thd,
 #if defined(JAVA_SUPPORT)
 	PJPARM   sjp= NULL;
 	PCSZ     driver= NULL;
-	char    *url= NULL;
 #endif   // JAVA_SUPPORT
   uint     tm, fnc= FNC_NO, supfnc= (FNC_NO | FNC_COL);
   bool     bif, ok= false, dbf= false;
@@ -5550,7 +5574,8 @@ static int connect_assisted_discovery(handlerton *, THD* thd,
   String   sql(buf, sizeof(buf), system_charset_info);
   sql.copy(STRING_WITH_LEN("CREATE TABLE whatever ("), system_charset_info);
-  user= host= pwd= tbl= src= col= ocl= pic= fcl= skc= rnk= zfn= dsn= NULL;
+	user = host = pwd = tbl = src = col = ocl = pic = fcl = skc = rnk = zfn = NULL;
+	dsn = url = NULL;
   // Get the useful create options
   ttp= GetTypeID(topt->type);
@@ -5561,7 +5586,7 @@ static int connect_assisted_discovery(handlerton *, THD* thd,
   fncn= topt->catfunc;
   fnc= GetFuncID(fncn);
   sep= topt->separator;
-	mul = (int)topt->multiple;
+	mul= (int)topt->multiple;
 	tbl= topt->tablist;
   col= topt->colist;
@@ -5584,7 +5609,7 @@ static int connect_assisted_discovery(handlerton *, THD* thd,
 #endif   // __WIN__
     port= atoi(GetListOption(g, "port", topt->oplist, "0"));
 #if defined(ODBC_SUPPORT)
-//	tabtyp = GetListOption(g, "Tabtype", topt->oplist, NULL);
+//	tabtyp= GetListOption(g, "Tabtype", topt->oplist, NULL);
 		mxr= atoi(GetListOption(g,"maxres", topt->oplist, "0"));
     cto= atoi(GetListOption(g,"ConnectTimeout", topt->oplist, "-1"));
     qto= atoi(GetListOption(g,"QueryTimeout", topt->oplist, "-1"));
@@ -5599,7 +5624,7 @@ static int connect_assisted_discovery(handlerton *, THD* thd,
     cop= atoi(GetListOption(g, "checkdsn", topt->oplist, "0"));
 #endif   // PROMPT_OK
 #if defined(ZIP_SUPPORT)
-		zfn = GetListOption(g, "Zipfile", topt->oplist, NULL);
+		zfn= GetListOption(g, "Zipfile", topt->oplist, NULL);
 #endif   // ZIP_SUPPORT
 	} else {
     host= "localhost";
@@ -5612,14 +5637,24 @@ static int connect_assisted_discovery(handlerton *, THD* thd,
 	try {
 		// Check table type
 		if (ttp == TAB_UNDEF) {
-			topt->type = (src) ? "MYSQL" : (tab) ? "PROXY" : "DOS";
-			ttp = GetTypeID(topt->type);
+			topt->type= (src) ? "MYSQL" : (tab) ? "PROXY" : "DOS";
+			ttp= GetTypeID(topt->type);
 			sprintf(g->Message, "No table_type. Was set to %s", topt->type);
 			push_warning(thd, Sql_condition::WARN_LEVEL_WARN, 0, g->Message);
 		} else if (ttp == TAB_NIY) {
 			sprintf(g->Message, "Unsupported table type %s", topt->type);
 			goto err;
+#if defined(REST_SUPPORT)
+		} else if (topt->http) {
+			switch (ttp) {
+				case TAB_JSON:
+				case TAB_XML:
+				case TAB_CSV:
+					ttp = TAB_REST;
+					break;
+			}	// endswitch type
+#endif   // REST_SUPPORT
 		} // endif ttp
 		if (!tab) {
@@ -5629,39 +5664,39 @@ static int connect_assisted_discovery(handlerton *, THD* thd,
 				if (!tbl) {
 					strcpy(g->Message, "Missing table list");
 					goto err;
 				} // endif tbl
-				tab = PlugDup(g, tbl);
+				tab= PlugDup(g, tbl);
-				if ((p = strchr(tab, ',')))
-					*p = 0;
+				if ((p= strchr(tab, ',')))
+					*p= 0;
-				if ((p = strchr(tab, '.'))) {
-					*p = 0;
-					db = tab;
-					tab = p + 1;
+				if ((p= strchr(tab, '.'))) {
+					*p= 0;
+					db= tab;
+					tab= p + 1;
 				} // endif p
 			} else if (ttp != TAB_ODBC || !(fnc & (FNC_TABLE | FNC_COL)))
-			  tab = (char*)table_s->table_name.str;   // Default value
+			  tab= (char*)table_s->table_name.str;   // Default value
 		} // endif tab
 		switch (ttp) {
 #if defined(ODBC_SUPPORT)
 			case TAB_ODBC:
-				dsn = strz(g, create_info->connect_string);
+				dsn= strz(g, create_info->connect_string);
 				if (fnc & (FNC_DSN | FNC_DRIVER)) {
-					ok = true;
+					ok= true;
 #if defined(PROMPT_OK)
 				} else if (!stricmp(thd->main_security_ctx.host, "localhost")
 					&& cop == 1) {
-					if ((dsn = ODBCCheckConnection(g, dsn, cop)) != NULL) {
+					if ((dsn= ODBCCheckConnection(g, dsn, cop)) != NULL) {
 						thd->make_lex_string(&create_info->connect_string, dsn, strlen(dsn));
-						ok = true;
+						ok= true;
 					} // endif dsn
 #endif   // PROMPT_OK
@@ -5669,13 +5704,13 @@ static int connect_assisted_discovery(handlerton *, THD* thd,
 					sprintf(g->Message, "Missing %s connection string", topt->type);
 				} else {
 					// Store ODBC additional parameters
-					sop = (POPARM)PlugSubAlloc(g, NULL, sizeof(ODBCPARM));
-					sop->User = (char*)user;
-					sop->Pwd = (char*)pwd;
-					sop->Cto = cto;
-					sop->Qto = qto;
-					sop->UseCnc = cnc;
-					ok = true;
+					sop= (POPARM)PlugSubAlloc(g, NULL, sizeof(ODBCPARM));
+					sop->User= (char*)user;
+					sop->Pwd= (char*)pwd;
+					sop->Cto= cto;
+					sop->Qto= qto;
+					sop->UseCnc= cnc;
+					ok= true;
 				} // endif's
 				supfnc |= (FNC_TABLE | FNC_DSN | FNC_DRIVER);
@@ -5684,31 +5719,31 @@ static int connect_assisted_discovery(handlerton *, THD* thd,
 #if defined(JAVA_SUPPORT)
 			case TAB_JDBC:
 				if (fnc & FNC_DRIVER) {
-					ok = true;
-				} else if (!(url = strz(g, create_info->connect_string))) {
+					ok= true;
+				} else if (!(url= strz(g, create_info->connect_string))) {
 					strcpy(g->Message, "Missing URL");
 				} else {
 					// Store JDBC additional parameters
 					int      rc;
-					PJDBCDEF jdef = new(g) JDBCDEF();
+					PJDBCDEF jdef= new(g) JDBCDEF();
-					sjp = (PJPARM)PlugSubAlloc(g, NULL, sizeof(JDBCPARM));
-					sjp->Driver = driver;
-					//		sjp->Properties = prop;
-					sjp->Fsize = 0;
-					sjp->Scrollable = false;
+					sjp= (PJPARM)PlugSubAlloc(g, NULL, sizeof(JDBCPARM));
+					sjp->Driver= driver;
+					//		sjp->Properties= prop;
+					sjp->Fsize= 0;
+					sjp->Scrollable= false;
-					if ((rc = jdef->ParseURL(g, url, false)) == RC_OK) {
-						sjp->Url = url;
-						sjp->User = (char*)user;
-						sjp->Pwd = (char*)pwd;
-						ok = true;
+					if ((rc= jdef->ParseURL(g, url, false)) == RC_OK) {
+						sjp->Url= url;
+						sjp->User= (char*)user;
+						sjp->Pwd= (char*)pwd;
+						ok= true;
 					} else if (rc == RC_NF) {
 						if (jdef->GetTabname())
-							tab = (char*)jdef->GetTabname();
+							tab= (char*)jdef->GetTabname();
-						ok = jdef->SetParms(sjp);
+						ok= jdef->SetParms(sjp);
 					} // endif rc
 				} // endif's
@@ -5717,7 +5752,7 @@ static int connect_assisted_discovery(handlerton *, THD* thd,
 #endif   // JAVA_SUPPORT
 			case TAB_DBF:
-				dbf = true;
+				dbf= true;
 				// fall through
 			case TAB_CSV:
 				if (!fn && fnc != FNC_NO)
@@ -5725,55 +5760,55 @@ static int connect_assisted_discovery(handlerton *, THD* thd,
 				else if (sep && strlen(sep) > 1)
 					sprintf(g->Message, "Invalid separator %s", sep);
-					ok = true;
+					ok= true;
 			case TAB_MYSQL:
-				ok = true;
+				ok= true;
 				if (create_info->connect_string.str &&
 					create_info->connect_string.length) {
-					PMYDEF  mydef = new(g) MYSQLDEF();
+					PMYDEF  mydef= new(g) MYSQLDEF();
-					dsn = strz(g, create_info->connect_string);
+					dsn= strz(g, create_info->connect_string);
 					if (!mydef->ParseURL(g, dsn, false)) {
 						if (mydef->GetHostname())
-							host = mydef->GetHostname();
+							host= mydef->GetHostname();
 						if (mydef->GetUsername())
-							user = mydef->GetUsername();
+							user= mydef->GetUsername();
 						if (mydef->GetPassword())
-							pwd = mydef->GetPassword();
+							pwd= mydef->GetPassword();
 						if (mydef->GetTabschema())
-							db = mydef->GetTabschema();
+							db= mydef->GetTabschema();
 						if (mydef->GetTabname())
-							tab = (char*)mydef->GetTabname();
+							tab= (char*)mydef->GetTabname();
 						if (mydef->GetPortnumber())
-							port = mydef->GetPortnumber();
+							port= mydef->GetPortnumber();
 					} else
-						ok = false;
+						ok= false;
 				} else if (!user)
-					user = "root";
+					user= "root";
 				if (ok && CheckSelf(g, table_s, host, db, tab, src, port))
-					ok = false;
+					ok= false;
 #if defined(__WIN__)
 			case TAB_WMI:
-				ok = true;
+				ok= true;
 #endif   // __WIN__
 			case TAB_PIVOT:
-				supfnc = FNC_NO;
+				supfnc= FNC_NO;
 			case TAB_PRX:
 			case TAB_TBL:
 			case TAB_XCL:
@@ -5782,12 +5817,12 @@ static int connect_assisted_discovery(handlerton *, THD* thd,
 					(!db || !stricmp(db, table_s->db.str)))
 					sprintf(g->Message, "A %s table cannot refer to itself", topt->type);
-					ok = true;
+					ok= true;
 			case TAB_OEM:
 				if (topt->module && topt->subtype)
-					ok = true;
+					ok= true;
 					strcpy(g->Message, "Missing OEM module or subtype");
@@ -5796,24 +5831,33 @@ static int connect_assisted_discovery(handlerton *, THD* thd,
 			case TAB_XML:
 #endif   // LIBXML2_SUPPORT  ||         DOMDOC_SUPPORT
 			case TAB_JSON:
-				dsn = strz(g, create_info->connect_string);
+				dsn= strz(g, create_info->connect_string);
 				if (!fn && !zfn && !mul && !dsn)
 					sprintf(g->Message, "Missing %s file name", topt->type);
-					ok = true;
+					ok= true;
 #if defined(JAVA_SUPPORT)
 			case TAB_MONGO:
 				if (!topt->tabname)
-					topt->tabname = tab;
+					topt->tabname= tab;
-				ok = true;
+				ok= true;
 #endif   // JAVA_SUPPORT
+#if defined(REST_SUPPORT)
+			case TAB_REST:
+				if (!topt->http)
+					sprintf(g->Message, "Missing %s HTTP address", topt->type);
+				else
+					ok = true;
+				break;
+#endif   // REST_SUPPORT
 			case TAB_VIR:
-				ok = true;
+				ok= true;
 				sprintf(g->Message, "Cannot get column info for table type %s", topt->type);
@@ -5824,12 +5868,12 @@ static int connect_assisted_discovery(handlerton *, THD* thd,
 		if (ok && !(supfnc & fnc)) {
 			sprintf(g->Message, "Unsupported catalog function %s for table type %s",
 				fncn, topt->type);
-			ok = false;
+			ok= false;
 		} // endif supfnc
 		if (src && fnc != FNC_NO) {
 			strcpy(g->Message, "Cannot make catalog table from srcdef");
-			ok = false;
+			ok= false;
 		} // endif src
 		if (ok) {
@@ -5837,23 +5881,23 @@ static int connect_assisted_discovery(handlerton *, THD* thd,
 			char *dft, *xtra, *key, *fmt;
 			int   i, len, prec, dec, typ, flg;
-			if (!(dpath = SetPath(g, table_s->db.str))) {
+			if (!(dpath= SetPath(g, table_s->db.str))) {
 				goto err;
 			}	// endif dpath
 			if (src && ttp != TAB_PIVOT && ttp != TAB_ODBC && ttp != TAB_JDBC) {
-				qrp = SrcColumns(g, host, db, user, pwd, src, port);
+				qrp= SrcColumns(g, host, db, user, pwd, src, port);
 				if (qrp && ttp == TAB_OCCUR)
 					if (OcrSrcCols(g, qrp, col, ocl, rnk)) {
 						goto err;
 					} // endif OcrSrcCols
 			} else switch (ttp) {
 				case TAB_DBF:
-					qrp = DBFColumns(g, dpath, fn, fnc == FNC_COL);
+					qrp= DBFColumns(g, dpath, fn, fnc == FNC_COL);
 #if defined(ODBC_SUPPORT)
 				case TAB_ODBC:
@@ -5861,21 +5905,21 @@ static int connect_assisted_discovery(handlerton *, THD* thd,
 						case FNC_NO:
 						case FNC_COL:
 							if (src) {
-								qrp = ODBCSrcCols(g, dsn, (char*)src, sop);
-								src = NULL;     // for next tests
+								qrp= ODBCSrcCols(g, dsn, (char*)src, sop);
+								src= NULL;     // for next tests
 							} else
-								qrp = ODBCColumns(g, dsn, shm, tab, NULL,
+								qrp= ODBCColumns(g, dsn, shm, tab, NULL,
 									mxr, fnc == FNC_COL, sop);
 						case FNC_TABLE:
-							qrp = ODBCTables(g, dsn, shm, tab, NULL, mxr, true, sop);
+							qrp= ODBCTables(g, dsn, shm, tab, NULL, mxr, true, sop);
 						case FNC_DSN:
-							qrp = ODBCDataSources(g, mxr, true);
+							qrp= ODBCDataSources(g, mxr, true);
 						case FNC_DRIVER:
-							qrp = ODBCDrivers(g, mxr, true);
+							qrp= ODBCDrivers(g, mxr, true);
 							sprintf(g->Message, "invalid catfunc %s", fncn);
@@ -5890,23 +5934,23 @@ static int connect_assisted_discovery(handlerton *, THD* thd,
 						case FNC_NO:
 						case FNC_COL:
 							if (src) {
-								qrp = JDBCSrcCols(g, (char*)src, sjp);
-								src = NULL;     // for next tests
+								qrp= JDBCSrcCols(g, (char*)src, sjp);
+								src= NULL;     // for next tests
 							} else
-								qrp = JDBCColumns(g, shm, tab, NULL, mxr, fnc == FNC_COL, sjp);
+								qrp= JDBCColumns(g, shm, tab, NULL, mxr, fnc == FNC_COL, sjp);
 						case FNC_TABLE:
-//						qrp = JDBCTables(g, shm, tab, tabtyp, mxr, true, sjp);
-							qrp = JDBCTables(g, shm, tab, NULL, mxr, true, sjp);
+//						qrp= JDBCTables(g, shm, tab, tabtyp, mxr, true, sjp);
+							qrp= JDBCTables(g, shm, tab, NULL, mxr, true, sjp);
 #if 0
 						case FNC_DSN:
-							qrp = JDBCDataSources(g, mxr, true);
+							qrp= JDBCDataSources(g, mxr, true);
 #endif // 0
 						case FNC_DRIVER:
-							qrp = JDBCDrivers(g, mxr, true);
+							qrp= JDBCDrivers(g, mxr, true);
 							sprintf(g->Message, "invalid catfunc %s", fncn);
@@ -5916,56 +5960,61 @@ static int connect_assisted_discovery(handlerton *, THD* thd,
 #endif   // JAVA_SUPPORT
 				case TAB_MYSQL:
-					qrp = MyColumns(g, thd, host, db, user, pwd, tab,
+					qrp= MyColumns(g, thd, host, db, user, pwd, tab,
 						NULL, port, fnc == FNC_COL);
 				case TAB_CSV:
-					qrp = CSVColumns(g, dpath, topt, fnc == FNC_COL);
+					qrp= CSVColumns(g, dpath, topt, fnc == FNC_COL);
 #if defined(__WIN__)
 				case TAB_WMI:
-					qrp = WMIColumns(g, nsp, cls, fnc == FNC_COL);
+					qrp= WMIColumns(g, nsp, cls, fnc == FNC_COL);
 #endif   // __WIN__
 				case TAB_PRX:
 				case TAB_TBL:
 				case TAB_XCL:
 				case TAB_OCCUR:
-					bif = fnc == FNC_COL;
-					qrp = TabColumns(g, thd, db, tab, bif);
+					bif= fnc == FNC_COL;
+					qrp= TabColumns(g, thd, db, tab, bif);
 					if (!qrp && bif && fnc != FNC_COL)         // tab is a view
-						qrp = MyColumns(g, thd, host, db, user, pwd, tab, NULL, port, false);
+						qrp= MyColumns(g, thd, host, db, user, pwd, tab, NULL, port, false);
 					if (qrp && ttp == TAB_OCCUR && fnc != FNC_COL)
 						if (OcrColumns(g, qrp, col, ocl, rnk)) {
 							goto err;
 						} // endif OcrColumns
 				case TAB_PIVOT:
-					qrp = PivotColumns(g, tab, src, pic, fcl, skc, host, db, user, pwd, port);
+					qrp= PivotColumns(g, tab, src, pic, fcl, skc, host, db, user, pwd, port);
 				case TAB_VIR:
-					qrp = VirColumns(g, fnc == FNC_COL);
+					qrp= VirColumns(g, fnc == FNC_COL);
 				case TAB_JSON:
-					qrp = JSONColumns(g, db, dsn, topt, fnc == FNC_COL);
+					qrp= JSONColumns(g, db, dsn, topt, fnc == FNC_COL);
 #if defined(JAVA_SUPPORT)
 				case TAB_MONGO:
-					url = strz(g, create_info->connect_string);
-					qrp = MGOColumns(g, db, url, topt, fnc == FNC_COL);
+					url= strz(g, create_info->connect_string);
+					qrp= MGOColumns(g, db, url, topt, fnc == FNC_COL);
 #endif   // JAVA_SUPPORT
 #if defined(LIBXML2_SUPPORT) || defined(DOMDOC_SUPPORT)
 				case TAB_XML:
-					qrp = XMLColumns(g, (char*)db, tab, topt, fnc == FNC_COL);
+					qrp= XMLColumns(g, (char*)db, tab, topt, fnc == FNC_COL);
 #endif   // LIBXML2_SUPPORT  ||         DOMDOC_SUPPORT
+#if defined(REST_SUPPORT)
+				case TAB_REST:
+					qrp = RESTColumns(g, topt, tab, (char *)db, fnc == FNC_COL);
+					break;
+#endif   // REST_SUPPORT
 				case TAB_OEM:
-					qrp = OEMColumns(g, topt, tab, (char*)db, fnc == FNC_COL);
+					qrp= OEMColumns(g, topt, tab, (char*)db, fnc == FNC_COL);
 					strcpy(g->Message, "System error during assisted discovery");
@@ -5973,33 +6022,33 @@ static int connect_assisted_discovery(handlerton *, THD* thd,
 			} // endswitch ttp
 			if (!qrp) {
 				goto err;
 			} // endif !qrp
 			if (fnc != FNC_NO || src || ttp == TAB_PIVOT) {
 				// Catalog like table
-				for (crp = qrp->Colresp; !rc && crp; crp = crp->Next) {
-					cnm = (ttp == TAB_PIVOT) ? crp->Name : encode(g, crp->Name);
-					typ = crp->Type;
-					len = crp->Length;
-					dec = crp->Prec;
-					flg = crp->Flag;
-					v = (crp->Kdata->IsUnsigned()) ? 'U' : crp->Var;
-					tm = (crp->Kdata->IsNullable()) ? 0 : NOT_NULL_FLAG;
+				for (crp= qrp->Colresp; !rc && crp; crp= crp->Next) {
+					cnm= (ttp == TAB_PIVOT) ? crp->Name : encode(g, crp->Name);
+					typ= crp->Type;
+					len= crp->Length;
+					dec= crp->Prec;
+					flg= crp->Flag;
+					v= (crp->Kdata->IsUnsigned()) ? 'U' : crp->Var;
+					tm= (crp->Kdata->IsNullable()) ? 0 : NOT_NULL_FLAG;
 					if (!len && typ == TYPE_STRING)
-						len = 256;      // STRBLK's have 0 length
+						len= 256;      // STRBLK's have 0 length
 					// Now add the field
 					if (add_field(&sql, cnm, typ, len, dec, NULL, tm,
 						NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, flg, dbf, v))
-						rc = HA_ERR_OUT_OF_MEM;
+						rc= HA_ERR_OUT_OF_MEM;
 				} // endfor crp
 			} else {
-				char *schem = NULL;
-				char *tn = NULL;
+				char *schem= NULL;
+				char *tn= NULL;
 				// Not a catalog table
 				if (!qrp->Nblin) {
@@ -6008,57 +6057,57 @@ static int connect_assisted_discovery(handlerton *, THD* thd,
 						strcpy(g->Message, "Fail to retrieve columns");
 					goto err;
 				} // endif !nblin
-				for (i = 0; !rc && i < qrp->Nblin; i++) {
-					typ = len = prec = dec = 0;
-					tm = NOT_NULL_FLAG;
-					cnm = (char*)"noname";
-					dft = xtra = key = fmt = tn = NULL;
-					v = ' ';
-					rem = NULL;
+				for (i= 0; !rc && i < qrp->Nblin; i++) {
+					typ= len= prec= dec= 0;
+					tm= NOT_NULL_FLAG;
+					cnm= (char*)"noname";
+					dft= xtra= key= fmt= tn= NULL;
+					v= ' ';
+					rem= NULL;
-					for (crp = qrp->Colresp; crp; crp = crp->Next)
+					for (crp= qrp->Colresp; crp; crp= crp->Next)
 						switch (crp->Fld) {
 							case FLD_NAME:
 								if (ttp == TAB_PRX ||
 									(ttp == TAB_CSV && topt->data_charset &&
 									(!stricmp(topt->data_charset, "UTF8") ||
 										!stricmp(topt->data_charset, "UTF-8"))))
-									cnm = crp->Kdata->GetCharValue(i);
+									cnm= crp->Kdata->GetCharValue(i);
-									cnm = encode(g, crp->Kdata->GetCharValue(i));
+									cnm= encode(g, crp->Kdata->GetCharValue(i));
 							case FLD_TYPE:
-								typ = crp->Kdata->GetIntValue(i);
-								v = (crp->Nulls) ? crp->Nulls[i] : 0;
+								typ= crp->Kdata->GetIntValue(i);
+								v= (crp->Nulls) ? crp->Nulls[i] : 0;
 							case FLD_TYPENAME:
-								tn = crp->Kdata->GetCharValue(i);
+								tn= crp->Kdata->GetCharValue(i);
 							case FLD_PREC:
 								// PREC must be always before LENGTH
-								len = prec = crp->Kdata->GetIntValue(i);
+								len= prec= crp->Kdata->GetIntValue(i);
 							case FLD_LENGTH:
-								len = crp->Kdata->GetIntValue(i);
+								len= crp->Kdata->GetIntValue(i);
 							case FLD_SCALE:
-								dec = (!crp->Kdata->IsNull(i)) ? crp->Kdata->GetIntValue(i) : -1;
+								dec= (!crp->Kdata->IsNull(i)) ? crp->Kdata->GetIntValue(i) : -1;
 							case FLD_NULL:
 								if (crp->Kdata->GetIntValue(i))
-									tm = 0;               // Nullable
+									tm= 0;               // Nullable
 							case FLD_FORMAT:
-								fmt = (crp->Kdata) ? crp->Kdata->GetCharValue(i) : NULL;
+								fmt= (crp->Kdata) ? crp->Kdata->GetCharValue(i) : NULL;
 							case FLD_REM:
-								rem = crp->Kdata->GetCharValue(i);
+								rem= crp->Kdata->GetCharValue(i);
 								//          case FLD_CHARSET:
 															// No good because remote table is already translated
@@ -6067,19 +6116,19 @@ static int connect_assisted_discovery(handlerton *, THD* thd,
 								//            break;
 							case FLD_DEFAULT:
-								dft = crp->Kdata->GetCharValue(i);
+								dft= crp->Kdata->GetCharValue(i);
 							case FLD_EXTRA:
-								xtra = crp->Kdata->GetCharValue(i);
+								xtra= crp->Kdata->GetCharValue(i);
 								// Auto_increment is not supported yet
 								if (!stricmp(xtra, "AUTO_INCREMENT"))
-									xtra = NULL;
+									xtra= NULL;
 							case FLD_KEY:
 								if (ttp == TAB_VIR)
-									key = crp->Kdata->GetCharValue(i);
+									key= crp->Kdata->GetCharValue(i);
 							case FLD_SCHEM:
@@ -6088,10 +6137,10 @@ static int connect_assisted_discovery(handlerton *, THD* thd,
 									if (schem && stricmp(schem, crp->Kdata->GetCharValue(i))) {
 											"Several %s tables found, specify DBNAME", tab);
-										rc = HA_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR;
+										rc= HA_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR;
 										goto err;
 									} else if (!schem)
-										schem = crp->Kdata->GetCharValue(i);
+										schem= crp->Kdata->GetCharValue(i);
 								} // endif ttp
 #endif   // ODBC_SUPPORT	||				 JAVA_SUPPORT
@@ -6102,10 +6151,10 @@ static int connect_assisted_discovery(handlerton *, THD* thd,
 #if defined(ODBC_SUPPORT)
 					if (ttp == TAB_ODBC) {
 						int  plgtyp;
-						bool w = false;            // Wide character type
+						bool w= false;            // Wide character type
 						// typ must be PLG type, not SQL type
-						if (!(plgtyp = TranslateSQLType(typ, dec, prec, v, w))) {
+						if (!(plgtyp= TranslateSQLType(typ, dec, prec, v, w))) {
 							if (GetTypeConv() == TPC_SKIP) {
 								// Skip this column
 								sprintf(g->Message, "Column %s skipped (unsupported type %d)",
@@ -6114,12 +6163,12 @@ static int connect_assisted_discovery(handlerton *, THD* thd,
 							} else {
 								sprintf(g->Message, "Unsupported SQL type %d", typ);
-								rc = HA_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR;
 								goto err;
 							} // endif type_conv
 						} else
-							typ = plgtyp;
+							typ= plgtyp;
 						switch (typ) {
 							case TYPE_STRING:
@@ -6134,10 +6183,10 @@ static int connect_assisted_discovery(handlerton *, THD* thd,
 								prec += (dec + 2);        // To be safe
 							case TYPE_DECIM:
-								prec = len;
+								prec= len;
-								dec = 0;
+								dec= 0;
 						} // endswitch typ
 					} else
@@ -6147,7 +6196,7 @@ static int connect_assisted_discovery(handlerton *, THD* thd,
 							int  plgtyp;
 							// typ must be PLG type, not SQL type
-							if (!(plgtyp = TranslateJDBCType(typ, tn, dec, prec, v))) {
+							if (!(plgtyp= TranslateJDBCType(typ, tn, dec, prec, v))) {
 								if (GetTypeConv() == TPC_SKIP) {
 									// Skip this column
 									sprintf(g->Message, "Column %s skipped (unsupported type %d)",
@@ -6156,12 +6205,12 @@ static int connect_assisted_discovery(handlerton *, THD* thd,
 								} else {
 									sprintf(g->Message, "Unsupported SQL type %d", typ);
-									rc = HA_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR;
+									rc= HA_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR;
 									goto err;
 								} // endif type_conv
 							} else
-								typ = plgtyp;
+								typ= plgtyp;
 							switch (typ) {
 								case TYPE_DOUBLE:
@@ -6170,43 +6219,43 @@ static int connect_assisted_discovery(handlerton *, THD* thd,
 									prec += (dec + 2);        // To be safe
-									dec = 0;
+									dec= 0;
 							} // endswitch typ
 						} else
 #endif   // ODBC_SUPPORT
 							// Make the arguments as required by add_fields
 							if (typ == TYPE_DOUBLE)
-								prec = len;
+								prec= len;
 						if (typ == TYPE_DATE)
-							prec = 0;
+							prec= 0;
 						// Now add the field
 						if (add_field(&sql, cnm, typ, prec, dec, key, tm, rem, dft, xtra,
 							fmt, 0, dbf, v))
-							rc = HA_ERR_OUT_OF_MEM;
+							rc= HA_ERR_OUT_OF_MEM;
 				} // endfor i
 			} // endif fnc
 			if (!rc)
-				rc = init_table_share(thd, table_s, create_info, &sql);
+				rc= init_table_share(thd, table_s, create_info, &sql);
 			//return rc;
 		} else {
 		} // endif ok
 	} catch (int n) {
 		if (trace(1))
 			htrc("Exception %d: %s\n", n, g->Message);
 	} catch (const char *msg) {
 		strcpy(g->Message, msg);
 	} // end catch
@@ -6274,9 +6323,9 @@ int ha_connect::create(const char *name, TABLE *table_arg,
   TABTYPE type;
   TABLE  *st= table;                       // Probably unuseful
   THD    *thd= ha_thd();
-	LEX_STRING cnc = table_arg->s->connect_string;
-  partition_info *part_info= table_arg->part_info;
+	LEX_STRING cnc= table_arg->s->connect_string;
+	partition_info *part_info= table_arg->part_info;
 #define part_info 0
@@ -6401,7 +6450,7 @@ int ha_connect::create(const char *name, TABLE *table_arg,
               host= mydef->GetHostname();
 						if (mydef->GetTabschema())
-							db = mydef->GetTabschema();
+							db= mydef->GetTabschema();
             if (mydef->GetTabname())
               tab= mydef->GetTabname();
@@ -6484,7 +6533,7 @@ int ha_connect::create(const char *name, TABLE *table_arg,
     } // endif type	JSON
 	if (type == TAB_CSV) {
-		const char *sep = options->separator;
+		const char *sep= options->separator;
 		if (sep && strlen(sep) > 1) {
 			sprintf(g->Message, "Invalid separator %s", sep);
@@ -6683,17 +6732,18 @@ int ha_connect::create(const char *name, TABLE *table_arg,
   if (trace(1))
     htrc("xchk=%p createas=%d\n", g->Xchk, g->Createas);
+#if defined(ZIP_SUPPORT)
 	if (options->zipped) {
 		// Check whether the zip entry must be made from a file
-		PCSZ fn = GetListOption(g, "Load", options->oplist, NULL);
+		PCSZ fn= GetListOption(g, "Load", options->oplist, NULL);
 		if (fn) {
 			char zbuf[_MAX_PATH], buf[_MAX_PATH], dbpath[_MAX_PATH];
-			PCSZ entry = GetListOption(g, "Entry", options->oplist, NULL);
-			PCSZ a = GetListOption(g, "Append", options->oplist, "NO");
-			bool append = *a == '1' || *a == 'Y' || *a == 'y' || !stricmp(a, "ON");
-			PCSZ m = GetListOption(g, "Mulentries", options->oplist, "NO");
-			bool mul = *m == '1' || *m == 'Y' || *m == 'y' || !stricmp(m, "ON");
+			PCSZ entry= GetListOption(g, "Entry", options->oplist, NULL);
+			PCSZ a= GetListOption(g, "Append", options->oplist, "NO");
+			bool append= *a == '1' || *a == 'Y' || *a == 'y' || !stricmp(a, "ON");
+			PCSZ m= GetListOption(g, "Mulentries", options->oplist, "NO");
+			bool mul= *m == '1' || *m == 'Y' || *m == 'y' || !stricmp(m, "ON");
 			if (!entry && !mul) {
 				my_message(ER_UNKNOWN_ERROR, "Missing entry name", MYF(0));
@@ -6712,6 +6762,7 @@ int ha_connect::create(const char *name, TABLE *table_arg,
 		}	// endif fn
 	}	// endif zipped
+#endif   // ZIP_SUPPORT
   // To check whether indexes have to be made or remade
   if (!g->Xchk) {
@@ -6761,7 +6812,7 @@ int ha_connect::create(const char *name, TABLE *table_arg,
 				if (SetDataPath(g, table_arg->s->db.str)) {
 					my_message(ER_UNKNOWN_ERROR, g->Message, MYF(0));
 				} else if (cat) {
           if (part_info)
@@ -7103,7 +7154,7 @@ ha_connect::check_if_supported_inplace_alter(TABLE *altered_table,
-    ALTER TABLE table_name DEFAULT CHARSET = .. most likely
+    ALTER TABLE table_name DEFAULT CHARSET= .. most likely
     change column charsets and so not supported in-place through
     old API.
@@ -7335,7 +7386,7 @@ maria_declare_plugin(connect)
   0x0106,                                       /* version number (1.06) */
   NULL,                                         /* status variables */
   connect_system_variables,                     /* system variables */
-  "1.06.0009",                                  /* string version */
+  "1.06.0010",                                  /* string version */
 	MariaDB_PLUGIN_MATURITY_STABLE                /* maturity */
diff --git a/storage/connect/ha_connect.h b/storage/connect/ha_connect.h
index ea495557fcf..9a12ef94431 100644
--- a/storage/connect/ha_connect.h
+++ b/storage/connect/ha_connect.h
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
   along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-  Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02111-1301 USA */
+	Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1335 USA */
 /** @file ha_connect.h
 	Author Olivier Bertrand
@@ -32,6 +32,10 @@
 #include "mycat.h"
+#if defined(JAVA_SUPPORT) || defined(CMGO_SUPPORT)
+bool MongoEnabled(void);
 /*  Structures used to pass info between CONNECT and ha_connect.            */
diff --git a/storage/connect/inihandl.cpp b/storage/connect/inihandl.cpp
index 8a911cb05c0..8e79aeac7ef 100644
--- a/storage/connect/inihandl.cpp
+++ b/storage/connect/inihandl.cpp
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
  * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02111-1301 USA
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1335 USA
 #include "my_global.h"
@@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ static void PROFILE_Save( FILE *file, PROFILESECTION *section )
     for (key = section->key; key; key = key->next)
-      if (key->name[0]) {
+      if (key->name && key->name[0]) {
         fprintf(file, "%s", SVP(key->name));
         if (key->value)
diff --git a/storage/connect/jmgoconn.cpp b/storage/connect/jmgoconn.cpp
index bd1ddadd80d..c80800bd897 100644
--- a/storage/connect/jmgoconn.cpp
+++ b/storage/connect/jmgoconn.cpp
@@ -272,7 +272,7 @@ bool JMgoConn::MakeCursor(PGLOBAL g, PTDB tdbp, PCSZ options,
 			if (MakeSelector(g, filp, s)) {
 				strcpy(g->Message, "Failed making selector");
-				return NULL;
+				return true;
 			} else
@@ -340,7 +340,7 @@ bool JMgoConn::MakeCursor(PGLOBAL g, PTDB tdbp, PCSZ options,
 				if (MakeSelector(g, filp, s)) {
 					strcpy(g->Message, "Failed making selector");
-					return NULL;
+					return true;
 				}	// endif Selector
 				tdbp->SetFilter(NULL);     // Not needed anymore
@@ -813,4 +813,3 @@ PSZ JMgoConn::GetColumnValue(PSZ path)
 	return fld;
 } // end of GetColumnValue
diff --git a/storage/connect/jsonudf.cpp b/storage/connect/jsonudf.cpp
index df9c7200416..dad86d51040 100644
--- a/storage/connect/jsonudf.cpp
+++ b/storage/connect/jsonudf.cpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 /****************** jsonudf C++ Program Source Code File (.CPP) ******************/
-/*  PROGRAM NAME: jsonudf     Version 1.7                                        */
-/*  (C) Copyright to the author Olivier BERTRAND          2015-2018              */
+/*  PROGRAM NAME: jsonudf     Version 1.8                                        */
+/*  (C) Copyright to the author Olivier BERTRAND          2015-2019              */
 /*  This program are the JSON User Defined Functions     .                       */
@@ -1686,7 +1686,7 @@ static PCSZ MakeKey(PGLOBAL g, UDF_ARGS *args, int i)
 			} // endif *s
 			if (n < 1)
-				return "Key";
+        return (PCSZ) "Key";
 			if (!b) {
 				if ((p = (PSZ)PlgDBSubAlloc(g, NULL, n + 1))) {
@@ -1703,7 +1703,7 @@ static PCSZ MakeKey(PGLOBAL g, UDF_ARGS *args, int i)
 		return s;
 	} // endif count
-  return "Key";
+  return (PCSZ) "Key";
 } // end of MakeKey
diff --git a/storage/connect/libdoc.cpp b/storage/connect/libdoc.cpp
index 9b30b315441..58b0267bd6d 100644
--- a/storage/connect/libdoc.cpp
+++ b/storage/connect/libdoc.cpp
@@ -1035,7 +1035,7 @@ PXNODE XML2NODE::AddChildNode(PGLOBAL g, PCSZ name, PXNODE np)
   // If name has the format m[n] only m is taken as node name
   if ((p = strchr(pn, '[')))
-    p = BufAlloc(g, pn, p - pn);
+    p = BufAlloc(g, pn, int(p - pn));
     p = pn;
diff --git a/storage/connect/mini-global.h b/storage/connect/mini-global.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..f712795827c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/storage/connect/mini-global.h
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+/*  Definitions needed by the included files.                          */
+#if !defined(MY_GLOBAL_H)
+#define MY_GLOBAL_H
+typedef unsigned int uint;
+typedef unsigned int uint32;
+typedef unsigned short ushort;
+typedef unsigned long ulong;
+typedef unsigned long DWORD;
+typedef char *LPSTR;
+typedef const char *LPCSTR;
+typedef int BOOL;
+#if defined(_WINDOWS)
+typedef void *HANDLE;
+typedef int HANDLE;
+typedef char *PSZ;
+typedef const char *PCSZ;
+typedef unsigned char BYTE;
+typedef unsigned char uchar;
+typedef long long longlong;
+typedef unsigned long long ulonglong;
+typedef char my_bool;
+struct charset_info_st {};
+typedef const charset_info_st CHARSET_INFO;
+#define FALSE 0
+#define TRUE  1
+#define Item char
+#define MY_MAX(a,b) ((a>b)?(a):(b))
+#define MY_MIN(a,b) ((a<b)?(a):(b))
+#endif // MY_GLOBAL_H
diff --git a/storage/connect/mycat.cc b/storage/connect/mycat.cc
index 5aef6d9c660..b1d23b8c5e2 100644
--- a/storage/connect/mycat.cc
+++ b/storage/connect/mycat.cc
@@ -11,14 +11,14 @@
   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
   along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-  Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02111-1301 USA */
+  Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1335 USA */
 /*************** Mycat CC Program Source Code File (.CC) ***************/
 /* PROGRAM NAME: MYCAT                                                 */
 /* -------------                                                       */
-/*  Version 1.6                                                        */
+/*  Version 1.7                                                        */
 /*                                                                     */
-/*  Author: Olivier Bertrand                       2012 - 2018         */
+/*  Author: Olivier Bertrand                       2012 - 2019         */
 /*                                                                     */
 /* WHAT THIS PROGRAM DOES:                                             */
 /* -----------------------                                             */
@@ -93,6 +93,9 @@
 #if defined(ZIP_SUPPORT)
 #include "tabzip.h"
 #endif   // ZIP_SUPPORT
+#if defined(REST_SUPPORT)
+#include "tabrest.h"
+#endif   // Rest_SUPPORT
 #include "mycat.h"
@@ -101,11 +104,9 @@
 #if defined(__WIN__)
 extern "C" HINSTANCE s_hModule;           // Saved module handle
 #endif  // !__WIN__
 #if defined(JAVA_SUPPORT) || defined(CMGO_SUPPORT)
 bool MongoEnabled(void);
 PQRYRES OEMColumns(PGLOBAL g, PTOS topt, char *tab, char *db, bool info);
@@ -121,11 +122,11 @@ char *GetPluginDir(void)
 TABTYPE GetTypeID(const char *type)
-  return (!type) ? TAB_UNDEF                      
+  return (!type) ? TAB_UNDEF
                  : (!stricmp(type, "DOS"))   ? TAB_DOS
                  : (!stricmp(type, "FIX"))   ? TAB_FIX
                  : (!stricmp(type, "BIN"))   ? TAB_BIN
-	               : (!stricmp(type, "CSV"))   ? TAB_CSV
+                 : (!stricmp(type, "CSV"))   ? TAB_CSV
                  : (!stricmp(type, "FMT"))   ? TAB_FMT
                  : (!stricmp(type, "DBF"))   ? TAB_DBF
 #if defined(XML_SUPPORT)
@@ -137,30 +138,30 @@ TABTYPE GetTypeID(const char *type)
                  : (!stricmp(type, "ODBC"))  ? TAB_ODBC
 #if defined(JAVA_SUPPORT)
-								 : (!stricmp(type, "JDBC"))  ? TAB_JDBC
+                 : (!stricmp(type, "JDBC"))  ? TAB_JDBC
 #if defined(JAVA_SUPPORT) || defined(CMGO_SUPPORT)
-		             : (!stricmp(type, "MONGO") && MongoEnabled()) ? TAB_MONGO
+                 : (!stricmp(type, "MONGO") && MongoEnabled()) ? TAB_MONGO
-								 : (!stricmp(type, "MYSQL")) ? TAB_MYSQL
+                 : (!stricmp(type, "MYSQL")) ? TAB_MYSQL
                  : (!stricmp(type, "MYPRX")) ? TAB_MYSQL
                  : (!stricmp(type, "DIR"))   ? TAB_DIR
 #if defined(__WIN__)
-	               : (!stricmp(type, "MAC"))   ? TAB_MAC
-	               : (!stricmp(type, "WMI"))   ? TAB_WMI
+                 : (!stricmp(type, "MAC"))   ? TAB_MAC
+                 : (!stricmp(type, "WMI"))   ? TAB_WMI
-	               : (!stricmp(type, "TBL"))   ? TAB_TBL
-	               : (!stricmp(type, "XCOL"))  ? TAB_XCL
-	               : (!stricmp(type, "OCCUR")) ? TAB_OCCUR
+                 : (!stricmp(type, "TBL"))   ? TAB_TBL
+                 : (!stricmp(type, "XCOL"))  ? TAB_XCL
+                 : (!stricmp(type, "OCCUR")) ? TAB_OCCUR
                  : (!stricmp(type, "CATLG")) ? TAB_PRX  // Legacy
                  : (!stricmp(type, "PROXY")) ? TAB_PRX
                  : (!stricmp(type, "PIVOT")) ? TAB_PIVOT
                  : (!stricmp(type, "VIR"))   ? TAB_VIR
                  : (!stricmp(type, "JSON"))  ? TAB_JSON
 #if defined(ZIP_SUPPORT)
-								 : (!stricmp(type, "ZIP"))   ? TAB_ZIP
+                 : (!stricmp(type, "ZIP"))   ? TAB_ZIP
-		             : (!stricmp(type, "OEM"))   ? TAB_OEM : TAB_NIY;
+                 : (!stricmp(type, "OEM"))   ? TAB_OEM : TAB_NIY;
   } // end of GetTypeID
@@ -170,18 +171,19 @@ bool IsFileType(TABTYPE type)
   bool isfile;
-  switch (type) {                      
+  switch (type) {
     case TAB_DOS:
     case TAB_FIX:
     case TAB_BIN:
-	  case TAB_CSV:
+    case TAB_CSV:
     case TAB_FMT:
     case TAB_DBF:
     case TAB_XML:
     case TAB_INI:
     case TAB_VEC:
     case TAB_JSON:
-//	case TAB_ZIP:
+    case TAB_REST:
+ // case TAB_ZIP:
       isfile= true;
@@ -199,7 +201,7 @@ bool IsExactType(TABTYPE type)
   bool exact;
-  switch (type) {                      
+  switch (type) {
     case TAB_FIX:
     case TAB_BIN:
     case TAB_DBF:
@@ -224,7 +226,7 @@ bool IsTypeNullable(TABTYPE type)
   bool nullable;
-  switch (type) {                      
+  switch (type) {
     case TAB_MAC:
     case TAB_DIR:
       nullable= false;
@@ -244,7 +246,7 @@ bool IsTypeFixed(TABTYPE type)
   bool fix;
-  switch (type) {                      
+  switch (type) {
     case TAB_FIX:
     case TAB_BIN:
     case TAB_VEC:
@@ -266,7 +268,7 @@ bool IsTypeIndexable(TABTYPE type)
   bool idx;
-  switch (type) {                      
+  switch (type) {
     case TAB_DOS:
     case TAB_CSV:
     case TAB_FMT:
@@ -292,7 +294,7 @@ int GetIndexType(TABTYPE type)
   int xtyp;
-  switch (type) {                      
+  switch (type) {
     case TAB_DOS:
     case TAB_CSV:
     case TAB_FMT:
@@ -305,9 +307,9 @@ int GetIndexType(TABTYPE type)
     case TAB_MYSQL:
     case TAB_ODBC:
-		case TAB_JDBC:
-		case TAB_MONGO:
-			xtyp= 2;
+    case TAB_JDBC:
+    case TAB_MONGO:
+      xtyp= 2;
     case TAB_VIR:
       xtyp= 3;
@@ -379,7 +381,7 @@ PQRYRES OEMColumns(PGLOBAL g, PTOS topt, char *tab, char *db, bool info)
     return NULL;
   } else
     PlugSetPath(soname, module, GetPluginDir());
   // The exported name is always in uppercase
   for (int i = 0; ; i++) {
     c = subtype[i];
@@ -456,7 +458,7 @@ CATALOG::CATALOG(void)
   memset(&Ctb, 0, sizeof(CURTAB));
   Cbuf= NULL;
   Cblen= 0;
-	DefHuge= false;
+  DefHuge= false;
   } // end of CATALOG constructor
 /* -------------------------- Class MYCAT ---------------------------- */
@@ -466,7 +468,7 @@ CATALOG::CATALOG(void)
-	Hc= hc;
+  Hc= hc;
   DefHuge= false;
   } // end of MYCAT constructor
@@ -483,16 +485,23 @@ void MYCAT::Reset(void)
                                        LPCSTR type, PRELDEF *)
-  {
-	if (trace(1))
-		printf("GetTableDesc: name=%s am=%s\n", tablep->GetName(), SVP(type));
- 	// If not specified get the type of this table
-  if (!type)
-    type= Hc->GetStringOption("Type","*");
+  if (trace(1))
+    htrc("GetTableDesc: name=%s am=%s\n", tablep->GetName(), SVP(type));
-  return MakeTableDesc(g, tablep, type);
-  } // end of GetTableDesc
+  // If not specified get the type of this table
+  //if (!type)
+  //  type= Hc->GetStringOption("Type","*");
+  tdp= MakeTableDesc(g, tablep, type);
+  if (trace(1))
+    htrc("GetTableDesc: tdp=%p\n", tdp);
+  return tdp;
+} // end of GetTableDesc
 /*  MakeTableDesc: make a table/view description.                      */
@@ -501,18 +510,22 @@ PRELDEF MYCAT::GetTableDesc(PGLOBAL g, PTABLE tablep,
   TABTYPE tc;
-	LPCSTR  name = (PSZ)PlugDup(g, tablep->GetName());
-	LPCSTR  schema = (PSZ)PlugDup(g, tablep->GetSchema());
+  LPCSTR  name= (PSZ)PlugDup(g, tablep->GetName());
+  LPCSTR  schema= (PSZ)PlugDup(g, tablep->GetSchema());
-	if (trace(1))
-		printf("MakeTableDesc: name=%s schema=%s am=%s\n",
-		                       name, SVP(schema), SVP(am));
+  if (trace(1))
+    htrc("MakeTableDesc: name=%s schema=%s am=%s\n",
+                           name, SVP(schema), SVP(am));
   /*  Get a unique enum identifier for types.                          */
-  tc= GetTypeID(am);
+  if (!am) {
+    tc= Hc->GetRealType();
+    am= Hc->GetStringOption("Type","*");
+  } else
+    tc= GetTypeID(am);
   switch (tc) {
     case TAB_FIX:
@@ -527,46 +540,52 @@ PRELDEF MYCAT::MakeTableDesc(PGLOBAL g, PTABLE tablep, LPCSTR am)
     case TAB_XML: tdp= new(g) XMLDEF;   break;
 #endif   // XML_SUPPORT
 #if defined(VCT_SUPPORT)
-		case TAB_VEC: tdp = new(g) VCTDEF;  break;
+    case TAB_VEC: tdp = new(g) VCTDEF;  break;
 #endif   // VCT_SUPPORT
 #if defined(ODBC_SUPPORT)
     case TAB_ODBC: tdp= new(g) ODBCDEF; break;
 #endif   // ODBC_SUPPORT
 #if defined(JAVA_SUPPORT)
-		case TAB_JDBC: tdp= new(g) JDBCDEF; break;
+    case TAB_JDBC: tdp= new(g) JDBCDEF; break;
 #endif   // JAVA_SUPPORT
 #if defined(__WIN__)
     case TAB_MAC: tdp= new(g) MACDEF;   break;
     case TAB_WMI: tdp= new(g) WMIDEF;   break;
 #endif   // __WIN__
     case TAB_OEM: tdp= new(g) OEMDEF;   break;
-	  case TAB_TBL: tdp= new(g) TBLDEF;   break;
-	  case TAB_XCL: tdp= new(g) XCLDEF;   break;
-	  case TAB_PRX: tdp= new(g) PRXDEF;   break;
-		case TAB_OCCUR: tdp= new(g) OCCURDEF;	break;
-		case TAB_MYSQL: tdp= new(g) MYSQLDEF;	break;
+    case TAB_TBL: tdp= new(g) TBLDEF;   break;
+    case TAB_XCL: tdp= new(g) XCLDEF;   break;
+    case TAB_PRX: tdp= new(g) PRXDEF;   break;
+    case TAB_OCCUR: tdp= new(g) OCCURDEF; break;
+    case TAB_MYSQL: tdp= new(g) MYSQLDEF; break;
     case TAB_PIVOT: tdp= new(g) PIVOTDEF; break;
     case TAB_VIR: tdp= new(g) VIRDEF;   break;
     case TAB_JSON: tdp= new(g) JSONDEF; break;
 #if defined(ZIP_SUPPORT)
-		case TAB_ZIP: tdp = new(g) ZIPDEF;   break;
+    case TAB_ZIP: tdp = new(g) ZIPDEF;   break;
 #endif   // ZIP_SUPPORT
+#if defined(REST_SUPPORT)
+    case TAB_REST: tdp= new (g) RESTDEF; break;
+#endif   // REST_SUPPORT
 #if defined(JAVA_SUPPORT) || defined(CMGO_SUPPORT)
-		case TAB_MONGO:
-			if (MongoEnabled()) {
-				tdp = new(g) MGODEF;
-				break;
-			}	// endif enabled
-			// fall through
+    case TAB_MONGO:
+      if (MongoEnabled()) {
+        tdp = new(g) MGODEF;
+        break;
+      } // endif enabled
+      // fall through
-		default:
-			sprintf(g->Message, MSG(BAD_TABLE_TYPE), am, name);
+    default:
+      sprintf(g->Message, MSG(BAD_TABLE_TYPE), am, name);
     } // endswitch
   // Do make the table/view definition
   if (tdp && tdp->Define(g, this, name, schema, am))
     tdp= NULL;
+  if (trace(1))
+    htrc("Table %s made\n", am);
   return tdp;
   } // end of MakeTableDesc
@@ -579,26 +598,29 @@ PTDB MYCAT::GetTable(PGLOBAL g, PTABLE tablep, MODE mode, LPCSTR type)
   PTDB    tdbp= NULL;
 //  LPCSTR  name= tablep->GetName();
-	if (trace(1))
-		printf("GetTableDB: name=%s\n", tablep->GetName());
+  if (trace(1))
+    htrc("GetTableDB: name=%s\n", tablep->GetName());
   // Look for the description of the requested table
   tdp= GetTableDesc(g, tablep, type);
   if (tdp) {
-		if (trace(1))
-			printf("tdb=%p type=%s\n", tdp, tdp->GetType());
+    if (trace(1))
+      htrc("tdb=%p type=%s\n", tdp, tdp->GetType());
+    if (tablep->GetSchema())
+      tdp->Database = SetPath(g, tablep->GetSchema());
+    if (trace(2))
+      htrc("Going to get table...\n");
-		if (tablep->GetSchema())
-			tdp->Database = SetPath(g, tablep->GetSchema());
     tdbp= tdp->GetTable(g, mode);
-		} // endif tdp
+    } // endif tdp
   if (tdbp) {
-		if (trace(1))
-			printf("tdbp=%p name=%s amtype=%d\n", tdbp, tdbp->GetName(),
-																						tdbp->GetAmType());
+    if (trace(1))
+      htrc("tdbp=%p name=%s amtype=%d\n", tdbp, tdbp->GetName(),
+                                          tdbp->GetAmType());
diff --git a/storage/connect/mycat.h b/storage/connect/mycat.h
index f0f889722dd..818e535b32d 100644
--- a/storage/connect/mycat.h
+++ b/storage/connect/mycat.h
@@ -11,10 +11,10 @@
   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
   along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-  Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02111-1301 USA */
+  Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1335 USA */
 /**************** MYCAT H Declares Source Code File (.H) ***************/
-/*  Name: MYCAT.H  Version 2.3                                         */
+/*  Name: MYCAT.H  Version 2.4                                         */
 /*  Author: Olivier Bertrand                                           */
 /*  This file contains the CONNECT plugin MYCAT class definitions.     */
@@ -50,6 +50,8 @@ struct ha_table_option_struct {
 	const char *filter;
   const char *oplist;
   const char *data_charset;
+  const char *http;
+  const char *uri;
   ulonglong lrecl;
   ulonglong elements;
 //ulonglong estimate;
diff --git a/storage/connect/osutil.h b/storage/connect/osutil.h
index 7e6b8823b9b..380e7bebb22 100644
--- a/storage/connect/osutil.h
+++ b/storage/connect/osutil.h
@@ -3,7 +3,11 @@
 #define __OSUTIL_H__
 #if defined(UNIX) || defined(UNIV_LINUX)
+#if defined(MARIADB)
 #include "my_global.h"
+#include "mini-global.h"
 #include <errno.h>
 #include <stddef.h>
 #include "os.h"
diff --git a/storage/connect/plgdbsem.h b/storage/connect/plgdbsem.h
index 5446e0d2a07..f10ae209e9d 100644
--- a/storage/connect/plgdbsem.h
+++ b/storage/connect/plgdbsem.h
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 /************** PlgDBSem H Declares Source Code File (.H) **************/
-/*  Name: PLGDBSEM.H  Version 3.7                                      */
+/*  Name: PLGDBSEM.H  Version 3.8                                      */
 /*                                                                     */
-/*  (C) Copyright to the author Olivier BERTRAND          1998-2017    */
+/*  (C) Copyright to the author Olivier BERTRAND          1998-2019    */
 /*                                                                     */
 /*  This file contains the CONNECT storage engine definitions.         */
@@ -82,6 +82,7 @@ enum TABTYPE {TAB_UNDEF =  0,   /* Table of undefined type             */
 							TAB_JDBC  = 26,   /* Table accessed via JDBC             */
 							TAB_ZIP   = 27,   /* ZIP file info table                 */
 							TAB_MONGO = 28,   /* Table retrieved from MongoDB        */
+							TAB_REST  = 29,   /* Table retrieved from Rest           */
               TAB_NIY   = 30};  /* Table not implemented yet           */
 enum AMT {TYPE_AM_ERROR =   0,        /* Type not defined              */
@@ -400,6 +401,7 @@ typedef class VCTDEF     *PVCTDEF;
 typedef class PIVOTDEF   *PPIVOTDEF;
 typedef class DOMDEF     *PDOMDEF;
 typedef class DIRDEF     *PDIRDEF;
+typedef class RESTDEF    *PRESTDEF;
 typedef class OEMDEF     *POEMDEF;
 typedef class COLCRT     *PCOLCRT;
 typedef class COLDEF     *PCOLDEF;
diff --git a/storage/connect/plugutil.cpp b/storage/connect/plugutil.cpp
index 6790e7eb45c..e74937b942a 100644
--- a/storage/connect/plugutil.cpp
+++ b/storage/connect/plugutil.cpp
@@ -2,11 +2,11 @@
 /*                                                                     */
 /* PROGRAM NAME: PLUGUTIL                                              */
 /* -------------                                                       */
-/*  Version 3.0                                                        */
+/*  Version 3.1                                                        */
 /*                                                                     */
 /* COPYRIGHT:                                                          */
 /* ----------                                                          */
-/*  (C) Copyright to the author Olivier BERTRAND          1993-2017    */
+/*  (C) Copyright to the author Olivier BERTRAND          1993-2019    */
 /*                                                                     */
 /* WHAT THIS PROGRAM DOES:                                             */
 /* -----------------------                                             */
@@ -110,22 +110,32 @@ ACTIVITY defActivity = {            /* Describes activity and language */
 #include "rcmsg.h"
 #endif   // UNIX
+/*  Conditional tracing output function.                                  */
+void xtrc(uint x, char const *fmt, ...)
+	if (GetTraceValue() & x) {
+		va_list ap;
+		va_start(ap, fmt);
+		vfprintf(stderr, fmt, ap);
+		va_end(ap);
+	} // endif x
+} // end of xtrc
 /*  Tracing output function.                                              */
-void htrc(char const *fmt, ...)
-  {
-  va_list ap;
-  va_start (ap, fmt);
+void htrc(char const* fmt, ...)
+	va_list ap;
+	va_start(ap, fmt);
-//if (trace == 1)
-//  vfprintf(debug, fmt, ap);
-    vfprintf(stderr, fmt, ap);
-  va_end (ap);
-  } // end of htrc
+	vfprintf(stderr, fmt, ap);
+	va_end(ap);
+} // end of htrc
 /*  Plug initialization routine.                                       */
diff --git a/storage/connect/reldef.cpp b/storage/connect/reldef.cpp
index 30d8063d1a6..8ba8aac3621 100644
--- a/storage/connect/reldef.cpp
+++ b/storage/connect/reldef.cpp
@@ -81,51 +81,51 @@ RELDEF::RELDEF(void)
 /*  This function return a pointer to the Table Option Struct.         */
 PTOS RELDEF::GetTopt(void)
-	{
-	return Hc->GetTableOptionStruct();
-	} // end of GetTopt
+  {
+  return Hc->GetTableOptionStruct();
+  } // end of GetTopt
 /*  This function sets an integer table information.                   */
 bool RELDEF::SetIntCatInfo(PCSZ what, int n)
-	{
-	return Hc->SetIntegerOption(what, n);
-	} // end of SetIntCatInfo
+  {
+  return Hc->SetIntegerOption(what, n);
+  } // end of SetIntCatInfo
 /*  This function returns integer table information.                   */
 int RELDEF::GetIntCatInfo(PCSZ what, int idef)
-	{
-	int n= Hc->GetIntegerOption(what);
+  {
+  int n= Hc->GetIntegerOption(what);
-	return (n == NO_IVAL) ? idef : n;
-	} // end of GetIntCatInfo
+  return (n == NO_IVAL) ? idef : n;
+  } // end of GetIntCatInfo
 /*  This function returns Boolean table information.                   */
 bool RELDEF::GetBoolCatInfo(PCSZ what, bool bdef)
-	{
-	bool b= Hc->GetBooleanOption(what, bdef);
+  {
+  bool b= Hc->GetBooleanOption(what, bdef);
-	return b;
-	} // end of GetBoolCatInfo
+  return b;
+  } // end of GetBoolCatInfo
 /*  This function returns size catalog information.                    */
 int RELDEF::GetSizeCatInfo(PCSZ what, PCSZ sdef)
-	{
-	char c;
-	PCSZ s;
+  {
+  char c;
+  PCSZ s;
   int  i, n= 0;
-	if (!(s= Hc->GetStringOption(what)))
-		s= sdef;
+  if (!(s= Hc->GetStringOption(what)))
+    s= sdef;
-	if ((i= sscanf(s, " %d %c ", &n, &c)) == 2)
+  if ((i= sscanf(s, " %d %c ", &n, &c)) == 2)
     switch (toupper(c)) {
       case 'M':
         n *= 1024;
@@ -141,41 +141,41 @@ int RELDEF::GetSizeCatInfo(PCSZ what, PCSZ sdef)
 /*  This function sets char table information in buf.                  */
 int RELDEF::GetCharCatInfo(PCSZ what, PCSZ sdef, char *buf, int size)
-	{
-	PCSZ s= Hc->GetStringOption(what);
+  {
+  PCSZ s= Hc->GetStringOption(what);
-	strncpy(buf, ((s) ? s : sdef), size);
-	return size;
-	} // end of GetCharCatInfo
+  strncpy(buf, ((s) ? s : sdef), size);
+  return size;
+  } // end of GetCharCatInfo
 /*  To be used by any TDB's.                                           */
 bool RELDEF::Partitioned(void)
-	{
-	return Hc->IsPartitioned();
-	} // end of Partitioned
+  {
+  return Hc->IsPartitioned();
+  } // end of Partitioned
 /*  This function returns string table information.                    */
 /*  Default parameter is "*" to get the handler default.               */
 char *RELDEF::GetStringCatInfo(PGLOBAL g, PCSZ what, PCSZ sdef)
-	{
-	char *sval = NULL;
-	PCSZ  name, s= Hc->GetStringOption(what, sdef);
-	if (s) {
+  {
+  char *sval = NULL;
+  PCSZ  name, s= Hc->GetStringOption(what, sdef);
+  if (s) {
     if (!Hc->IsPartitioned() ||
         (stricmp(what, "filename") && stricmp(what, "tabname")
                                    && stricmp(what, "connect")))
-		  sval= PlugDup(g, s);
+      sval= PlugDup(g, s);
       sval= (char*)s;
   } else if (!stricmp(what, "filename")) {
     // Return default file name
-		PCSZ ftype= Hc->GetStringOption("Type", "*");
+    PCSZ ftype= Hc->GetStringOption("Type", "*");
     int  i, n;
     if (IsFileType(GetTypeID(ftype))) {
@@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ char *RELDEF::GetStringCatInfo(PGLOBAL g, PCSZ what, PCSZ sdef)
       sval= (char*)PlugSubAlloc(g, NULL, strlen(name) + 12);
       strcat(strcpy(sval, name), ".");
       n= strlen(sval);
       // Fold ftype to lower case
       for (i= 0; i < 12; i++)
         if (!ftype[i]) {
@@ -196,8 +196,8 @@ char *RELDEF::GetStringCatInfo(PGLOBAL g, PCSZ what, PCSZ sdef)
   } // endif s
-	return sval;
-	}	// end of GetStringCatInfo
+  return sval;
+  } // end of GetStringCatInfo
 /* --------------------------- Class TABDEF -------------------------- */
@@ -223,14 +223,14 @@ TABDEF::TABDEF(void)
 /*  Define: initialize the table definition block from XDB file.       */
-bool TABDEF::Define(PGLOBAL g, PCATLG cat, 
-	                  LPCSTR name, LPCSTR schema, LPCSTR am)
+bool TABDEF::Define(PGLOBAL g, PCATLG cat,
+                    LPCSTR name, LPCSTR schema, LPCSTR am)
   int   poff = 0;
-	Hc = ((MYCAT*)cat)->GetHandler();
-	Name = (PSZ)name;
-	Schema = (PSZ)Hc->GetDBName(schema);
+  Hc = ((MYCAT*)cat)->GetHandler();
+  Name = (PSZ)name;
+  Schema = (PSZ)Hc->GetDBName(schema);
   Cat = cat;
   Catfunc = GetFuncID(GetStringCatInfo(g, "Catfunc", NULL));
   Elemt = GetIntCatInfo("Elements", 0);
@@ -263,14 +263,14 @@ PCSZ TABDEF::GetPath(void)
 /*  This function returns column table information.                    */
 int TABDEF::GetColCatInfo(PGLOBAL g)
-	{
-	char		*type= GetStringCatInfo(g, "Type", "*");
+  {
+  char    *type= GetStringCatInfo(g, "Type", "*");
   char     c, fty, eds;
-	int      i, n, loff, poff, nof, nlg;
-	void    *field= NULL;
+  int      i, n, loff, poff, nof, nlg;
+  void    *field= NULL;
   TABTYPE  tc;
   PCOLDEF  cdp, lcdp= NULL, tocols= NULL;
-	PCOLINFO pcf= (PCOLINFO)PlugSubAlloc(g, NULL, sizeof(COLINFO));
+  PCOLINFO pcf= (PCOLINFO)PlugSubAlloc(g, NULL, sizeof(COLINFO));
   memset(pcf, 0, sizeof(COLINFO));
@@ -278,33 +278,33 @@ int TABDEF::GetColCatInfo(PGLOBAL g)
   tc= (Catfunc == FNC_NO) ? GetTypeID(type) : TAB_PRX;
   // Take care of the column definitions
-	i= poff= nof= nlg= 0;
+  i= poff= nof= nlg= 0;
 #if defined(__WIN__)
-	// Offsets of HTML and DIR tables start from 0, DBF at 1
-	loff= (tc == TAB_DBF) ? 1 : (tc == TAB_XML || tc == TAB_DIR) ? -1 : 0;
+  // Offsets of HTML and DIR tables start from 0, DBF at 1
+  loff= (tc == TAB_DBF) ? 1 : (tc == TAB_XML || tc == TAB_DIR) ? -1 : 0;
 #else   // !__WIN__
-	// Offsets of HTML tables start from 0, DIR and DBF at 1
-	loff = (tc == TAB_DBF || tc == TAB_DIR) ? 1 : (tc == TAB_XML) ? -1 : 0;
+  // Offsets of HTML tables start from 0, DIR and DBF at 1
+  loff = (tc == TAB_DBF || tc == TAB_DIR) ? 1 : (tc == TAB_XML) ? -1 : 0;
 #endif  // !__WIN__
   while (true) {
-		// Default Offset depends on table type
-		switch (tc) {
+    // Default Offset depends on table type
+    switch (tc) {
       case TAB_DOS:
       case TAB_FIX:
       case TAB_BIN:
       case TAB_VEC:
       case TAB_DBF:
-        poff= loff + nof;				 // Default next offset
-				nlg= MY_MAX(nlg, poff);		 // Default lrecl
+        poff= loff + nof;        // Default next offset
+        nlg= MY_MAX(nlg, poff);    // Default lrecl
       case TAB_CSV:
       case TAB_FMT:
-				nlg+= nof;
+        nlg+= nof;
       case TAB_DIR:
       case TAB_XML:
-				poff= loff + (pcf->Flags & U_VIRTUAL ? 0 : 1);
+        poff= loff + (pcf->Flags & U_VIRTUAL ? 0 : 1);
       case TAB_INI:
       case TAB_MAC:
@@ -316,39 +316,39 @@ int TABDEF::GetColCatInfo(PGLOBAL g)
         poff = 0;      // Offset represents an independant flag
       default:         // VCT PLG ODBC JDBC MYSQL WMI...
-        poff = 0;			 // NA
+        poff = 0;      // NA
-			} // endswitch tc
+      } // endswitch tc
-//		do {
-			field= Hc->GetColumnOption(g, field, pcf);
+//    do {
+      field= Hc->GetColumnOption(g, field, pcf);
 //    } while (field && (*pcf->Name =='*' /*|| pcf->Flags & U_VIRTUAL*/));
-		if (tc == TAB_DBF && pcf->Type == TYPE_DATE && !pcf->Datefmt) {
-			// DBF date format defaults to 'YYYMMDD'
-			pcf->Datefmt= "YYYYMMDD";
-			pcf->Length= 8;
-			} // endif tc
+    if (tc == TAB_DBF && pcf->Type == TYPE_DATE && !pcf->Datefmt) {
+      // DBF date format defaults to 'YYYMMDD'
+      pcf->Datefmt= "YYYYMMDD";
+      pcf->Length= 8;
+      } // endif tc
-		if (!field)
-			break;
+    if (!field)
+      break;
     // Allocate the column description block
     cdp= new(g) COLDEF;
     if ((nof= cdp->Define(g, NULL, pcf, poff)) < 0)
-      return -1;						 // Error, probably unhandled type
-		else
-			loff= cdp->GetOffset();
+      return -1;             // Error, probably unhandled type
+    else
+      loff= cdp->GetOffset();
-		switch (tc) {
-			case TAB_VEC:
-				cdp->SetOffset(0);		 // Not to have shift
-			case TAB_BIN:
-				// BIN/VEC are packed by default
+    switch (tc) {
+      case TAB_VEC:
+        cdp->SetOffset(0);     // Not to have shift
+      case TAB_BIN:
+        // BIN/VEC are packed by default
         if (nof) {
-					// Field width is the internal representation width
-					// that can also depend on the column format
+          // Field width is the internal representation width
+          // that can also depend on the column format
           fty = cdp->Decode ? 'C' : 'X';
           eds = 0;
           n = 0;
@@ -371,38 +371,38 @@ int TABDEF::GetColCatInfo(PGLOBAL g)
           if (n)
             nof = n;
           else switch (fty) {
-						case 'X':
+            case 'X':
               if (eds && IsTypeChar(cdp->Buf_Type))
                 nof = sizeof(longlong);
                 nof= cdp->Clen;
-						case 'C':                         break;
-						case 'R':
-						case 'F': nof = sizeof(float);    break;
-						case 'I':	nof = sizeof(int);      break;
-						case 'D':	nof = sizeof(double);   break;
-						case 'S':	nof = sizeof(short);    break;
-						case 'T':	nof = sizeof(char);     break;
-						case 'G':	nof = sizeof(longlong); break;
-						default:  /* Wrong format */
+            case 'C':                         break;
+            case 'R':
+            case 'F': nof = sizeof(float);    break;
+            case 'I': nof = sizeof(int);      break;
+            case 'D': nof = sizeof(double);   break;
+            case 'S': nof = sizeof(short);    break;
+            case 'T': nof = sizeof(char);     break;
+            case 'G': nof = sizeof(longlong); break;
+            default:  /* Wrong format */
               sprintf(g->Message, "Invalid format %c", fty);
               return -1;
-						} // endswitch fty
+            } // endswitch fty
           } // endif nof
-				break;
-			} // endswitch tc
+        break;
+      } // endswitch tc
-		if (lcdp)
-	    lcdp->SetNext(cdp);
-		else
-			tocols= cdp;
+    if (lcdp)
+      lcdp->SetNext(cdp);
+    else
+      tocols= cdp;
-		lcdp= cdp;
+    lcdp= cdp;
     } // endwhile
@@ -410,31 +410,31 @@ int TABDEF::GetColCatInfo(PGLOBAL g)
   if (i != GetDegree())
-	if (GetDefType() == TYPE_AM_DOS) {
-		int			ending, recln= 0;
+  if (GetDefType() == TYPE_AM_DOS) {
+    int     ending, recln= 0;
-		// Was commented because sometimes ending is 0 even when
-		// not specified (for instance if quoted is specified)
-//	if ((ending= Hc->GetIntegerOption("Ending")) < 0) {
-		if ((ending= Hc->GetIntegerOption("Ending")) <= 0) {
+    // Was commented because sometimes ending is 0 even when
+    // not specified (for instance if quoted is specified)
+//  if ((ending= Hc->GetIntegerOption("Ending")) < 0) {
+    if ((ending= Hc->GetIntegerOption("Ending")) <= 0) {
       ending= (tc == TAB_BIN || tc == TAB_VEC) ? 0 : CRLF;
-			Hc->SetIntegerOption("Ending", ending);
-			} // endif ending
+      Hc->SetIntegerOption("Ending", ending);
+      } // endif ending
-		// Calculate the default record size
-		switch (tc) {
+    // Calculate the default record size
+    switch (tc) {
       case TAB_FIX:
       case TAB_BIN:
         recln= nlg + ending;     // + length of line ending
       case TAB_VEC:
         recln= nlg;
 //      if ((k= (pak < 0) ? 8 : pak) > 1)
           // See above for detailed comment
           // Round up lrecl to multiple of 8 or pak
 //        recln= ((recln + k - 1) / k) * k;
       case TAB_DOS:
       case TAB_DBF:
@@ -443,26 +443,30 @@ int TABDEF::GetColCatInfo(PGLOBAL g)
       case TAB_CSV:
       case TAB_FMT:
         // The number of separators (assuming an extra one can exist)
-//      recln= poff * ((qotd) ? 3 : 1);	 to be investigated
-				recln= nlg + poff * 3;     // To be safe
+//      recln= poff * ((qotd) ? 3 : 1);  to be investigated
+        recln= nlg + poff * 3;     // To be safe
       } // endswitch tc
-		// lrecl must be at least recln to avoid buffer overflow
-		if (trace(1))
-			htrc("Lrecl: Calculated=%d defined=%d\n", 
-			  recln, Hc->GetIntegerOption("Lrecl"));
+    // lrecl must be at least recln to avoid buffer overflow
+    if (trace(1))
+      htrc("Lrecl: Calculated=%d defined=%d\n",
+        recln, Hc->GetIntegerOption("Lrecl"));
-		recln = MY_MAX(recln, Hc->GetIntegerOption("Lrecl"));
-		Hc->SetIntegerOption("Lrecl", recln);
-		((PDOSDEF)this)->SetLrecl(recln);
-		} // endif Lrecl
+    recln = MY_MAX(recln, Hc->GetIntegerOption("Lrecl"));
+    Hc->SetIntegerOption("Lrecl", recln);
+    ((PDOSDEF)this)->SetLrecl(recln);
-	// Attach the column definition to the tabdef
-	SetCols(tocols);
-	return poff;
-	} // end of GetColCatInfo
+    if (trace(1))
+      htrc("Lrecl set to %d\n", recln);
+    } // endif Lrecl
+  // Attach the column definition to the tabdef
+  SetCols(tocols);
+  return poff;
+  } // end of GetColCatInfo
 /*  SetIndexInfo: retrieve index description from the table structure. */
@@ -487,16 +491,17 @@ PTABDEF OEMDEF::GetXdef(PGLOBAL g)
   PCATLG  cat = Cat;
-  /*  Ensure that the .dll doesn't have a path.                        */
-  /*  This is done to ensure that only approved dll from the system    */
+  /*  Ensure that the module name doesn't have a path.                 */
+  /*  This is done to ensure that only approved libs from the system   */
   /*  directories are used (to make this even remotely secure).        */
   if (check_valid_path(Module, strlen(Module))) {
     strcpy(g->Message, "Module cannot contain a path");
     return NULL;
   } else
-    PlugSetPath(soname, Module, GetPluginDir());
+//  PlugSetPath(soname, Module, GetPluginDir());  // Crashes on Fedora
+    strncat(strcpy(soname, GetPluginDir()), Module, _MAX_PATH);
 #if defined(__WIN__)
   // Is the DLL already loaded?
   if (!Hdll && !(Hdll = GetModuleHandle(soname)))
@@ -522,31 +527,31 @@ PTABDEF OEMDEF::GetXdef(PGLOBAL g)
   // Get the function returning an instance of the external DEF class
   if (!(getdef = (XGETDEF)GetProcAddress((HINSTANCE)Hdll, getname))) {
-		char  buf[256];
-		DWORD rc = GetLastError();
+    char  buf[256];
+    DWORD rc = GetLastError();
-		sprintf(g->Message, MSG(PROCADD_ERROR), rc, getname);
-			(LPTSTR)buf, sizeof(buf), NULL);
-		strcat(strcat(g->Message, ": "), buf);
-		FreeLibrary((HMODULE)Hdll);
+    sprintf(g->Message, MSG(PROCADD_ERROR), rc, getname);
+      (LPTSTR)buf, sizeof(buf), NULL);
+    strcat(strcat(g->Message, ": "), buf);
+    FreeLibrary((HMODULE)Hdll);
     return NULL;
     } // endif getdef
 #else   // !__WIN__
   const char *error = NULL;
-#if 0  // Don't know what all this stuff does
-	Dl_info dl_info;
-	// The OEM lib must retrieve exported CONNECT variables
+#if 0  // Don't know what all this stuff does
+  Dl_info dl_info;
+  // The OEM lib must retrieve exported CONNECT variables
   if (dladdr(&connect_hton, &dl_info)) {
     if (dlopen(dl_info.dli_fname, RTLD_NOLOAD | RTLD_NOW | RTLD_GLOBAL) == 0) {
       error = dlerror();
       sprintf(g->Message, "dlopen failed: %s, OEM not supported", SVP(error));
       return NULL;
       } // endif dlopen
   } else {
     error = dlerror();
     sprintf(g->Message, "dladdr failed: %s, OEM not supported", SVP(error));
@@ -626,7 +631,7 @@ bool OEMDEF::DefineAM(PGLOBAL g, LPCSTR, int)
   char *desc = (char*)PlugSubAlloc(g, NULL, strlen(Module)
                                           + strlen(Subtype) + 3);
   sprintf(desc, "%s(%s)", Module, Subtype);
-	Desc = desc;
+  Desc = desc;
   return false;
   } // end of DefineAM
@@ -701,17 +706,17 @@ PTDB OEMDEF::GetTable(PGLOBAL g, MODE mode)
         txfp = new(g) FIXFAM(defp);
     } else if (rfm == RECFM_VCT) {
 #if defined(VCT_SUPPORT)
-			assert(Pxdef->GetDefType() == TYPE_AM_VCT);
+      assert(Pxdef->GetDefType() == TYPE_AM_VCT);
       if (map)
         txfp = new(g) VCMFAM((PVCTDEF)defp);
         txfp = new(g) VCTFAM((PVCTDEF)defp);
 #else   // !VCT_SUPPORT
-			strcpy(g->Message, "VCT no more supported");
-			return NULL;
+      strcpy(g->Message, "VCT no more supported");
+      return NULL;
 #endif  // !VCT_SUPPORT
-		} // endif's
+    } // endif's
     } // endif Txfp
diff --git a/storage/connect/rest.def b/storage/connect/rest.def
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..71c76740af9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/storage/connect/rest.def
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+   GetREST     @1
+   ColREST     @2
diff --git a/storage/connect/restget.cpp b/storage/connect/restget.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..6b184ae6926
--- /dev/null
+++ b/storage/connect/restget.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+/************* Restget C++ Program Source Code File (.CPP) *************/
+/* Adapted from the sample program of the Casablanca tutorial.         */
+/* Copyright Olivier Bertrand 2019.                                    */
+#include <cpprest/filestream.h>
+#include <cpprest/http_client.h>
+#if defined(MARIADB)
+#include <my_global.h>
+#include "mini-global.h"
+#define _OS_H_INCLUDED     // Prevent os.h to be called
+using namespace utility::conversions; // String conversions utilities
+using namespace web;                  // Common features like URIs.
+using namespace web::http;            // Common HTTP functionality
+using namespace web::http::client;    // HTTP client features
+using namespace concurrency::streams; // Asynchronous streams
+#include "global.h"
+/*  Make a local copy of the requested file.                           */
+int restGetFile(PGLOBAL g, PCSZ http, PCSZ uri, PCSZ fn)
+  int  rc = 0;
+	bool xt = trace(515);
+  auto fileStream = std::make_shared<ostream>();
+  if (!http || !fn) {
+    strcpy(g->Message, "Missing http or filename");
+    return 2;
+  } // endif
+	if (xt)
+	  htrc("restGetFile: fn=%s\n", fn);
+  // Open stream to output file.
+  pplx::task<void> requestTask = fstream::open_ostream(to_string_t(fn))
+    .then([=](ostream outFile) {
+      *fileStream= outFile;
+			if (xt)
+				htrc("Outfile isopen=%d\n", outFile.is_open());
+      // Create http_client to send the request.
+      http_client client(to_string_t(http));
+      if (uri) {
+        // Build request URI and start the request.
+        uri_builder builder(to_string_t(uri));
+        return client.request(methods::GET, builder.to_string());
+      } else
+        return client.request(methods::GET);
+    })
+    // Handle response headers arriving.
+    .then([=](http_response response) {
+			if (xt)
+				htrc("Received response status code:%u\n",
+                       response.status_code());
+      // Write response body into the file.
+      return response.body().read_to_end(fileStream->streambuf());
+    })
+    // Close the file stream.
+    .then([=](size_t n) {
+			if (xt)
+			  htrc("Return size=%u\n", n);
+      return fileStream->close();
+    });
+  // Wait for all the outstanding I/O to complete and handle any exceptions
+  try {
+    requestTask.wait();
+		if (xt)
+      htrc("In Wait\n");
+  } catch (const std::exception &e) {
+		if (xt)
+		  htrc("Error exception: %s\n", e.what());
+    sprintf(g->Message, "Error exception: %s", e.what());
+    rc= 1;
+  } // end try/catch
+	if (xt)
+	  htrc("restget done: rc=%d\n", rc);
+  return rc;
+} // end of restGetFile
diff --git a/storage/connect/tabfmt.cpp b/storage/connect/tabfmt.cpp
index 02720a3089a..746382178fb 100644
--- a/storage/connect/tabfmt.cpp
+++ b/storage/connect/tabfmt.cpp
@@ -189,9 +189,11 @@ PQRYRES CSVColumns(PGLOBAL g, PCSZ dp, PTOS topt, bool info)
 		htrc("File %s Sep=%c Qot=%c Header=%d maxerr=%d\n",
 		SVP(tdp->Fn), tdp->Sep, tdp->Qot, tdp->Header, tdp->Maxerr);
+#if defined(ZIP_SUPPORT)
 	if (tdp->Zipped)
 		tcvp = new(g)TDBCSV(tdp, new(g)UNZFAM(tdp));
+#endif   // ZIP_SUPPORT
 		tcvp = new(g) TDBCSV(tdp, new(g) DOSFAM(tdp));
diff --git a/storage/connect/tabjdbc.cpp b/storage/connect/tabjdbc.cpp
index c6b2802c1f6..06b6b3a9730 100644
--- a/storage/connect/tabjdbc.cpp
+++ b/storage/connect/tabjdbc.cpp
@@ -72,7 +72,6 @@
 #include "tabext.h"
 #include "tabjdbc.h"
 #include "tabmul.h"
-//#include "reldef.h"
 #include "tabcol.h"
 #include "valblk.h"
 #include "ha_connect.h"
@@ -89,6 +88,9 @@ extern int num_read, num_there, num_eq[2];                // Statistics
 /*  External function.                                                 */
 bool ExactInfo(void);
+#if defined(DEVELOPMENT)
+extern char *GetUserVariable(PGLOBAL g, const uchar *varname);
+#endif  // DEVELOPMENT
 /* -------------------------- Class JDBCDEF -------------------------- */
@@ -147,10 +149,6 @@ int JDBCDEF::ParseURL(PGLOBAL g, char *url, bool b)
 				return RC_FX;
 			Tabname = p;
-//  } else if (b) {
-//	  // Otherwise, straight server name, 
-//	  Tabname = GetStringCatInfo(g, "Name", NULL);
-//	  Tabname = GetStringCatInfo(g, "Tabname", Tabname);
 		} // endif
 		if (trace(1))
@@ -165,6 +163,11 @@ int JDBCDEF::ParseURL(PGLOBAL g, char *url, bool b)
 			return RC_FX;
 		} // endif server
+#if defined(DEVELOPMENT)
+		if (*server->host == '@') {
+			Url = GetUserVariable(g, (const uchar*)&server->host[1]);
+		} else
+#endif // 0
 		if (strncmp(server->host, "jdbc:", 5)) {
 			// Now make the required URL
 			Url = (PSZ)PlugSubAlloc(g, NULL, 0);
@@ -191,6 +194,9 @@ int JDBCDEF::ParseURL(PGLOBAL g, char *url, bool b)
 		if (!Password && server->password)
 			Password = PlugDup(g, server->password);
+		Driver = PlugDup(g, GetListOption(g, "Driver", server->owner, NULL));
+		Wrapname = PlugDup(g, GetListOption(g, "Wrapper", server->owner, NULL));
+		Memory = atoi(GetListOption(g, "Memory", server->owner, "0"));
 		return RC_NF;
 	} // endif
@@ -208,7 +214,6 @@ bool JDBCDEF::DefineAM(PGLOBAL g, LPCSTR am, int poff)
 	if (EXTDEF::DefineAM(g, am, poff))
 		return true;
-	Driver = GetStringCatInfo(g, "Driver", NULL);
 	Desc = Url = GetStringCatInfo(g, "Connect", NULL);
 	if (!Url && !Catfunc) {
@@ -228,7 +233,10 @@ bool JDBCDEF::DefineAM(PGLOBAL g, LPCSTR am, int poff)
 			return true;
 		} // endif rc
-	Wrapname = GetStringCatInfo(g, "Wrapper", NULL);
+	// Default values may have been set in ParseURL
+	Memory = GetIntCatInfo("Memory", Memory);
+	Driver = GetStringCatInfo(g, "Driver", Driver);
+	Wrapname = GetStringCatInfo(g, "Wrapper", Wrapname);
 	return false;
 } // end of DefineAM
@@ -633,7 +641,9 @@ bool TDBJDBC::OpenDB(PGLOBAL g)
 				if ((n = Jcp->GetResultSize(Query->GetStr(), Cnp)) < 0) {
-					sprintf(g->Message, "Cannot get result size rc=%d", n);
+					char* msg = PlugDup(g, g->Message);
+					sprintf(g->Message, "Get result size: %s (rc=%d)", msg, n);
 					return true;
 				} else if (n) {
 					Jcp->m_Rows = n;
diff --git a/storage/connect/tabjson.cpp b/storage/connect/tabjson.cpp
index afab52aa282..0b282345c8a 100644
--- a/storage/connect/tabjson.cpp
+++ b/storage/connect/tabjson.cpp
@@ -71,15 +71,15 @@ char   *GetJsonNull(void);
 PQRYRES JSONColumns(PGLOBAL g, PCSZ db, PCSZ dsn, PTOS topt, bool info)
-  static int  buftyp[] = {TYPE_STRING, TYPE_SHORT, TYPE_STRING, TYPE_INT, 
+  static int  buftyp[] = {TYPE_STRING, TYPE_SHORT, TYPE_STRING, TYPE_INT,
                           TYPE_INT, TYPE_SHORT, TYPE_SHORT, TYPE_STRING};
                           FLD_LENGTH, FLD_SCALE, FLD_NULL, FLD_FORMAT};
   static unsigned int length[] = {0, 6, 8, 10, 10, 6, 6, 0};
-	int     i, n = 0;
+  int     i, n = 0;
   int     ncol = sizeof(buftyp) / sizeof(int);
-	PJCL    jcp;
-	JSONDISC *pjdc = NULL;
+  PJCL    jcp;
+  JSONDISC *pjdc = NULL;
   PQRYRES qrp;
   PCOLRES crp;
@@ -89,15 +89,15 @@ PQRYRES JSONColumns(PGLOBAL g, PCSZ db, PCSZ dsn, PTOS topt, bool info)
     goto skipit;
     } // endif info
-	if (GetIntegerTableOption(g, topt, "Multiple", 0)) {
-		strcpy(g->Message, "Cannot find column definition for multiple table");
-		return NULL;
-	}	// endif Multiple
+  if (GetIntegerTableOption(g, topt, "Multiple", 0)) {
+    strcpy(g->Message, "Cannot find column definition for multiple table");
+    return NULL;
+  } // endif Multiple
-	pjdc = new(g) JSONDISC(g, length);
+  pjdc = new(g) JSONDISC(g, length);
-	if (!(n = pjdc->GetColumns(g, db, dsn, topt)))
-		return NULL;
+  if (!(n = pjdc->GetColumns(g, db, dsn, topt)))
+    return NULL;
   if (trace(1))
@@ -110,8 +110,8 @@ PQRYRES JSONColumns(PGLOBAL g, PCSZ db, PCSZ dsn, PTOS topt, bool info)
                           buftyp, fldtyp, length, false, false);
   crp = qrp->Colresp->Next->Next->Next->Next->Next->Next;
-	crp->Name = PlugDup(g, "Nullable");
-	crp->Next->Name = PlugDup(g, "Jpath");
+  crp->Name = PlugDup(g, "Nullable");
+  crp->Next->Name = PlugDup(g, "Jpath");
   if (info || !qrp)
     return qrp;
@@ -122,8 +122,8 @@ PQRYRES JSONColumns(PGLOBAL g, PCSZ db, PCSZ dsn, PTOS topt, bool info)
   /*  Now get the results into blocks.                                 */
   for (i = 0, jcp = pjdc->fjcp; jcp; i++, jcp = jcp->Next) {
-		if (jcp->Type == TYPE_UNKNOWN)
-			jcp->Type = TYPE_STRING;             // Void column
+    if (jcp->Type == TYPE_UNKNOWN)
+      jcp->Type = TYPE_STRING;             // Void column
     crp = qrp->Colresp;                    // Column Name
     crp->Kdata->SetValue(jcp->Name, i);
@@ -159,380 +159,380 @@ PQRYRES JSONColumns(PGLOBAL g, PCSZ db, PCSZ dsn, PTOS topt, bool info)
-	length = lg;
-	jcp = fjcp = pjcp = NULL;
-	tjnp = NULL;
-	jpp = NULL;
-	tjsp = NULL;
-	jsp = NULL;
-	row = NULL;
-	sep = NULL;
-	i = n = bf = ncol = lvl = 0;
-	all = false;
-}	// end of JSONDISC constructor
+  length = lg;
+  jcp = fjcp = pjcp = NULL;
+  tjnp = NULL;
+  jpp = NULL;
+  tjsp = NULL;
+  jsp = NULL;
+  row = NULL;
+  sep = NULL;
+  i = n = bf = ncol = lvl = 0;
+  all = false;
+} // end of JSONDISC constructor
 int JSONDISC::GetColumns(PGLOBAL g, PCSZ db, PCSZ dsn, PTOS topt)
-	char filename[_MAX_PATH];
-	bool mgo = (GetTypeID(topt->type) == TAB_MONGO);
-	PCSZ level = GetStringTableOption(g, topt, "Level", NULL);
+  char filename[_MAX_PATH];
+  bool mgo = (GetTypeID(topt->type) == TAB_MONGO);
+  PCSZ level = GetStringTableOption(g, topt, "Level", NULL);
-	if (level) {
-		lvl = atoi(level);
-		lvl = (lvl > 16) ? 16 : lvl;
-	}	else
-		lvl = 0;
+  if (level) {
+    lvl = atoi(level);
+    lvl = (lvl > 16) ? 16 : lvl;
+  } else
+    lvl = 0;
-	sep = GetStringTableOption(g, topt, "Separator", ".");
+  sep = GetStringTableOption(g, topt, "Separator", ".");
-	/*********************************************************************/
-	/*  Open the input file.                                             */
-	/*********************************************************************/
-	tdp = new(g) JSONDEF;
+  /*********************************************************************/
+  /*  Open the input file.                                             */
+  /*********************************************************************/
+  tdp = new(g) JSONDEF;
 #if defined(ZIP_SUPPORT)
-	tdp->Entry = GetStringTableOption(g, topt, "Entry", NULL);
-	tdp->Zipped = GetBooleanTableOption(g, topt, "Zipped", false);
+  tdp->Entry = GetStringTableOption(g, topt, "Entry", NULL);
+  tdp->Zipped = GetBooleanTableOption(g, topt, "Zipped", false);
 #endif   // ZIP_SUPPORT
-	tdp->Fn = GetStringTableOption(g, topt, "Filename", NULL);
+  tdp->Fn = GetStringTableOption(g, topt, "Filename", NULL);
-	if (!(tdp->Database = SetPath(g, db)))
-		return 0;
+  if (!(tdp->Database = SetPath(g, db)))
+    return 0;
-	tdp->Objname = GetStringTableOption(g, topt, "Object", NULL);
-	tdp->Base = GetIntegerTableOption(g, topt, "Base", 0) ? 1 : 0;
-	tdp->Pretty = GetIntegerTableOption(g, topt, "Pretty", 2);
-	tdp->Xcol = GetStringTableOption(g, topt, "Expand", NULL);
-	tdp->Accept = GetBooleanTableOption(g, topt, "Accept", false);
-	tdp->Uri = (dsn && *dsn ? dsn : NULL);
+  tdp->Objname = GetStringTableOption(g, topt, "Object", NULL);
+  tdp->Base = GetIntegerTableOption(g, topt, "Base", 0) ? 1 : 0;
+  tdp->Pretty = GetIntegerTableOption(g, topt, "Pretty", 2);
+  tdp->Xcol = GetStringTableOption(g, topt, "Expand", NULL);
+  tdp->Accept = GetBooleanTableOption(g, topt, "Accept", false);
+  tdp->Uri = (dsn && *dsn ? dsn : NULL);
-	if (!tdp->Fn && !tdp->Uri) {
-		strcpy(g->Message, MSG(MISSING_FNAME));
-		return 0;
-	} // endif Fn
+  if (!tdp->Fn && !tdp->Uri) {
+    strcpy(g->Message, MSG(MISSING_FNAME));
+    return 0;
+  } // endif Fn
-	if (tdp->Fn) {
-		//  We used the file name relative to recorded datapath
-		PlugSetPath(filename, tdp->Fn, tdp->GetPath());
-		tdp->Fn = PlugDup(g, filename);
-	} // endif Fn
+  if (tdp->Fn) {
+    //  We used the file name relative to recorded datapath
+    PlugSetPath(filename, tdp->Fn, tdp->GetPath());
+    tdp->Fn = PlugDup(g, filename);
+  } // endif Fn
-	if (trace(1))
-		htrc("File %s objname=%s pretty=%d lvl=%d\n",
-			tdp->Fn, tdp->Objname, tdp->Pretty, lvl);
+  if (trace(1))
+    htrc("File %s objname=%s pretty=%d lvl=%d\n",
+      tdp->Fn, tdp->Objname, tdp->Pretty, lvl);
-	if (tdp->Uri) {
+  if (tdp->Uri) {
 #if defined(JAVA_SUPPORT) || defined(CMGO_SUPPORT)
-		tdp->Collname = GetStringTableOption(g, topt, "Name", NULL);
-		tdp->Collname = GetStringTableOption(g, topt, "Tabname", tdp->Collname);
-		tdp->Schema = GetStringTableOption(g, topt, "Dbname", "test");
-		tdp->Options = (PSZ)GetStringTableOption(g, topt, "Colist", "all");
-		tdp->Pipe = GetBooleanTableOption(g, topt, "Pipeline", false);
-		tdp->Driver = (PSZ)GetStringTableOption(g, topt, "Driver", NULL);
-		tdp->Version = GetIntegerTableOption(g, topt, "Version", 3);
-		tdp->Wrapname = (PSZ)GetStringTableOption(g, topt, "Wrapper",
-			(tdp->Version == 2) ? "Mongo2Interface" : "Mongo3Interface");
-		tdp->Pretty = 0;
+    tdp->Collname = GetStringTableOption(g, topt, "Name", NULL);
+    tdp->Collname = GetStringTableOption(g, topt, "Tabname", tdp->Collname);
+    tdp->Schema = GetStringTableOption(g, topt, "Dbname", "test");
+    tdp->Options = (PSZ)GetStringTableOption(g, topt, "Colist", "all");
+    tdp->Pipe = GetBooleanTableOption(g, topt, "Pipeline", false);
+    tdp->Driver = (PSZ)GetStringTableOption(g, topt, "Driver", NULL);
+    tdp->Version = GetIntegerTableOption(g, topt, "Version", 3);
+    tdp->Wrapname = (PSZ)GetStringTableOption(g, topt, "Wrapper",
+      (tdp->Version == 2) ? "Mongo2Interface" : "Mongo3Interface");
+    tdp->Pretty = 0;
 #else   // !MONGO_SUPPORT
-		sprintf(g->Message, MSG(NO_FEAT_SUPPORT), "MONGO");
-		return 0;
+    sprintf(g->Message, MSG(NO_FEAT_SUPPORT), "MONGO");
+    return 0;
 #endif  // !MONGO_SUPPORT
-	}	// endif Uri
+  } // endif Uri
-	if (tdp->Pretty == 2) {
-		if (tdp->Zipped) {
+  if (tdp->Pretty == 2) {
+    if (tdp->Zipped) {
 #if defined(ZIP_SUPPORT)
-			tjsp = new(g) TDBJSON(tdp, new(g) UNZFAM(tdp));
+      tjsp = new(g) TDBJSON(tdp, new(g) UNZFAM(tdp));
 #else   // !ZIP_SUPPORT
-			sprintf(g->Message, MSG(NO_FEAT_SUPPORT), "ZIP");
-			return 0;
+      sprintf(g->Message, MSG(NO_FEAT_SUPPORT), "ZIP");
+      return 0;
 #endif  // !ZIP_SUPPORT
-		}	else
-			tjsp = new(g) TDBJSON(tdp, new(g) MAPFAM(tdp));
+    } else
+      tjsp = new(g) TDBJSON(tdp, new(g) MAPFAM(tdp));
-		if (tjsp->MakeDocument(g))
-			return 0;
+    if (tjsp->MakeDocument(g))
+      return 0;
-		jsp = (tjsp->GetDoc()) ? tjsp->GetDoc()->GetValue(0) : NULL;
-	}	else {
-		if (!(tdp->Lrecl = GetIntegerTableOption(g, topt, "Lrecl", 0)))
-			if (!mgo) {
-				sprintf(g->Message, "LRECL must be specified for pretty=%d", tdp->Pretty);
-				return 0;
-			}	else
-				tdp->Lrecl = 8192;			 // Should be enough
+    jsp = (tjsp->GetDoc()) ? tjsp->GetDoc()->GetValue(0) : NULL;
+  } else {
+    if (!(tdp->Lrecl = GetIntegerTableOption(g, topt, "Lrecl", 0)))
+      if (!mgo) {
+        sprintf(g->Message, "LRECL must be specified for pretty=%d", tdp->Pretty);
+        return 0;
+      } else
+        tdp->Lrecl = 8192;       // Should be enough
-		tdp->Ending = GetIntegerTableOption(g, topt, "Ending", CRLF);
+    tdp->Ending = GetIntegerTableOption(g, topt, "Ending", CRLF);
-		if (tdp->Zipped) {
+    if (tdp->Zipped) {
 #if defined(ZIP_SUPPORT)
-			tjnp = new(g)TDBJSN(tdp, new(g) UNZFAM(tdp));
+      tjnp = new(g)TDBJSN(tdp, new(g) UNZFAM(tdp));
 #else   // !ZIP_SUPPORT
-			sprintf(g->Message, MSG(NO_FEAT_SUPPORT), "ZIP");
-			return NULL;
+      sprintf(g->Message, MSG(NO_FEAT_SUPPORT), "ZIP");
+      return NULL;
 #endif  // !ZIP_SUPPORT
-		}	else if (tdp->Uri) {
-			if (tdp->Driver && toupper(*tdp->Driver) == 'C') {
+    } else if (tdp->Uri) {
+      if (tdp->Driver && toupper(*tdp->Driver) == 'C') {
 #if defined(CMGO_SUPPORT)
-				tjnp = new(g) TDBJSN(tdp, new(g) CMGFAM(tdp));
+        tjnp = new(g) TDBJSN(tdp, new(g) CMGFAM(tdp));
-				sprintf(g->Message, "Mongo %s Driver not available", "C");
-				return 0;
+        sprintf(g->Message, "Mongo %s Driver not available", "C");
+        return 0;
-			}	else if (tdp->Driver && toupper(*tdp->Driver) == 'J') {
+      } else if (tdp->Driver && toupper(*tdp->Driver) == 'J') {
 #if defined(JAVA_SUPPORT)
-				tjnp = new(g) TDBJSN(tdp, new(g) JMGFAM(tdp));
+        tjnp = new(g) TDBJSN(tdp, new(g) JMGFAM(tdp));
-				sprintf(g->Message, "Mongo %s Driver not available", "Java");
-				return 0;
+        sprintf(g->Message, "Mongo %s Driver not available", "Java");
+        return 0;
-			}	else {						 // Driver not specified
+      } else {             // Driver not specified
 #if defined(CMGO_SUPPORT)
-				tjnp = new(g) TDBJSN(tdp, new(g) CMGFAM(tdp));
+        tjnp = new(g) TDBJSN(tdp, new(g) CMGFAM(tdp));
 #elif defined(JAVA_SUPPORT)
-				tjnp = new(g) TDBJSN(tdp, new(g) JMGFAM(tdp));
+        tjnp = new(g) TDBJSN(tdp, new(g) JMGFAM(tdp));
-				sprintf(g->Message, MSG(NO_FEAT_SUPPORT), "MONGO");
-				return 0;
+        sprintf(g->Message, MSG(NO_FEAT_SUPPORT), "MONGO");
+        return 0;
-			}	// endif Driver
+      } // endif Driver
-		}	else
-			tjnp = new(g) TDBJSN(tdp, new(g) DOSFAM(tdp));
+    } else
+      tjnp = new(g) TDBJSN(tdp, new(g) DOSFAM(tdp));
-		tjnp->SetMode(MODE_READ);
+    tjnp->SetMode(MODE_READ);
-		// Allocate the parse work memory
-		PGLOBAL G = (PGLOBAL)PlugSubAlloc(g, NULL, sizeof(GLOBAL));
-		memset(G, 0, sizeof(GLOBAL));
-		G->Sarea_Size = tdp->Lrecl * 10;
-		G->Sarea = PlugSubAlloc(g, NULL, G->Sarea_Size);
-		PlugSubSet(G->Sarea, G->Sarea_Size);
-		G->jump_level = 0;
-		tjnp->SetG(G);
+    // Allocate the parse work memory
+    PGLOBAL G = (PGLOBAL)PlugSubAlloc(g, NULL, sizeof(GLOBAL));
+    memset(G, 0, sizeof(GLOBAL));
+    G->Sarea_Size = tdp->Lrecl * 10;
+    G->Sarea = PlugSubAlloc(g, NULL, G->Sarea_Size);
+    PlugSubSet(G->Sarea, G->Sarea_Size);
+    G->jump_level = 0;
+    tjnp->SetG(G);
-		if (tjnp->OpenDB(g))
-			return 0;
+    if (tjnp->OpenDB(g))
+      return 0;
-		switch (tjnp->ReadDB(g)) {
-		case RC_EF:
-			strcpy(g->Message, "Void json table");
-		case RC_FX:
-			goto err;
-		default:
-			jsp = tjnp->GetRow();
-		} // endswitch ReadDB
+    switch (tjnp->ReadDB(g)) {
+    case RC_EF:
+      strcpy(g->Message, "Void json table");
+    case RC_FX:
+      goto err;
+    default:
+      jsp = tjnp->GetRow();
+    } // endswitch ReadDB
-	} // endif pretty
+  } // endif pretty
-	if (!(row = (jsp) ? jsp->GetObject() : NULL)) {
-		strcpy(g->Message, "Can only retrieve columns from object rows");
-		goto err;
-	} // endif row
+  if (!(row = (jsp) ? jsp->GetObject() : NULL)) {
+    strcpy(g->Message, "Can only retrieve columns from object rows");
+    goto err;
+  } // endif row
-	all = GetBooleanTableOption(g, topt, "Fullarray", false);
-	jcol.Name = jcol.Fmt = NULL;
-	jcol.Next = NULL;
-	jcol.Found = true;
-	colname[0] = 0;
+  all = GetBooleanTableOption(g, topt, "Fullarray", false);
+  jcol.Name = jcol.Fmt = NULL;
+  jcol.Next = NULL;
+  jcol.Found = true;
+  colname[0] = 0;
-	if (!tdp->Uri) {
-		fmt[0] = '$';
-		fmt[1] = '.';
-		bf = 2;
-	}	// endif Uri
+  if (!tdp->Uri) {
+    fmt[0] = '$';
+    fmt[1] = '.';
+    bf = 2;
+  } // endif Uri
-	/*********************************************************************/
-	/*  Analyse the JSON tree and define columns.                        */
-	/*********************************************************************/
-	for (i = 1; ; i++) {
-		for (jpp = row->GetFirst(); jpp; jpp = jpp->GetNext()) {
-			strncpy(colname, jpp->GetKey(), 64);
-			fmt[bf] = 0;
+  /*********************************************************************/
+  /*  Analyse the JSON tree and define columns.                        */
+  /*********************************************************************/
+  for (i = 1; ; i++) {
+    for (jpp = row->GetFirst(); jpp; jpp = jpp->GetNext()) {
+      strncpy(colname, jpp->GetKey(), 64);
+      fmt[bf] = 0;
-			if (Find(g, jpp->GetVal(), colname, MY_MIN(lvl, 0)))
-				goto err;
+      if (Find(g, jpp->GetVal(), colname, MY_MIN(lvl, 0)))
+        goto err;
-		} // endfor jpp
+    } // endfor jpp
-		// Missing column can be null
-		for (jcp = fjcp; jcp; jcp = jcp->Next) {
-			jcp->Cbn |= !jcp->Found;
-			jcp->Found = false;
-		} // endfor jcp
+    // Missing column can be null
+    for (jcp = fjcp; jcp; jcp = jcp->Next) {
+      jcp->Cbn |= !jcp->Found;
+      jcp->Found = false;
+    } // endfor jcp
-		if (tdp->Pretty != 2) {
-			// Read next record
-			switch (tjnp->ReadDB(g)) {
-			case RC_EF:
-				jsp = NULL;
-				break;
-			case RC_FX:
-				goto err;
-			default:
-				jsp = tjnp->GetRow();
-			} // endswitch ReadDB
+    if (tdp->Pretty != 2) {
+      // Read next record
+      switch (tjnp->ReadDB(g)) {
+      case RC_EF:
+        jsp = NULL;
+        break;
+      case RC_FX:
+        goto err;
+      default:
+        jsp = tjnp->GetRow();
+      } // endswitch ReadDB
-		}	else
-			jsp = tjsp->GetDoc()->GetValue(i);
+    } else
+      jsp = tjsp->GetDoc()->GetValue(i);
-		if (!(row = (jsp) ? jsp->GetObject() : NULL))
-			break;
+    if (!(row = (jsp) ? jsp->GetObject() : NULL))
+      break;
-	} // endfor i
+  } // endfor i
-	if (tdp->Pretty != 2)
-		tjnp->CloseDB(g);
+  if (tdp->Pretty != 2)
+    tjnp->CloseDB(g);
-	return n;
+  return n;
-	if (tdp->Pretty != 2)
-		tjnp->CloseDB(g);
+  if (tdp->Pretty != 2)
+    tjnp->CloseDB(g);
-	return 0;
-}	// end of GetColumns
+  return 0;
+} // end of GetColumns
 bool JSONDISC::Find(PGLOBAL g, PJVAL jvp, PCSZ key, int j)
-	char *p, *pc = colname + strlen(colname);
-	int   ars;
-	PJOB  job;
-	PJAR  jar;
+  char *p, *pc = colname + strlen(colname);
+  int   ars;
+  PJOB  job;
+  PJAR  jar;
-	if ((valp = jvp ? jvp->GetValue() : NULL)) {
-		jcol.Type = valp->GetType();
-		jcol.Len = valp->GetValLen();
-		jcol.Scale = valp->GetValPrec();
-		jcol.Cbn = valp->IsNull();
-	} else if (!jvp || jvp->IsNull()) {
-		jcol.Type = TYPE_UNKNOWN;
-		jcol.Len = jcol.Scale = 0;
-		jcol.Cbn = true;
-	} else  if (j < lvl) {
-		if (!fmt[bf])
-			strcat(fmt, colname);
+  if ((valp = jvp ? jvp->GetValue() : NULL)) {
+    jcol.Type = valp->GetType();
+    jcol.Len = valp->GetValLen();
+    jcol.Scale = valp->GetValPrec();
+    jcol.Cbn = valp->IsNull();
+  } else if (!jvp || jvp->IsNull()) {
+    jcol.Type = TYPE_UNKNOWN;
+    jcol.Len = jcol.Scale = 0;
+    jcol.Cbn = true;
+  } else  if (j < lvl) {
+    if (!fmt[bf])
+      strcat(fmt, colname);
-		p = fmt + strlen(fmt);
-		jsp = jvp->GetJson();
+    p = fmt + strlen(fmt);
+    jsp = jvp->GetJson();
-		switch (jsp->GetType()) {
-			case TYPE_JOB:
-				job = (PJOB)jsp;
+    switch (jsp->GetType()) {
+      case TYPE_JOB:
+        job = (PJOB)jsp;
-				for (PJPR jrp = job->GetFirst(); jrp; jrp = jrp->GetNext()) {
-					PCSZ k = jrp->GetKey();
+        for (PJPR jrp = job->GetFirst(); jrp; jrp = jrp->GetNext()) {
+          PCSZ k = jrp->GetKey();
-					if (*k != '$') {
-						strncat(strncat(fmt, sep, 128), k, 128);
-						strncat(strncat(colname, "_", 64), k, 64);
-					} // endif Key
+          if (*k != '$') {
+            strncat(strncat(fmt, sep, 128), k, 128);
+            strncat(strncat(colname, "_", 64), k, 64);
+          } // endif Key
-					if (Find(g, jrp->GetVal(), k, j + 1))
-						return true;
+          if (Find(g, jrp->GetVal(), k, j + 1))
+            return true;
-					*p = *pc = 0;
-				} // endfor jrp
+          *p = *pc = 0;
+        } // endfor jrp
-				return false;
-			case TYPE_JAR:
-				jar = (PJAR)jsp;
+        return false;
+      case TYPE_JAR:
+        jar = (PJAR)jsp;
-				if (all || (tdp->Xcol && !stricmp(tdp->Xcol, key)))
-					ars = jar->GetSize(false);
-				else
-					ars = MY_MIN(jar->GetSize(false), 1);
+        if (all || (tdp->Xcol && !stricmp(tdp->Xcol, key)))
+          ars = jar->GetSize(false);
+        else
+          ars = MY_MIN(jar->GetSize(false), 1);
-				for (int k = 0; k < ars; k++) {
-					if (!tdp->Xcol || stricmp(tdp->Xcol, key)) {
-						sprintf(buf, "%d", k);
+        for (int k = 0; k < ars; k++) {
+          if (!tdp->Xcol || stricmp(tdp->Xcol, key)) {
+            sprintf(buf, "%d", k);
-						if (tdp->Uri)
-							strncat(strncat(fmt, sep, 128), buf, 128);
-						else
-							strncat(strncat(strncat(fmt, "[", 128), buf, 128), "]", 128);
+            if (tdp->Uri)
+              strncat(strncat(fmt, sep, 128), buf, 128);
+            else
+              strncat(strncat(strncat(fmt, "[", 128), buf, 128), "]", 128);
-						if (all)
-							strncat(strncat(colname, "_", 64), buf, 64);
+            if (all)
+              strncat(strncat(colname, "_", 64), buf, 64);
-					} else
-						strncat(fmt, (tdp->Uri ? sep : "[*]"), 128);
+          } else
+            strncat(fmt, (tdp->Uri ? sep : "[*]"), 128);
-					if (Find(g, jar->GetValue(k), "", j))
-						return true;
+          if (Find(g, jar->GetValue(k), "", j))
+            return true;
-					*p = *pc = 0;
-				} // endfor k
+          *p = *pc = 0;
+        } // endfor k
-				return false;
-			default:
-				sprintf(g->Message, "Logical error after %s", fmt);
-				return true;
-		} // endswitch Type
+        return false;
+      default:
+        sprintf(g->Message, "Logical error after %s", fmt);
+        return true;
+    } // endswitch Type
-	} else if (lvl >= 0) {
-		jcol.Type = TYPE_STRING;
-		jcol.Len = 256;
-		jcol.Scale = 0;
-		jcol.Cbn = true;
-	} else
-		return false;
+  } else if (lvl >= 0) {
+    jcol.Type = TYPE_STRING;
+    jcol.Len = 256;
+    jcol.Scale = 0;
+    jcol.Cbn = true;
+  } else
+    return false;
-	AddColumn(g);
-	return false;
-}	// end of Find
+  AddColumn(g);
+  return false;
+} // end of Find
 void JSONDISC::AddColumn(PGLOBAL g)
-	bool b = fmt[bf] != 0;		 // True if formatted
+  bool b = fmt[bf] != 0;     // True if formatted
-	// Check whether this column was already found
-	for (jcp = fjcp; jcp; jcp = jcp->Next)
-		if (!strcmp(colname, jcp->Name))
-			break;
+  // Check whether this column was already found
+  for (jcp = fjcp; jcp; jcp = jcp->Next)
+    if (!strcmp(colname, jcp->Name))
+      break;
-	if (jcp) {
-		if (jcp->Type != jcol.Type) {
-			if (jcp->Type == TYPE_UNKNOWN)
-				jcp->Type = jcol.Type;
-			else if (jcol.Type != TYPE_UNKNOWN)
-				jcp->Type = TYPE_STRING;
+  if (jcp) {
+    if (jcp->Type != jcol.Type) {
+      if (jcp->Type == TYPE_UNKNOWN)
+        jcp->Type = jcol.Type;
+      else if (jcol.Type != TYPE_UNKNOWN)
+        jcp->Type = TYPE_STRING;
-		} // endif Type
+    } // endif Type
-		if (b && (!jcp->Fmt || strlen(jcp->Fmt) < strlen(fmt))) {
-			jcp->Fmt = PlugDup(g, fmt);
-			length[7] = MY_MAX(length[7], strlen(fmt));
-		} // endif fmt
+    if (b && (!jcp->Fmt || strlen(jcp->Fmt) < strlen(fmt))) {
+      jcp->Fmt = PlugDup(g, fmt);
+      length[7] = MY_MAX(length[7], strlen(fmt));
+    } // endif fmt
-		jcp->Len = MY_MAX(jcp->Len, jcol.Len);
-		jcp->Scale = MY_MAX(jcp->Scale, jcol.Scale);
-		jcp->Cbn |= jcol.Cbn;
-		jcp->Found = true;
-	} else if (jcol.Type != TYPE_UNKNOWN || tdp->Accept) {
-		// New column
-		jcp = (PJCL)PlugSubAlloc(g, NULL, sizeof(JCOL));
-		*jcp = jcol;
-		jcp->Cbn |= (i > 1);
-		jcp->Name = PlugDup(g, colname);
-		length[0] = MY_MAX(length[0], strlen(colname));
+    jcp->Len = MY_MAX(jcp->Len, jcol.Len);
+    jcp->Scale = MY_MAX(jcp->Scale, jcol.Scale);
+    jcp->Cbn |= jcol.Cbn;
+    jcp->Found = true;
+  } else if (jcol.Type != TYPE_UNKNOWN || tdp->Accept) {
+    // New column
+    jcp = (PJCL)PlugSubAlloc(g, NULL, sizeof(JCOL));
+    *jcp = jcol;
+    jcp->Cbn |= (i > 1);
+    jcp->Name = PlugDup(g, colname);
+    length[0] = MY_MAX(length[0], strlen(colname));
-		if (b) {
-			jcp->Fmt = PlugDup(g, fmt);
-			length[7] = MY_MAX(length[7], strlen(fmt));
-		} else
-			jcp->Fmt = NULL;
+    if (b) {
+      jcp->Fmt = PlugDup(g, fmt);
+      length[7] = MY_MAX(length[7], strlen(fmt));
+    } else
+      jcp->Fmt = NULL;
-		if (pjcp) {
-			jcp->Next = pjcp->Next;
-			pjcp->Next = jcp;
-		} else
-			fjcp = jcp;
+    if (pjcp) {
+      jcp->Next = pjcp->Next;
+      pjcp->Next = jcp;
+    } else
+      fjcp = jcp;
-		n++;
-	} // endif jcp
+    n++;
+  } // endif jcp
-	if (jcp)
-	  pjcp = jcp;
+  if (jcp)
+    pjcp = jcp;
 } // end of AddColumn
@@ -548,13 +548,13 @@ JSONDEF::JSONDEF(void)
   Limit = 1;
   Base = 0;
   Strict = false;
-	Sep = '.';
-	Uri = NULL;
-	Collname = Options = Filter = NULL;
-	Pipe = false;
-	Driver = NULL;
-	Version = 0;
-	Wrapname = NULL;
+  Sep = '.';
+  Uri = NULL;
+  Collname = Options = Filter = NULL;
+  Pipe = false;
+  Driver = NULL;
+  Version = 0;
+  Wrapname = NULL;
 } // end of JSONDEF constructor
@@ -562,41 +562,41 @@ JSONDEF::JSONDEF(void)
 bool JSONDEF::DefineAM(PGLOBAL g, LPCSTR am, int poff)
-	Schema = GetStringCatInfo(g, "DBname", Schema);
-	Jmode = (JMODE)GetIntCatInfo("Jmode", MODE_OBJECT);
+  Schema = GetStringCatInfo(g, "DBname", Schema);
+  Jmode = (JMODE)GetIntCatInfo("Jmode", MODE_OBJECT);
   Objname = GetStringCatInfo(g, "Object", NULL);
   Xcol = GetStringCatInfo(g, "Expand", NULL);
   Pretty = GetIntCatInfo("Pretty", 2);
   Limit = GetIntCatInfo("Limit", 10);
   Base = GetIntCatInfo("Base", 0) ? 1 : 0;
-	Sep = *GetStringCatInfo(g, "Separator", ".");
-	Accept = GetBoolCatInfo("Accept", false);
+  Sep = *GetStringCatInfo(g, "Separator", ".");
+  Accept = GetBoolCatInfo("Accept", false);
-	// Don't use url as uri when called from REST OEM module
-	if (stricmp(am, "REST") && (Uri = GetStringCatInfo(g, "Connect", NULL))) {
+  // Don't use url as MONGO uri when called from REST
+  if (stricmp(am, "REST") && (Uri = GetStringCatInfo(g, "Connect", NULL))) {
 #if defined(JAVA_SUPPORT) || defined(CMGO_SUPPORT)
-		Collname = GetStringCatInfo(g, "Name",
-			(Catfunc & (FNC_TABLE | FNC_COL)) ? NULL : Name);
-		Collname = GetStringCatInfo(g, "Tabname", Collname);
-		Options = GetStringCatInfo(g, "Colist", NULL);
-		Filter = GetStringCatInfo(g, "Filter", NULL);
-		Pipe = GetBoolCatInfo("Pipeline", false);
-		Driver = GetStringCatInfo(g, "Driver", NULL);
-		Version = GetIntCatInfo("Version", 3);
-		Pretty = 0;
+    Collname = GetStringCatInfo(g, "Name",
+      (Catfunc & (FNC_TABLE | FNC_COL)) ? NULL : Name);
+    Collname = GetStringCatInfo(g, "Tabname", Collname);
+    Options = GetStringCatInfo(g, "Colist", NULL);
+    Filter = GetStringCatInfo(g, "Filter", NULL);
+    Pipe = GetBoolCatInfo("Pipeline", false);
+    Driver = GetStringCatInfo(g, "Driver", NULL);
+    Version = GetIntCatInfo("Version", 3);
+    Pretty = 0;
 #if defined(JAVA_SUPPORT)
-		if (Version == 2)
-			Wrapname = GetStringCatInfo(g, "Wrapper", "Mongo2Interface");
-		else
-			Wrapname = GetStringCatInfo(g, "Wrapper", "Mongo3Interface");
+    if (Version == 2)
+      Wrapname = GetStringCatInfo(g, "Wrapper", "Mongo2Interface");
+    else
+      Wrapname = GetStringCatInfo(g, "Wrapper", "Mongo3Interface");
 #endif   // JAVA_SUPPORT
 #else   // !MONGO_SUPPORT
-		sprintf(g->Message, MSG(NO_FEAT_SUPPORT), "MONGO");
-		return true;
+    sprintf(g->Message, MSG(NO_FEAT_SUPPORT), "MONGO");
+    return true;
 #endif  // !MONGO_SUPPORT
-	}	// endif Uri
+  } // endif Uri
-	return DOSDEF::DefineAM(g, (Uri ? "XMGO" : "DOS"), poff);
+  return DOSDEF::DefineAM(g, (Uri ? "XMGO" : "DOS"), poff);
 } // end of DefineAM
@@ -604,6 +604,9 @@ bool JSONDEF::DefineAM(PGLOBAL g, LPCSTR am, int poff)
+  if (trace(1))
+    htrc("JSON GetTable Pretty=%d Uri=%s\n", Pretty, SVP(Uri));
   if (Catfunc == FNC_COL)
     return new(g)TDBJCL(this);
@@ -618,47 +621,47 @@ PTDB JSONDEF::GetTable(PGLOBAL g, MODE m)
                 !(tmp == TMP_FORCE &&
                 (m == MODE_UPDATE || m == MODE_DELETE));
-		if (Uri) {
-			if (Driver && toupper(*Driver) == 'C') {
+    if (Uri) {
+      if (Driver && toupper(*Driver) == 'C') {
 #if defined(CMGO_SUPPORT)
-			txfp = new(g) CMGFAM(this);
+      txfp = new(g) CMGFAM(this);
-			sprintf(g->Message, "Mongo %s Driver not available", "C");
-			return NULL;
+      sprintf(g->Message, "Mongo %s Driver not available", "C");
+      return NULL;
-			} else if (Driver && toupper(*Driver) == 'J') {
+      } else if (Driver && toupper(*Driver) == 'J') {
 #if defined(JAVA_SUPPORT)
-				txfp = new(g) JMGFAM(this);
+        txfp = new(g) JMGFAM(this);
-				sprintf(g->Message, "Mongo %s Driver not available", "Java");
-				return NULL;
+        sprintf(g->Message, "Mongo %s Driver not available", "Java");
+        return NULL;
-			} else {						 // Driver not specified
+      } else {             // Driver not specified
 #if defined(CMGO_SUPPORT)
-				txfp = new(g) CMGFAM(this);
+        txfp = new(g) CMGFAM(this);
 #elif defined(JAVA_SUPPORT)
-				txfp = new(g) JMGFAM(this);
-#else		// !MONGO_SUPPORT
-				sprintf(g->Message, MSG(NO_FEAT_SUPPORT), "MONGO");
-				return NULL;
+        txfp = new(g) JMGFAM(this);
+#else   // !MONGO_SUPPORT
+        sprintf(g->Message, MSG(NO_FEAT_SUPPORT), "MONGO");
+        return NULL;
 #endif  // !MONGO_SUPPORT
-			}	// endif Driver
+      } // endif Driver
-		} else if (Zipped) {
+    } else if (Zipped) {
 #if defined(ZIP_SUPPORT)
-			if (m == MODE_READ || m == MODE_ANY || m == MODE_ALTER) {
-				txfp = new(g) UNZFAM(this);
-			} else if (m == MODE_INSERT) {
-				txfp = new(g) ZIPFAM(this);
-			} else {
-				strcpy(g->Message, "UPDATE/DELETE not supported for ZIP");
-				return NULL;
-			}	// endif's m
+      if (m == MODE_READ || m == MODE_ANY || m == MODE_ALTER) {
+        txfp = new(g) UNZFAM(this);
+      } else if (m == MODE_INSERT) {
+        txfp = new(g) ZIPFAM(this);
+      } else {
+        strcpy(g->Message, "UPDATE/DELETE not supported for ZIP");
+        return NULL;
+      } // endif's m
 #else   // !ZIP_SUPPORT
-			sprintf(g->Message, MSG(NO_FEAT_SUPPORT), "ZIP");
-			return NULL;
+      sprintf(g->Message, MSG(NO_FEAT_SUPPORT), "ZIP");
+      return NULL;
 #endif  // !ZIP_SUPPORT
-		} else if (Compressed) {
+    } else if (Compressed) {
 #if defined(GZ_SUPPORT)
       if (Compressed == 1)
         txfp = new(g) GZFAM(this);
@@ -668,7 +671,7 @@ PTDB JSONDEF::GetTable(PGLOBAL g, MODE m)
       sprintf(g->Message, MSG(NO_FEAT_SUPPORT), "GZ");
       return NULL;
 #endif  // !GZ_SUPPORT
-		} else if (map)
+    } else if (map)
       txfp = new(g) MAPFAM(this);
       txfp = new(g) DOSFAM(this);
@@ -676,41 +679,41 @@ PTDB JSONDEF::GetTable(PGLOBAL g, MODE m)
     // Txfp must be set for TDBDOS
     tdbp = new(g) TDBJSN(this, txfp);
-		if (Lrecl) {
-			// Allocate the parse work memory
-			PGLOBAL G = (PGLOBAL)PlugSubAlloc(g, NULL, sizeof(GLOBAL));
-			memset(G, 0, sizeof(GLOBAL));
-			G->Sarea_Size = Lrecl * 10;
-			G->Sarea = PlugSubAlloc(g, NULL, G->Sarea_Size);
-			PlugSubSet(G->Sarea, G->Sarea_Size);
-			G->jump_level = 0;
-			((TDBJSN*)tdbp)->G = G;
-		} else {
-			strcpy(g->Message, "LRECL is not defined");
-			return NULL;
-		}	// endif Lrecl
+    if (Lrecl) {
+      // Allocate the parse work memory
+      PGLOBAL G = (PGLOBAL)PlugSubAlloc(g, NULL, sizeof(GLOBAL));
+      memset(G, 0, sizeof(GLOBAL));
+      G->Sarea_Size = Lrecl * 10;
+      G->Sarea = PlugSubAlloc(g, NULL, G->Sarea_Size);
+      PlugSubSet(G->Sarea, G->Sarea_Size);
+      G->jump_level = 0;
+      ((TDBJSN*)tdbp)->G = G;
+    } else {
+      strcpy(g->Message, "LRECL is not defined");
+      return NULL;
+    } // endif Lrecl
-	} else {
-		if (Zipped)	{
+  } else {
+    if (Zipped) {
 #if defined(ZIP_SUPPORT)
-			if (m == MODE_READ || m == MODE_ANY || m == MODE_ALTER) {
-				txfp = new(g) UNZFAM(this);
-			} else if (m == MODE_INSERT) {
-				strcpy(g->Message, "INSERT supported only for zipped JSON when pretty=0");
-				return NULL;
-			} else {
-				strcpy(g->Message, "UPDATE/DELETE not supported for ZIP");
-				return NULL;
-			}	// endif's m
+      if (m == MODE_READ || m == MODE_ANY || m == MODE_ALTER) {
+        txfp = new(g) UNZFAM(this);
+      } else if (m == MODE_INSERT) {
+        strcpy(g->Message, "INSERT supported only for zipped JSON when pretty=0");
+        return NULL;
+      } else {
+        strcpy(g->Message, "UPDATE/DELETE not supported for ZIP");
+        return NULL;
+      } // endif's m
 #else   // !ZIP_SUPPORT
-			sprintf(g->Message, MSG(NO_FEAT_SUPPORT), "ZIP");
-			return NULL;
+      sprintf(g->Message, MSG(NO_FEAT_SUPPORT), "ZIP");
+      return NULL;
 #endif  // !ZIP_SUPPORT
-		} else
-			txfp = new(g) MAPFAM(this);
+    } else
+      txfp = new(g) MAPFAM(this);
     tdbp = new(g) TDBJSON(this, txfp);
-		((TDBJSON*)tdbp)->G = g;
+    ((TDBJSON*)tdbp)->G = g;
   } // endif Pretty
   if (Multiple)
@@ -738,16 +741,16 @@ TDBJSN::TDBJSN(PJDEF tdp, PTXF txfp) : TDBDOS(tdp, txfp)
     Limit = tdp->Limit;
     Pretty = tdp->Pretty;
     B = tdp->Base ? 1 : 0;
-		Sep = tdp->Sep;
+    Sep = tdp->Sep;
     Strict = tdp->Strict;
   } else {
     Jmode = MODE_OBJECT;
     Objname = NULL;
-		Xcol = NULL;
+    Xcol = NULL;
     Limit = 1;
     Pretty = 0;
     B = 0;
-		Sep = '.';
+    Sep = '.';
     Strict = false;
   } // endif tdp
@@ -761,7 +764,7 @@ TDBJSN::TDBJSN(PJDEF tdp, PTXF txfp) : TDBDOS(tdp, txfp)
-	G = NULL;
+  G = NULL;
   Top = tdbp->Top;
   Row = tdbp->Row;
   Val = tdbp->Val;
@@ -777,7 +780,7 @@ TDBJSN::TDBJSN(TDBJSN *tdbp) : TDBDOS(NULL, tdbp)
   SameRow = tdbp->SameRow;
   Xval = tdbp->Xval;
   B = tdbp->B;
-	Sep = tdbp->Sep;
+  Sep = tdbp->Sep;
   Pretty = tdbp->Pretty;
   Strict = tdbp->Strict;
   Comma = tdbp->Comma;
@@ -786,7 +789,7 @@ TDBJSN::TDBJSN(TDBJSN *tdbp) : TDBDOS(NULL, tdbp)
 // Used for update
-	G = NULL;
+  G = NULL;
   PTDB    tp;
   PJCOL   cp1, cp2;
   PGLOBAL g = t->G;
@@ -860,33 +863,33 @@ PJSON TDBJSN::FindRow(PGLOBAL g)
   PJSON jsp = Row;
   PJVAL val = NULL;
-	for (objpath = PlugDup(g, Objname); jsp && objpath; objpath = p) {
-		if ((p = strchr(objpath, Sep)))
-			*p++ = 0;
+  for (objpath = PlugDup(g, Objname); jsp && objpath; objpath = p) {
+    if ((p = strchr(objpath, Sep)))
+      *p++ = 0;
-		if (*objpath != '[' && !IsNum(objpath)) {	// objpass is a key
-			val = (jsp->GetType() == TYPE_JOB) ?
-				jsp->GetObject()->GetValue(objpath) : NULL;
-		} else {
-			if (*objpath == '[') {
-				if (objpath[strlen(objpath) - 1] == ']')
-					objpath++;
-				else
-					return NULL;
-			} // endif [
+    if (*objpath != '[' && !IsNum(objpath)) { // objpass is a key
+      val = (jsp->GetType() == TYPE_JOB) ?
+        jsp->GetObject()->GetValue(objpath) : NULL;
+    } else {
+      if (*objpath == '[') {
+        if (objpath[strlen(objpath) - 1] == ']')
+          objpath++;
+        else
+          return NULL;
+      } // endif [
-			val = (jsp->GetType() == TYPE_JAR) ?
-				jsp->GetArray()->GetValue(atoi(objpath) - B) : NULL;
-		} // endif objpath
+      val = (jsp->GetType() == TYPE_JAR) ?
+        jsp->GetArray()->GetValue(atoi(objpath) - B) : NULL;
+    } // endif objpath
-		jsp = (val) ? val->GetJson() : NULL;
-	} // endfor objpath
+    jsp = (val) ? val->GetJson() : NULL;
+  } // endfor objpath
   return jsp;
 } // end of FindRow
-/*  OpenDB: Data Base open routine for JSN access method.              */									 
+/*  OpenDB: Data Base open routine for JSN access method.              */
@@ -911,15 +914,15 @@ bool TDBJSN::OpenDB(PGLOBAL g)
           return true;
         } // endswitch Jmode
-	} // endif Use
+  } // endif Use
-	if (TDBDOS::OpenDB(g))
-		return true;
+  if (TDBDOS::OpenDB(g))
+    return true;
-	if (Xcol)
-		To_Filter = NULL;							 // Imcompatible
+  if (Xcol)
+    To_Filter = NULL;              // Imcompatible
-	return false;
+  return false;
 } // end of OpenDB
@@ -969,27 +972,27 @@ int TDBJSN::ReadDB(PGLOBAL g)
     NextSame = 0;
     return RC_OK;
-	} else if ((rc = TDBDOS::ReadDB(g)) == RC_OK) {
-		if (!IsRead() && ((rc = ReadBuffer(g)) != RC_OK))
-			// Deferred reading failed
-			return rc;
+  } else if ((rc = TDBDOS::ReadDB(g)) == RC_OK) {
+    if (!IsRead() && ((rc = ReadBuffer(g)) != RC_OK))
+      // Deferred reading failed
+      return rc;
-		// Recover the memory used for parsing
-		PlugSubSet(G->Sarea, G->Sarea_Size);
+    // Recover the memory used for parsing
+    PlugSubSet(G->Sarea, G->Sarea_Size);
-		if ((Row = ParseJson(G, To_Line, strlen(To_Line), &Pretty, &Comma))) {
-			Row = FindRow(g);
-			SameRow = 0;
-			Fpos++;
-			M = 1;
-			rc = RC_OK;
-		} else if (Pretty != 1 || strcmp(To_Line, "]")) {
-			strcpy(g->Message, G->Message);
-			rc = RC_FX;
-		} else
-			rc = RC_EF;
+    if ((Row = ParseJson(G, To_Line, strlen(To_Line), &Pretty, &Comma))) {
+      Row = FindRow(g);
+      SameRow = 0;
+      Fpos++;
+      M = 1;
+      rc = RC_OK;
+    } else if (Pretty != 1 || strcmp(To_Line, "]")) {
+      strcpy(g->Message, G->Message);
+      rc = RC_FX;
+    } else
+      rc = RC_EF;
-	} // endif ReadDB
+  } // endif ReadDB
   return rc;
   } // end of ReadDB
@@ -999,68 +1002,68 @@ int TDBJSN::ReadDB(PGLOBAL g)
 int TDBJSN::MakeTopTree(PGLOBAL g, PJSON jsp)
-	if (Objname) {
-		if (!Val) {
-			// Parse and allocate Objname item(s)
-			char *p;
-			char *objpath = PlugDup(g, Objname);
-			int   i;
-			PJOB  objp;
-			PJAR  arp;
-			PJVAL val = NULL;
+  if (Objname) {
+    if (!Val) {
+      // Parse and allocate Objname item(s)
+      char *p;
+      char *objpath = PlugDup(g, Objname);
+      int   i;
+      PJOB  objp;
+      PJAR  arp;
+      PJVAL val = NULL;
-			Top = NULL;
+      Top = NULL;
-			for (; objpath; objpath = p) {
-				if ((p = strchr(objpath, Sep)))
-					*p++ = 0;
+      for (; objpath; objpath = p) {
+        if ((p = strchr(objpath, Sep)))
+          *p++ = 0;
-				if (*objpath != '[' && !IsNum(objpath)) {
-					objp = new(g) JOBJECT;
+        if (*objpath != '[' && !IsNum(objpath)) {
+          objp = new(g) JOBJECT;
-					if (!Top)
-						Top = objp;
+          if (!Top)
+            Top = objp;
-					if (val)
-						val->SetValue(objp);
+          if (val)
+            val->SetValue(objp);
-					val = new(g) JVALUE;
-					objp->SetValue(g, val, objpath);
-				} else {
-					if (*objpath == '[') {
-						// Old style
-						if (objpath[strlen(objpath) - 1] != ']') {
-							sprintf(g->Message, "Invalid Table path %s", Objname);
-							return RC_FX;
-						} else
-							objpath++;
+          val = new(g) JVALUE;
+          objp->SetValue(g, val, objpath);
+        } else {
+          if (*objpath == '[') {
+            // Old style
+            if (objpath[strlen(objpath) - 1] != ']') {
+              sprintf(g->Message, "Invalid Table path %s", Objname);
+              return RC_FX;
+            } else
+              objpath++;
-					} // endif objpath
+          } // endif objpath
-					arp = new(g) JARRAY;
+          arp = new(g) JARRAY;
-					if (!Top)
-						Top = arp;
+          if (!Top)
+            Top = arp;
-					if (val)
-						val->SetValue(arp);
+          if (val)
+            val->SetValue(arp);
-					val = new(g) JVALUE;
-					i = atoi(objpath) - B;
-					arp->SetValue(g, val, i);
-					arp->InitArray(g);
-				} // endif objpath
+          val = new(g) JVALUE;
+          i = atoi(objpath) - B;
+          arp->SetValue(g, val, i);
+          arp->InitArray(g);
+        } // endif objpath
-			} // endfor p
+      } // endfor p
-			Val = val;
-		} // endif Val
+      Val = val;
+    } // endif Val
-		Val->SetValue(jsp);
-	} else
-		Top = jsp;
+    Val->SetValue(jsp);
+  } else
+    Top = jsp;
-	return RC_OK;
+  return RC_OK;
 } // end of MakeTopTree
@@ -1095,11 +1098,11 @@ int TDBJSN::MakeTopTree(PGLOBAL g, PJSON jsp)
-	int rc = TDBDOS::WriteDB(g);
+  int rc = TDBDOS::WriteDB(g);
-	PlugSubSet(G->Sarea, G->Sarea_Size);
-	Row->Clear();
-	return rc;
+  PlugSubSet(G->Sarea, G->Sarea_Size);
+  Row->Clear();
+  return rc;
 } // end of WriteDB
 /* ---------------------------- JSONCOL ------------------------------ */
@@ -1111,12 +1114,12 @@ JSONCOL::JSONCOL(PGLOBAL g, PCOLDEF cdp, PTDB tdbp, PCOL cprec, int i)
        : DOSCOL(g, cdp, tdbp, cprec, i, "DOS")
   Tjp = (TDBJSN *)(tdbp->GetOrig() ? tdbp->GetOrig() : tdbp);
-	G = Tjp->G;
+  G = Tjp->G;
   Jpath = cdp->GetFmt();
   MulVal = NULL;
   Nodes = NULL;
   Nod = 0;
-	Sep = Tjp->Sep;
+  Sep = Tjp->Sep;
   Xnod = -1;
   Xpd = false;
   Parsed = false;
@@ -1128,14 +1131,14 @@ JSONCOL::JSONCOL(PGLOBAL g, PCOLDEF cdp, PTDB tdbp, PCOL cprec, int i)
 JSONCOL::JSONCOL(JSONCOL *col1, PTDB tdbp) : DOSCOL(col1, tdbp)
-	G = col1->G;
+  G = col1->G;
   Tjp = col1->Tjp;
   Jpath = col1->Jpath;
   MulVal = col1->MulVal;
   Nodes = col1->Nodes;
   Nod = col1->Nod;
-	Sep = col1->Sep;
-	Xnod = col1->Xnod;
+  Sep = col1->Sep;
+  Xnod = col1->Xnod;
   Xpd = col1->Xpd;
   Parsed = col1->Parsed;
 } // end of JSONCOL copy constructor
@@ -1153,7 +1156,7 @@ bool JSONCOL::SetBuffer(PGLOBAL g, PVAL value, bool ok, bool check)
     return true;
   Tjp = (TDBJSN*)To_Tdb;
-	G = Tjp->G;
+  G = Tjp->G;
   return false;
   } // end of SetBuffer
@@ -1179,130 +1182,130 @@ bool JSONCOL::CheckExpand(PGLOBAL g, int i, PSZ nm, bool b)
 bool JSONCOL::SetArrayOptions(PGLOBAL g, char *p, int i, PSZ nm)
-	int    n;
-	bool   dg = true, b = false;
-	PJNODE jnp = &Nodes[i];
+  int    n;
+  bool   dg = true, b = false;
+  PJNODE jnp = &Nodes[i];
-	//if (*p == '[') p++;		 // Old syntax .[	or :[
-	n = (int)strlen(p);
+  //if (*p == '[') p++;    // Old syntax .[ or :[
+  n = (int)strlen(p);
-	if (*p) {
-		if (p[n - 1] == ']') {
-			p[--n] = 0;
-		} else if (!IsNum(p)) {
-			// Wrong array specification
-			sprintf(g->Message, "Invalid array specification %s for %s", p, Name);
-			return true;
-		} // endif p
+  if (*p) {
+    if (p[n - 1] == ']') {
+      p[--n] = 0;
+    } else if (!IsNum(p)) {
+      // Wrong array specification
+      sprintf(g->Message, "Invalid array specification %s for %s", p, Name);
+      return true;
+    } // endif p
-	} else
-		b = true;
+  } else
+    b = true;
-	// To check whether a numeric Rank was specified
-	dg = IsNum(p);
+  // To check whether a numeric Rank was specified
+  dg = IsNum(p);
-	if (!n) {
-		// Default specifications
-		if (CheckExpand(g, i, nm, false))
-			return true;
-		else if (jnp->Op != OP_EXP) {
-			if (b) {
-				// Return 1st value (B is the index base)
-				jnp->Rank = Tjp->B;
-				jnp->Op = OP_EQ;
-			} else if (!Value->IsTypeNum()) {
-				jnp->CncVal = AllocateValue(g, (void*)", ", TYPE_STRING);
-				jnp->Op = OP_CNC;
-			} else
-				jnp->Op = OP_ADD;
+  if (!n) {
+    // Default specifications
+    if (CheckExpand(g, i, nm, false))
+      return true;
+    else if (jnp->Op != OP_EXP) {
+      if (b) {
+        // Return 1st value (B is the index base)
+        jnp->Rank = Tjp->B;
+        jnp->Op = OP_EQ;
+      } else if (!Value->IsTypeNum()) {
+        jnp->CncVal = AllocateValue(g, (void*)", ", TYPE_STRING);
+        jnp->Op = OP_CNC;
+      } else
+        jnp->Op = OP_ADD;
-		} // endif OP
+    } // endif OP
-	} else if (dg) {
-		// Return nth value
-		jnp->Rank = atoi(p) - Tjp->B;
-		jnp->Op = OP_EQ;
-	} else if (n == 1) {
-		// Set the Op value;
-		if (Sep == ':')
-			switch (*p) {
-				case '*': *p = 'x'; break;
-				case 'x':
-				case 'X': *p = '*'; break; // Expand this array
-				default: break;
-			} // endswitch p
+  } else if (dg) {
+    // Return nth value
+    jnp->Rank = atoi(p) - Tjp->B;
+    jnp->Op = OP_EQ;
+  } else if (n == 1) {
+    // Set the Op value;
+    if (Sep == ':')
+      switch (*p) {
+        case '*': *p = 'x'; break;
+        case 'x':
+        case 'X': *p = '*'; break; // Expand this array
+        default: break;
+      } // endswitch p
-		switch (*p) {
-			case '+': jnp->Op = OP_ADD;  break;
-			case 'x': jnp->Op = OP_MULT; break;
-			case '>': jnp->Op = OP_MAX;  break;
-			case '<': jnp->Op = OP_MIN;  break;
-			case '!': jnp->Op = OP_SEP;  break; // Average
-			case '#': jnp->Op = OP_NUM;  break;
-			case '*': // Expand this array
-				if (!Tjp->Xcol && nm) {
-					Xpd = true;
-					jnp->Op = OP_EXP;
-					Tjp->Xval = i;
-					Tjp->Xcol = nm;
-				} else if (CheckExpand(g, i, nm, true))
-					return true;
+    switch (*p) {
+      case '+': jnp->Op = OP_ADD;  break;
+      case 'x': jnp->Op = OP_MULT; break;
+      case '>': jnp->Op = OP_MAX;  break;
+      case '<': jnp->Op = OP_MIN;  break;
+      case '!': jnp->Op = OP_SEP;  break; // Average
+      case '#': jnp->Op = OP_NUM;  break;
+      case '*': // Expand this array
+        if (!Tjp->Xcol && nm) {
+          Xpd = true;
+          jnp->Op = OP_EXP;
+          Tjp->Xval = i;
+          Tjp->Xcol = nm;
+        } else if (CheckExpand(g, i, nm, true))
+          return true;
-				break;
-			default:
-				sprintf(g->Message,
-					"Invalid function specification %c for %s", *p, Name);
-				return true;
-		} // endswitch *p
+        break;
+      default:
+        sprintf(g->Message,
+          "Invalid function specification %c for %s", *p, Name);
+        return true;
+    } // endswitch *p
-	} else if (*p == '"' && p[n - 1] == '"') {
-		// This is a concat specification
-		jnp->Op = OP_CNC;
+  } else if (*p == '"' && p[n - 1] == '"') {
+    // This is a concat specification
+    jnp->Op = OP_CNC;
-		if (n > 2) {
-			// Set concat intermediate string
-			p[n - 1] = 0;
-			jnp->CncVal = AllocateValue(g, p + 1, TYPE_STRING);
-		} // endif n
+    if (n > 2) {
+      // Set concat intermediate string
+      p[n - 1] = 0;
+      jnp->CncVal = AllocateValue(g, p + 1, TYPE_STRING);
+    } // endif n
-	} else {
-		sprintf(g->Message, "Wrong array specification for %s", Name);
-		return true;
-	} // endif's
+  } else {
+    sprintf(g->Message, "Wrong array specification for %s", Name);
+    return true;
+  } // endif's
-	// For calculated arrays, a local Value must be used
-	switch (jnp->Op) {
-		case OP_NUM:
-			jnp->Valp = AllocateValue(g, TYPE_INT);
-			break;
-		case OP_ADD:
-		case OP_MULT:
-		case OP_SEP:
-			if (!IsTypeChar(Buf_Type))
-				jnp->Valp = AllocateValue(g, Buf_Type, 0, GetPrecision());
-			else
-				jnp->Valp = AllocateValue(g, TYPE_DOUBLE, 0, 2);
+  // For calculated arrays, a local Value must be used
+  switch (jnp->Op) {
+    case OP_NUM:
+      jnp->Valp = AllocateValue(g, TYPE_INT);
+      break;
+    case OP_ADD:
+    case OP_MULT:
+    case OP_SEP:
+      if (!IsTypeChar(Buf_Type))
+        jnp->Valp = AllocateValue(g, Buf_Type, 0, GetPrecision());
+      else
+        jnp->Valp = AllocateValue(g, TYPE_DOUBLE, 0, 2);
-			break;
-		case OP_MIN:
-		case OP_MAX:
-			jnp->Valp = AllocateValue(g, Buf_Type, Long, GetPrecision());
-			break;
-		case OP_CNC:
-			if (IsTypeChar(Buf_Type))
-				jnp->Valp = AllocateValue(g, TYPE_STRING, Long, GetPrecision());
-			else
-				jnp->Valp = AllocateValue(g, TYPE_STRING, 512);
+      break;
+    case OP_MIN:
+    case OP_MAX:
+      jnp->Valp = AllocateValue(g, Buf_Type, Long, GetPrecision());
+      break;
+    case OP_CNC:
+      if (IsTypeChar(Buf_Type))
+        jnp->Valp = AllocateValue(g, TYPE_STRING, Long, GetPrecision());
+      else
+        jnp->Valp = AllocateValue(g, TYPE_STRING, 512);
-			break;
-		default:
-			break;
-	} // endswitch Op
+      break;
+    default:
+      break;
+  } // endswitch Op
-	if (jnp->Valp)
-		MulVal = AllocateValue(g, jnp->Valp);
+  if (jnp->Valp)
+    MulVal = AllocateValue(g, jnp->Valp);
-	return false;
+  return false;
 } // end of SetArrayOptions
@@ -1313,87 +1316,87 @@ bool JSONCOL::SetArrayOptions(PGLOBAL g, char *p, int i, PSZ nm)
 bool JSONCOL::ParseJpath(PGLOBAL g)
-	char *p, *p1 = NULL, *p2 = NULL, *pbuf = NULL;
-	int   i;
-	bool  a, mul = false;
+  char *p, *p1 = NULL, *p2 = NULL, *pbuf = NULL;
+  int   i;
+  bool  a, mul = false;
-	if (Parsed)
-		return false;                       // Already done
-	else if (InitValue(g))
-		return true;
-	else if (!Jpath)
-		Jpath = Name;
+  if (Parsed)
+    return false;                       // Already done
+  else if (InitValue(g))
+    return true;
+  else if (!Jpath)
+    Jpath = Name;
-	if (To_Tdb->GetOrig()) {
-		// This is an updated column, get nodes from origin
-		for (PJCOL colp = (PJCOL)Tjp->GetColumns(); colp;
-			         colp = (PJCOL)colp->GetNext())
-			if (!stricmp(Name, colp->GetName())) {
-				Nod = colp->Nod;
-				Nodes = colp->Nodes;
-				Xpd = colp->Xpd;
-				goto fin;
-			} // endif Name
+  if (To_Tdb->GetOrig()) {
+    // This is an updated column, get nodes from origin
+    for (PJCOL colp = (PJCOL)Tjp->GetColumns(); colp;
+               colp = (PJCOL)colp->GetNext())
+      if (!stricmp(Name, colp->GetName())) {
+        Nod = colp->Nod;
+        Nodes = colp->Nodes;
+        Xpd = colp->Xpd;
+        goto fin;
+      } // endif Name
-		sprintf(g->Message, "Cannot parse updated column %s", Name);
-		return true;
-	} // endif To_Orig
+    sprintf(g->Message, "Cannot parse updated column %s", Name);
+    return true;
+  } // endif To_Orig
-	pbuf = PlugDup(g, Jpath);
-	if (*pbuf == '$') pbuf++;
-	if (*pbuf == Sep) pbuf++;
-	if (*pbuf == '[') p1 = pbuf++;
+  pbuf = PlugDup(g, Jpath);
+  if (*pbuf == '$') pbuf++;
+  if (*pbuf == Sep) pbuf++;
+  if (*pbuf == '[') p1 = pbuf++;
-	// Estimate the required number of nodes
-	for (i = 0, p = pbuf; (p = NextChr(p, Sep)); i++, p++)
-		Nod++;                         // One path node found
+  // Estimate the required number of nodes
+  for (i = 0, p = pbuf; (p = NextChr(p, Sep)); i++, p++)
+    Nod++;                         // One path node found
-	Nodes = (PJNODE)PlugSubAlloc(g, NULL, (++Nod) * sizeof(JNODE));
-	memset(Nodes, 0, (Nod) * sizeof(JNODE));
+  Nodes = (PJNODE)PlugSubAlloc(g, NULL, (++Nod) * sizeof(JNODE));
+  memset(Nodes, 0, (Nod) * sizeof(JNODE));
-	// Analyze the Jpath for this column
-	for (i = 0, p = pbuf; p && i < Nod; i++, p = (p2 ? p2 : NULL)) {
-		a = (p1 != NULL);
-		p1 = strchr(p, '[');
-		p2 = strchr(p, Sep);
+  // Analyze the Jpath for this column
+  for (i = 0, p = pbuf; p && i < Nod; i++, p = (p2 ? p2 : NULL)) {
+    a = (p1 != NULL);
+    p1 = strchr(p, '[');
+    p2 = strchr(p, Sep);
-		if (!p2)
-			p2 = p1;
-		else if (p1) {
-			if (p1 < p2)
-				p2 = p1;
-			else if (p1 == p2 + 1)
-				*p2++ = 0;		 // Old syntax .[	or :[
-			else
-				p1 = NULL;
+    if (!p2)
+      p2 = p1;
+    else if (p1) {
+      if (p1 < p2)
+        p2 = p1;
+      else if (p1 == p2 + 1)
+        *p2++ = 0;     // Old syntax .[ or :[
+      else
+        p1 = NULL;
-		}	// endif p1
+    } // endif p1
-		if (p2)
-			*p2++ = 0;
+    if (p2)
+      *p2++ = 0;
-		// Jpath must be explicit
-		if (a || *p == 0 || *p == '[' || IsNum(p)) {
-			// Analyse intermediate array processing
-			if (SetArrayOptions(g, p, i, Nodes[i - 1].Key))
-				return true;
+    // Jpath must be explicit
+    if (a || *p == 0 || *p == '[' || IsNum(p)) {
+      // Analyse intermediate array processing
+      if (SetArrayOptions(g, p, i, Nodes[i - 1].Key))
+        return true;
-		} else if (*p == '*') {
-			// Return JSON
-			Nodes[i].Op = OP_XX;
-		} else {
-			Nodes[i].Key = p;
-			Nodes[i].Op = OP_EXIST;
-		} // endif's
+    } else if (*p == '*') {
+      // Return JSON
+      Nodes[i].Op = OP_XX;
+    } else {
+      Nodes[i].Key = p;
+      Nodes[i].Op = OP_EXIST;
+    } // endif's
-	} // endfor i, p
+  } // endfor i, p
-	Nod = i;
+  Nod = i;
-	MulVal = AllocateValue(g, Value);
-	Parsed = true;
-	return false;
+  MulVal = AllocateValue(g, Value);
+  Parsed = true;
+  return false;
 } // end of ParseJpath
@@ -1401,66 +1404,66 @@ fin:
 PSZ JSONCOL::GetJpath(PGLOBAL g, bool proj)
-	if (Jpath) {
-		char *p1, *p2, *mgopath;
-		int   i = 0;
+  if (Jpath) {
+    char *p1, *p2, *mgopath;
+    int   i = 0;
-		if (strcmp(Jpath, "*")) {
-			p1 = Jpath;
-			if (*p1 == '$') p1++;
-			if (*p1 == '.')	p1++;
-			mgopath = PlugDup(g, p1);
-		} else
-			return NULL;
+    if (strcmp(Jpath, "*")) {
+      p1 = Jpath;
+      if (*p1 == '$') p1++;
+      if (*p1 == '.') p1++;
+      mgopath = PlugDup(g, p1);
+    } else
+      return NULL;
-		for (p1 = p2 = mgopath; *p1; p1++)
-			if (i) {								 // Inside []
-				if (isdigit(*p1)) {
-					if (!proj)
-					  *p2++ = *p1;
+    for (p1 = p2 = mgopath; *p1; p1++)
+      if (i) {                 // Inside []
+        if (isdigit(*p1)) {
+          if (!proj)
+            *p2++ = *p1;
-				} else if (*p1 == ']' && i == 1) {
-					if (proj && p1[1] == '.')
-						p1++;
+        } else if (*p1 == ']' && i == 1) {
+          if (proj && p1[1] == '.')
+            p1++;
-					i = 0;
-				} else if (*p1 == '.' && i == 2) {
-					if (!proj)
-						*p2++ = '.';
+          i = 0;
+        } else if (*p1 == '.' && i == 2) {
+          if (!proj)
+            *p2++ = '.';
-					i = 0;
-				} else if (!proj)
-					return NULL;
-			} else switch (*p1) {
-				case ':':
-				case '.':
-					if (isdigit(p1[1]))
-						i = 2;
+          i = 0;
+        } else if (!proj)
+          return NULL;
-					*p2++ = '.';
-					break;
-				case '[':
-					if (*(p2 - 1) != '.')
-						*p2++ = '.';
+      } else switch (*p1) {
+        case ':':
+        case '.':
+          if (isdigit(p1[1]))
+            i = 2;
-					i = 1;
-					break;
-				case '*':
-					if (*(p2 - 1) == '.' && !*(p1 + 1)) {
-						p2--;							 // Suppress last :*
-						break;
-					} // endif p2
+          *p2++ = '.';
+          break;
+        case '[':
+          if (*(p2 - 1) != '.')
+            *p2++ = '.';
-				default:
-					*p2++ = *p1;
-					break;
-		  } // endswitch p1;
+          i = 1;
+          break;
+        case '*':
+          if (*(p2 - 1) == '.' && !*(p1 + 1)) {
+            p2--;              // Suppress last :*
+            break;
+          } // endif p2
-			*p2 = 0;
-			return mgopath;
-	} else
-		return NULL;
+        default:
+          *p2++ = *p1;
+          break;
+      } // endswitch p1;
+      *p2 = 0;
+      return mgopath;
+  } else
+    return NULL;
 } // end of GetJpath
@@ -1469,7 +1472,7 @@ PSZ JSONCOL::GetJpath(PGLOBAL g, bool proj)
-	if (Value->IsTypeNum()) {
+  if (Value->IsTypeNum()) {
     strcpy(g->Message, "Cannot make Json for a numeric column");
   } else
@@ -1484,22 +1487,22 @@ PVAL JSONCOL::MakeJson(PGLOBAL g, PJSON jsp)
 void JSONCOL::SetJsonValue(PGLOBAL g, PVAL vp, PJVAL val, int n)
   if (val) {
-		vp->SetNull(false);
+    vp->SetNull(false);
     switch (val->GetValType()) {
       case TYPE_STRG:
       case TYPE_INTG:
-			case TYPE_BINT:
-			case TYPE_DBL:
-			case TYPE_DTM:
-				vp->SetValue_pval(val->GetValue());
+      case TYPE_BINT:
+      case TYPE_DBL:
+      case TYPE_DTM:
+        vp->SetValue_pval(val->GetValue());
       case TYPE_BOOL:
         if (vp->IsTypeNum())
           vp->SetValue(val->GetInteger() ? 1 : 0);
           vp->SetValue_psz((PSZ)(val->GetInteger() ? "true" : "false"));
       case TYPE_JAR:
         SetJsonValue(g, vp, val->GetArray()->GetValue(0), n);
@@ -1509,16 +1512,16 @@ void JSONCOL::SetJsonValue(PGLOBAL g, PVAL vp, PJVAL val, int n)
           vp->SetValue_psz(val->GetObject()->GetText(g, NULL));
 //        } // endif Type
-      default:
-				vp->Reset();
-				vp->SetNull(true);
-		} // endswitch Type
-	} else {
-		vp->Reset();
-		vp->SetNull(true);
-	} // endif val
+      default:
+        vp->Reset();
+        vp->SetNull(true);
+    } // endswitch Type
+  } else {
+    vp->Reset();
+    vp->SetNull(true);
+  } // endif val
   } // end of SetJsonValue
@@ -1530,8 +1533,8 @@ void JSONCOL::ReadColumn(PGLOBAL g)
   if (!Tjp->SameRow || Xnod >= Tjp->SameRow)
     Value->SetValue_pval(GetColumnValue(g, Tjp->Row, 0));
-	if (Xpd && Value->IsNull() && !((PJDEF)Tjp->To_Def)->Accept)
-		throw("Null expandable JSON value");
+  if (Xpd && Value->IsNull() && !((PJDEF)Tjp->To_Def)->Accept)
+    throw("Null expandable JSON value");
   // Set null when applicable
   if (!Nullable)
@@ -1579,11 +1582,11 @@ PVAL JSONCOL::GetColumnValue(PGLOBAL g, PJSON row, int i)
             return CalculateArray(g, arp, i);
-				} else {
-					// Unexpected array, unwrap it as [0]
-					val = arp->GetValue(0);
-					i--;
-				}	// endif's
+        } else {
+          // Unexpected array, unwrap it as [0]
+          val = arp->GetValue(0);
+          i--;
+        } // endif's
       case TYPE_JVAL:
@@ -1612,17 +1615,17 @@ PVAL JSONCOL::ExpandArray(PGLOBAL g, PJAR arp, int n)
   PJVAL  jvp;
   JVALUE jval;
-	if (!ars) {
-		Value->Reset();
-		Value->SetNull(true);
-		Tjp->NextSame = 0;
-		return Value;
-	} // endif ars
+  if (!ars) {
+    Value->Reset();
+    Value->SetNull(true);
+    Tjp->NextSame = 0;
+    return Value;
+  } // endif ars
   if (!(jvp = arp->GetValue((Nodes[n].Rx = Nodes[n].Nx)))) {
     strcpy(g->Message, "Logical error expanding array");
-		throw 666;
-	} // endif jvp
+    throw 666;
+  } // endif jvp
   if (n < Nod - 1 && jvp->GetJson()) {
     jval.SetValue(GetColumnValue(g, jvp->GetJson(), n + 1));
@@ -1637,7 +1640,7 @@ PVAL JSONCOL::ExpandArray(PGLOBAL g, PJAR arp, int n)
       Xnod = n;
     Tjp->NextSame = Xnod;
-    } // endif NextSame 
+    } // endif NextSame
   SetJsonValue(g, Value, jvp, n);
   return Value;
@@ -1648,58 +1651,58 @@ PVAL JSONCOL::ExpandArray(PGLOBAL g, PJAR arp, int n)
 PVAL JSONCOL::CalculateArray(PGLOBAL g, PJAR arp, int n)
-	int    i, ars, nv = 0, nextsame = Tjp->NextSame;
-	bool   err;
+  int    i, ars, nv = 0, nextsame = Tjp->NextSame;
+  bool   err;
   OPVAL  op = Nodes[n].Op;
   PVAL   val[2], vp = Nodes[n].Valp;
   PJVAL  jvrp, jvp;
   JVALUE jval;
-	ars = MY_MIN(Tjp->Limit, arp->size());
+  ars = MY_MIN(Tjp->Limit, arp->size());
-	if (trace(1))
-		htrc("CalculateArray: size=%d op=%d nextsame=%d\n",
-			ars, op, nextsame);
+  if (trace(1))
+    htrc("CalculateArray: size=%d op=%d nextsame=%d\n",
+      ars, op, nextsame);
-	for (i = 0; i < ars; i++) {
-		jvrp = arp->GetValue(i);
+  for (i = 0; i < ars; i++) {
+    jvrp = arp->GetValue(i);
-		if (trace(1))
-			htrc("i=%d nv=%d\n", i, nv);
+    if (trace(1))
+      htrc("i=%d nv=%d\n", i, nv);
-		if (!jvrp->IsNull() || (op == OP_CNC && GetJsonNull())) do {
-			if (jvrp->IsNull()) {
-				jvrp->Value = AllocateValue(g, GetJsonNull(), TYPE_STRING);
-				jvp = jvrp;
-			} else if (n < Nod - 1 && jvrp->GetJson()) {
+    if (!jvrp->IsNull() || (op == OP_CNC && GetJsonNull())) do {
+      if (jvrp->IsNull()) {
+        jvrp->Value = AllocateValue(g, GetJsonNull(), TYPE_STRING);
+        jvp = jvrp;
+      } else if (n < Nod - 1 && jvrp->GetJson()) {
         Tjp->NextSame = nextsame;
         jval.SetValue(GetColumnValue(g, jvrp->GetJson(), n + 1));
         jvp = &jval;
       } else
         jvp = jvrp;
-			if (trace(1))
-				htrc("jvp=%s null=%d\n",
-					jvp->GetString(g), jvp->IsNull() ? 1 : 0);
-			if (!nv++) {
+      if (trace(1))
+        htrc("jvp=%s null=%d\n",
+          jvp->GetString(g), jvp->IsNull() ? 1 : 0);
+      if (!nv++) {
         SetJsonValue(g, vp, jvp, n);
       } else
         SetJsonValue(g, MulVal, jvp, n);
-			if (!MulVal->IsNull()) {
-				switch (op) {
+      if (!MulVal->IsNull()) {
+        switch (op) {
           case OP_CNC:
             if (Nodes[n].CncVal) {
               val[0] = Nodes[n].CncVal;
               err = vp->Compute(g, val, 1, op);
               } // endif CncVal
             val[0] = MulVal;
             err = vp->Compute(g, val, 1, op);
-						break;
+            break;
 //        case OP_NUM:
           case OP_SEP:
             val[0] = Nodes[n].Valp;
@@ -1714,16 +1717,16 @@ PVAL JSONCOL::CalculateArray(PGLOBAL g, PJAR arp, int n)
         if (err)
-				if (trace(1)) {
-					char buf(32);
-					htrc("vp='%s' err=%d\n",
-						vp->GetCharString(&buf), err ? 1 : 0);
+        if (trace(1)) {
+          char buf(32);
-				} // endif trace
+          htrc("vp='%s' err=%d\n",
+            vp->GetCharString(&buf), err ? 1 : 0);
-			} // endif Null
+        } // endif trace
+      } // endif Null
       } while (Tjp->NextSame > nextsame);
@@ -1753,8 +1756,8 @@ PJSON JSONCOL::GetRow(PGLOBAL g)
   PJAR  arp;
   PJSON nwr, row = Tjp->Row;
-	for (int i = 0; i < Nod && row; i++) {
-		if (Nodes[i+1].Op == OP_XX)
+  for (int i = 0; i < Nod && row; i++) {
+    if (Nodes[i+1].Op == OP_XX)
     else switch (row->GetType()) {
       case TYPE_JOB:
@@ -1765,19 +1768,19 @@ PJSON JSONCOL::GetRow(PGLOBAL g)
         val = ((PJOB)row)->GetValue(Nodes[i].Key);
       case TYPE_JAR:
-				arp = (PJAR)row;
+        arp = (PJAR)row;
-				if (!Nodes[i].Key) {
+        if (!Nodes[i].Key) {
           if (Nodes[i].Op == OP_EQ)
             val = arp->GetValue(Nodes[i].Rank);
             val = arp->GetValue(Nodes[i].Rx);
         } else {
-					// Unexpected array, unwrap it as [0]
-					val = arp->GetValue(0);
-					i--;
-				} // endif Nodes
+          // Unexpected array, unwrap it as [0]
+          val = arp->GetValue(0);
+          i--;
+        } // endif Nodes
       case TYPE_JVAL:
@@ -1827,10 +1830,10 @@ PJSON JSONCOL::GetRow(PGLOBAL g)
 void JSONCOL::WriteColumn(PGLOBAL g)
-	if (Xpd && Tjp->Pretty < 2) {
-		strcpy(g->Message, "Cannot write expanded column when Pretty is not 2");
-		throw 666;
-	}	// endif Xpd
+  if (Xpd && Tjp->Pretty < 2) {
+    strcpy(g->Message, "Cannot write expanded column when Pretty is not 2");
+    throw 666;
+  } // endif Xpd
   /*  Check whether this node must be written.                         */
@@ -1864,8 +1867,8 @@ void JSONCOL::WriteColumn(PGLOBAL g)
         if (!(jsp = ParseJson(G, s, (int)strlen(s)))) {
           strcpy(g->Message, s);
-					throw 666;
-				} // endif jsp
+          throw 666;
+        } // endif jsp
         if (arp) {
           if (Nod > 1 && Nodes[Nod-2].Op == OP_EQ)
@@ -1887,10 +1890,10 @@ void JSONCOL::WriteColumn(PGLOBAL g)
       // fall through
     case TYPE_DATE:
     case TYPE_INT:
-		case TYPE_TINY:
-		case TYPE_SHORT:
-		case TYPE_BIGINT:
-		case TYPE_DOUBLE:
+    case TYPE_TINY:
+    case TYPE_SHORT:
+    case TYPE_BIGINT:
+    case TYPE_DOUBLE:
       if (arp) {
         if (Nodes[Nod-1].Op == OP_EQ)
           arp->SetValue(G, new(G) JVALUE(G, Value), Nodes[Nod-1].Rank);
@@ -1981,7 +1984,7 @@ int TDBJSON::MakeDocument(PGLOBAL g)
     return RC_OK;
-	/*  Create the mapping file object in mode read.                     */
+  /*  Create the mapping file object in mode read.                     */
   Mode = MODE_READ;
@@ -2010,70 +2013,70 @@ int TDBJSON::MakeDocument(PGLOBAL g)
   if (!jsp && g->Message[0])
     return RC_FX;
-	if ((objpath = PlugDup(g, Objname))) {
-		if (*objpath == '$') objpath++;
-		if (*objpath == '.') objpath++;
+  if ((objpath = PlugDup(g, Objname))) {
+    if (*objpath == '$') objpath++;
+    if (*objpath == '.') objpath++;
-		/*********************************************************************/
-		/*  Find the table in the tree structure.                            */
-		/*********************************************************************/
-		for (; jsp && objpath; objpath = p) {
-			if ((p = strchr(objpath, Sep)))
-				*p++ = 0;
+    /*********************************************************************/
+    /*  Find the table in the tree structure.                            */
+    /*********************************************************************/
+    for (; jsp && objpath; objpath = p) {
+      if ((p = strchr(objpath, Sep)))
+        *p++ = 0;
-			if (*objpath != '[' && !IsNum(objpath)) {
-				// objpass is a key
-				if (jsp->GetType() != TYPE_JOB) {
-					strcpy(g->Message, "Table path does not match the json file");
-					return RC_FX;
-				} // endif Type
+      if (*objpath != '[' && !IsNum(objpath)) {
+        // objpass is a key
+        if (jsp->GetType() != TYPE_JOB) {
+          strcpy(g->Message, "Table path does not match the json file");
+          return RC_FX;
+        } // endif Type
-				key = objpath;
-				objp = jsp->GetObject();
-				arp = NULL;
-				val = objp->GetValue(key);
+        key = objpath;
+        objp = jsp->GetObject();
+        arp = NULL;
+        val = objp->GetValue(key);
-				if (!val || !(jsp = val->GetJson())) {
-					sprintf(g->Message, "Cannot find object key %s", key);
-					return RC_FX;
-				} // endif val
+        if (!val || !(jsp = val->GetJson())) {
+          sprintf(g->Message, "Cannot find object key %s", key);
+          return RC_FX;
+        } // endif val
-			} else {
-				if (*objpath == '[') {
-					// Old style
-					if (objpath[strlen(objpath) - 1] != ']') {
-						sprintf(g->Message, "Invalid Table path %s", Objname);
-						return RC_FX;
-					} else
-						objpath++;
+      } else {
+        if (*objpath == '[') {
+          // Old style
+          if (objpath[strlen(objpath) - 1] != ']') {
+            sprintf(g->Message, "Invalid Table path %s", Objname);
+            return RC_FX;
+          } else
+            objpath++;
-				} // endif objpath
+        } // endif objpath
-				if (jsp->GetType() != TYPE_JAR) {
-					strcpy(g->Message, "Table path does not match the json file");
-					return RC_FX;
-				} // endif Type
+        if (jsp->GetType() != TYPE_JAR) {
+          strcpy(g->Message, "Table path does not match the json file");
+          return RC_FX;
+        } // endif Type
-				arp = jsp->GetArray();
-				objp = NULL;
-				i = atoi(objpath) - B;
-				val = arp->GetValue(i);
+        arp = jsp->GetArray();
+        objp = NULL;
+        i = atoi(objpath) - B;
+        val = arp->GetValue(i);
-				if (!val) {
-					sprintf(g->Message, "Cannot find array value %d", i);
-					return RC_FX;
-				} // endif val
+        if (!val) {
+          sprintf(g->Message, "Cannot find array value %d", i);
+          return RC_FX;
+        } // endif val
-			} // endif
+      } // endif
-			jsp = val->GetJson();
-		} // endfor objpath
+      jsp = val->GetJson();
+    } // endfor objpath
-	}	// endif objpath
+  } // endif objpath
   if (jsp && jsp->GetType() == TYPE_JAR)
     Doc = jsp->GetArray();
-  else { 
+  else {
     // The table is void or is just one object or one value
     Doc = new(g) JARRAY;
@@ -2149,7 +2152,7 @@ int TDBJSON::MakeIndex(PGLOBAL g, PIXDEF pxdf, bool)
   } else
     return RC_OK;
-  } // end of MakeIndex 
+  } // end of MakeIndex
 /*  Return the position in the table.                                  */
@@ -2227,11 +2230,11 @@ bool TDBJSON::OpenDB(PGLOBAL g)
         return true;
       } // endswitch Jmode
-	if (Xcol)
-		To_Filter = NULL;							 // Imcompatible
+  if (Xcol)
+    To_Filter = NULL;              // Imcompatible
-	Use = USE_OPEN;
-	return false;
+  Use = USE_OPEN;
+  return false;
   } // end of OpenDB
@@ -2241,7 +2244,7 @@ int TDBJSON::ReadDB(PGLOBAL)
   int rc;
-	N++;
+  N++;
   if (NextSame) {
     SameRow = NextSame;
@@ -2352,8 +2355,8 @@ void TDBJSON::CloseDB(PGLOBAL g)
   Topt = tdp->GetTopt();
-	Db = tdp->Schema;
-	Dsn = tdp->Uri;
+  Db = tdp->Schema;
+  Dsn = tdp->Uri;
   } // end of TDBJCL constructor
diff --git a/storage/connect/tabrest.cpp b/storage/connect/tabrest.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..9e1a643c89f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/storage/connect/tabrest.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
+/*************** Rest C++ Program Source Code File (.CPP) **************/
+/* PROGRAM NAME: Rest   Version 1.5                                    */
+/*  (C) Copyright to the author Olivier BERTRAND          2018 - 2019  */
+/*  This program is the REST Web API support for MariaDB.              */
+/*  When compiled without MARIADB defined, it is the EOM module code.  */
+/*  Definitions needed by the included files.                          */
+#if defined(MARIADB)
+#include <my_global.h> // All MariaDB stuff
+#else   // !MARIADB       OEM module
+#include "mini-global.h"
+#define _MAX_PATH 260
+#if !defined(__WIN__)
+#define __stdcall
+#endif   // !__WIN__
+#define _OS_H_INCLUDED     // Prevent os.h to be called
+#endif  // !MARIADB
+/*  Include application header files:                                  */
+/*  global.h    is header containing all global declarations.          */
+/*  plgdbsem.h  is header containing the DB application declarations.  */
+/*  (x)table.h  is header containing the TDBASE declarations.          */
+#include "global.h"
+#include "plgdbsem.h"
+#include "xtable.h"
+#include "filamtxt.h"
+#include "tabdos.h"
+#include "plgxml.h"
+#include "tabxml.h"
+#include "tabjson.h"
+#include "tabfmt.h"
+#include "tabrest.h"
+/*  Get the file from the Web.                                         */
+int restGetFile(PGLOBAL g, PCSZ http, PCSZ uri, PCSZ fn);
+#if defined(__WIN__)
+static PCSZ slash = "\\";
+#else // !__WIN__
+static PCSZ slash = "/";
+#define stricmp strcasecmp
+#endif // !__WIN__
+#if !defined(MARIADB)
+/*  DB static variables.                                               */
+int    TDB::Tnum;
+int    DTVAL::Shift;
+int    CSORT::Limit = 0;
+double CSORT::Lg2 = log(2.0);
+size_t CSORT::Cpn[1000] = { 0 };
+/*  These functions are exported from the REST library.                */
+extern "C" {
+  PTABDEF __stdcall GetREST(PGLOBAL, void*);
+  PQRYRES __stdcall ColREST(PGLOBAL, PTOS, char*, char*, bool);
+} // extern "C"
+/*  This function returns a table definition class.                    */
+PTABDEF __stdcall GetREST(PGLOBAL g, void *memp)
+  return new(g, memp) RESTDEF;
+} // end of GetREST
+#endif   // !MARIADB
+/*  Return the columns definition to MariaDB.                          */
+#if defined(MARIADB)
+PQRYRES RESTColumns(PGLOBAL g, PTOS tp, char *tab, char *db, bool info)
+#else   // !MARIADB
+PQRYRES __stdcall ColREST(PGLOBAL g, PTOS tp, char *tab, char *db, bool info)
+#endif  // !MARIADB
+  char filename[_MAX_PATH + 1];  // MAX PATH ???
+  PCSZ http, uri, fn, ftype;
+  http = GetStringTableOption(g, tp, "Http", NULL);
+  uri = GetStringTableOption(g, tp, "Uri", NULL);
+  fn = GetStringTableOption(g, tp, "Filename", "rest.json");
+#if defined(MARIADB)
+  ftype = GetStringTableOption(g, tp, "Type", "JSON");
+#else   // !MARIADB
+  // OEM tables must specify the file type
+  ftype = GetStringTableOption(g, tp, "Ftype", "JSON");
+#endif  // !MARIADB
+  //  We used the file name relative to recorded datapath
+  strcat(strcat(strcat(strcpy(filename, "."), slash), db), slash);
+  strncat(filename, fn, _MAX_PATH);
+  // Retrieve the file from the web and copy it locally
+  if (http && restGetFile(g, http, uri, filename)) {
+    // sprintf(g->Message, "Failed to get file at %s", http);
+  } else if (!stricmp(ftype, "XML"))
+    qrp = XMLColumns(g, db, tab, tp, info);
+  else if (!stricmp(ftype, "JSON"))
+    qrp = JSONColumns(g, db, NULL, tp, info);
+  else if (!stricmp(ftype, "CSV"))
+    qrp = CSVColumns(g, NULL, tp, info);
+  else
+    sprintf(g->Message, "Usupported file type %s", ftype);
+  return qrp;
+} // end of RESTColumns
+/* -------------------------- Class RESTDEF -------------------------- */
+/*  DefineAM: define specific AM block values.                         */
+bool RESTDEF::DefineAM(PGLOBAL g, LPCSTR am, int poff)
+  char    filename[_MAX_PATH + 1];
+  int     rc = 0, n;
+  LPCSTR  ftype;
+#if defined(MARIADB)
+  ftype = GetStringCatInfo(g, "Type", "JSON");
+#else   // !MARIADB
+  // OEM tables must specify the file type
+  ftype = GetStringCatInfo(g, "Ftype", "JSON");
+#endif  // !MARIADB
+  if (trace(515))
+    htrc("ftype = %s am = %s\n", ftype, SVP(am));
+  n = (!stricmp(ftype, "JSON")) ? 1
+    : (!stricmp(ftype, "XML"))  ? 2
+    : (!stricmp(ftype, "CSV"))  ? 3 : 0;
+  if (n == 0) {
+    htrc("DefineAM: Unsupported REST table type %s", am);
+    sprintf(g->Message, "Unsupported REST table type %s", am);
+    return true;
+  } // endif n
+  Http = GetStringCatInfo(g, "Http", NULL);
+  Uri = GetStringCatInfo(g, "Uri", NULL);
+  Fn = GetStringCatInfo(g, "Filename", "rest.json");
+  //  We used the file name relative to recorded datapath
+  //PlugSetPath(filename, Fn, GetPath());
+  strncat(strcpy(filename, GetPath()), Fn, _MAX_PATH);
+  // Retrieve the file from the web and copy it locally
+  rc = restGetFile(g, Http, Uri, filename);
+  if (trace(515))
+    htrc("Return from restGetFile: rc=%d\n", rc);
+  if (rc)
+    return true;
+  else switch (n) {
+    case 1: Tdp = new (g) JSONDEF; break;
+    case 2: Tdp = new (g) XMLDEF;  break;
+    case 3: Tdp = new (g) CSVDEF;  break;
+    default: Tdp = NULL;
+  } // endswitch n
+  // Do make the table/view definition
+  if (Tdp && Tdp->Define(g, Cat, Name, Schema, "REST"))
+    Tdp = NULL; // Error occured
+  if (trace(515))
+    htrc("Tdp defined\n", rc);
+  // Return true in case of error
+  return (Tdp == NULL);
+} // end of DefineAM
+/*  GetTable: makes a new Table Description Block.                     */
+  if (trace(515))
+    htrc("REST GetTable mode=%d\n", m);
+  if (m != MODE_READ && m != MODE_READX) {
+    strcpy(g->Message, "REST tables are currently read only");
+    return NULL;
+  } // endif m
+  return Tdp->GetTable(g, m); // Leave file type do the job
+} // end of GetTable
+/* ---------------------- End of Class RESTDEF ----------------------- */
diff --git a/storage/connect/tabrest.h b/storage/connect/tabrest.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..1725f256079
--- /dev/null
+++ b/storage/connect/tabrest.h
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+/*************** TabRest H Declares Source Code File (.H) **************/
+/*  Name: tabrest.h   Version 1.0                                      */
+/*  (C) Copyright to the author Olivier BERTRAND          2019         */
+/*  This file contains the common tabrest classes declares.            */
+#pragma once
+/*  Restest table.                                                     */
+class RESTDEF : public TABDEF {         /* Table description */
+	// Constructor
+	RESTDEF(void) { Tdp = NULL; Http = Uri = Fn = NULL; }
+	// Implementation
+	virtual const char *GetType(void) { return "REST"; }
+	// Methods
+	virtual bool DefineAM(PGLOBAL g, LPCSTR am, int poff);
+	virtual PTDB GetTable(PGLOBAL g, MODE m);
+	// Members
+	PCSZ    Http;										/* Web connection HTTP               */
+	PCSZ    Uri;							      /* Web connection URI                */
+	PCSZ    Fn;                     /* The intermediate file name        */
+}; // end of class RESTDEF
diff --git a/storage/connect/tabtbl.cpp b/storage/connect/tabtbl.cpp
index e194568ccf8..1150824464f 100644
--- a/storage/connect/tabtbl.cpp
+++ b/storage/connect/tabtbl.cpp
@@ -232,7 +232,7 @@ bool TDBTBL::InitTableList(PGLOBAL g)
   int     n;
   uint    sln;
-  char   *scs;
+  const char   *scs;
   PTABLE  tp, tabp;
   PCOL    colp;
   PTBLDEF tdp = (PTBLDEF)To_Def;
@@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ bool TDBTBL::InitTableList(PGLOBAL g)
     } // endfor tp
-  hc->get_table()->s->connect_string.str = scs;
+  hc->get_table()->s->connect_string.str = (char*)scs;
   hc->get_table()->s->connect_string.length = sln;
 //NumTables = n;
diff --git a/storage/connect/tabxml.cpp b/storage/connect/tabxml.cpp
index d808bd5ecd4..19490d350e8 100644
--- a/storage/connect/tabxml.cpp
+++ b/storage/connect/tabxml.cpp
@@ -1880,7 +1880,7 @@ void XMULCOL::ReadColumn(PGLOBAL g)
       if (N > Tdbp->Limit) {
         N = Tdbp->Limit;
-        sprintf(g->Message, "Mutiple values limited to %d", Tdbp->Limit);
+        sprintf(g->Message, "Multiple values limited to %d", Tdbp->Limit);
         PushWarning(g, Tdbp);
         } // endif N
diff --git a/storage/connect/user_connect.cc b/storage/connect/user_connect.cc
index d366e0222df..c25443ef7ef 100644
--- a/storage/connect/user_connect.cc
+++ b/storage/connect/user_connect.cc
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
   along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-  Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02111-1301 USA */
+	Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1335 USA */
   @file user_connect.cc
diff --git a/storage/connect/user_connect.h b/storage/connect/user_connect.h
index 983d9adc478..2670c5bcebc 100644
--- a/storage/connect/user_connect.h
+++ b/storage/connect/user_connect.h
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
   along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-  Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02111-1301 USA */
+	Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1335 USA */
 /** @file user_connect.h