mirror of
synced 2025-01-17 12:32:27 +01:00
Some minor fixups.
Updated reserved words list.
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 118 additions and 69 deletions
@ -1312,8 +1312,8 @@ MySQL 4.0 is now available in alpha version for download from
@uref{http://www.mysql.com/} and our mirrors.
Main new features of MySQL 4.0 are geared towards our existing
business and community users, enhancing MySQL (TM) as the
solution for mission-critical, heavy load database systems.
business and community users, enhancing MySQL as the solution
for mission-critical, heavy load database systems.
Other new features target the users of embedded databases.
@ -28837,65 +28837,120 @@ A few are reserved because MySQL needs them and is
@c But remove the non alphanumeric entries by hand first.
@c Updated after 3.23.4 990928 by David
@c List reserved words updated for 4.0.x 011019 by Arjen.
@c Note: alphabetically sorted, and UPPERCASE as per manual convention!
@multitable @columnfractions .25 .25 .25 .25
@item @code{action} @tab @code{add} @tab @code{aggregate} @tab @code{all}
@item @code{alter} @tab @code{after} @tab @code{and} @tab @code{as}
@item @code{asc} @tab @code{avg} @tab @code{avg_row_length} @tab @code{auto_increment}
@item @code{between} @tab @code{bigint} @tab @code{bit} @tab @code{binary}
@item @code{blob} @tab @code{bool} @tab @code{both} @tab @code{by}
@item @code{cascade} @tab @code{case} @tab @code{char} @tab @code{character}
@item @code{change} @tab @code{check} @tab @code{checksum} @tab @code{column}
@item @code{columns} @tab @code{comment} @tab @code{constraint} @tab @code{create}
@item @code{cross} @tab @code{current_date} @tab @code{current_time} @tab @code{current_timestamp}
@item @code{data} @tab @code{database} @tab @code{databases} @tab @code{date}
@item @code{datetime} @tab @code{day} @tab @code{day_hour} @tab @code{day_minute}
@item @code{day_second} @tab @code{dayofmonth} @tab @code{dayofweek} @tab @code{dayofyear}
@item @code{dec} @tab @code{decimal} @tab @code{default} @tab @code{delayed}
@item @code{delay_key_write} @tab @code{delete} @tab @code{desc} @tab @code{describe}
@item @code{distinct} @tab @code{distinctrow} @tab @code{double} @tab @code{drop}
@item @code{end} @tab @code{else} @tab @code{escape} @tab @code{escaped}
@item @code{enclosed} @tab @code{enum} @tab @code{explain} @tab @code{exists}
@item @code{fields} @tab @code{file} @tab @code{first} @tab @code{float}
@item @code{float4} @tab @code{float8} @tab @code{flush} @tab @code{foreign}
@item @code{from} @tab @code{for} @tab @code{full} @tab @code{function}
@item @code{global} @tab @code{grant} @tab @code{grants} @tab @code{group}
@item @code{having} @tab @code{heap} @tab @code{high_priority} @tab @code{hour}
@item @code{hour_minute} @tab @code{hour_second} @tab @code{hosts} @tab @code{identified}
@item @code{ignore} @tab @code{in} @tab @code{index} @tab @code{infile}
@item @code{inner} @tab @code{insert} @tab @code{insert_id} @tab @code{int}
@item @code{integer} @tab @code{interval} @tab @code{int1} @tab @code{int2}
@item @code{int3} @tab @code{int4} @tab @code{int8} @tab @code{into}
@item @code{if} @tab @code{is} @tab @code{isam} @tab @code{join}
@item @code{key} @tab @code{keys} @tab @code{kill} @tab @code{last_insert_id}
@item @code{leading} @tab @code{left} @tab @code{length} @tab @code{like}
@item @code{lines} @tab @code{limit} @tab @code{load} @tab @code{local}
@item @code{lock} @tab @code{logs} @tab @code{long} @tab @code{longblob}
@item @code{longtext} @tab @code{low_priority} @tab @code{max} @tab @code{max_rows}
@item @code{match} @tab @code{mediumblob} @tab @code{mediumtext} @tab @code{mediumint}
@item @code{middleint} @tab @code{min_rows} @tab @code{minute} @tab @code{minute_second}
@item @code{modify} @tab @code{month} @tab @code{monthname} @tab @code{myisam}
@item @code{natural} @tab @code{numeric} @tab @code{no} @tab @code{not}
@item @code{null} @tab @code{on} @tab @code{optimize} @tab @code{option}
@item @code{optionally} @tab @code{or} @tab @code{order} @tab @code{outer}
@item @code{outfile} @tab @code{pack_keys} @tab @code{partial} @tab @code{password}
@item @code{precision} @tab @code{primary} @tab @code{procedure} @tab @code{process}
@item @code{processlist} @tab @code{privileges} @tab @code{read} @tab @code{real}
@item @code{references} @tab @code{reload} @tab @code{regexp} @tab @code{rename}
@item @code{replace} @tab @code{restrict} @tab @code{returns} @tab @code{revoke}
@item @code{rlike} @tab @code{row} @tab @code{rows} @tab @code{second}
@item @code{select} @tab @code{set} @tab @code{show} @tab @code{shutdown}
@item @code{smallint} @tab @code{soname} @tab @code{sql_big_tables} @tab @code{sql_big_selects}
@item @code{sql_low_priority_updates} @tab @code{sql_log_off} @tab @code{sql_log_update} @tab @code{sql_select_limit}
@item @code{sql_small_result} @tab @code{sql_big_result} @tab @code{sql_warnings} @tab @code{straight_join}
@item @code{starting} @tab @code{status} @tab @code{string} @tab @code{table}
@item @code{tables} @tab @code{temporary} @tab @code{terminated} @tab @code{text}
@item @code{then} @tab @code{time} @tab @code{timestamp} @tab @code{tinyblob}
@item @code{tinytext} @tab @code{tinyint} @tab @code{trailing} @tab @code{to}
@item @code{type} @tab @code{use} @tab @code{using} @tab @code{unique}
@item @code{unlock} @tab @code{unsigned} @tab @code{update} @tab @code{usage}
@item @code{values} @tab @code{varchar} @tab @code{variables} @tab @code{varying}
@item @code{varbinary} @tab @code{with} @tab @code{write} @tab @code{when}
@item @code{where} @tab @code{year} @tab @code{year_month} @tab @code{zerofill}
@item @code{ABS} @tab @code{ACOS} @tab @code{ACTION} @tab @code{ADD}
@item @code{ADDDATE} @tab @code{AFTER} @tab @code{AGAINST} @tab @code{AGGREGATE}
@item @code{ALL} @tab @code{ALTER} @tab @code{ANALYZE} @tab @code{AND}
@item @code{AS} @tab @code{ASC} @tab @code{ASCII} @tab @code{ASIN}
@item @code{ATAN} @tab @code{ATAN2} @tab @code{AUTOCOMMIT} @tab @code{AUTO_INCREMENT}
@item @code{AVG} @tab @code{AVG_ROW_LENGTH} @tab @code{BACKUP} @tab @code{BDB}
@item @code{BEGIN} @tab @code{BENCHMARK} @tab @code{BERKELEYDB} @tab @code{BETWEEN}
@item @code{BIGINT} @tab @code{BIN} @tab @code{BINARY} @tab @code{BINLOG}
@item @code{BIT} @tab @code{BIT_AND} @tab @code{BIT_COUNT} @tab @code{BIT_OR}
@item @code{BLOB} @tab @code{BOOL} @tab @code{BOOLEAN} @tab @code{BOTH}
@item @code{BY} @tab @code{CASCADE} @tab @code{CASE} @tab @code{CEILING}
@item @code{CHANGE} @tab @code{CHANGED} @tab @code{CHAR} @tab @code{CHARACTER}
@item @code{CHARACTER_LENGTH} @tab @code{CHAR_LENGTH} @tab @code{CHECK} @tab @code{CHECKSUM}
@item @code{CIPHER} @tab @code{CLOSE} @tab @code{COALESCE} @tab @code{COLUMN}
@item @code{COLUMNS} @tab @code{COMMENT} @tab @code{COMMIT} @tab @code{COMMITTED}
@item @code{COMPRESSED} @tab @code{CONCAT} @tab @code{CONCAT_WS} @tab @code{CONCURRENT}
@item @code{CONNECTION_ID} @tab @code{CONSTRAINT} @tab @code{CONV} @tab @code{COS}
@item @code{COT} @tab @code{COUNT} @tab @code{CREATE} @tab @code{CROSS}
@item @code{CURDATE} @tab @code{CURRENT_DATE} @tab @code{CURRENT_TIME} @tab @code{CURRENT_TIMESTAMP}
@item @code{CURTIME} @tab @code{DATA} @tab @code{DATABASE} @tab @code{DATABASES}
@item @code{DATE} @tab @code{DATETIME} @tab @code{DATE_ADD} @tab @code{DATE_FORMAT}
@item @code{DATE_SUB} @tab @code{DAY} @tab @code{DAYNAME} @tab @code{DAYOFMONTH}
@item @code{DAYOFWEEK} @tab @code{DAYOFYEAR} @tab @code{DAY_HOUR} @tab @code{DAY_MINUTE}
@item @code{DAY_SECOND} @tab @code{DEC} @tab @code{DECIMAL} @tab @code{DECODE}
@item @code{DEFAULT} @tab @code{DEGREES} @tab @code{DELAYED} @tab @code{DELAY_KEY_WRITE}
@item @code{DELETE} @tab @code{DESC} @tab @code{DESCRIBE} @tab @code{DIRECTORY}
@item @code{DISABLE} @tab @code{DISTINCT} @tab @code{DISTINCTROW} @tab @code{DOUBLE}
@item @code{DROP} @tab @code{DUMPFILE} @tab @code{DYNAMIC} @tab @code{ELSE}
@item @code{ELT} @tab @code{ENABLE} @tab @code{ENCLOSED} @tab @code{ENCODE}
@item @code{ENCRYPT} @tab @code{END} @tab @code{ENUM} @tab @code{ESCAPE}
@item @code{ESCAPED} @tab @code{EVENTS} @tab @code{EXISTS} @tab @code{EXP}
@item @code{EXPLAIN} @tab @code{EXPORT_SET} @tab @code{EXTENDED} @tab @code{EXTRACT}
@item @code{FAST} @tab @code{FIELD} @tab @code{FIELDS} @tab @code{FILE}
@item @code{FIND_IN_SET} @tab @code{FIRST} @tab @code{FIXED} @tab @code{FLOAT}
@item @code{FLOAT4} @tab @code{FLOAT8} @tab @code{FLOOR} @tab @code{FLUSH}
@item @code{FOR} @tab @code{FOREIGN} @tab @code{FORMAT} @tab @code{FOUND_ROWS}
@item @code{FROM} @tab @code{FROM_DAYS} @tab @code{FROM_UNIXTIME} @tab @code{FULL}
@item @code{FULLTEXT} @tab @code{FUNCTION} @tab @code{GET_LOCK} @tab @code{GLOBAL}
@item @code{GRANT} @tab @code{GRANTS} @tab @code{GREATEST} @tab @code{GROUP}
@item @code{GROUP_UNIQUE_USERS} @tab @code{HANDLER} @tab @code{HAVING} @tab @code{HEAP}
@item @code{HEX} @tab @code{HIGH_PRIORITY} @tab @code{HOSTS} @tab @code{HOUR}
@item @code{HOUR_MINUTE} @tab @code{HOUR_SECOND} @tab @code{IDENTIFIED} @tab @code{IF}
@item @code{IFNULL} @tab @code{IGNORE} @tab @code{IN} @tab @code{INDEX}
@item @code{INDEXES} @tab @code{INET_ATON} @tab @code{INET_NTOA} @tab @code{INFILE}
@item @code{INNER} @tab @code{INNOBASE} @tab @code{INNODB} @tab @code{INSERT}
@item @code{INSERT_ID} @tab @code{INSERT_METHOD} @tab @code{INSTR} @tab @code{INT}
@item @code{INT1} @tab @code{INT2} @tab @code{INT3} @tab @code{INT4}
@item @code{INT8} @tab @code{INTEGER} @tab @code{INTERVAL} @tab @code{INTO}
@item @code{IS} @tab @code{ISAM} @tab @code{ISNULL} @tab @code{ISOLATION}
@item @code{ISSUER} @tab @code{JOIN} @tab @code{KEY} @tab @code{KEYS}
@item @code{KILL} @tab @code{LAST} @tab @code{LAST_INSERT_ID} @tab @code{LCASE}
@item @code{LEADING} @tab @code{LEAST} @tab @code{LEFT} @tab @code{LENGTH}
@item @code{LEVEL} @tab @code{LIKE} @tab @code{LIMIT} @tab @code{LINES}
@item @code{LOAD} @tab @code{LOAD_FILE} @tab @code{LOCAL} @tab @code{LOCATE}
@item @code{LOCK} @tab @code{LOCKS} @tab @code{LOG} @tab @code{LOG10}
@item @code{LOGS} @tab @code{LONG} @tab @code{LONGBLOB} @tab @code{LONGTEXT}
@item @code{LOWER} @tab @code{LOW_PRIORITY} @tab @code{LPAD} @tab @code{LTRIM}
@item @code{MAKE_SET} @tab @code{MASTER} @tab @code{MASTER_CONNECT_RETRY} @tab @code{MASTER_HOST}
@item @code{MASTER_LOG_FILE} @tab @code{MASTER_LOG_POS} @tab @code{MASTER_LOG_SEQ} @tab @code{MASTER_PASSWORD}
@item @code{MASTER_PORT} @tab @code{MASTER_POS_WAIT} @tab @code{MASTER_SERVER_ID} @tab @code{MASTER_USER}
@item @code{MATCH} @tab @code{MAX} @tab @code{MAX_ROWS} @tab @code{MD5}
@item @code{MEDIUM} @tab @code{MEDIUMBLOB} @tab @code{MEDIUMINT} @tab @code{MEDIUMTEXT}
@item @code{MERGE} @tab @code{MID} @tab @code{MIDDLEINT} @tab @code{MIN}
@item @code{MINUTE} @tab @code{MINUTE_SECOND} @tab @code{MIN_ROWS} @tab @code{MOD}
@item @code{MODE} @tab @code{MODIFY} @tab @code{MONTH} @tab @code{MONTHNAME}
@item @code{MRG_MYISAM} @tab @code{MYISAM} @tab @code{NATIONAL} @tab @code{NATURAL}
@item @code{NCHAR} @tab @code{NEW} @tab @code{NEXT} @tab @code{NO}
@item @code{NOT} @tab @code{NOW} @tab @code{NULL} @tab @code{NULLIF}
@item @code{NUMERIC} @tab @code{OCT} @tab @code{OCTET_LENGTH} @tab @code{ON}
@item @code{OPEN} @tab @code{OPTIMIZE} @tab @code{OPTION} @tab @code{OPTIONALLY}
@item @code{OR} @tab @code{ORD} @tab @code{ORDER} @tab @code{OUTER}
@item @code{OUTFILE} @tab @code{PACK_KEYS} @tab @code{PARTIAL} @tab @code{PASSWORD}
@item @code{PERIOD_ADD} @tab @code{PERIOD_DIFF} @tab @code{PI} @tab @code{POSITION}
@item @code{POW} @tab @code{POWER} @tab @code{PRECISION} @tab @code{PREV}
@item @code{PRIMARY} @tab @code{PRIVILEGES} @tab @code{PROCEDURE} @tab @code{PROCESS}
@item @code{PROCESSLIST} @tab @code{PURGE} @tab @code{QUARTER} @tab @code{QUICK}
@item @code{RADIANS} @tab @code{RAID0} @tab @code{RAID_CHUNKS} @tab @code{RAID_CHUNKSIZE}
@item @code{RAID_TYPE} @tab @code{RAND} @tab @code{READ} @tab @code{REAL}
@item @code{REFERENCES} @tab @code{REGEXP} @tab @code{RELEASE_LOCK} @tab @code{RELOAD}
@item @code{RENAME} @tab @code{REPAIR} @tab @code{REPEAT} @tab @code{REPEATABLE}
@item @code{REPLACE} @tab @code{REQUIRE} @tab @code{RESET} @tab @code{RESTORE}
@item @code{RESTRICT} @tab @code{RETURNS} @tab @code{REVERSE} @tab @code{REVOKE}
@item @code{RIGHT} @tab @code{RLIKE} @tab @code{ROLLBACK} @tab @code{ROUND}
@item @code{ROW} @tab @code{ROWS} @tab @code{ROW_FORMAT} @tab @code{RPAD}
@item @code{RTRIM} @tab @code{SECOND} @tab @code{SEC_TO_TIME} @tab @code{SELECT}
@item @code{SERIALIZABLE} @tab @code{SESSION} @tab @code{SESSION_USER} @tab @code{SET}
@item @code{SHARE} @tab @code{SHOW} @tab @code{SHUTDOWN} @tab @code{SIGN}
@item @code{SIN} @tab @code{SLAVE} @tab @code{SMALLINT} @tab @code{SONAME}
@item @code{SOUNDEX} @tab @code{SPACE} @tab @code{SQL_AUTO_IS_NULL} @tab @code{SQL_BIG_RESULT}
@item @code{SQL_BIG_SELECTS} @tab @code{SQL_BIG_TABLES} @tab @code{SQL_BUFFER_RESULT} @tab @code{SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS}
@item @code{SQL_LOG_BIN} @tab @code{SQL_LOG_OFF} @tab @code{SQL_LOG_UPDATE} @tab @code{SQL_LOW_PRIORITY_UPDATES}
@item @code{SQL_MAX_JOIN_SIZE} @tab @code{SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE} @tab @code{SQL_SAFE_UPDATES} @tab @code{SQL_SELECT_LIMIT}
@item @code{SQL_SLAVE_SKIP_COUNTER} @tab @code{SQL_SMALL_RESULT} @tab @code{SQL_WARNINGS} @tab @code{SQRT}
@item @code{SSL} @tab @code{START} @tab @code{STARTING} @tab @code{STATUS}
@item @code{STD} @tab @code{STDDEV} @tab @code{STOP} @tab @code{STRAIGHT_JOIN}
@item @code{STRCMP} @tab @code{STRING} @tab @code{STRIPED} @tab @code{SUBDATE}
@item @code{SUBJECT} @tab @code{SUBSTRING} @tab @code{SUBSTRING_INDEX} @tab @code{SUM}
@item @code{SYSDATE} @tab @code{SYSTEM_USER} @tab @code{TABLE} @tab @code{TABLES}
@item @code{TAN} @tab @code{TEMPORARY} @tab @code{TERMINATED} @tab @code{TEXT}
@item @code{THEN} @tab @code{TIME} @tab @code{TIMESTAMP} @tab @code{TIME_FORMAT}
@item @code{TIME_TO_SEC} @tab @code{TINYBLOB} @tab @code{TINYINT} @tab @code{TINYTEXT}
@item @code{TO} @tab @code{TO_DAYS} @tab @code{TRAILING} @tab @code{TRANSACTION}
@item @code{TRIM} @tab @code{TRUNCATE} @tab @code{TYPE} @tab @code{UCASE}
@item @code{UNCOMMITTED} @tab @code{UNION} @tab @code{UNIQUE} @tab @code{UNIQUE_USERS}
@item @code{UNIX_TIMESTAMP} @tab @code{UNLOCK} @tab @code{UNSIGNED} @tab @code{UPDATE}
@item @code{UPPER} @tab @code{USAGE} @tab @code{USE} @tab @code{USER}
@item @code{USING} @tab @code{VALUES} @tab @code{VARBINARY} @tab @code{VARCHAR}
@item @code{VARIABLES} @tab @code{VARYING} @tab @code{VERSION} @tab @code{WEEK}
@item @code{WEEKDAY} @tab @code{WHEN} @tab @code{WHERE} @tab @code{WITH}
@item @code{WORK} @tab @code{WRITE} @tab @code{X509} @tab @code{YEAR}
@item @code{YEARWEEK} @tab @code{YEAR_MONTH} @tab @code{ZEROFILL}
@end multitable
The following symbols (from the table above) are disallowed by ANSI SQL
@ -48102,8 +48157,8 @@ helped to make MySQL what it is today.
@node Developers, Contributors, Credits, Credits
@appendixsec Developers at MySQL AB
These are the developers that are or have been employed by MySQL AB
to work on MySQL, roughly in the order they started to work with us.
These are the developers that are or have been employed by @code{MySQL AB}
to work on @code{MySQL}, roughly in the order they started to work with us.
Following each developer is a small list of the tasks that the developer is
responsible for, or the accomplishments they have made.
@ -48262,19 +48317,13 @@ Proofreading and editing this fine manual.
@code{DELETE ... ORDER BY ...}.
@end itemize
@item John Dean
@itemize @bullet
The new MySQL GUI client.
@end itemize
@item Indrek Siitan
@itemize @bullet
Designer/programmer of our web interface.
@end itemize
@item Jorge del Condo
@item Jorge del Conde
@itemize @bullet
@code{MyCC} @code{MySQL Control Center}.
Reference in a new issue