More details can be found [here](
and [here](
If you are using **Windows Active Directory KDC**
you can need to create keytab using ktpass.exe tool on Windows, map principal user to an existing domain user like this
ktpass.exe /princ mariadb/ /mapuser someuser /pass MyPas$w0rd /out mariadb.keytab /crypto all /ptype KRB5_NT_PRINCIPAL /mapop set
and then transfer the keytab file to the Unix server. See [Microsoft documentation]( for details.
## Server side preparations on Windows.
Usually nothing need to be done. MariaDB server should to run on a domain joined machine, either as NetworkService account
(which is default if it runs as service) or run under any other domain account credentials.
Creating service principal is not required here (but you can still do it using [_setspn_]( tool)
# Installing plugin
- Start the server
- On Unix, edit my the my.cnf/my.ini configuration file, set the parameter gssapi-keytab-path to point to previously
created keytab path.
- Optionally on Unix, in case the service principal name differs from default mariadb/,
Overview of the protocol between client and server
1. Server : Construct gssapi-principal-name if not set in my.cnf. On Unixes defaults to hostbased name for service "mariadb". On Windows to user's or machine's domain names.
Acquire credentials for gssapi-principal-name with ```gss_acquire_cred() / AcquireSecurityCredentials()```.
Send packet with principal name and mech ```"gssapi-principal-name\0gssapi-mech-name\0"``` to client ( on Unix, empty string used for gssapi-mech)
4. Perform 2. and 3. can until both client and server decide that authentication is done, or until some error occurred. If authentication was successful, GSSAPI context (an opaque structure) is generated on both client and server sides.
5. Server : Client name is extracted from the context, and compared to the name provided by client(with or without realm). If name matches, plugin returns success.