2022-11-29 05:27:56 -08:00
# mysqld refuses to run as root normally.
--source include/not_as_root.inc
2022-10-21 19:50:07 +02:00
--source include/not_embedded.inc
--source include/have_ssl_communication.inc
--source include/shutdown_mysqld.inc
# Try to start the server, with bad values for some options.
# Make sure, the starts fails, and expected message is in the error log
--let errorlog=$MYSQL_TMP_DIR/errorlog.err
--let SEARCH_FILE=$errorlog
# Bad ssl-cert
--error 1
--exec $MYSQLD --defaults-group-suffix=.1 --defaults-file=$MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/my.cnf --ssl-cert=bad --log-error=$errorlog
--let SEARCH_PATTERN=\[ERROR\] SSL error: Unable to get certificate
--source include/search_pattern_in_file.inc
--remove_file $SEARCH_FILE
--source include/start_mysqld.inc