2013-04-17 00:00:59 -04:00
/* -*- mode: C++; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- */
// vim: ft=cpp:expandtab:ts=8:sw=4:softtabstop=4:
# ident "$Id$"
2007-09-28 17:11:22 +00:00
# ifndef MEMORY_H
# define MEMORY_H
2013-04-17 00:01:35 -04:00
This program is free software ; you can redistribute it and / or modify
it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation , and provided that the
following conditions are met :
* Redistributions of source code must retain this COPYING
DISCLAIMER ( below ) , the UNIVERSITY PATENT NOTICE ( below ) , the
GRANT ( below ) .
* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce this COPYING
DISCLAIMER ( below ) , the UNIVERSITY PATENT NOTICE ( below ) , the
GRANT ( below ) in the documentation and / or other materials
provided with the distribution .
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program ; if not , write to the Free Software
Foundation , Inc . , 51 Franklin Street , Fifth Floor , Boston , MA
02110 - 1301 , USA .
TokuDB , Tokutek Fractal Tree Indexing Library .
Copyright ( C ) 2007 - 2013 Tokutek , Inc .
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful , but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of
General Public License for more details .
The technology is licensed by the Massachusetts Institute of
Technology , Rutgers State University of New Jersey , and the Research
Foundation of State University of New York at Stony Brook under
United States of America Serial No . 11 / 760379 and to the patents
and / or patent applications resulting from it .
This software is covered by US Patent No . 8 , 185 , 551.
2013-10-04 16:49:53 -04:00
This software is covered by US Patent No . 8 , 489 , 638.
2013-04-17 00:01:35 -04:00
2013-04-17 00:01:36 -04:00
" THIS IMPLEMENTATION " means the copyrightable works distributed by
2013-04-17 00:01:35 -04:00
Tokutek as part of the Fractal Tree project .
" PATENT CLAIMS " means the claims of patents that are owned or
licensable by Tokutek , both currently or in the future ; and that in
the absence of this license would be infringed by THIS
" PATENT CHALLENGE " shall mean a challenge to the validity ,
patentability , enforceability and / or non - infringement of any of the
PATENT CLAIMS or otherwise opposing any of the PATENT CLAIMS .
Tokutek hereby grants to you , for the term and geographical scope of
the PATENT CLAIMS , a non - exclusive , no - charge , royalty - free ,
irrevocable ( except as stated in this section ) patent license to
make , have made , use , offer to sell , sell , import , transfer , and
otherwise run , modify , and propagate the contents of THIS
IMPLEMENTATION , where such license applies only to the PATENT
CLAIMS . This grant does not include claims that would be infringed
only as a consequence of further modifications of THIS
IMPLEMENTATION . If you or your agent or licensee institute or order
or agree to the institution of patent litigation against any entity
( including a cross - claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit ) alleging that
THIS IMPLEMENTATION constitutes direct or contributory patent
infringement , or inducement of patent infringement , then any rights
granted to you under this License shall terminate as of the date
such litigation is filed . If you or your agent or exclusive
licensee institute or order or agree to the institution of a PATENT
CHALLENGE , then Tokutek may terminate any rights granted to you
under this License .
2013-04-17 00:01:35 -04:00
# ident "Copyright (c) 2007-2013 Tokutek Inc. All rights reserved."
2007-11-29 14:18:54 +00:00
2008-01-23 18:35:54 +00:00
# include <stdlib.h>
2013-04-16 23:58:00 -04:00
# include <toku_portability.h>
2007-07-13 19:37:47 +00:00
2013-04-16 23:59:09 -04:00
2007-08-09 13:26:51 +00:00
/* Tokutek memory allocation functions and macros.
* These are functions for malloc and free */
2013-04-17 00:00:25 -04:00
int toku_memory_startup ( void ) __attribute__ ( ( constructor ) ) ;
void toku_memory_shutdown ( void ) __attribute__ ( ( destructor ) ) ;
2013-04-16 23:59:58 -04:00
2007-08-09 13:26:51 +00:00
/* Generally: errno is set to 0 or a value to indicate problems. */
2013-04-17 00:01:27 -04:00
// Everything should call toku_malloc() instead of malloc(), and toku_calloc() instead of calloc()
// That way the tests can can, e.g., replace the malloc function using toku_set_func_malloc().
2013-04-16 23:57:33 -04:00
void * toku_calloc ( size_t nmemb , size_t size ) __attribute__ ( ( __visibility__ ( " default " ) ) ) ;
2013-04-16 23:57:47 -04:00
void * toku_xcalloc ( size_t nmemb , size_t size ) __attribute__ ( ( __visibility__ ( " default " ) ) ) ;
2013-04-16 23:57:33 -04:00
void * toku_malloc ( size_t size ) __attribute__ ( ( __visibility__ ( " default " ) ) ) ;
2013-04-17 00:01:27 -04:00
void * toku_malloc_aligned ( size_t alignment , size_t size ) __attribute__ ( ( __visibility__ ( " default " ) ) ) ;
2013-04-16 23:57:18 -04:00
// xmalloc aborts instead of return NULL if we run out of memory
2013-04-17 00:01:27 -04:00
void * toku_xmalloc ( size_t size ) __attribute__ ( ( __visibility__ ( " default " ) ) ) ;
2013-04-16 23:59:01 -04:00
void * toku_xrealloc ( void * , size_t size ) __attribute__ ( ( __visibility__ ( " default " ) ) ) ;
2013-04-17 00:01:27 -04:00
void * toku_xmalloc_aligned ( size_t alignment , size_t size ) __attribute__ ( ( __visibility__ ( " default " ) ) ) ;
// Effect: Perform a os_malloc_aligned(size) with the additional property that the returned pointer is a multiple of ALIGNMENT.
// Fail with a resource_assert if the allocation fails (don't return an error code).
// If the alloc_aligned function has been set then call it instead.
// Requires: alignment is a power of two.
2013-04-16 23:57:18 -04:00
2013-04-16 23:57:33 -04:00
void toku_free ( void * ) __attribute__ ( ( __visibility__ ( " default " ) ) ) ;
void * toku_realloc ( void * , size_t size ) __attribute__ ( ( __visibility__ ( " default " ) ) ) ;
2013-04-17 00:01:27 -04:00
void * toku_realloc_aligned ( size_t alignment , void * p , size_t size ) __attribute__ ( ( __visibility__ ( " default " ) ) ) ;
// Effect: Perform a os_realloc_aligned(alignment, p, size) which has the additional property that the returned pointer is a multiple of ALIGNMENT.
// If the malloc_aligned function has been set then call it instead.
// Requires: alignment is a power of two.
2007-07-13 19:37:47 +00:00
2013-04-16 23:59:53 -04:00
size_t toku_malloc_usable_size ( void * p ) __attribute__ ( ( __visibility__ ( " default " ) ) ) ;
2007-08-09 13:26:51 +00:00
/* MALLOC is a macro that helps avoid a common error:
* Suppose I write
* struct foo * x = malloc ( sizeof ( struct foo ) ) ;
* That works fine . But if I change it to this , I ' ve probably made an mistake :
* struct foo * x = malloc ( sizeof ( struct bar ) ) ;
* It can get worse , since one might have something like
* struct foo * x = malloc ( sizeof ( struct foo * ) )
* which looks reasonable , but it allocoates enough to hold a pointer instead of the amount needed for the struct .
* So instead , write
* struct foo * MALLOC ( x ) ;
* and you cannot go wrong .
2013-04-17 00:00:59 -04:00
# define MALLOC(v) CAST_FROM_VOIDP(v, toku_malloc(sizeof(*v)))
2013-04-16 23:57:47 -04:00
/* MALLOC_N is like calloc(Except no 0ing of data): It makes an array. Write
2007-08-09 13:26:51 +00:00
* int * MALLOC_N ( 5 , x ) ;
* to make an array of 5 integers .
2013-04-17 00:00:59 -04:00
# define MALLOC_N(n,v) CAST_FROM_VOIDP(v, toku_malloc((n)*sizeof(*v)))
2013-04-17 00:01:27 -04:00
# define MALLOC_N_ALIGNED(align, n, v) CAST_FROM_VOIDP(v, toku_malloc_aligned((align), (n)*sizeof(*v)))
2007-07-13 19:37:47 +00:00
2013-04-16 23:57:47 -04:00
//CALLOC_N is like calloc with auto-figuring out size of members
2013-04-17 00:00:59 -04:00
# define CALLOC_N(n,v) CAST_FROM_VOIDP(v, toku_calloc((n), sizeof(*v)))
2013-04-16 23:57:47 -04:00
# define CALLOC(v) CALLOC_N(1,v)
2013-04-17 00:00:59 -04:00
# define REALLOC_N(n,v) CAST_FROM_VOIDP(v, toku_realloc(v, (n)*sizeof(*v)))
2013-04-17 00:01:27 -04:00
# define REALLOC_N_ALIGNED(align, n,v) CAST_FROM_VOIDP(v, toku_realloc_aligned((align), v, (n)*sizeof(*v)))
2008-03-06 21:46:57 +00:00
2013-04-16 23:57:20 -04:00
// XMALLOC macros are like MALLOC except they abort if the operation fails
2013-04-17 00:00:59 -04:00
# define XMALLOC(v) CAST_FROM_VOIDP(v, toku_xmalloc(sizeof(*v)))
# define XMALLOC_N(n,v) CAST_FROM_VOIDP(v, toku_xmalloc((n)*sizeof(*v)))
# define XCALLOC_N(n,v) CAST_FROM_VOIDP(v, toku_xcalloc((n), (sizeof(*v))))
2013-04-16 23:57:47 -04:00
# define XCALLOC(v) XCALLOC_N(1,(v))
2013-04-17 00:01:15 -04:00
# define XREALLOC(v,s) CAST_FROM_VOIDP(v, toku_xrealloc(v, s))
2013-04-17 00:00:59 -04:00
# define XREALLOC_N(n,v) CAST_FROM_VOIDP(v, toku_xrealloc(v, (n)*sizeof(*v)))
2013-04-16 23:57:18 -04:00
2013-04-17 00:01:27 -04:00
# define XMALLOC_N_ALIGNED(align, n, v) CAST_FROM_VOIDP(v, toku_xmalloc_aligned((align), (n)*sizeof(*v)))
2013-04-17 00:00:59 -04:00
# define XMEMDUP(dst, src) CAST_FROM_VOIDP(dst, toku_xmemdup(src, sizeof(*src)))
2013-04-17 00:01:15 -04:00
# define XMEMDUP_N(dst, src, len) CAST_FROM_VOIDP(dst, toku_xmemdup(src, len))
2013-04-17 00:00:58 -04:00
2013-04-17 00:00:48 -04:00
// ZERO_ARRAY writes zeroes to a stack-allocated array
# define ZERO_ARRAY(o) do { memset((o), 0, sizeof (o)); } while (0)
// ZERO_STRUCT writes zeroes to a stack-allocated struct
# define ZERO_STRUCT(o) do { memset(&(o), 0, sizeof (o)); } while (0)
2007-08-09 13:26:51 +00:00
/* Copy memory. Analogous to strdup() */
2008-01-23 18:35:54 +00:00
void * toku_memdup ( const void * v , size_t len ) ;
2007-08-09 13:26:51 +00:00
/* Toku-version of strdup. Use this so that it calls toku_malloc() */
2013-04-16 23:57:33 -04:00
char * toku_strdup ( const char * s ) __attribute__ ( ( __visibility__ ( " default " ) ) ) ;
2007-07-13 19:37:47 +00:00
2013-04-16 23:58:04 -04:00
/* Copy memory. Analogous to strdup() Crashes instead of returning NULL */
2013-04-16 23:58:59 -04:00
void * toku_xmemdup ( const void * v , size_t len ) __attribute__ ( ( __visibility__ ( " default " ) ) ) ;
2013-04-16 23:58:04 -04:00
/* Toku-version of strdup. Use this so that it calls toku_xmalloc() Crashes instead of returning NULL */
char * toku_xstrdup ( const char * s ) __attribute__ ( ( __visibility__ ( " default " ) ) ) ;
2007-11-29 15:34:49 +00:00
void toku_malloc_cleanup ( void ) ; /* Before exiting, call this function to free up any internal data structures from toku_malloc. Otherwise valgrind will complain of memory leaks. */
2007-08-09 13:26:51 +00:00
/* Check to see if everything malloc'd was free. Might be a no-op depending on how memory.c is configured. */
2007-11-29 15:34:49 +00:00
void toku_memory_check_all_free ( void ) ;
2007-08-09 13:26:51 +00:00
/* Check to see if memory is "sane". Might be a no-op. Probably better to simply use valgrind. */
2007-11-29 15:41:46 +00:00
void toku_do_memory_check ( void ) ;
2007-07-13 19:37:47 +00:00
2013-04-16 23:59:38 -04:00
typedef void * ( * malloc_fun_t ) ( size_t ) ;
typedef void ( * free_fun_t ) ( void * ) ;
typedef void * ( * realloc_fun_t ) ( void * , size_t ) ;
2013-04-17 00:01:27 -04:00
typedef void * ( * malloc_aligned_fun_t ) ( size_t /*alignment*/ , size_t /*size*/ ) ;
typedef void * ( * realloc_aligned_fun_t ) ( size_t /*alignment*/ , void */ * pointer */ , size_t /*size*/ ) ;
2013-04-16 23:59:38 -04:00
void toku_set_func_malloc ( malloc_fun_t f ) ;
void toku_set_func_xmalloc_only ( malloc_fun_t f ) ;
void toku_set_func_malloc_only ( malloc_fun_t f ) ;
void toku_set_func_realloc ( realloc_fun_t f ) ;
void toku_set_func_xrealloc_only ( realloc_fun_t f ) ;
void toku_set_func_realloc_only ( realloc_fun_t f ) ;
void toku_set_func_free ( free_fun_t f ) ;
2013-04-17 00:00:08 -04:00
typedef struct memory_status {
uint64_t malloc_count ; // number of malloc operations
uint64_t free_count ; // number of free operations
uint64_t realloc_count ; // number of realloc operations
uint64_t malloc_fail ; // number of malloc operations that failed
uint64_t realloc_fail ; // number of realloc operations that failed
uint64_t requested ; // number of bytes requested
uint64_t used ; // number of bytes used (requested + overhead), obtained from malloc_usable_size()
uint64_t freed ; // number of bytes freed;
volatile uint64_t max_in_use ; // maximum memory footprint (used - freed), approximate (not worth threadsafety overhead for exact)
2013-04-17 00:00:58 -04:00
const char * mallocator_version ;
2013-04-17 00:00:08 -04:00
uint64_t mmap_threshold ;
void toku_memory_get_status ( LOCAL_MEMORY_STATUS s ) ;
2013-04-16 23:59:47 -04:00
2013-04-16 23:59:58 -04:00
size_t toku_memory_footprint ( void * p , size_t touched ) ;
2007-09-28 17:11:22 +00:00
# endif