2008-02-08 12:18:06 +00:00
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
2007-11-12 23:19:06 +00:00
# (C)opyright Oracle/Innobase Oy. 2007.
# The purpose of this (simple) script is to create a configure command line
# that can be used to build the InnoDB dynamic plugin. It makes the assumption
# that the configure parameters are quoted like so '--with-innodb'. It uses
# this to split the string on "'".
# Usage: dynconfig <path/to/mysqlbug>
2008-02-08 12:18:06 +00:00
use strict;
use warnings;
2007-11-12 23:19:06 +00:00
my $buffer;
2008-02-08 12:18:06 +00:00
# These are the engines whose config parameters we need to remove.
2007-11-12 23:19:06 +00:00
my @engines = (
2008-02-08 12:18:06 +00:00
2007-11-12 23:19:06 +00:00
# Map the following variables to something else. If you want to remove any
# parameters from the configure command line, simply add an "" value to the
# hashtable below.
my %mapped = (
"--disable-shared" => "",
"--enable-static" => "--enable-shared"
# Variables to use from the environment if defined
my @environment = (
sub get_value {
my ($line) = @_;
$line =~ s/^CONFIGURE_LINE="(.*)"$/$1/;
sub is_with_engine {
my ($param) = @_;
foreach my $engine (@engines) {
if ($param =~ /--with-$engine/) {
} elsif ($param =~ /--with-$engine-storage-engine/) {
sub map_param {
my ($param) = @_;
my ($name, $value) = split(/=/, $param);
my $mapped;
if (!defined($value)) {
$mapped = $mapped{$param};
} else {
$mapped = $mapped{$name};
return(defined($mapped) ? $mapped: $param);
# Remove leading whitespace
sub ltrim($) {
my $string = shift;
$string =~ s/^\s+//;
return $string;
# Remove trailing whitespace
sub rtrim($) {
my $string = shift;
$string =~ s/\s+$//;
return $string;
# Remove leading and trailing whitespace
sub squeeze($) {
my $string = shift;
if ($#ARGV < 0) {
2008-02-08 12:18:06 +00:00
die "usage: $0 <path/to/mysqlbug> [options e.g. CC=gcc CXX=gcc]\n";
2007-11-12 23:19:06 +00:00
open(F, $ARGV[0]) ||
die "Error opening $ARGV[0]: $!";
read(F, $buffer, 131072) ||
die "Error reading file $ARGV[0]: $!";
my @matched = grep(/^CONFIGURE_LINE=/, split(/\n/, $buffer));
# Check for no match
if ($#matched == -1 ) {
2008-02-08 12:18:06 +00:00
die "CONFIGURE_LINE= not found in : $ARGV[0]\n";
2007-11-12 23:19:06 +00:00
# Check if more than one line matched
} elsif ($#matched > 0) {
2008-02-08 12:18:06 +00:00
die "Error: $#matched matches found.\n";
2007-11-12 23:19:06 +00:00
# Since CONFIGURE_LINE is an environment variable we extract the value,
# stripping the "" quotes around the value too.
my $configure = get_value($matched[0]);
# Insert the environment variables if found into the hash table
foreach my $var (@environment) {
if (defined($ENV{$var})) {
$mapped{$var} = "$var=" . $ENV{$var};
# Set the value to "" for the parameters to be removed.
if (defined($ENV{"MYSQL_CONFIG_DEL"})) {
my $value = $ENV{"MYSQL_CONFIG_DEL"};
($value) =~ s/MYSQL_CONFIG_DEL="(.+)"$/$1/;
foreach my $param (split(/,/, $value)) {
$param = squeeze($param);
if ($param =~ /^'(.+)'$/) {
$param = $1;
$mapped{$param} = "";
2008-02-08 12:18:06 +00:00
my @arr = split("'", $configure);
2007-11-12 23:19:06 +00:00
foreach my $param (@arr) {
# Skip blank lines
if ($param =~ /^\s+$/) {
# We don't want to put quotes around the command
} elsif ($param =~ /.\/configure/) {
print "$param";
# Filter out the --with-engine parameters
} elsif (is_with_engine($param)) {
$param = map_param($param);
if (length($param) > 0) {
2008-02-08 12:18:06 +00:00
print " '$param'";
2007-11-12 23:19:06 +00:00
if (defined($ENV{"MYSQL_CONFIG_ADD"})) {
my $value = $ENV{"MYSQL_CONFIG_ADD"};
$value =~ s/MYSQL_CONFIG_ADD="(.+)"$/$1/;
foreach my $param (split(/,/, $value)) {
$param = squeeze($param);
if ($param =~ /^'(.+)'$/) {
$param = $1;
2008-02-08 12:18:06 +00:00
print " '$param'";
2007-11-12 23:19:06 +00:00
2008-02-08 12:18:06 +00:00
print "\n";
2007-11-12 23:19:06 +00:00
2008-02-08 12:18:06 +00:00