2001-03-04 19:42:05 -05:00
# See the file LICENSE for redistribution information
2005-07-20 15:48:22 -07:00
# Copyright (c) 2000-2004
2001-03-04 19:42:05 -05:00
# Sleepycat Software. All rights reserved.
2005-07-20 15:48:22 -07:00
# $Id: logtrack.tcl,v 11.15 2004/04/14 16:08:42 carol Exp $
2001-03-04 19:42:05 -05:00
# logtrack.tcl: A collection of routines, formerly implemented in Perl
# as log.pl, to track which log record types the test suite hits.
set ltsname "logtrack_seen.db"
set ltlist $test_path/logtrack.list
set tmpname "logtrack_tmp"
proc logtrack_clean { } {
global ltsname
file delete -force $ltsname
proc logtrack_init { } {
global ltsname
# Create an empty tracking database.
[berkdb_open -create -truncate -btree $ltsname] close
# Dump the logs for directory dirname and record which log
# records were seen.
proc logtrack_read { dirname } {
global ltsname tmpname util_path
2002-10-30 15:57:05 +04:00
global encrypt passwd
2001-03-04 19:42:05 -05:00
set seendb [berkdb_open $ltsname]
error_check_good seendb_open [is_valid_db $seendb] TRUE
file delete -force $tmpname
2002-10-30 15:57:05 +04:00
set pargs " -N -h $dirname "
if { $encrypt > 0 } {
append pargs " -P $passwd "
set ret [catch {eval exec $util_path/db_printlog $pargs > $tmpname} res]
2001-03-04 19:42:05 -05:00
error_check_good printlog $ret 0
error_check_good tmpfile_exists [file exists $tmpname] 1
set f [open $tmpname r]
while { [gets $f record] >= 0 } {
2002-10-30 15:57:05 +04:00
set r [regexp {\[[^\]]*\]\[[^\]]*\]([^\:]*)\:} $record whl name]
if { $r == 1 } {
error_check_good seendb_put [$seendb put $name ""] 0
2001-03-04 19:42:05 -05:00
close $f
file delete -force $tmpname
error_check_good seendb_close [$seendb close] 0
# Print the log record types that were seen but should not have been
# seen and the log record types that were not seen but should have been seen.
proc logtrack_summary { } {
global ltsname ltlist testdir
2005-07-20 15:48:22 -07:00
global one_test
2001-03-04 19:42:05 -05:00
set seendb [berkdb_open $ltsname]
error_check_good seendb_open [is_valid_db $seendb] TRUE
set existdb [berkdb_open -create -btree]
error_check_good existdb_open [is_valid_db $existdb] TRUE
set deprecdb [berkdb_open -create -btree]
error_check_good deprecdb_open [is_valid_db $deprecdb] TRUE
error_check_good ltlist_exists [file exists $ltlist] 1
set f [open $ltlist r]
set pref ""
while { [gets $f line] >= 0 } {
# Get the keyword, the first thing on the line:
2002-10-30 15:57:05 +04:00
2001-03-04 19:42:05 -05:00
set keyword [lindex $line 0]
if { [string compare $keyword PREFIX] == 0 } {
# New prefix.
set pref [lindex $line 1]
} elseif { [string compare $keyword BEGIN] == 0 } {
# A log type we care about; put it on our list.
# Skip noop and debug.
if { [string compare [lindex $line 1] noop] == 0 } {
if { [string compare [lindex $line 1] debug] == 0 } {
error_check_good exist_put [$existdb put \
${pref}_[lindex $line 1] ""] 0
2002-10-30 15:57:05 +04:00
} elseif { [string compare $keyword DEPRECATED] == 0 ||
[string compare $keyword IGNORED] == 0 } {
2001-03-04 19:42:05 -05:00
error_check_good deprec_put [$deprecdb put \
${pref}_[lindex $line 1] ""] 0
error_check_good exist_curs \
[is_valid_cursor [set ec [$existdb cursor]] $existdb] TRUE
while { [llength [set dbt [$ec get -next]]] != 0 } {
set rec [lindex [lindex $dbt 0] 0]
2005-07-20 15:48:22 -07:00
if { [$seendb count $rec] == 0 && $one_test == "ALL" } {
puts "WARNING: log record type $rec: not tested"
2001-03-04 19:42:05 -05:00
error_check_good exist_curs_close [$ec close] 0
error_check_good seen_curs \
[is_valid_cursor [set sc [$existdb cursor]] $existdb] TRUE
while { [llength [set dbt [$sc get -next]]] != 0 } {
set rec [lindex [lindex $dbt 0] 0]
if { [$existdb count $rec] == 0 } {
if { [$deprecdb count $rec] == 0 } {
2005-07-20 15:48:22 -07:00
puts "WARNING: log record type $rec: unknown"
2001-03-04 19:42:05 -05:00
} else {
2005-07-20 15:48:22 -07:00
puts \
"WARNING: log record type $rec: deprecated"
2001-03-04 19:42:05 -05:00
error_check_good seen_curs_close [$sc close] 0
error_check_good seendb_close [$seendb close] 0
error_check_good existdb_close [$existdb close] 0
error_check_good deprecdb_close [$deprecdb close] 0