echo"Creating Grant Alter and Index privileges if they don't exists"
echo"You can ignore any Duplicate column errors"
@bindir@/mysql --user=root --password="$root_password" --host="$host" mysql <<END_OF_DATA
alter table user add Grant_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL,add References_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL,add Index_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL,add Alter_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL;
alter table host add Grant_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL,add References_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL,add Index_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL,add Alter_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL;
alter table db add Grant_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL,add References_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL,add Index_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL,add Alter_priv enum('N','Y') NOT NULL;
# If the new grant columns didn't exists, copy File -> Grant
# and Create -> Alter, Index, References
echo"Setting default privileges for the new grant, index and alter privileges"
@bindir@/mysql --user=root --password="$root_password" --host="$host" mysql <<END_OF_DATA
UPDATE user SET Grant_priv=File_priv,References_priv=Create_priv,Index_priv=Create_priv,Alter_priv=Create_priv;
UPDATE db SET References_priv=Create_priv,Index_priv=Create_priv,Alter_priv=Create_priv;
UPDATE host SET References_priv=Create_priv,Index_priv=Create_priv,Alter_priv=Create_priv;
echo"Adding columns needed by GRANT .. REQUIRE (openssl)"
echo"You can ignore any Duplicate column errors"
@bindir@/mysql --user=root --password="$root_password" --host="$host" mysql <<END_OF_DATA
ALTER TABLE user ADD ssl_type enum('NONE','ANY','X509', 'SPECIFIED') DEFAULT 'NONE' NOT NULL, ADD ssl_cipher BLOB NOT NULL, ADD x509_issuer BLOB NOT NULL, ADD x509_subject BLOB NOT NULL