Warning 121 Create or Alter table `test`.`t2` with foreign key constraint failed. Foreign key constraint `test/test` already exists on data dictionary. Foreign key constraint names need to be unique in database. Error in foreign key definition: CONSTRAINT `test` FOREIGN KEY (`b`) REFERENCES `test`.`t2` (`id`).
Warning 150 Create table '`test`.`t2`' with foreign key constraint failed. There is no index in the referenced table where the referenced columns appear as the first columns. Error close to foreign key a (a) references t1(a)) engine=innodb.
Warning 150 Create table '`test`.`t2`' with foreign key constraint failed. There is no index in the referenced table where the referenced columns appear as the first columns. Error close to foreign key a (a) references t1(b)) engine=innodb.
Warning 150 Alter table '`test`.`t2`' with foreign key constraint failed. There is no index in the referenced table where the referenced columns appear as the first columns. Error close to foreign key (b) references t2(b).
Warning 150 Alter table `test`.`t1` with foreign key constraint failed. Referenced table `test`.`t11` not found in the data dictionary close to foreign key (f1) references t11(f1).
Warning 150 Create table `mysqld.1`.`t2` with foreign key constraint failed. Referenced table `mysqld.1`.`t1` not found in the data dictionary close to foreign key(a) references t1(a)) engine=innodb.
Warning 150 Alter table `mysqld.1`.`t1` with foreign key constraint failed. Referenced table `mysqld.1`.`t1` not found in the data dictionary close to foreign key(b) references t1(a).
Warning 150 Alter table `test`.`t1` with foreign key constraint failed. Foreign key constraint parse error in foreign key(a,b) references t1(a) close to ). Too few referenced columns, you have 1 when you should have 2.
Warning 150 Alter table `test`.`t1` with foreign key constraint failed. Foreign key constraint parse error in foreign key(a) references t1(a,b) close to ). Too few referenced columns, you have 2 when you should have 1.
Warning 150 Alter table `test`.`t1` with foreign key constraint failed. You have defined a SET NULL condition but column f1 is defined as NOT NULL in foreign key (f1) references t1(f1) on update set null close to on update set null.
Warning 150 Create table `test`.`t2` with foreign key constraint failed. You have defined a SET NULL condition but column a is defined as NOT NULL in foreign key(a) references t1(f1) on delete set null) engine=innodb close to on delete set null) engine=innodb.
Warning 150 Create table `test`.`t2` with foreign key constraint failed. Field type or character set for column a does not mach referenced column f1 close to foreign key(a) references t1(f1)) engine=innodb