2005-12-22 06:39:02 +01:00
stop slave;
drop table if exists t1,t2,t3,t4,t5,t6,t7,t8,t9;
reset master;
reset slave;
drop table if exists t1,t2,t3,t4,t5,t6,t7,t8,t9;
start slave;
DROP TRIGGER test.t2_ai;
CREATE TABLE test.t2 (value CHAR(30),domain_id INT, mailaccount_id INT, program CHAR(30),keey CHAR(30),PRIMARY KEY(domain_id));
CREATE TABLE test.t3 (value CHAR(30),domain_id INT, mailaccount_id INT, program CHAR(30),keey CHAR(30),PRIMARY KEY(domain_id));
CREATE TABLE test.t1 (id INT,domain CHAR(30),PRIMARY KEY(id));
CREATE TRIGGER test.t2_ai AFTER INSERT ON test.t2 FOR EACH ROW UPDATE test.t3 ms, test.t1 d SET ms.value='No' WHERE ms.domain_id = (SELECT max(id) FROM test.t1 WHERE domain='example.com') AND ms.mailaccount_id IS NULL AND ms.program='spamfilter' AND ms.keey='scan_incoming'|
INSERT INTO test.t1 VALUES (1, 'example.com'),(2, 'mysql.com'),(3, 'earthmotherwear.com'), (4, 'yahoo.com'),(5, 'example.com');
2006-02-08 13:08:19 +01:00
SELECT * FROM test.t1 ORDER BY id;
2005-12-22 06:39:02 +01:00
id domain
1 example.com
2 mysql.com
3 earthmotherwear.com
4 yahoo.com
5 example.com
2006-02-08 13:08:19 +01:00
SELECT * FROM test.t1 ORDER BY id;
2005-12-22 06:39:02 +01:00
id domain
1 example.com
2 mysql.com
3 earthmotherwear.com
4 yahoo.com
5 example.com
INSERT INTO test.t3 VALUES ('Yes', 5, NULL, 'spamfilter','scan_incoming');
INSERT INTO test.t3 VALUES ('Yes', 1, NULL, 'spamfilter','scan_incoming');
INSERT INTO test.t2 VALUES ('Yes', 1, NULL, 'spamfilter','scan_incoming');
select * from test.t2;
value domain_id mailaccount_id program keey
Yes 1 NULL spamfilter scan_incoming
select * from test.t3;
value domain_id mailaccount_id program keey
No 5 NULL spamfilter scan_incoming
Yes 1 NULL spamfilter scan_incoming
select * from test.t2;
value domain_id mailaccount_id program keey
Yes 1 NULL spamfilter scan_incoming
select * from test.t3;
value domain_id mailaccount_id program keey
No 5 NULL spamfilter scan_incoming
Yes 1 NULL spamfilter scan_incoming
DELETE FROM test.t1 WHERE id = 1;
2006-02-08 13:08:19 +01:00
SELECT * FROM test.t1 ORDER BY id;
2005-12-22 06:39:02 +01:00
id domain
2 mysql.com
3 earthmotherwear.com
4 yahoo.com
5 example.com
2006-02-08 13:08:19 +01:00
SELECT * FROM test.t1 ORDER BY id;
id domain
2 mysql.com
3 earthmotherwear.com
4 yahoo.com
5 example.com
SELECT * FROM test.t1 ORDER BY id;
2005-12-22 06:39:02 +01:00
id domain
2 mysql.com
3 earthmotherwear.com
4 yahoo.com
5 example.com
DROP TRIGGER test.t2_ai;
DROP TABLE test.t1;
DROP TABLE test.t2;
DROP TABLE test.t3;