2002-11-05 22:45:42 +02:00
drop table if exists t1,t2,t3;
2001-11-04 16:14:57 +02:00
select from_days(to_days("960101")),to_days(960201)-to_days("19960101"),to_days(date_add(curdate(), interval 1 day))-to_days(curdate()),weekday("1997-11-29");
2000-12-28 03:56:38 +02:00
from_days(to_days("960101")) to_days(960201)-to_days("19960101") to_days(date_add(curdate(), interval 1 day))-to_days(curdate()) weekday("1997-11-29")
1996-01-01 31 1 5
2001-11-04 16:14:57 +02:00
select period_add("9602",-12),period_diff(199505,"9404") ;
2000-12-28 03:56:38 +02:00
period_add("9602",-12) period_diff(199505,"9404")
199502 13
2001-11-04 16:14:57 +02:00
select now()-now(),weekday(curdate())-weekday(now()),unix_timestamp()-unix_timestamp(now());
2000-12-28 03:56:38 +02:00
now()-now() weekday(curdate())-weekday(now()) unix_timestamp()-unix_timestamp(now())
2006-05-02 18:00:44 +05:00
0.000000 0 0
2001-11-04 16:14:57 +02:00
select from_unixtime(unix_timestamp("1994-03-02 10:11:12")),from_unixtime(unix_timestamp("1994-03-02 10:11:12"),"%Y-%m-%d %h:%i:%s"),from_unixtime(unix_timestamp("1994-03-02 10:11:12"))+0;
2000-12-28 03:56:38 +02:00
from_unixtime(unix_timestamp("1994-03-02 10:11:12")) from_unixtime(unix_timestamp("1994-03-02 10:11:12"),"%Y-%m-%d %h:%i:%s") from_unixtime(unix_timestamp("1994-03-02 10:11:12"))+0
2006-05-02 18:00:44 +05:00
1994-03-02 10:11:12 1994-03-02 10:11:12 19940302101112.000000
2001-11-04 16:14:57 +02:00
select sec_to_time(9001),sec_to_time(9001)+0,time_to_sec("15:12:22"),
2001-08-16 12:01:35 -06:00
sec_to_time(9001) sec_to_time(9001)+0 time_to_sec("15:12:22") sec_to_time(time_to_sec("0:30:47")/6.21)
2006-05-02 18:00:44 +05:00
02:30:01 23001.000000 54742 00:04:57
2001-11-05 01:04:08 +02:00
select sec_to_time(time_to_sec('-838:59:59'));
2001-11-04 16:14:57 +02:00
select now()-curdate()*1000000-curtime();
2000-12-28 03:56:38 +02:00
2006-05-02 18:00:44 +05:00
2001-11-04 16:14:57 +02:00
select strcmp(current_timestamp(),concat(current_date()," ",current_time()));
2000-12-28 03:56:38 +02:00
strcmp(current_timestamp(),concat(current_date()," ",current_time()))
2002-11-24 15:47:19 +02:00
select strcmp(localtime(),concat(current_date()," ",current_time()));
strcmp(localtime(),concat(current_date()," ",current_time()))
select strcmp(localtimestamp(),concat(current_date()," ",current_time()));
strcmp(localtimestamp(),concat(current_date()," ",current_time()))
2001-11-04 16:14:57 +02:00
select date_format("1997-01-02 03:04:05", "%M %W %D %Y %y %m %d %h %i %s %w");
2000-12-28 03:56:38 +02:00
date_format("1997-01-02 03:04:05", "%M %W %D %Y %y %m %d %h %i %s %w")
January Thursday 2nd 1997 97 01 02 03 04 05 4
2001-11-04 16:14:57 +02:00
select date_format("1997-01-02", concat("%M %W %D ","%Y %y %m %d %h %i %s %w"));
2000-12-28 03:56:38 +02:00
date_format("1997-01-02", concat("%M %W %D ","%Y %y %m %d %h %i %s %w"))
January Thursday 2nd 1997 97 01 02 12 00 00 4
2001-11-04 16:14:57 +02:00
select dayofmonth("1997-01-02"),dayofmonth(19970323);
2000-12-28 03:56:38 +02:00
dayofmonth("1997-01-02") dayofmonth(19970323)
2 23
2001-11-04 16:14:57 +02:00
select month("1997-01-02"),year("98-02-03"),dayofyear("1997-12-31");
2000-12-28 03:56:38 +02:00
month("1997-01-02") year("98-02-03") dayofyear("1997-12-31")
1 1998 365
2001-11-04 16:14:57 +02:00
select month("2001-02-00"),year("2001-00-00");
2001-05-23 02:40:24 +03:00
month("2001-02-00") year("2001-00-00")
2 2001
2001-11-04 16:14:57 +02:00
select DAYOFYEAR("1997-03-03"), WEEK("1998-03-03"), QUARTER(980303);
2000-12-28 03:56:38 +02:00
DAYOFYEAR("1997-03-03") WEEK("1998-03-03") QUARTER(980303)
62 9 1
2001-11-04 16:14:57 +02:00
select HOUR("1997-03-03 23:03:22"), MINUTE("23:03:22"), SECOND(230322);
2000-12-28 03:56:38 +02:00
HOUR("1997-03-03 23:03:22") MINUTE("23:03:22") SECOND(230322)
23 3 22
2001-11-04 16:14:57 +02:00
select week(19980101),week(19970101),week(19980101,1),week(19970101,1);
2000-12-28 03:56:38 +02:00
week(19980101) week(19970101) week(19980101,1) week(19970101,1)
2001-11-04 16:14:57 +02:00
0 0 1 1
select week(19981231),week(19971231),week(19981231,1),week(19971231,1);
2000-12-28 03:56:38 +02:00
week(19981231) week(19971231) week(19981231,1) week(19971231,1)
2001-11-04 16:14:57 +02:00
52 52 53 53
select week(19950101),week(19950101,1);
2000-12-28 03:56:38 +02:00
week(19950101) week(19950101,1)
1 0
2001-11-04 16:14:57 +02:00
select yearweek('1981-12-31',1),yearweek('1982-01-01',1),yearweek('1982-12-31',1),yearweek('1983-01-01',1);
2000-12-28 03:56:38 +02:00
yearweek('1981-12-31',1) yearweek('1982-01-01',1) yearweek('1982-12-31',1) yearweek('1983-01-01',1)
198153 198153 198252 198252
2001-11-04 16:14:57 +02:00
select yearweek('1987-01-01',1),yearweek('1987-01-01');
yearweek('1987-01-01',1) yearweek('1987-01-01')
198701 198652
select week("2000-01-01",0) as '2000', week("2001-01-01",0) as '2001', week("2002-01-01",0) as '2002',week("2003-01-01",0) as '2003', week("2004-01-01",0) as '2004', week("2005-01-01",0) as '2005', week("2006-01-01",0) as '2006';
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006
0 0 0 0 0 0 1
select week("2000-01-06",0) as '2000', week("2001-01-06",0) as '2001', week("2002-01-06",0) as '2002',week("2003-01-06",0) as '2003', week("2004-01-06",0) as '2004', week("2005-01-06",0) as '2005', week("2006-01-06",0) as '2006';
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006
1 0 1 1 1 1 1
select week("2000-01-01",1) as '2000', week("2001-01-01",1) as '2001', week("2002-01-01",1) as '2002',week("2003-01-01",1) as '2003', week("2004-01-01",1) as '2004', week("2005-01-01",1) as '2005', week("2006-01-01",1) as '2006';
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006
0 1 1 1 1 0 0
select week("2000-01-06",1) as '2000', week("2001-01-06",1) as '2001', week("2002-01-06",1) as '2002',week("2003-01-06",1) as '2003', week("2004-01-06",1) as '2004', week("2005-01-06",1) as '2005', week("2006-01-06",1) as '2006';
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006
1 1 1 2 2 1 1
select yearweek("2000-01-01",0) as '2000', yearweek("2001-01-01",0) as '2001', yearweek("2002-01-01",0) as '2002',yearweek("2003-01-01",0) as '2003', yearweek("2004-01-01",0) as '2004', yearweek("2005-01-01",0) as '2005', yearweek("2006-01-01",0) as '2006';
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006
199952 200053 200152 200252 200352 200452 200601
select yearweek("2000-01-06",0) as '2000', yearweek("2001-01-06",0) as '2001', yearweek("2002-01-06",0) as '2002',yearweek("2003-01-06",0) as '2003', yearweek("2004-01-06",0) as '2004', yearweek("2005-01-06",0) as '2005', yearweek("2006-01-06",0) as '2006';
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006
200001 200053 200201 200301 200401 200501 200601
select yearweek("2000-01-01",1) as '2000', yearweek("2001-01-01",1) as '2001', yearweek("2002-01-01",1) as '2002',yearweek("2003-01-01",1) as '2003', yearweek("2004-01-01",1) as '2004', yearweek("2005-01-01",1) as '2005', yearweek("2006-01-01",1) as '2006';
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006
199952 200101 200201 200301 200401 200453 200552
select yearweek("2000-01-06",1) as '2000', yearweek("2001-01-06",1) as '2001', yearweek("2002-01-06",1) as '2002',yearweek("2003-01-06",1) as '2003', yearweek("2004-01-06",1) as '2004', yearweek("2005-01-06",1) as '2005', yearweek("2006-01-06",1) as '2006';
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006
200001 200101 200201 200302 200402 200501 200601
2002-11-12 12:42:42 +02:00
select week(19981231,2), week(19981231,3), week(20000101,2), week(20000101,3);
week(19981231,2) week(19981231,3) week(20000101,2) week(20000101,3)
52 53 52 52
select week(20001231,2),week(20001231,3);
week(20001231,2) week(20001231,3)
2003-12-07 15:10:21 +04:00
53 52
select week(19981231,0) as '0', week(19981231,1) as '1', week(19981231,2) as '2', week(19981231,3) as '3', week(19981231,4) as '4', week(19981231,5) as '5', week(19981231,6) as '6', week(19981231,7) as '7';
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
52 53 52 53 52 52 52 52
select week(20000101,0) as '0', week(20000101,1) as '1', week(20000101,2) as '2', week(20000101,3) as '3', week(20000101,4) as '4', week(20000101,5) as '5', week(20000101,6) as '6', week(20000101,7) as '7';
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
0 0 52 52 0 0 52 52
select week(20000106,0) as '0', week(20000106,1) as '1', week(20000106,2) as '2', week(20000106,3) as '3', week(20000106,4) as '4', week(20000106,5) as '5', week(20000106,6) as '6', week(20000106,7) as '7';
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
select week(20001231,0) as '0', week(20001231,1) as '1', week(20001231,2) as '2', week(20001231,3) as '3', week(20001231,4) as '4', week(20001231,5) as '5', week(20001231,6) as '6', week(20001231,7) as '7';
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
53 52 53 52 53 52 1 52
select week(20010101,0) as '0', week(20010101,1) as '1', week(20010101,2) as '2', week(20010101,3) as '3', week(20010101,4) as '4', week(20010101,5) as '5', week(20010101,6) as '6', week(20010101,7) as '7';
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
0 1 53 1 1 1 1 1
select yearweek(20001231,0), yearweek(20001231,1), yearweek(20001231,2), yearweek(20001231,3), yearweek(20001231,4), yearweek(20001231,5), yearweek(20001231,6), yearweek(20001231,7);
yearweek(20001231,0) yearweek(20001231,1) yearweek(20001231,2) yearweek(20001231,3) yearweek(20001231,4) yearweek(20001231,5) yearweek(20001231,6) yearweek(20001231,7)
200053 200052 200053 200052 200101 200052 200101 200052
set default_week_format = 6;
select week(20001231), week(20001231,6);
week(20001231) week(20001231,6)
1 1
set default_week_format = 0;
2003-02-19 17:05:35 +05:00
set default_week_format = 2;
select week(20001231),week(20001231,2),week(20001231,0);
week(20001231) week(20001231,2) week(20001231,0)
2003-12-07 15:10:21 +04:00
53 53 53
2003-02-19 17:05:35 +05:00
set default_week_format = 0;
2001-11-04 16:14:57 +02:00
select date_format('1998-12-31','%x-%v'),date_format('1999-01-01','%x-%v');
2000-12-28 03:56:38 +02:00
date_format('1998-12-31','%x-%v') date_format('1999-01-01','%x-%v')
1998-53 1998-53
2001-11-04 16:14:57 +02:00
select date_format('1999-12-31','%x-%v'),date_format('2000-01-01','%x-%v');
2000-12-28 03:56:38 +02:00
date_format('1999-12-31','%x-%v') date_format('2000-01-01','%x-%v')
1999-52 1999-52
2001-11-04 16:14:57 +02:00
select dayname("1962-03-03"),dayname("1962-03-03")+0;
2000-12-28 03:56:38 +02:00
dayname("1962-03-03") dayname("1962-03-03")+0
Saturday 5
2001-11-04 16:14:57 +02:00
select monthname("1972-03-04"),monthname("1972-03-04")+0;
2000-12-28 03:56:38 +02:00
monthname("1972-03-04") monthname("1972-03-04")+0
March 3
2001-11-04 16:14:57 +02:00
select time_format(19980131000000,'%H|%I|%k|%l|%i|%p|%r|%S|%T');
2000-12-28 03:56:38 +02:00
00|12|0|12|00|AM|12:00:00 AM|00|00:00:00
2001-11-04 16:14:57 +02:00
select time_format(19980131010203,'%H|%I|%k|%l|%i|%p|%r|%S|%T');
2000-12-28 03:56:38 +02:00
01|01|1|1|02|AM|01:02:03 AM|03|01:02:03
2001-11-04 16:14:57 +02:00
select time_format(19980131131415,'%H|%I|%k|%l|%i|%p|%r|%S|%T');
2000-12-28 03:56:38 +02:00
13|01|13|1|14|PM|01:14:15 PM|15|13:14:15
2001-11-04 16:14:57 +02:00
select time_format(19980131010015,'%H|%I|%k|%l|%i|%p|%r|%S|%T');
2000-12-28 03:56:38 +02:00
01|01|1|1|00|AM|01:00:15 AM|15|01:00:15
2001-11-04 16:14:57 +02:00
select date_format(concat('19980131',131415),'%H|%I|%k|%l|%i|%p|%r|%S|%T| %M|%W|%D|%Y|%y|%a|%b|%j|%m|%d|%h|%s|%w');
2000-12-28 03:56:38 +02:00
date_format(concat('19980131',131415),'%H|%I|%k|%l|%i|%p|%r|%S|%T| %M|%W|%D|%Y|%y|%a|%b|%j|%m|%d|%h|%s|%w')
13|01|13|1|14|PM|01:14:15 PM|15|13:14:15| January|Saturday|31st|1998|98|Sat|Jan|031|01|31|01|15|6
2001-11-04 16:14:57 +02:00
select date_format(19980021000000,'%H|%I|%k|%l|%i|%p|%r|%S|%T| %M|%W|%D|%Y|%y|%a|%b|%j|%m|%d|%h|%s|%w');
2000-12-28 03:56:38 +02:00
date_format(19980021000000,'%H|%I|%k|%l|%i|%p|%r|%S|%T| %M|%W|%D|%Y|%y|%a|%b|%j|%m|%d|%h|%s|%w')
2001-11-04 16:14:57 +02:00
select date_add("1997-12-31 23:59:59",INTERVAL 1 SECOND);
2000-12-28 03:56:38 +02:00
date_add("1997-12-31 23:59:59",INTERVAL 1 SECOND)
1998-01-01 00:00:00
2001-11-04 16:14:57 +02:00
select date_add("1997-12-31 23:59:59",INTERVAL 1 MINUTE);
2000-12-28 03:56:38 +02:00
date_add("1997-12-31 23:59:59",INTERVAL 1 MINUTE)
1998-01-01 00:00:59
2001-11-04 16:14:57 +02:00
select date_add("1997-12-31 23:59:59",INTERVAL 1 HOUR);
2000-12-28 03:56:38 +02:00
date_add("1997-12-31 23:59:59",INTERVAL 1 HOUR)
1998-01-01 00:59:59
2001-11-04 16:14:57 +02:00
select date_add("1997-12-31 23:59:59",INTERVAL 1 DAY);
2000-12-28 03:56:38 +02:00
date_add("1997-12-31 23:59:59",INTERVAL 1 DAY)
1998-01-01 23:59:59
2001-11-04 16:14:57 +02:00
select date_add("1997-12-31 23:59:59",INTERVAL 1 MONTH);
2000-12-28 03:56:38 +02:00
date_add("1997-12-31 23:59:59",INTERVAL 1 MONTH)
1998-01-31 23:59:59
2001-11-04 16:14:57 +02:00
select date_add("1997-12-31 23:59:59",INTERVAL 1 YEAR);
2000-12-28 03:56:38 +02:00
date_add("1997-12-31 23:59:59",INTERVAL 1 YEAR)
1998-12-31 23:59:59
2001-11-04 16:14:57 +02:00
select date_add("1997-12-31 23:59:59",INTERVAL "1:1" MINUTE_SECOND);
2000-12-28 03:56:38 +02:00
date_add("1997-12-31 23:59:59",INTERVAL "1:1" MINUTE_SECOND)
1998-01-01 00:01:00
2001-11-04 16:14:57 +02:00
select date_add("1997-12-31 23:59:59",INTERVAL "1:1" HOUR_MINUTE);
2000-12-28 03:56:38 +02:00
date_add("1997-12-31 23:59:59",INTERVAL "1:1" HOUR_MINUTE)
1998-01-01 01:00:59
2001-11-04 16:14:57 +02:00
select date_add("1997-12-31 23:59:59",INTERVAL "1:1" DAY_HOUR);
2000-12-28 03:56:38 +02:00
date_add("1997-12-31 23:59:59",INTERVAL "1:1" DAY_HOUR)
1998-01-02 00:59:59
2001-11-04 16:14:57 +02:00
select date_add("1997-12-31 23:59:59",INTERVAL "1 1" YEAR_MONTH);
2000-12-28 03:56:38 +02:00
date_add("1997-12-31 23:59:59",INTERVAL "1 1" YEAR_MONTH)
1999-01-31 23:59:59
2001-11-04 16:14:57 +02:00
select date_add("1997-12-31 23:59:59",INTERVAL "1:1:1" HOUR_SECOND);
2000-12-28 03:56:38 +02:00
date_add("1997-12-31 23:59:59",INTERVAL "1:1:1" HOUR_SECOND)
1998-01-01 01:01:00
2001-11-04 16:14:57 +02:00
select date_add("1997-12-31 23:59:59",INTERVAL "1 1:1" DAY_MINUTE);
2000-12-28 03:56:38 +02:00
date_add("1997-12-31 23:59:59",INTERVAL "1 1:1" DAY_MINUTE)
1998-01-02 01:00:59
2001-11-04 16:14:57 +02:00
select date_add("1997-12-31 23:59:59",INTERVAL "1 1:1:1" DAY_SECOND);
2000-12-28 03:56:38 +02:00
date_add("1997-12-31 23:59:59",INTERVAL "1 1:1:1" DAY_SECOND)
1998-01-02 01:01:00
2001-11-04 16:14:57 +02:00
select date_sub("1998-01-01 00:00:00",INTERVAL 1 SECOND);
2000-12-28 03:56:38 +02:00
date_sub("1998-01-01 00:00:00",INTERVAL 1 SECOND)
1997-12-31 23:59:59
2001-11-04 16:14:57 +02:00
select date_sub("1998-01-01 00:00:00",INTERVAL 1 MINUTE);
2000-12-28 03:56:38 +02:00
date_sub("1998-01-01 00:00:00",INTERVAL 1 MINUTE)
1997-12-31 23:59:00
2001-11-04 16:14:57 +02:00
select date_sub("1998-01-01 00:00:00",INTERVAL 1 HOUR);
2000-12-28 03:56:38 +02:00
date_sub("1998-01-01 00:00:00",INTERVAL 1 HOUR)
1997-12-31 23:00:00
2001-11-04 16:14:57 +02:00
select date_sub("1998-01-01 00:00:00",INTERVAL 1 DAY);
2000-12-28 03:56:38 +02:00
date_sub("1998-01-01 00:00:00",INTERVAL 1 DAY)
1997-12-31 00:00:00
2001-11-04 16:14:57 +02:00
select date_sub("1998-01-01 00:00:00",INTERVAL 1 MONTH);
2000-12-28 03:56:38 +02:00
date_sub("1998-01-01 00:00:00",INTERVAL 1 MONTH)
1997-12-01 00:00:00
2001-11-04 16:14:57 +02:00
select date_sub("1998-01-01 00:00:00",INTERVAL 1 YEAR);
2000-12-28 03:56:38 +02:00
date_sub("1998-01-01 00:00:00",INTERVAL 1 YEAR)
1997-01-01 00:00:00
2001-11-04 16:14:57 +02:00
select date_sub("1998-01-01 00:00:00",INTERVAL "1:1" MINUTE_SECOND);
2000-12-28 03:56:38 +02:00
date_sub("1998-01-01 00:00:00",INTERVAL "1:1" MINUTE_SECOND)
1997-12-31 23:58:59
2001-11-04 16:14:57 +02:00
select date_sub("1998-01-01 00:00:00",INTERVAL "1:1" HOUR_MINUTE);
2000-12-28 03:56:38 +02:00
date_sub("1998-01-01 00:00:00",INTERVAL "1:1" HOUR_MINUTE)
1997-12-31 22:59:00
2001-11-04 16:14:57 +02:00
select date_sub("1998-01-01 00:00:00",INTERVAL "1:1" DAY_HOUR);
2000-12-28 03:56:38 +02:00
date_sub("1998-01-01 00:00:00",INTERVAL "1:1" DAY_HOUR)
1997-12-30 23:00:00
2001-11-04 16:14:57 +02:00
select date_sub("1998-01-01 00:00:00",INTERVAL "1 1" YEAR_MONTH);
2000-12-28 03:56:38 +02:00
date_sub("1998-01-01 00:00:00",INTERVAL "1 1" YEAR_MONTH)
1996-12-01 00:00:00
2001-11-04 16:14:57 +02:00
select date_sub("1998-01-01 00:00:00",INTERVAL "1:1:1" HOUR_SECOND);
2000-12-28 03:56:38 +02:00
date_sub("1998-01-01 00:00:00",INTERVAL "1:1:1" HOUR_SECOND)
1997-12-31 22:58:59
2001-11-04 16:14:57 +02:00
select date_sub("1998-01-01 00:00:00",INTERVAL "1 1:1" DAY_MINUTE);
2000-12-28 03:56:38 +02:00
date_sub("1998-01-01 00:00:00",INTERVAL "1 1:1" DAY_MINUTE)
1997-12-30 22:59:00
2001-11-04 16:14:57 +02:00
select date_sub("1998-01-01 00:00:00",INTERVAL "1 1:1:1" DAY_SECOND);
2000-12-28 03:56:38 +02:00
date_sub("1998-01-01 00:00:00",INTERVAL "1 1:1:1" DAY_SECOND)
1997-12-30 22:58:59
2001-11-04 16:14:57 +02:00
select date_add("1997-12-31 23:59:59",INTERVAL 100000 SECOND);
2000-12-28 03:56:38 +02:00
date_add("1997-12-31 23:59:59",INTERVAL 100000 SECOND)
1998-01-02 03:46:39
2001-11-04 16:14:57 +02:00
select date_add("1997-12-31 23:59:59",INTERVAL -100000 MINUTE);
2000-12-28 03:56:38 +02:00
date_add("1997-12-31 23:59:59",INTERVAL -100000 MINUTE)
1997-10-23 13:19:59
2001-11-04 16:14:57 +02:00
select date_add("1997-12-31 23:59:59",INTERVAL 100000 HOUR);
2000-12-28 03:56:38 +02:00
date_add("1997-12-31 23:59:59",INTERVAL 100000 HOUR)
2009-05-29 15:59:59
2001-11-04 16:14:57 +02:00
select date_add("1997-12-31 23:59:59",INTERVAL -100000 DAY);
2000-12-28 03:56:38 +02:00
date_add("1997-12-31 23:59:59",INTERVAL -100000 DAY)
1724-03-17 23:59:59
2001-11-04 16:14:57 +02:00
select date_add("1997-12-31 23:59:59",INTERVAL 100000 MONTH);
2000-12-28 03:56:38 +02:00
date_add("1997-12-31 23:59:59",INTERVAL 100000 MONTH)
2001-11-04 16:14:57 +02:00
select date_add("1997-12-31 23:59:59",INTERVAL -100000 YEAR);
2000-12-28 03:56:38 +02:00
date_add("1997-12-31 23:59:59",INTERVAL -100000 YEAR)
2001-11-04 16:14:57 +02:00
select date_add("1997-12-31 23:59:59",INTERVAL "10000:1" MINUTE_SECOND);
2000-12-28 03:56:38 +02:00
date_add("1997-12-31 23:59:59",INTERVAL "10000:1" MINUTE_SECOND)
1998-01-07 22:40:00
2001-11-04 16:14:57 +02:00
select date_add("1997-12-31 23:59:59",INTERVAL "-10000:1" HOUR_MINUTE);
2000-12-28 03:56:38 +02:00
date_add("1997-12-31 23:59:59",INTERVAL "-10000:1" HOUR_MINUTE)
1996-11-10 07:58:59
2001-11-04 16:14:57 +02:00
select date_add("1997-12-31 23:59:59",INTERVAL "10000:1" DAY_HOUR);
2000-12-28 03:56:38 +02:00
date_add("1997-12-31 23:59:59",INTERVAL "10000:1" DAY_HOUR)
2025-05-19 00:59:59
2001-11-04 16:14:57 +02:00
select date_add("1997-12-31 23:59:59",INTERVAL "-100 1" YEAR_MONTH);
2000-12-28 03:56:38 +02:00
date_add("1997-12-31 23:59:59",INTERVAL "-100 1" YEAR_MONTH)
1897-11-30 23:59:59
2001-11-04 16:14:57 +02:00
select date_add("1997-12-31 23:59:59",INTERVAL "10000:99:99" HOUR_SECOND);
2000-12-28 03:56:38 +02:00
date_add("1997-12-31 23:59:59",INTERVAL "10000:99:99" HOUR_SECOND)
1999-02-21 17:40:38
2001-11-04 16:14:57 +02:00
select date_add("1997-12-31 23:59:59",INTERVAL " -10000 99:99" DAY_MINUTE);
2000-12-28 03:56:38 +02:00
date_add("1997-12-31 23:59:59",INTERVAL " -10000 99:99" DAY_MINUTE)
1970-08-11 19:20:59
2001-11-04 16:14:57 +02:00
select date_add("1997-12-31 23:59:59",INTERVAL "10000 99:99:99" DAY_SECOND);
2000-12-28 03:56:38 +02:00
date_add("1997-12-31 23:59:59",INTERVAL "10000 99:99:99" DAY_SECOND)
2025-05-23 04:40:38
2001-11-04 16:14:57 +02:00
select "1997-12-31 23:59:59" + INTERVAL 1 SECOND;
2000-12-28 03:56:38 +02:00
"1997-12-31 23:59:59" + INTERVAL 1 SECOND
1998-01-01 00:00:00
2001-11-04 16:14:57 +02:00
select INTERVAL 1 DAY + "1997-12-31";
2000-12-28 03:56:38 +02:00
INTERVAL 1 DAY + "1997-12-31"
2001-11-04 16:14:57 +02:00
select "1998-01-01 00:00:00" - INTERVAL 1 SECOND;
2000-12-28 03:56:38 +02:00
"1998-01-01 00:00:00" - INTERVAL 1 SECOND
1997-12-31 23:59:59
2001-11-04 16:14:57 +02:00
select date_sub("1998-01-02",INTERVAL 31 DAY);
2000-12-28 03:56:38 +02:00
date_sub("1998-01-02",INTERVAL 31 DAY)
2001-11-04 16:14:57 +02:00
select date_add("1997-12-31",INTERVAL 1 SECOND);
2000-12-28 03:56:38 +02:00
date_add("1997-12-31",INTERVAL 1 SECOND)
1997-12-31 00:00:01
2001-11-04 16:14:57 +02:00
select date_add("1997-12-31",INTERVAL 1 DAY);
2000-12-28 03:56:38 +02:00
date_add("1997-12-31",INTERVAL 1 DAY)
2001-11-04 16:14:57 +02:00
select date_add(NULL,INTERVAL 100000 SECOND);
2000-12-28 03:56:38 +02:00
date_add(NULL,INTERVAL 100000 SECOND)
2001-11-04 16:14:57 +02:00
select date_add("1997-12-31 23:59:59",INTERVAL NULL SECOND);
2000-12-28 03:56:38 +02:00
date_add("1997-12-31 23:59:59",INTERVAL NULL SECOND)
2001-11-04 16:14:57 +02:00
select date_add("1997-12-31 23:59:59",INTERVAL NULL MINUTE_SECOND);
2000-12-28 03:56:38 +02:00
date_add("1997-12-31 23:59:59",INTERVAL NULL MINUTE_SECOND)
2001-11-04 16:14:57 +02:00
select date_add("9999-12-31 23:59:59",INTERVAL 1 SECOND);
2000-12-28 03:56:38 +02:00
date_add("9999-12-31 23:59:59",INTERVAL 1 SECOND)
2001-11-04 16:14:57 +02:00
select date_sub("0000-00-00 00:00:00",INTERVAL 1 SECOND);
2000-12-28 03:56:38 +02:00
date_sub("0000-00-00 00:00:00",INTERVAL 1 SECOND)
2001-11-04 16:14:57 +02:00
select date_add('1998-01-30',Interval 1 month);
2000-12-28 03:56:38 +02:00
date_add('1998-01-30',Interval 1 month)
2001-11-04 16:14:57 +02:00
select date_add('1998-01-30',Interval '2:1' year_month);
2000-12-28 03:56:38 +02:00
date_add('1998-01-30',Interval '2:1' year_month)
2001-11-04 16:14:57 +02:00
select date_add('1996-02-29',Interval '1' year);
2000-12-28 03:56:38 +02:00
date_add('1996-02-29',Interval '1' year)
2001-11-04 16:14:57 +02:00
select extract(YEAR FROM "1999-01-02 10:11:12");
2000-12-28 03:56:38 +02:00
extract(YEAR FROM "1999-01-02 10:11:12")
2001-11-04 16:14:57 +02:00
select extract(YEAR_MONTH FROM "1999-01-02");
2000-12-28 03:56:38 +02:00
extract(YEAR_MONTH FROM "1999-01-02")
2001-11-04 16:14:57 +02:00
select extract(DAY FROM "1999-01-02");
2000-12-28 03:56:38 +02:00
extract(DAY FROM "1999-01-02")
2001-11-04 16:14:57 +02:00
select extract(DAY_HOUR FROM "1999-01-02 10:11:12");
2000-12-28 03:56:38 +02:00
extract(DAY_HOUR FROM "1999-01-02 10:11:12")
2001-11-04 16:14:57 +02:00
select extract(DAY_MINUTE FROM "02 10:11:12");
2000-12-28 03:56:38 +02:00
extract(DAY_MINUTE FROM "02 10:11:12")
2001-11-04 16:14:57 +02:00
select extract(DAY_SECOND FROM "225 10:11:12");
2000-12-28 03:56:38 +02:00
extract(DAY_SECOND FROM "225 10:11:12")
2006-10-04 17:13:32 +04:00
Warning 1292 Truncated incorrect time value: '225 10:11:12'
2001-11-04 16:14:57 +02:00
select extract(HOUR FROM "1999-01-02 10:11:12");
2000-12-28 03:56:38 +02:00
extract(HOUR FROM "1999-01-02 10:11:12")
2001-11-04 16:14:57 +02:00
select extract(HOUR_MINUTE FROM "10:11:12");
2000-12-28 03:56:38 +02:00
extract(HOUR_MINUTE FROM "10:11:12")
2001-11-04 16:14:57 +02:00
select extract(HOUR_SECOND FROM "10:11:12");
2000-12-28 03:56:38 +02:00
extract(HOUR_SECOND FROM "10:11:12")
2001-11-04 16:14:57 +02:00
select extract(MINUTE FROM "10:11:12");
2000-12-28 03:56:38 +02:00
extract(MINUTE FROM "10:11:12")
2001-11-04 16:14:57 +02:00
select extract(MINUTE_SECOND FROM "10:11:12");
2000-12-28 03:56:38 +02:00
extract(MINUTE_SECOND FROM "10:11:12")
2001-11-04 16:14:57 +02:00
select extract(SECOND FROM "1999-01-02 10:11:12");
2000-12-28 03:56:38 +02:00
extract(SECOND FROM "1999-01-02 10:11:12")
2001-11-04 16:14:57 +02:00
select extract(MONTH FROM "2001-02-00");
2001-05-23 02:40:24 +03:00
extract(MONTH FROM "2001-02-00")
2006-06-27 19:33:59 +04:00
SELECT DATE_SUB(str_to_date('9999-12-31 00:01:00','%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s'), INTERVAL 1 MINUTE);
DATE_SUB(str_to_date('9999-12-31 00:01:00','%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s'), INTERVAL 1 MINUTE)
9999-12-31 00:00:00
SELECT DATE_ADD(str_to_date('9999-12-30 23:59:00','%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s'), INTERVAL 1 MINUTE);
DATE_ADD(str_to_date('9999-12-30 23:59:00','%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s'), INTERVAL 1 MINUTE)
9999-12-31 00:00:00
2004-04-28 17:45:08 +03:00
SELECT "1900-01-01 00:00:00" + INTERVAL 2147483648 SECOND;
"1900-01-01 00:00:00" + INTERVAL 2147483648 SECOND
1968-01-20 03:14:08
SELECT "1900-01-01 00:00:00" + INTERVAL "1:2147483647" MINUTE_SECOND;
"1900-01-01 00:00:00" + INTERVAL "1:2147483647" MINUTE_SECOND
1968-01-20 03:15:07
SELECT "1900-01-01 00:00:00" + INTERVAL "100000000:214748364700" MINUTE_SECOND;
"1900-01-01 00:00:00" + INTERVAL "100000000:214748364700" MINUTE_SECOND
8895-03-27 22:11:40
SELECT "1900-01-01 00:00:00" + INTERVAL 1<<37 SECOND;
"1900-01-01 00:00:00" + INTERVAL 1<<37 SECOND
6255-04-08 15:04:32
SELECT "1900-01-01 00:00:00" + INTERVAL 1<<31 MINUTE;
"1900-01-01 00:00:00" + INTERVAL 1<<31 MINUTE
5983-01-24 02:08:00
SELECT "1900-01-01 00:00:00" + INTERVAL 1<<20 HOUR;
"1900-01-01 00:00:00" + INTERVAL 1<<20 HOUR
2019-08-15 16:00:00
SELECT "1900-01-01 00:00:00" + INTERVAL 1<<38 SECOND;
"1900-01-01 00:00:00" + INTERVAL 1<<38 SECOND
SELECT "1900-01-01 00:00:00" + INTERVAL 1<<33 MINUTE;
"1900-01-01 00:00:00" + INTERVAL 1<<33 MINUTE
SELECT "1900-01-01 00:00:00" + INTERVAL 1<<30 HOUR;
"1900-01-01 00:00:00" + INTERVAL 1<<30 HOUR
SELECT "1900-01-01 00:00:00" + INTERVAL "1000000000:214748364700" MINUTE_SECOND;
"1900-01-01 00:00:00" + INTERVAL "1000000000:214748364700" MINUTE_SECOND
2001-11-04 16:14:57 +02:00
create table t1 (ctime varchar(20));
insert into t1 values ('2001-01-12 12:23:40');
select ctime, hour(ctime) from t1;
2001-01-15 21:21:06 +02:00
ctime hour(ctime)
2001-01-12 12:23:40 12
2003-06-11 22:07:23 +05:00
select ctime from t1 where extract(MONTH FROM ctime) = 1 AND extract(YEAR FROM ctime) = 2001;
2001-01-12 12:23:40
2001-11-04 16:14:57 +02:00
drop table t1;
create table t1 (id int);
create table t2 (id int, date date);
insert into t1 values (1);
insert into t2 values (1, "0000-00-00");
insert into t1 values (2);
insert into t2 values (2, "2000-01-01");
select monthname(date) from t1 inner join t2 on t1.id = t2.id;
2001-01-31 04:47:25 +02:00
2001-11-04 16:14:57 +02:00
select monthname(date) from t1 inner join t2 on t1.id = t2.id order by t1.id;
2001-01-31 04:47:25 +02:00
2001-11-04 16:14:57 +02:00
drop table t1,t2;
2003-12-10 04:31:42 +00:00
CREATE TABLE t1 (updated text) ENGINE=MyISAM;
2001-11-04 16:14:57 +02:00
SELECT month(updated) from t1;
2001-04-09 21:08:56 +03:00
WL#1264 "Per-thread time zone support infrastructure".
Added basic per-thread time zone functionality (based on public
domain elsie-code). Now user can select current time zone
(from the list of time zones described in system tables).
All NOW-like functions honor this time zone, values of TIMESTAMP
type are interpreted as values in this time zone, so now
our TIMESTAMP type behaves similar to Oracle's TIMESTAMP WITH
LOCAL TIME ZONE (or proper PostgresSQL type).
WL#1266 "CONVERT_TZ() - basic time with time zone conversion
Fixed problems described in Bug #2336 (Different number of warnings
when inserting bad datetime as string or as number). This required
reworking of datetime realted warning hadling (they now generated
at Field object level not in conversion functions).
Optimization: Now Field class descendants use table->in_use member
instead of current_thd macro.
Added macro for reading of 32-bit ints stored in network order from
unaligned memory location.
Added error-code for invalid timestamp warning and error-code
for wrong or unknown time zone specification.
Added main per-thread time zone support file to libmysqld
Added initialization of time zones infrastructure to embedded server.
Updated test result since now mysql database contains more
system tables.
Now when truncation occurs during conversion to datetime value we are producing Warnings
instead of Notes. Also we are giving more clear warnings about this in some cases.
New warnings about truncation occured during conversion to datetime value added due
their better handling.
New warnings about truncation occured during conversion to datetime value added due
their better handling.
New warnings about truncation occured during conversion to datetime value added due
their better handling. Also tweaked test a bit to made it less ambigious for reader.
Updated test result because new system tables holding time zone descriptions were
Updated timezone.test to use new system variable which shows system time zone.
Added test of warning which is produced if someone tries to store non-existing (due
falling into spring time-gap) datetime value into TIMESTAMP field.
Separated and extended test of values and warnings produced for bad values stored in
Now we are producing more consistent warning when we are truncating datetime value while
storing it in TIME field.
Separated and extended test of values and warnings produced for bad
values stored in TIMESTAMP fields.
Updated test to make it less ambigous for reader.
Updated timezone.test to use new system variable which shows system time zone.
Added test of warning which is produced if someone tries to store non-existing (due
falling into spring time-gap) datetime value into TIMESTAMP field.
Separated and extended test of values and warnings produced for bad
values stored in DATETTIME fields.
Separated and extended test of values and warnings produced for bad
values stored in TIMESTAMP fields.
Added creation of tables with time zone descriptions.
Also added descriptions of time zones used in tests.
Added mysql.time_zone* tables family.
Added files implementing time zone support to server, also added
rules for building of mysql_tzinfo_to_sql converter and test_time
Now we are using per-thread time zone for TIMESTAMP <-> whatever conversion.
Fixed generation of warnings for datetime types (DATETIME/TIMESTAMP/DATE/...) and
any other Field to datetime conversion (now we are generating warnings no in lower
level functions like in str_to_TIME() but in Field methods. This allows generate
better and more consistent warnings and to reuse code of str_to_TIME() outside of
Added 3rd parameter to set_warning() method to be able to not increment cut fields
but still produce a warning. Also added set_datetime_warning() family of auxiliary
methods which allow easier generate datetime related warnings.
Also replaced occurences of current_thd with table->in_use member, added
asserts for catching all places there we need to set table->in_use
accordingly. Renamed fix_datetime() function to number_to_TIME() and
moved it to sql/time.cc there it fits better.
Added comment about places where we can use table->in_use member
instead of current_thd.
Added 3rd parameter to Field::set_warning() method and set_datetime_warning()
family of methods.
Field::set_warning() method with 2 arguments was replaced with more
generic set_warning() method with 3 arguments.
Now we set table->in_use for temporary tables so we have to use
table->tmp_table for checking if table is temporary.
Replaced calls to str_to_time() and str_to_TIME() funcs with their warning
generating analogs.
Added creation of CONVERT_TZ function as FUNC_ARG3.
Added creation of CONVERT_TZ function as FUNC_ARG3.
Added support of per-thread time zone to NOW-like and FROM_UNIXTIME,
Added support for CONVERT_TZ function.
Removed call to str_to_timestamp function which caused non-optimal
behavior in certain cases. Replaced calls to str_to_time() function
with its warning generating analog.
Added support of per-thread time zone to NOW-like and
Added support of CONVERT_TZ function.
Added support of CONVERT_TZ function.
Added support for replication of statements depending on time zone.
Now including headers with per-thread time zone support functions
and classes. Added portable replacement of time_t - my_time_t type.
Added time zone as one of query distinguishing parameters for
query cache.
Fixed declarations of str_to_TIME, str_to_time and
my_system_gmt_sec (former my_gmt_sec) since now they have one more
out parameter which informs about wrong datetime value or data
truncation during conversion.
Added warning generating version of str_to_TIME() and str_to_time()
Thrown away str_to_datetime/timestamp functions since they are not
needed any longer. Added number_to_TIME function.
Added per-thread time zone support initialization.
Added new startup parameter --default-time-zone.
Added support for per-thread time_zone variable.
Renamed old timezone variable to system_time_zone.
Added support for per-thread time_zone variable.
Added error message for barking when incorrect time zone name or
specifiaction is provided and for warning about invalid TIMESTAMP
values (e.g. falling into the spring time-gap).
Added error message for barking when incorrect time zone name or
specifiaction is provided and for warning about invalid TIMESTAMP
values (e.g. falling into the spring time-gap).
Added error message for barking when incorrect time zone name or
specifiaction is provided and for warning about invalid TIMESTAMP
values (e.g. falling into the spring time-gap).
Added error message for barking when incorrect time zone name or
specifiaction is provided and for warning about invalid TIMESTAMP
values (e.g. falling into the spring time-gap).
Added error message for barking when incorrect time zone name or
specifiaction is provided and for warning about invalid TIMESTAMP
values (e.g. falling into the spring time-gap).
Added error message for barking when incorrect time zone name or
specifiaction is provided and for warning about invalid TIMESTAMP
values (e.g. falling into the spring time-gap).
Added error message for barking when incorrect time zone name or
specifiaction is provided and for warning about invalid TIMESTAMP
values (e.g. falling into the spring time-gap).
Added error message for barking when incorrect time zone name or
specifiaction is provided and for warning about invalid TIMESTAMP
values (e.g. falling into the spring time-gap).
Added error message for barking when incorrect time zone name or
specifiaction is provided and for warning about invalid TIMESTAMP
values (e.g. falling into the spring time-gap).
Added error message for barking when incorrect time zone name or
specifiaction is provided and for warning about invalid TIMESTAMP
values (e.g. falling into the spring time-gap).
Added error message for barking when incorrect time zone name or
specifiaction is provided and for warning about invalid TIMESTAMP
values (e.g. falling into the spring time-gap).
Added error message for barking when incorrect time zone name or
specifiaction is provided and for warning about invalid TIMESTAMP
values (e.g. falling into the spring time-gap).
Added error message for barking when incorrect time zone name or
specifiaction is provided and for warning about invalid TIMESTAMP
values (e.g. falling into the spring time-gap).
Added error message for barking when incorrect time zone name or
specifiaction is provided and for warning about invalid TIMESTAMP
values (e.g. falling into the spring time-gap).
Added error message for barking when incorrect time zone name or
specifiaction is provided and for warning about invalid TIMESTAMP
values (e.g. falling into the spring time-gap).
Added error message for barking when incorrect time zone name or
specifiaction is provided and for warning about invalid TIMESTAMP
values (e.g. falling into the spring time-gap).
Added error message for barking when incorrect time zone name or
specifiaction is provided and for warning about invalid TIMESTAMP
values (e.g. falling into the spring time-gap).
Added error message for barking when incorrect time zone name or
specifiaction is provided and for warning about invalid TIMESTAMP
values (e.g. falling into the spring time-gap).
Added error message for barking when incorrect time zone name or
specifiaction is provided and for warning about invalid TIMESTAMP
values (e.g. falling into the spring time-gap).
Added error message for barking when incorrect time zone name or
specifiaction is provided and for warning about invalid TIMESTAMP
values (e.g. falling into the spring time-gap).
Added error message for barking when incorrect time zone name or
specifiaction is provided and for warning about invalid TIMESTAMP
values (e.g. falling into the spring time-gap).
Added error message for barking when incorrect time zone name or
specifiaction is provided and for warning about invalid TIMESTAMP
values (e.g. falling into the spring time-gap).
Added error message for barking when incorrect time zone name or
specifiaction is provided and for warning about invalid TIMESTAMP
values (e.g. falling into the spring time-gap).
In order to support replication of statements using time zones in 4.1 we should
ensure that both master and slave have same default time zone.
Now we are setting TABLE::in_use member for all tables (which assume
calls to Field::store or val_ methods).
Added time zone as one more query distinguishing parameter
for query cache.
Added THD::time_zone_used variable indicating that this query
uses per thread time zone.
Added per-thread time zone variable. Added THD::time_zone_used
variable indicating that this query uses per thread time zone
so if this is updating query the time zone should be logged to
We should set TABLE::in_use member pointing to thread which is called
INSERT DELAYED and not to worker thread.
Field::set_warning() now has one more argument now.
Resetting THD::time_zone_used variable in the end of query
Now we are setting TABLE::in_use member for all tables (which assume
calls to Field::store or val_ methods).
Now using per thread time zone for extended show tables.
Added support for per-thread time zones for TIMESTAMP type and
reworked generation of warnings for TIMESTAMP and DATETIME types.
(Introduced new TIME_to_timestamp() function. Removed hours
normalisation from former my_gmt_sec() since it was not working
and not used anywhere now, but breaks parameter constness, added
to this function generation of warning if we are falling in spring
time-gap. Removed str_to_timestamp and str_to_datetime functions
which are no longer used. Moved fix_datetime function from
sql/field.cc to this file as number_to_TIME() function. Added
out parameter for str_to_TIME and str_to_time functions which
indicates if value was truncated during conversion, removed direct
generation of warnings from this functions.)
Now we are setting TABLE::in_use member for all tables (which assume
calls to Field::store or val_ methods).
Added sql/test_time sql/mysql_tzinfo_to_sql libmysqld/tztime.cc to the ignore list
2004-06-18 10:11:31 +04:00
Warning 1292 Truncated incorrect datetime value: ''
2001-11-04 16:14:57 +02:00
SELECT year(updated) from t1;
2001-04-09 21:08:56 +03:00
WL#1264 "Per-thread time zone support infrastructure".
Added basic per-thread time zone functionality (based on public
domain elsie-code). Now user can select current time zone
(from the list of time zones described in system tables).
All NOW-like functions honor this time zone, values of TIMESTAMP
type are interpreted as values in this time zone, so now
our TIMESTAMP type behaves similar to Oracle's TIMESTAMP WITH
LOCAL TIME ZONE (or proper PostgresSQL type).
WL#1266 "CONVERT_TZ() - basic time with time zone conversion
Fixed problems described in Bug #2336 (Different number of warnings
when inserting bad datetime as string or as number). This required
reworking of datetime realted warning hadling (they now generated
at Field object level not in conversion functions).
Optimization: Now Field class descendants use table->in_use member
instead of current_thd macro.
Added macro for reading of 32-bit ints stored in network order from
unaligned memory location.
Added error-code for invalid timestamp warning and error-code
for wrong or unknown time zone specification.
Added main per-thread time zone support file to libmysqld
Added initialization of time zones infrastructure to embedded server.
Updated test result since now mysql database contains more
system tables.
Now when truncation occurs during conversion to datetime value we are producing Warnings
instead of Notes. Also we are giving more clear warnings about this in some cases.
New warnings about truncation occured during conversion to datetime value added due
their better handling.
New warnings about truncation occured during conversion to datetime value added due
their better handling.
New warnings about truncation occured during conversion to datetime value added due
their better handling. Also tweaked test a bit to made it less ambigious for reader.
Updated test result because new system tables holding time zone descriptions were
Updated timezone.test to use new system variable which shows system time zone.
Added test of warning which is produced if someone tries to store non-existing (due
falling into spring time-gap) datetime value into TIMESTAMP field.
Separated and extended test of values and warnings produced for bad values stored in
Now we are producing more consistent warning when we are truncating datetime value while
storing it in TIME field.
Separated and extended test of values and warnings produced for bad
values stored in TIMESTAMP fields.
Updated test to make it less ambigous for reader.
Updated timezone.test to use new system variable which shows system time zone.
Added test of warning which is produced if someone tries to store non-existing (due
falling into spring time-gap) datetime value into TIMESTAMP field.
Separated and extended test of values and warnings produced for bad
values stored in DATETTIME fields.
Separated and extended test of values and warnings produced for bad
values stored in TIMESTAMP fields.
Added creation of tables with time zone descriptions.
Also added descriptions of time zones used in tests.
Added mysql.time_zone* tables family.
Added files implementing time zone support to server, also added
rules for building of mysql_tzinfo_to_sql converter and test_time
Now we are using per-thread time zone for TIMESTAMP <-> whatever conversion.
Fixed generation of warnings for datetime types (DATETIME/TIMESTAMP/DATE/...) and
any other Field to datetime conversion (now we are generating warnings no in lower
level functions like in str_to_TIME() but in Field methods. This allows generate
better and more consistent warnings and to reuse code of str_to_TIME() outside of
Added 3rd parameter to set_warning() method to be able to not increment cut fields
but still produce a warning. Also added set_datetime_warning() family of auxiliary
methods which allow easier generate datetime related warnings.
Also replaced occurences of current_thd with table->in_use member, added
asserts for catching all places there we need to set table->in_use
accordingly. Renamed fix_datetime() function to number_to_TIME() and
moved it to sql/time.cc there it fits better.
Added comment about places where we can use table->in_use member
instead of current_thd.
Added 3rd parameter to Field::set_warning() method and set_datetime_warning()
family of methods.
Field::set_warning() method with 2 arguments was replaced with more
generic set_warning() method with 3 arguments.
Now we set table->in_use for temporary tables so we have to use
table->tmp_table for checking if table is temporary.
Replaced calls to str_to_time() and str_to_TIME() funcs with their warning
generating analogs.
Added creation of CONVERT_TZ function as FUNC_ARG3.
Added creation of CONVERT_TZ function as FUNC_ARG3.
Added support of per-thread time zone to NOW-like and FROM_UNIXTIME,
Added support for CONVERT_TZ function.
Removed call to str_to_timestamp function which caused non-optimal
behavior in certain cases. Replaced calls to str_to_time() function
with its warning generating analog.
Added support of per-thread time zone to NOW-like and
Added support of CONVERT_TZ function.
Added support of CONVERT_TZ function.
Added support for replication of statements depending on time zone.
Now including headers with per-thread time zone support functions
and classes. Added portable replacement of time_t - my_time_t type.
Added time zone as one of query distinguishing parameters for
query cache.
Fixed declarations of str_to_TIME, str_to_time and
my_system_gmt_sec (former my_gmt_sec) since now they have one more
out parameter which informs about wrong datetime value or data
truncation during conversion.
Added warning generating version of str_to_TIME() and str_to_time()
Thrown away str_to_datetime/timestamp functions since they are not
needed any longer. Added number_to_TIME function.
Added per-thread time zone support initialization.
Added new startup parameter --default-time-zone.
Added support for per-thread time_zone variable.
Renamed old timezone variable to system_time_zone.
Added support for per-thread time_zone variable.
Added error message for barking when incorrect time zone name or
specifiaction is provided and for warning about invalid TIMESTAMP
values (e.g. falling into the spring time-gap).
Added error message for barking when incorrect time zone name or
specifiaction is provided and for warning about invalid TIMESTAMP
values (e.g. falling into the spring time-gap).
Added error message for barking when incorrect time zone name or
specifiaction is provided and for warning about invalid TIMESTAMP
values (e.g. falling into the spring time-gap).
Added error message for barking when incorrect time zone name or
specifiaction is provided and for warning about invalid TIMESTAMP
values (e.g. falling into the spring time-gap).
Added error message for barking when incorrect time zone name or
specifiaction is provided and for warning about invalid TIMESTAMP
values (e.g. falling into the spring time-gap).
Added error message for barking when incorrect time zone name or
specifiaction is provided and for warning about invalid TIMESTAMP
values (e.g. falling into the spring time-gap).
Added error message for barking when incorrect time zone name or
specifiaction is provided and for warning about invalid TIMESTAMP
values (e.g. falling into the spring time-gap).
Added error message for barking when incorrect time zone name or
specifiaction is provided and for warning about invalid TIMESTAMP
values (e.g. falling into the spring time-gap).
Added error message for barking when incorrect time zone name or
specifiaction is provided and for warning about invalid TIMESTAMP
values (e.g. falling into the spring time-gap).
Added error message for barking when incorrect time zone name or
specifiaction is provided and for warning about invalid TIMESTAMP
values (e.g. falling into the spring time-gap).
Added error message for barking when incorrect time zone name or
specifiaction is provided and for warning about invalid TIMESTAMP
values (e.g. falling into the spring time-gap).
Added error message for barking when incorrect time zone name or
specifiaction is provided and for warning about invalid TIMESTAMP
values (e.g. falling into the spring time-gap).
Added error message for barking when incorrect time zone name or
specifiaction is provided and for warning about invalid TIMESTAMP
values (e.g. falling into the spring time-gap).
Added error message for barking when incorrect time zone name or
specifiaction is provided and for warning about invalid TIMESTAMP
values (e.g. falling into the spring time-gap).
Added error message for barking when incorrect time zone name or
specifiaction is provided and for warning about invalid TIMESTAMP
values (e.g. falling into the spring time-gap).
Added error message for barking when incorrect time zone name or
specifiaction is provided and for warning about invalid TIMESTAMP
values (e.g. falling into the spring time-gap).
Added error message for barking when incorrect time zone name or
specifiaction is provided and for warning about invalid TIMESTAMP
values (e.g. falling into the spring time-gap).
Added error message for barking when incorrect time zone name or
specifiaction is provided and for warning about invalid TIMESTAMP
values (e.g. falling into the spring time-gap).
Added error message for barking when incorrect time zone name or
specifiaction is provided and for warning about invalid TIMESTAMP
values (e.g. falling into the spring time-gap).
Added error message for barking when incorrect time zone name or
specifiaction is provided and for warning about invalid TIMESTAMP
values (e.g. falling into the spring time-gap).
Added error message for barking when incorrect time zone name or
specifiaction is provided and for warning about invalid TIMESTAMP
values (e.g. falling into the spring time-gap).
Added error message for barking when incorrect time zone name or
specifiaction is provided and for warning about invalid TIMESTAMP
values (e.g. falling into the spring time-gap).
Added error message for barking when incorrect time zone name or
specifiaction is provided and for warning about invalid TIMESTAMP
values (e.g. falling into the spring time-gap).
In order to support replication of statements using time zones in 4.1 we should
ensure that both master and slave have same default time zone.
Now we are setting TABLE::in_use member for all tables (which assume
calls to Field::store or val_ methods).
Added time zone as one more query distinguishing parameter
for query cache.
Added THD::time_zone_used variable indicating that this query
uses per thread time zone.
Added per-thread time zone variable. Added THD::time_zone_used
variable indicating that this query uses per thread time zone
so if this is updating query the time zone should be logged to
We should set TABLE::in_use member pointing to thread which is called
INSERT DELAYED and not to worker thread.
Field::set_warning() now has one more argument now.
Resetting THD::time_zone_used variable in the end of query
Now we are setting TABLE::in_use member for all tables (which assume
calls to Field::store or val_ methods).
Now using per thread time zone for extended show tables.
Added support for per-thread time zones for TIMESTAMP type and
reworked generation of warnings for TIMESTAMP and DATETIME types.
(Introduced new TIME_to_timestamp() function. Removed hours
normalisation from former my_gmt_sec() since it was not working
and not used anywhere now, but breaks parameter constness, added
to this function generation of warning if we are falling in spring
time-gap. Removed str_to_timestamp and str_to_datetime functions
which are no longer used. Moved fix_datetime function from
sql/field.cc to this file as number_to_TIME() function. Added
out parameter for str_to_TIME and str_to_time functions which
indicates if value was truncated during conversion, removed direct
generation of warnings from this functions.)
Now we are setting TABLE::in_use member for all tables (which assume
calls to Field::store or val_ methods).
Added sql/test_time sql/mysql_tzinfo_to_sql libmysqld/tztime.cc to the ignore list
2004-06-18 10:11:31 +04:00
Warning 1292 Truncated incorrect datetime value: ''
2001-11-04 16:14:57 +02:00
drop table t1;
2001-11-05 01:04:08 +02:00
create table t1 (d date, dt datetime, t timestamp, c char(10));
insert into t1 values ("0000-00-00", "0000-00-00", "0000-00-00", "0000-00-00");
select dayofyear("0000-00-00"),dayofyear(d),dayofyear(dt),dayofyear(t),dayofyear(c) from t1;
dayofyear("0000-00-00") dayofyear(d) dayofyear(dt) dayofyear(t) dayofyear(c)
select dayofmonth("0000-00-00"),dayofmonth(d),dayofmonth(dt),dayofmonth(t),dayofmonth(c) from t1;
dayofmonth("0000-00-00") dayofmonth(d) dayofmonth(dt) dayofmonth(t) dayofmonth(c)
0 0 0 0 0
select month("0000-00-00"),month(d),month(dt),month(t),month(c) from t1;
month("0000-00-00") month(d) month(dt) month(t) month(c)
0 0 0 0 0
select quarter("0000-00-00"),quarter(d),quarter(dt),quarter(t),quarter(c) from t1;
quarter("0000-00-00") quarter(d) quarter(dt) quarter(t) quarter(c)
0 0 0 0 0
select week("0000-00-00"),week(d),week(dt),week(t),week(c) from t1;
week("0000-00-00") week(d) week(dt) week(t) week(c)
select year("0000-00-00"),year(d),year(dt),year(t),year(c) from t1;
year("0000-00-00") year(d) year(dt) year(t) year(c)
0 0 0 0 0
select yearweek("0000-00-00"),yearweek(d),yearweek(dt),yearweek(t),yearweek(c) from t1;
yearweek("0000-00-00") yearweek(d) yearweek(dt) yearweek(t) yearweek(c)
select to_days("0000-00-00"),to_days(d),to_days(dt),to_days(t),to_days(c) from t1;
to_days("0000-00-00") to_days(d) to_days(dt) to_days(t) to_days(c)
select extract(MONTH FROM "0000-00-00"),extract(MONTH FROM d),extract(MONTH FROM dt),extract(MONTH FROM t),extract(MONTH FROM c) from t1;
extract(MONTH FROM "0000-00-00") extract(MONTH FROM d) extract(MONTH FROM dt) extract(MONTH FROM t) extract(MONTH FROM c)
0 0 0 0 0
drop table t1;
2002-11-05 22:45:42 +02:00
CREATE TABLE t1 ( start datetime default NULL);
INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ('2002-10-21 00:00:00'),('2002-10-28 00:00:00'),('2002-11-04 00:00:00');
CREATE TABLE t2 ( ctime1 timestamp(14) NOT NULL, ctime2 timestamp(14) NOT NULL);
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (20021029165106,20021105164731);
CREATE TABLE t3 (ctime1 char(19) NOT NULL, ctime2 char(19) NOT NULL);
INSERT INTO t3 VALUES ("2002-10-29 16:51:06","2002-11-05 16:47:31");
select * from t1, t2 where t1.start between t2.ctime1 and t2.ctime2;
start ctime1 ctime2
2002-12-14 17:43:01 +02:00
2002-11-04 00:00:00 2002-10-29 16:51:06 2002-11-05 16:47:31
2002-11-05 22:45:42 +02:00
select * from t1, t2 where t1.start >= t2.ctime1 and t1.start <= t2.ctime2;
start ctime1 ctime2
2002-12-14 17:43:01 +02:00
2002-11-04 00:00:00 2002-10-29 16:51:06 2002-11-05 16:47:31
2002-11-05 22:45:42 +02:00
select * from t1, t3 where t1.start between t3.ctime1 and t3.ctime2;
start ctime1 ctime2
2002-11-04 00:00:00 2002-10-29 16:51:06 2002-11-05 16:47:31
drop table t1,t2,t3;
2003-12-19 16:25:50 +02:00
select @a:=FROM_UNIXTIME(1);
1970-01-01 03:00:01
select unix_timestamp(@a);
select unix_timestamp('1969-12-01 19:00:01');
unix_timestamp('1969-12-01 19:00:01')
2004-12-30 21:18:10 +03:00
select from_unixtime(-1);
2004-11-15 16:11:13 +03:00
2006-11-01 16:47:40 +03:00
select from_unixtime(2147483647);
2038-01-19 06:14:07
select from_unixtime(2147483648);
2004-11-15 16:11:13 +03:00
2004-12-30 21:18:10 +03:00
select from_unixtime(0);
1970-01-01 03:00:00
2006-11-01 16:47:40 +03:00
select unix_timestamp(from_unixtime(2147483647));
select unix_timestamp(from_unixtime(2147483648));
select unix_timestamp('2039-01-20 01:00:00');
unix_timestamp('2039-01-20 01:00:00')
select unix_timestamp('1968-01-20 01:00:00');
unix_timestamp('1968-01-20 01:00:00')
select unix_timestamp('2038-02-10 01:00:00');
unix_timestamp('2038-02-10 01:00:00')
select unix_timestamp('1969-11-20 01:00:00');
unix_timestamp('1969-11-20 01:00:00')
select unix_timestamp('2038-01-20 01:00:00');
unix_timestamp('2038-01-20 01:00:00')
select unix_timestamp('1969-12-30 01:00:00');
unix_timestamp('1969-12-30 01:00:00')
select unix_timestamp('2038-01-17 12:00:00');
unix_timestamp('2038-01-17 12:00:00')
select unix_timestamp('1970-01-01 03:00:01');
unix_timestamp('1970-01-01 03:00:01')
select unix_timestamp('2038-01-19 07:14:07');
unix_timestamp('2038-01-19 07:14:07')
2003-12-19 16:25:50 +02:00
CREATE TABLE t1 (datetime datetime, timestamp timestamp, date date, time time);
INSERT INTO t1 values ("2001-01-02 03:04:05", "2002-01-02 03:04:05", "2003-01-02", "06:07:08");
SELECT * from t1;
datetime timestamp date time
2001-01-02 03:04:05 2002-01-02 03:04:05 2003-01-02 06:07:08
select date_add("1997-12-31",INTERVAL 1 SECOND);
date_add("1997-12-31",INTERVAL 1 SECOND)
1997-12-31 00:00:01
select date_add("1997-12-31",INTERVAL "1 1" YEAR_MONTH);
date_add("1997-12-31",INTERVAL "1 1" YEAR_MONTH)
select date_add(datetime, INTERVAL 1 SECOND) from t1;
date_add(datetime, INTERVAL 1 SECOND)
2001-01-02 03:04:06
select date_add(datetime, INTERVAL 1 YEAR) from t1;
date_add(datetime, INTERVAL 1 YEAR)
2002-01-02 03:04:05
select date_add(date,INTERVAL 1 SECOND) from t1;
date_add(date,INTERVAL 1 SECOND)
2003-01-02 00:00:01
select date_add(date,INTERVAL 1 MINUTE) from t1;
date_add(date,INTERVAL 1 MINUTE)
2003-01-02 00:01:00
select date_add(date,INTERVAL 1 HOUR) from t1;
date_add(date,INTERVAL 1 HOUR)
2003-01-02 01:00:00
select date_add(date,INTERVAL 1 DAY) from t1;
date_add(date,INTERVAL 1 DAY)
select date_add(date,INTERVAL 1 MONTH) from t1;
date_add(date,INTERVAL 1 MONTH)
select date_add(date,INTERVAL 1 YEAR) from t1;
date_add(date,INTERVAL 1 YEAR)
select date_add(date,INTERVAL "1:1" MINUTE_SECOND) from t1;
date_add(date,INTERVAL "1:1" MINUTE_SECOND)
2003-01-02 00:01:01
select date_add(date,INTERVAL "1:1" HOUR_MINUTE) from t1;
date_add(date,INTERVAL "1:1" HOUR_MINUTE)
2003-01-02 01:01:00
select date_add(date,INTERVAL "1:1" DAY_HOUR) from t1;
date_add(date,INTERVAL "1:1" DAY_HOUR)
2003-01-03 01:00:00
select date_add(date,INTERVAL "1 1" YEAR_MONTH) from t1;
date_add(date,INTERVAL "1 1" YEAR_MONTH)
select date_add(date,INTERVAL "1:1:1" HOUR_SECOND) from t1;
date_add(date,INTERVAL "1:1:1" HOUR_SECOND)
2003-01-02 01:01:01
select date_add(date,INTERVAL "1 1:1" DAY_MINUTE) from t1;
date_add(date,INTERVAL "1 1:1" DAY_MINUTE)
2003-01-03 01:01:00
select date_add(date,INTERVAL "1 1:1:1" DAY_SECOND) from t1;
date_add(date,INTERVAL "1 1:1:1" DAY_SECOND)
2003-01-03 01:01:01
select date_add(time,INTERVAL 1 SECOND) from t1;
date_add(time,INTERVAL 1 SECOND)
2004-06-21 10:21:20 +03:00
2004-06-21 11:27:40 +03:00
Warning 1264 Data truncated; out of range for column 'time' at row 1
2003-12-19 16:25:50 +02:00
drop table t1;
select last_day('2000-02-05') as f1, last_day('2002-12-31') as f2,
last_day('2003-03-32') as f3, last_day('2003-04-01') as f4,
last_day('2001-01-01 01:01:01') as f5, last_day(NULL),
f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 last_day(NULL) last_day('2001-02-12')
2000-02-29 2002-12-31 NULL 2003-04-30 2001-01-31 NULL 2001-02-28
WL#1264 "Per-thread time zone support infrastructure".
Added basic per-thread time zone functionality (based on public
domain elsie-code). Now user can select current time zone
(from the list of time zones described in system tables).
All NOW-like functions honor this time zone, values of TIMESTAMP
type are interpreted as values in this time zone, so now
our TIMESTAMP type behaves similar to Oracle's TIMESTAMP WITH
LOCAL TIME ZONE (or proper PostgresSQL type).
WL#1266 "CONVERT_TZ() - basic time with time zone conversion
Fixed problems described in Bug #2336 (Different number of warnings
when inserting bad datetime as string or as number). This required
reworking of datetime realted warning hadling (they now generated
at Field object level not in conversion functions).
Optimization: Now Field class descendants use table->in_use member
instead of current_thd macro.
Added macro for reading of 32-bit ints stored in network order from
unaligned memory location.
Added error-code for invalid timestamp warning and error-code
for wrong or unknown time zone specification.
Added main per-thread time zone support file to libmysqld
Added initialization of time zones infrastructure to embedded server.
Updated test result since now mysql database contains more
system tables.
Now when truncation occurs during conversion to datetime value we are producing Warnings
instead of Notes. Also we are giving more clear warnings about this in some cases.
New warnings about truncation occured during conversion to datetime value added due
their better handling.
New warnings about truncation occured during conversion to datetime value added due
their better handling.
New warnings about truncation occured during conversion to datetime value added due
their better handling. Also tweaked test a bit to made it less ambigious for reader.
Updated test result because new system tables holding time zone descriptions were
Updated timezone.test to use new system variable which shows system time zone.
Added test of warning which is produced if someone tries to store non-existing (due
falling into spring time-gap) datetime value into TIMESTAMP field.
Separated and extended test of values and warnings produced for bad values stored in
Now we are producing more consistent warning when we are truncating datetime value while
storing it in TIME field.
Separated and extended test of values and warnings produced for bad
values stored in TIMESTAMP fields.
Updated test to make it less ambigous for reader.
Updated timezone.test to use new system variable which shows system time zone.
Added test of warning which is produced if someone tries to store non-existing (due
falling into spring time-gap) datetime value into TIMESTAMP field.
Separated and extended test of values and warnings produced for bad
values stored in DATETTIME fields.
Separated and extended test of values and warnings produced for bad
values stored in TIMESTAMP fields.
Added creation of tables with time zone descriptions.
Also added descriptions of time zones used in tests.
Added mysql.time_zone* tables family.
Added files implementing time zone support to server, also added
rules for building of mysql_tzinfo_to_sql converter and test_time
Now we are using per-thread time zone for TIMESTAMP <-> whatever conversion.
Fixed generation of warnings for datetime types (DATETIME/TIMESTAMP/DATE/...) and
any other Field to datetime conversion (now we are generating warnings no in lower
level functions like in str_to_TIME() but in Field methods. This allows generate
better and more consistent warnings and to reuse code of str_to_TIME() outside of
Added 3rd parameter to set_warning() method to be able to not increment cut fields
but still produce a warning. Also added set_datetime_warning() family of auxiliary
methods which allow easier generate datetime related warnings.
Also replaced occurences of current_thd with table->in_use member, added
asserts for catching all places there we need to set table->in_use
accordingly. Renamed fix_datetime() function to number_to_TIME() and
moved it to sql/time.cc there it fits better.
Added comment about places where we can use table->in_use member
instead of current_thd.
Added 3rd parameter to Field::set_warning() method and set_datetime_warning()
family of methods.
Field::set_warning() method with 2 arguments was replaced with more
generic set_warning() method with 3 arguments.
Now we set table->in_use for temporary tables so we have to use
table->tmp_table for checking if table is temporary.
Replaced calls to str_to_time() and str_to_TIME() funcs with their warning
generating analogs.
Added creation of CONVERT_TZ function as FUNC_ARG3.
Added creation of CONVERT_TZ function as FUNC_ARG3.
Added support of per-thread time zone to NOW-like and FROM_UNIXTIME,
Added support for CONVERT_TZ function.
Removed call to str_to_timestamp function which caused non-optimal
behavior in certain cases. Replaced calls to str_to_time() function
with its warning generating analog.
Added support of per-thread time zone to NOW-like and
Added support of CONVERT_TZ function.
Added support of CONVERT_TZ function.
Added support for replication of statements depending on time zone.
Now including headers with per-thread time zone support functions
and classes. Added portable replacement of time_t - my_time_t type.
Added time zone as one of query distinguishing parameters for
query cache.
Fixed declarations of str_to_TIME, str_to_time and
my_system_gmt_sec (former my_gmt_sec) since now they have one more
out parameter which informs about wrong datetime value or data
truncation during conversion.
Added warning generating version of str_to_TIME() and str_to_time()
Thrown away str_to_datetime/timestamp functions since they are not
needed any longer. Added number_to_TIME function.
Added per-thread time zone support initialization.
Added new startup parameter --default-time-zone.
Added support for per-thread time_zone variable.
Renamed old timezone variable to system_time_zone.
Added support for per-thread time_zone variable.
Added error message for barking when incorrect time zone name or
specifiaction is provided and for warning about invalid TIMESTAMP
values (e.g. falling into the spring time-gap).
Added error message for barking when incorrect time zone name or
specifiaction is provided and for warning about invalid TIMESTAMP
values (e.g. falling into the spring time-gap).
Added error message for barking when incorrect time zone name or
specifiaction is provided and for warning about invalid TIMESTAMP
values (e.g. falling into the spring time-gap).
Added error message for barking when incorrect time zone name or
specifiaction is provided and for warning about invalid TIMESTAMP
values (e.g. falling into the spring time-gap).
Added error message for barking when incorrect time zone name or
specifiaction is provided and for warning about invalid TIMESTAMP
values (e.g. falling into the spring time-gap).
Added error message for barking when incorrect time zone name or
specifiaction is provided and for warning about invalid TIMESTAMP
values (e.g. falling into the spring time-gap).
Added error message for barking when incorrect time zone name or
specifiaction is provided and for warning about invalid TIMESTAMP
values (e.g. falling into the spring time-gap).
Added error message for barking when incorrect time zone name or
specifiaction is provided and for warning about invalid TIMESTAMP
values (e.g. falling into the spring time-gap).
Added error message for barking when incorrect time zone name or
specifiaction is provided and for warning about invalid TIMESTAMP
values (e.g. falling into the spring time-gap).
Added error message for barking when incorrect time zone name or
specifiaction is provided and for warning about invalid TIMESTAMP
values (e.g. falling into the spring time-gap).
Added error message for barking when incorrect time zone name or
specifiaction is provided and for warning about invalid TIMESTAMP
values (e.g. falling into the spring time-gap).
Added error message for barking when incorrect time zone name or
specifiaction is provided and for warning about invalid TIMESTAMP
values (e.g. falling into the spring time-gap).
Added error message for barking when incorrect time zone name or
specifiaction is provided and for warning about invalid TIMESTAMP
values (e.g. falling into the spring time-gap).
Added error message for barking when incorrect time zone name or
specifiaction is provided and for warning about invalid TIMESTAMP
values (e.g. falling into the spring time-gap).
Added error message for barking when incorrect time zone name or
specifiaction is provided and for warning about invalid TIMESTAMP
values (e.g. falling into the spring time-gap).
Added error message for barking when incorrect time zone name or
specifiaction is provided and for warning about invalid TIMESTAMP
values (e.g. falling into the spring time-gap).
Added error message for barking when incorrect time zone name or
specifiaction is provided and for warning about invalid TIMESTAMP
values (e.g. falling into the spring time-gap).
Added error message for barking when incorrect time zone name or
specifiaction is provided and for warning about invalid TIMESTAMP
values (e.g. falling into the spring time-gap).
Added error message for barking when incorrect time zone name or
specifiaction is provided and for warning about invalid TIMESTAMP
values (e.g. falling into the spring time-gap).
Added error message for barking when incorrect time zone name or
specifiaction is provided and for warning about invalid TIMESTAMP
values (e.g. falling into the spring time-gap).
Added error message for barking when incorrect time zone name or
specifiaction is provided and for warning about invalid TIMESTAMP
values (e.g. falling into the spring time-gap).
Added error message for barking when incorrect time zone name or
specifiaction is provided and for warning about invalid TIMESTAMP
values (e.g. falling into the spring time-gap).
Added error message for barking when incorrect time zone name or
specifiaction is provided and for warning about invalid TIMESTAMP
values (e.g. falling into the spring time-gap).
In order to support replication of statements using time zones in 4.1 we should
ensure that both master and slave have same default time zone.
Now we are setting TABLE::in_use member for all tables (which assume
calls to Field::store or val_ methods).
Added time zone as one more query distinguishing parameter
for query cache.
Added THD::time_zone_used variable indicating that this query
uses per thread time zone.
Added per-thread time zone variable. Added THD::time_zone_used
variable indicating that this query uses per thread time zone
so if this is updating query the time zone should be logged to
We should set TABLE::in_use member pointing to thread which is called
INSERT DELAYED and not to worker thread.
Field::set_warning() now has one more argument now.
Resetting THD::time_zone_used variable in the end of query
Now we are setting TABLE::in_use member for all tables (which assume
calls to Field::store or val_ methods).
Now using per thread time zone for extended show tables.
Added support for per-thread time zones for TIMESTAMP type and
reworked generation of warnings for TIMESTAMP and DATETIME types.
(Introduced new TIME_to_timestamp() function. Removed hours
normalisation from former my_gmt_sec() since it was not working
and not used anywhere now, but breaks parameter constness, added
to this function generation of warning if we are falling in spring
time-gap. Removed str_to_timestamp and str_to_datetime functions
which are no longer used. Moved fix_datetime function from
sql/field.cc to this file as number_to_TIME() function. Added
out parameter for str_to_TIME and str_to_time functions which
indicates if value was truncated during conversion, removed direct
generation of warnings from this functions.)
Now we are setting TABLE::in_use member for all tables (which assume
calls to Field::store or val_ methods).
Added sql/test_time sql/mysql_tzinfo_to_sql libmysqld/tztime.cc to the ignore list
2004-06-18 10:11:31 +04:00
Warning 1292 Truncated incorrect datetime value: '2003-03-32'
2004-03-15 18:28:21 +04:00
create table t1 select last_day('2000-02-05') as a,
from_days(to_days("960101")) as b;
2003-12-19 16:25:50 +02:00
describe t1;
Field Type Null Key Default Extra
a date 0000-00-00
2004-03-15 18:28:21 +04:00
b date YES NULL
2003-12-19 16:25:50 +02:00
select * from t1;
2004-03-15 18:28:21 +04:00
a b
2000-02-29 1996-01-01
2003-12-19 16:25:50 +02:00
drop table t1;
2004-03-15 18:28:21 +04:00
select last_day('2000-02-05') as a,
from_days(to_days("960101")) as b;
a b
2000-02-29 1996-01-01
select date_add(last_day("1997-12-1"), INTERVAL 1 DAY);
date_add(last_day("1997-12-1"), INTERVAL 1 DAY)
select length(last_day("1997-12-1"));
select last_day("1997-12-1")+0;
select last_day("1997-12-1")+0.0;
2003-12-19 16:25:50 +02:00
select strcmp(date_sub(localtimestamp(), interval 3 hour), utc_timestamp())=0;
strcmp(date_sub(localtimestamp(), interval 3 hour), utc_timestamp())=0
select strcmp(date_format(date_sub(localtimestamp(), interval 3 hour),"%T"), utc_time())=0;
strcmp(date_format(date_sub(localtimestamp(), interval 3 hour),"%T"), utc_time())=0
select strcmp(date_format(date_sub(localtimestamp(), interval 3 hour),"%Y-%m-%d"), utc_date())=0;
strcmp(date_format(date_sub(localtimestamp(), interval 3 hour),"%Y-%m-%d"), utc_date())=0
select strcmp(date_format(utc_timestamp(),"%T"), utc_time())=0;
strcmp(date_format(utc_timestamp(),"%T"), utc_time())=0
select strcmp(date_format(utc_timestamp(),"%Y-%m-%d"), utc_date())=0;
strcmp(date_format(utc_timestamp(),"%Y-%m-%d"), utc_date())=0
select strcmp(concat(utc_date(),' ',utc_time()),utc_timestamp())=0;
strcmp(concat(utc_date(),' ',utc_time()),utc_timestamp())=0
explain extended select period_add("9602",-12),period_diff(199505,"9404"),from_days(to_days("960101")),dayofmonth("1997-01-02"), month("1997-01-02"), monthname("1972-03-04"),dayofyear("0000-00-00"),HOUR("1997-03-03 23:03:22"),MINUTE("23:03:22"),SECOND(230322),QUARTER(980303),WEEK("1998-03-03"),yearweek("2000-01-01",1),week(19950101,1),year("98-02-03"),weekday(curdate())-weekday(now()),dayname("1962-03-03"),unix_timestamp(),sec_to_time(time_to_sec("0:30:47")/6.21),curtime(),utc_time(),curdate(),utc_date(),utc_timestamp(),date_format("1997-01-02 03:04:05", "%M %W %D %Y %y %m %d %h %i %s %w"),from_unixtime(unix_timestamp("1994-03-02 10:11:12")),"1997-12-31 23:59:59" + INTERVAL 1 SECOND,"1998-01-01 00:00:00" - INTERVAL 1 SECOND,INTERVAL 1 DAY + "1997-12-31", extract(YEAR FROM "1999-01-02 10:11:12"),date_add("1997-12-31 23:59:59",INTERVAL 1 SECOND);
id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
2004-05-13 23:47:20 +03:00
Note 1003 select sql_no_cache period_add(_latin1'9602',-(12)) AS `period_add("9602",-12)`,period_diff(199505,_latin1'9404') AS `period_diff(199505,"9404")`,from_days(to_days(_latin1'960101')) AS `from_days(to_days("960101"))`,dayofmonth(_latin1'1997-01-02') AS `dayofmonth("1997-01-02")`,month(_latin1'1997-01-02') AS `month("1997-01-02")`,monthname(_latin1'1972-03-04') AS `monthname("1972-03-04")`,dayofyear(_latin1'0000-00-00') AS `dayofyear("0000-00-00")`,hour(_latin1'1997-03-03 23:03:22') AS `HOUR("1997-03-03 23:03:22")`,minute(_latin1'23:03:22') AS `MINUTE("23:03:22")`,second(230322) AS `SECOND(230322)`,quarter(980303) AS `QUARTER(980303)`,week(_latin1'1998-03-03',0) AS `WEEK("1998-03-03")`,yearweek(_latin1'2000-01-01',1) AS `yearweek("2000-01-01",1)`,week(19950101,1) AS `week(19950101,1)`,year(_latin1'98-02-03') AS `year("98-02-03")`,(weekday(to_days(curdate())) - weekday(to_days(now()))) AS `weekday(curdate())-weekday(now())`,dayname(to_days(_latin1'1962-03-03')) AS `dayname("1962-03-03")`,unix_timestamp() AS `unix_timestamp()`,sec_to_time((time_to_sec(_latin1'0:30:47') / 6.21)) AS `sec_to_time(time_to_sec("0:30:47")/6.21)`,curtime() AS `curtime()`,utc_time() AS `utc_time()`,curdate() AS `curdate()`,utc_date() AS `utc_date()`,utc_timestamp() AS `utc_timestamp()`,date_format(_latin1'1997-01-02 03:04:05',_latin1'%M %W %D %Y %y %m %d %h %i %s %w') AS `date_format("1997-01-02 03:04:05", "%M %W %D %Y %y %m %d %h %i %s %w")`,from_unixtime(unix_timestamp(_latin1'1994-03-02 10:11:12')) AS `from_unixtime(unix_timestamp("1994-03-02 10:11:12"))`,(_latin1'1997-12-31 23:59:59' + interval 1 second) AS `"1997-12-31 23:59:59" + INTERVAL 1 SECOND`,(_latin1'1998-01-01 00:00:00' - interval 1 second) AS `"1998-01-01 00:00:00" - INTERVAL 1 SECOND`,(_latin1'1997-12-31' + interval 1 day) AS `INTERVAL 1 DAY + "1997-12-31"`,extract(year from _latin1'1999-01-02 10:11:12') AS `extract(YEAR FROM "1999-01-02 10:11:12")`,(_latin1'1997-12-31 23:59:59' + interval 1 second) AS `date_add("1997-12-31 23:59:59",INTERVAL 1 SECOND)`
2004-03-25 22:11:22 +02:00
2004-03-23 21:10:23 +04:00
2004-03-25 22:11:22 +02:00
2004-03-23 21:10:23 +04:00
2005-06-24 14:04:48 +05:00
select last_day('2005-00-00');
Warning 1292 Truncated incorrect datetime value: '2005-00-00'
select last_day('2005-00-01');
Warning 1292 Truncated incorrect datetime value: '2005-00-01'
select last_day('2005-01-00');
Warning 1292 Truncated incorrect datetime value: '2005-01-00'
2006-04-25 14:34:19 +05:00
select monthname(str_to_date(null, '%m')), monthname(str_to_date(null, '%m')),
monthname(str_to_date(1, '%m')), monthname(str_to_date(0, '%m'));
monthname(str_to_date(null, '%m')) monthname(str_to_date(null, '%m')) monthname(str_to_date(1, '%m')) monthname(str_to_date(0, '%m'))
2006-05-17 17:00:30 +05:00
set time_zone='-6:00';
create table t1(a timestamp);
insert into t1 values (19691231190001);
select * from t1;
1969-12-31 19:00:01
drop table t1;
Fixed bug#16377: result of DATE/TIME functions were compared as strings which
can lead to a wrong result.
All date/time functions has the STRING result type thus their results are
compared as strings. The string date representation allows a user to skip
some of leading zeros. This can lead to wrong comparison result if a date/time
function result is compared to such a string constant.
The idea behind this bug fix is to compare results of date/time functions
and data/time constants as ints, because that date/time representation is
more exact. To achieve this the agg_cmp_type() is changed to take in the
account that a date/time field or an date/time item should be compared
as ints.
This bug fix is partially back ported from 5.0.
The agg_cmp_type() function now accepts THD as one of parameters.
In addition, it now checks if a date/time field/function is present in the
list. If so, it tries to coerce all constants to INT to make date/time
comparison return correct result. The field for the constant coercion is
taken from the Item_field or constructed from the Item_func. In latter case
the constructed field will be freed after conversion of all constant items.
Otherwise the result is same as before - aggregated with help of the
item_cmp_type() function.
From the Item_func_between::fix_length_and_dec() function removed the part
which was converting date/time constants to int if possible. Now this is
done by the agg_cmp_type() function.
The new function result_as_longlong() is added to the Item class.
It indicates that the item is a date/time item and result of it can be
compared as int. Such items are date/time fields/functions.
Correct val_int() methods are implemented for classes Item_date_typecast,
Item_func_makedate, Item_time_typecast, Item_datetime_typecast. All these
classes are derived from Item_str_func and Item_str_func::val_int() converts
its string value to int without regard to the date/time type of these items.
Arg_comparator::set_compare_func() and Arg_comparator::set_cmp_func()
functions are changed to substitute result type of an item with the INT_RESULT
if the item is a date/time item and another item is a constant. This is done
to get a correct result of comparisons like date_time_function() = string_constant.
Fixed wrong test case result after bug fix#16377.
Fixed bug#16377: result of DATE/TIME functions were compared as strings which
can lead to a wrong result.
The result_as_longlong() function is set to return TRUE for these classes:
Item_date, Item_date_func, Item_func_curtime, Item_func_sec_to_time,
Item_date_typecast, Item_time_typecast, Item_datetime_typecast,
Fixed bug#16377: result of DATE/TIME functions were compared as strings which
can lead to a wrong result.Correct val_int() methods are implemented for classes Item_date_typecast,
Item_func_makedate, Item_time_typecast, Item_datetime_typecast.
Fixed bug#16377: result of DATE/TIME functions were compared as strings which
can lead to a wrong result.
Arg_comparator::set_compare_func() and Arg_comparator::set_cmp_func()
functions are changed to substitute result type of an item with the INT_RESULT
if the item is a date/time item and another item is a constant.
Fixed bug#16377: result of DATE/TIME functions were compared as strings which
can lead to a wrong result.
Field::set_warning(), Field::set_datetime_warning() now use current_thd to get thd if table isn't set.
Fixed bug#16377: result of DATE/TIME functions were compared as strings which
can lead to a wrong result.
The agg_cmp_type() function now accepts THD as one of parameters.
In addition, it now checks if a date/time field/function is present in the
list. If so, it tries to coerce all constants to INT to make date/time
comparison return correct result. The field for the constant coercion is
taken from the Item_field or constructed from the Item_func. In latter case
the constructed field will be freed after conversion of all constant items.
Otherwise the result is same as before - aggregated with help of the
item_cmp_type() function.
The new function result_as_longlong() is added to the Item class.
It indicates that the item is a date/time item and result of it can be
compared as int. Such items are date/time fields/functions.
Added test case fot bug#16377: result of DATE/TIME functions were compared as strings which
can lead to a wrong result.
Added test case fot bug#16377: result of DATE/TIME functions were compared as strings which
can lead to a wrong result.
2006-06-13 19:09:24 +04:00
create table t1(f1 date, f2 time, f3 datetime);
insert into t1 values ("2006-01-01", "12:01:01", "2006-01-01 12:01:01");
insert into t1 values ("2006-01-02", "12:01:02", "2006-01-02 12:01:02");
2006-09-08 00:59:34 +04:00
select f1 from t1 where f1 between CAST("2006-1-1" as date) and CAST(20060101 as date);
Fixed bug#16377: result of DATE/TIME functions were compared as strings which
can lead to a wrong result.
All date/time functions has the STRING result type thus their results are
compared as strings. The string date representation allows a user to skip
some of leading zeros. This can lead to wrong comparison result if a date/time
function result is compared to such a string constant.
The idea behind this bug fix is to compare results of date/time functions
and data/time constants as ints, because that date/time representation is
more exact. To achieve this the agg_cmp_type() is changed to take in the
account that a date/time field or an date/time item should be compared
as ints.
This bug fix is partially back ported from 5.0.
The agg_cmp_type() function now accepts THD as one of parameters.
In addition, it now checks if a date/time field/function is present in the
list. If so, it tries to coerce all constants to INT to make date/time
comparison return correct result. The field for the constant coercion is
taken from the Item_field or constructed from the Item_func. In latter case
the constructed field will be freed after conversion of all constant items.
Otherwise the result is same as before - aggregated with help of the
item_cmp_type() function.
From the Item_func_between::fix_length_and_dec() function removed the part
which was converting date/time constants to int if possible. Now this is
done by the agg_cmp_type() function.
The new function result_as_longlong() is added to the Item class.
It indicates that the item is a date/time item and result of it can be
compared as int. Such items are date/time fields/functions.
Correct val_int() methods are implemented for classes Item_date_typecast,
Item_func_makedate, Item_time_typecast, Item_datetime_typecast. All these
classes are derived from Item_str_func and Item_str_func::val_int() converts
its string value to int without regard to the date/time type of these items.
Arg_comparator::set_compare_func() and Arg_comparator::set_cmp_func()
functions are changed to substitute result type of an item with the INT_RESULT
if the item is a date/time item and another item is a constant. This is done
to get a correct result of comparisons like date_time_function() = string_constant.
Fixed wrong test case result after bug fix#16377.
Fixed bug#16377: result of DATE/TIME functions were compared as strings which
can lead to a wrong result.
The result_as_longlong() function is set to return TRUE for these classes:
Item_date, Item_date_func, Item_func_curtime, Item_func_sec_to_time,
Item_date_typecast, Item_time_typecast, Item_datetime_typecast,
Fixed bug#16377: result of DATE/TIME functions were compared as strings which
can lead to a wrong result.Correct val_int() methods are implemented for classes Item_date_typecast,
Item_func_makedate, Item_time_typecast, Item_datetime_typecast.
Fixed bug#16377: result of DATE/TIME functions were compared as strings which
can lead to a wrong result.
Arg_comparator::set_compare_func() and Arg_comparator::set_cmp_func()
functions are changed to substitute result type of an item with the INT_RESULT
if the item is a date/time item and another item is a constant.
Fixed bug#16377: result of DATE/TIME functions were compared as strings which
can lead to a wrong result.
Field::set_warning(), Field::set_datetime_warning() now use current_thd to get thd if table isn't set.
Fixed bug#16377: result of DATE/TIME functions were compared as strings which
can lead to a wrong result.
The agg_cmp_type() function now accepts THD as one of parameters.
In addition, it now checks if a date/time field/function is present in the
list. If so, it tries to coerce all constants to INT to make date/time
comparison return correct result. The field for the constant coercion is
taken from the Item_field or constructed from the Item_func. In latter case
the constructed field will be freed after conversion of all constant items.
Otherwise the result is same as before - aggregated with help of the
item_cmp_type() function.
The new function result_as_longlong() is added to the Item class.
It indicates that the item is a date/time item and result of it can be
compared as int. Such items are date/time fields/functions.
Added test case fot bug#16377: result of DATE/TIME functions were compared as strings which
can lead to a wrong result.
Added test case fot bug#16377: result of DATE/TIME functions were compared as strings which
can lead to a wrong result.
2006-06-13 19:09:24 +04:00
2006-09-08 00:59:34 +04:00
select f1 from t1 where f1 between cast("2006-1-1" as date) and cast("2006.1.1" as date);
Fixed bug#16377: result of DATE/TIME functions were compared as strings which
can lead to a wrong result.
All date/time functions has the STRING result type thus their results are
compared as strings. The string date representation allows a user to skip
some of leading zeros. This can lead to wrong comparison result if a date/time
function result is compared to such a string constant.
The idea behind this bug fix is to compare results of date/time functions
and data/time constants as ints, because that date/time representation is
more exact. To achieve this the agg_cmp_type() is changed to take in the
account that a date/time field or an date/time item should be compared
as ints.
This bug fix is partially back ported from 5.0.
The agg_cmp_type() function now accepts THD as one of parameters.
In addition, it now checks if a date/time field/function is present in the
list. If so, it tries to coerce all constants to INT to make date/time
comparison return correct result. The field for the constant coercion is
taken from the Item_field or constructed from the Item_func. In latter case
the constructed field will be freed after conversion of all constant items.
Otherwise the result is same as before - aggregated with help of the
item_cmp_type() function.
From the Item_func_between::fix_length_and_dec() function removed the part
which was converting date/time constants to int if possible. Now this is
done by the agg_cmp_type() function.
The new function result_as_longlong() is added to the Item class.
It indicates that the item is a date/time item and result of it can be
compared as int. Such items are date/time fields/functions.
Correct val_int() methods are implemented for classes Item_date_typecast,
Item_func_makedate, Item_time_typecast, Item_datetime_typecast. All these
classes are derived from Item_str_func and Item_str_func::val_int() converts
its string value to int without regard to the date/time type of these items.
Arg_comparator::set_compare_func() and Arg_comparator::set_cmp_func()
functions are changed to substitute result type of an item with the INT_RESULT
if the item is a date/time item and another item is a constant. This is done
to get a correct result of comparisons like date_time_function() = string_constant.
Fixed wrong test case result after bug fix#16377.
Fixed bug#16377: result of DATE/TIME functions were compared as strings which
can lead to a wrong result.
The result_as_longlong() function is set to return TRUE for these classes:
Item_date, Item_date_func, Item_func_curtime, Item_func_sec_to_time,
Item_date_typecast, Item_time_typecast, Item_datetime_typecast,
Fixed bug#16377: result of DATE/TIME functions were compared as strings which
can lead to a wrong result.Correct val_int() methods are implemented for classes Item_date_typecast,
Item_func_makedate, Item_time_typecast, Item_datetime_typecast.
Fixed bug#16377: result of DATE/TIME functions were compared as strings which
can lead to a wrong result.
Arg_comparator::set_compare_func() and Arg_comparator::set_cmp_func()
functions are changed to substitute result type of an item with the INT_RESULT
if the item is a date/time item and another item is a constant.
Fixed bug#16377: result of DATE/TIME functions were compared as strings which
can lead to a wrong result.
Field::set_warning(), Field::set_datetime_warning() now use current_thd to get thd if table isn't set.
Fixed bug#16377: result of DATE/TIME functions were compared as strings which
can lead to a wrong result.
The agg_cmp_type() function now accepts THD as one of parameters.
In addition, it now checks if a date/time field/function is present in the
list. If so, it tries to coerce all constants to INT to make date/time
comparison return correct result. The field for the constant coercion is
taken from the Item_field or constructed from the Item_func. In latter case
the constructed field will be freed after conversion of all constant items.
Otherwise the result is same as before - aggregated with help of the
item_cmp_type() function.
The new function result_as_longlong() is added to the Item class.
It indicates that the item is a date/time item and result of it can be
compared as int. Such items are date/time fields/functions.
Added test case fot bug#16377: result of DATE/TIME functions were compared as strings which
can lead to a wrong result.
Added test case fot bug#16377: result of DATE/TIME functions were compared as strings which
can lead to a wrong result.
2006-06-13 19:09:24 +04:00
2006-09-08 00:59:34 +04:00
select f1 from t1 where date(f1) between cast("2006-1-1" as date) and cast("2006.1.1" as date);
Fixed bug#16377: result of DATE/TIME functions were compared as strings which
can lead to a wrong result.
All date/time functions has the STRING result type thus their results are
compared as strings. The string date representation allows a user to skip
some of leading zeros. This can lead to wrong comparison result if a date/time
function result is compared to such a string constant.
The idea behind this bug fix is to compare results of date/time functions
and data/time constants as ints, because that date/time representation is
more exact. To achieve this the agg_cmp_type() is changed to take in the
account that a date/time field or an date/time item should be compared
as ints.
This bug fix is partially back ported from 5.0.
The agg_cmp_type() function now accepts THD as one of parameters.
In addition, it now checks if a date/time field/function is present in the
list. If so, it tries to coerce all constants to INT to make date/time
comparison return correct result. The field for the constant coercion is
taken from the Item_field or constructed from the Item_func. In latter case
the constructed field will be freed after conversion of all constant items.
Otherwise the result is same as before - aggregated with help of the
item_cmp_type() function.
From the Item_func_between::fix_length_and_dec() function removed the part
which was converting date/time constants to int if possible. Now this is
done by the agg_cmp_type() function.
The new function result_as_longlong() is added to the Item class.
It indicates that the item is a date/time item and result of it can be
compared as int. Such items are date/time fields/functions.
Correct val_int() methods are implemented for classes Item_date_typecast,
Item_func_makedate, Item_time_typecast, Item_datetime_typecast. All these
classes are derived from Item_str_func and Item_str_func::val_int() converts
its string value to int without regard to the date/time type of these items.
Arg_comparator::set_compare_func() and Arg_comparator::set_cmp_func()
functions are changed to substitute result type of an item with the INT_RESULT
if the item is a date/time item and another item is a constant. This is done
to get a correct result of comparisons like date_time_function() = string_constant.
Fixed wrong test case result after bug fix#16377.
Fixed bug#16377: result of DATE/TIME functions were compared as strings which
can lead to a wrong result.
The result_as_longlong() function is set to return TRUE for these classes:
Item_date, Item_date_func, Item_func_curtime, Item_func_sec_to_time,
Item_date_typecast, Item_time_typecast, Item_datetime_typecast,
Fixed bug#16377: result of DATE/TIME functions were compared as strings which
can lead to a wrong result.Correct val_int() methods are implemented for classes Item_date_typecast,
Item_func_makedate, Item_time_typecast, Item_datetime_typecast.
Fixed bug#16377: result of DATE/TIME functions were compared as strings which
can lead to a wrong result.
Arg_comparator::set_compare_func() and Arg_comparator::set_cmp_func()
functions are changed to substitute result type of an item with the INT_RESULT
if the item is a date/time item and another item is a constant.
Fixed bug#16377: result of DATE/TIME functions were compared as strings which
can lead to a wrong result.
Field::set_warning(), Field::set_datetime_warning() now use current_thd to get thd if table isn't set.
Fixed bug#16377: result of DATE/TIME functions were compared as strings which
can lead to a wrong result.
The agg_cmp_type() function now accepts THD as one of parameters.
In addition, it now checks if a date/time field/function is present in the
list. If so, it tries to coerce all constants to INT to make date/time
comparison return correct result. The field for the constant coercion is
taken from the Item_field or constructed from the Item_func. In latter case
the constructed field will be freed after conversion of all constant items.
Otherwise the result is same as before - aggregated with help of the
item_cmp_type() function.
The new function result_as_longlong() is added to the Item class.
It indicates that the item is a date/time item and result of it can be
compared as int. Such items are date/time fields/functions.
Added test case fot bug#16377: result of DATE/TIME functions were compared as strings which
can lead to a wrong result.
Added test case fot bug#16377: result of DATE/TIME functions were compared as strings which
can lead to a wrong result.
2006-06-13 19:09:24 +04:00
2006-09-08 00:59:34 +04:00
select f2 from t1 where f2 between cast("12:1:2" as time) and cast("12:2:2" as time);
Fixed bug#16377: result of DATE/TIME functions were compared as strings which
can lead to a wrong result.
All date/time functions has the STRING result type thus their results are
compared as strings. The string date representation allows a user to skip
some of leading zeros. This can lead to wrong comparison result if a date/time
function result is compared to such a string constant.
The idea behind this bug fix is to compare results of date/time functions
and data/time constants as ints, because that date/time representation is
more exact. To achieve this the agg_cmp_type() is changed to take in the
account that a date/time field or an date/time item should be compared
as ints.
This bug fix is partially back ported from 5.0.
The agg_cmp_type() function now accepts THD as one of parameters.
In addition, it now checks if a date/time field/function is present in the
list. If so, it tries to coerce all constants to INT to make date/time
comparison return correct result. The field for the constant coercion is
taken from the Item_field or constructed from the Item_func. In latter case
the constructed field will be freed after conversion of all constant items.
Otherwise the result is same as before - aggregated with help of the
item_cmp_type() function.
From the Item_func_between::fix_length_and_dec() function removed the part
which was converting date/time constants to int if possible. Now this is
done by the agg_cmp_type() function.
The new function result_as_longlong() is added to the Item class.
It indicates that the item is a date/time item and result of it can be
compared as int. Such items are date/time fields/functions.
Correct val_int() methods are implemented for classes Item_date_typecast,
Item_func_makedate, Item_time_typecast, Item_datetime_typecast. All these
classes are derived from Item_str_func and Item_str_func::val_int() converts
its string value to int without regard to the date/time type of these items.
Arg_comparator::set_compare_func() and Arg_comparator::set_cmp_func()
functions are changed to substitute result type of an item with the INT_RESULT
if the item is a date/time item and another item is a constant. This is done
to get a correct result of comparisons like date_time_function() = string_constant.
Fixed wrong test case result after bug fix#16377.
Fixed bug#16377: result of DATE/TIME functions were compared as strings which
can lead to a wrong result.
The result_as_longlong() function is set to return TRUE for these classes:
Item_date, Item_date_func, Item_func_curtime, Item_func_sec_to_time,
Item_date_typecast, Item_time_typecast, Item_datetime_typecast,
Fixed bug#16377: result of DATE/TIME functions were compared as strings which
can lead to a wrong result.Correct val_int() methods are implemented for classes Item_date_typecast,
Item_func_makedate, Item_time_typecast, Item_datetime_typecast.
Fixed bug#16377: result of DATE/TIME functions were compared as strings which
can lead to a wrong result.
Arg_comparator::set_compare_func() and Arg_comparator::set_cmp_func()
functions are changed to substitute result type of an item with the INT_RESULT
if the item is a date/time item and another item is a constant.
Fixed bug#16377: result of DATE/TIME functions were compared as strings which
can lead to a wrong result.
Field::set_warning(), Field::set_datetime_warning() now use current_thd to get thd if table isn't set.
Fixed bug#16377: result of DATE/TIME functions were compared as strings which
can lead to a wrong result.
The agg_cmp_type() function now accepts THD as one of parameters.
In addition, it now checks if a date/time field/function is present in the
list. If so, it tries to coerce all constants to INT to make date/time
comparison return correct result. The field for the constant coercion is
taken from the Item_field or constructed from the Item_func. In latter case
the constructed field will be freed after conversion of all constant items.
Otherwise the result is same as before - aggregated with help of the
item_cmp_type() function.
The new function result_as_longlong() is added to the Item class.
It indicates that the item is a date/time item and result of it can be
compared as int. Such items are date/time fields/functions.
Added test case fot bug#16377: result of DATE/TIME functions were compared as strings which
can lead to a wrong result.
Added test case fot bug#16377: result of DATE/TIME functions were compared as strings which
can lead to a wrong result.
2006-06-13 19:09:24 +04:00
2006-09-08 00:59:34 +04:00
select f2 from t1 where time(f2) between cast("12:1:2" as time) and cast("12:2:2" as time);
Fixed bug#16377: result of DATE/TIME functions were compared as strings which
can lead to a wrong result.
All date/time functions has the STRING result type thus their results are
compared as strings. The string date representation allows a user to skip
some of leading zeros. This can lead to wrong comparison result if a date/time
function result is compared to such a string constant.
The idea behind this bug fix is to compare results of date/time functions
and data/time constants as ints, because that date/time representation is
more exact. To achieve this the agg_cmp_type() is changed to take in the
account that a date/time field or an date/time item should be compared
as ints.
This bug fix is partially back ported from 5.0.
The agg_cmp_type() function now accepts THD as one of parameters.
In addition, it now checks if a date/time field/function is present in the
list. If so, it tries to coerce all constants to INT to make date/time
comparison return correct result. The field for the constant coercion is
taken from the Item_field or constructed from the Item_func. In latter case
the constructed field will be freed after conversion of all constant items.
Otherwise the result is same as before - aggregated with help of the
item_cmp_type() function.
From the Item_func_between::fix_length_and_dec() function removed the part
which was converting date/time constants to int if possible. Now this is
done by the agg_cmp_type() function.
The new function result_as_longlong() is added to the Item class.
It indicates that the item is a date/time item and result of it can be
compared as int. Such items are date/time fields/functions.
Correct val_int() methods are implemented for classes Item_date_typecast,
Item_func_makedate, Item_time_typecast, Item_datetime_typecast. All these
classes are derived from Item_str_func and Item_str_func::val_int() converts
its string value to int without regard to the date/time type of these items.
Arg_comparator::set_compare_func() and Arg_comparator::set_cmp_func()
functions are changed to substitute result type of an item with the INT_RESULT
if the item is a date/time item and another item is a constant. This is done
to get a correct result of comparisons like date_time_function() = string_constant.
Fixed wrong test case result after bug fix#16377.
Fixed bug#16377: result of DATE/TIME functions were compared as strings which
can lead to a wrong result.
The result_as_longlong() function is set to return TRUE for these classes:
Item_date, Item_date_func, Item_func_curtime, Item_func_sec_to_time,
Item_date_typecast, Item_time_typecast, Item_datetime_typecast,
Fixed bug#16377: result of DATE/TIME functions were compared as strings which
can lead to a wrong result.Correct val_int() methods are implemented for classes Item_date_typecast,
Item_func_makedate, Item_time_typecast, Item_datetime_typecast.
Fixed bug#16377: result of DATE/TIME functions were compared as strings which
can lead to a wrong result.
Arg_comparator::set_compare_func() and Arg_comparator::set_cmp_func()
functions are changed to substitute result type of an item with the INT_RESULT
if the item is a date/time item and another item is a constant.
Fixed bug#16377: result of DATE/TIME functions were compared as strings which
can lead to a wrong result.
Field::set_warning(), Field::set_datetime_warning() now use current_thd to get thd if table isn't set.
Fixed bug#16377: result of DATE/TIME functions were compared as strings which
can lead to a wrong result.
The agg_cmp_type() function now accepts THD as one of parameters.
In addition, it now checks if a date/time field/function is present in the
list. If so, it tries to coerce all constants to INT to make date/time
comparison return correct result. The field for the constant coercion is
taken from the Item_field or constructed from the Item_func. In latter case
the constructed field will be freed after conversion of all constant items.
Otherwise the result is same as before - aggregated with help of the
item_cmp_type() function.
The new function result_as_longlong() is added to the Item class.
It indicates that the item is a date/time item and result of it can be
compared as int. Such items are date/time fields/functions.
Added test case fot bug#16377: result of DATE/TIME functions were compared as strings which
can lead to a wrong result.
Added test case fot bug#16377: result of DATE/TIME functions were compared as strings which
can lead to a wrong result.
2006-06-13 19:09:24 +04:00
2006-09-08 00:59:34 +04:00
select f3 from t1 where f3 between cast("2006-1-1 12:1:1" as datetime) and cast("2006-1-1 12:1:2" as datetime);
Fixed bug#16377: result of DATE/TIME functions were compared as strings which
can lead to a wrong result.
All date/time functions has the STRING result type thus their results are
compared as strings. The string date representation allows a user to skip
some of leading zeros. This can lead to wrong comparison result if a date/time
function result is compared to such a string constant.
The idea behind this bug fix is to compare results of date/time functions
and data/time constants as ints, because that date/time representation is
more exact. To achieve this the agg_cmp_type() is changed to take in the
account that a date/time field or an date/time item should be compared
as ints.
This bug fix is partially back ported from 5.0.
The agg_cmp_type() function now accepts THD as one of parameters.
In addition, it now checks if a date/time field/function is present in the
list. If so, it tries to coerce all constants to INT to make date/time
comparison return correct result. The field for the constant coercion is
taken from the Item_field or constructed from the Item_func. In latter case
the constructed field will be freed after conversion of all constant items.
Otherwise the result is same as before - aggregated with help of the
item_cmp_type() function.
From the Item_func_between::fix_length_and_dec() function removed the part
which was converting date/time constants to int if possible. Now this is
done by the agg_cmp_type() function.
The new function result_as_longlong() is added to the Item class.
It indicates that the item is a date/time item and result of it can be
compared as int. Such items are date/time fields/functions.
Correct val_int() methods are implemented for classes Item_date_typecast,
Item_func_makedate, Item_time_typecast, Item_datetime_typecast. All these
classes are derived from Item_str_func and Item_str_func::val_int() converts
its string value to int without regard to the date/time type of these items.
Arg_comparator::set_compare_func() and Arg_comparator::set_cmp_func()
functions are changed to substitute result type of an item with the INT_RESULT
if the item is a date/time item and another item is a constant. This is done
to get a correct result of comparisons like date_time_function() = string_constant.
Fixed wrong test case result after bug fix#16377.
Fixed bug#16377: result of DATE/TIME functions were compared as strings which
can lead to a wrong result.
The result_as_longlong() function is set to return TRUE for these classes:
Item_date, Item_date_func, Item_func_curtime, Item_func_sec_to_time,
Item_date_typecast, Item_time_typecast, Item_datetime_typecast,
Fixed bug#16377: result of DATE/TIME functions were compared as strings which
can lead to a wrong result.Correct val_int() methods are implemented for classes Item_date_typecast,
Item_func_makedate, Item_time_typecast, Item_datetime_typecast.
Fixed bug#16377: result of DATE/TIME functions were compared as strings which
can lead to a wrong result.
Arg_comparator::set_compare_func() and Arg_comparator::set_cmp_func()
functions are changed to substitute result type of an item with the INT_RESULT
if the item is a date/time item and another item is a constant.
Fixed bug#16377: result of DATE/TIME functions were compared as strings which
can lead to a wrong result.
Field::set_warning(), Field::set_datetime_warning() now use current_thd to get thd if table isn't set.
Fixed bug#16377: result of DATE/TIME functions were compared as strings which
can lead to a wrong result.
The agg_cmp_type() function now accepts THD as one of parameters.
In addition, it now checks if a date/time field/function is present in the
list. If so, it tries to coerce all constants to INT to make date/time
comparison return correct result. The field for the constant coercion is
taken from the Item_field or constructed from the Item_func. In latter case
the constructed field will be freed after conversion of all constant items.
Otherwise the result is same as before - aggregated with help of the
item_cmp_type() function.
The new function result_as_longlong() is added to the Item class.
It indicates that the item is a date/time item and result of it can be
compared as int. Such items are date/time fields/functions.
Added test case fot bug#16377: result of DATE/TIME functions were compared as strings which
can lead to a wrong result.
Added test case fot bug#16377: result of DATE/TIME functions were compared as strings which
can lead to a wrong result.
2006-06-13 19:09:24 +04:00
2006-01-01 12:01:01
2006-09-08 00:59:34 +04:00
select f3 from t1 where timestamp(f3) between cast("2006-1-1 12:1:1" as datetime) and cast("2006-1-1 12:1:2" as datetime);
Fixed bug#16377: result of DATE/TIME functions were compared as strings which
can lead to a wrong result.
All date/time functions has the STRING result type thus their results are
compared as strings. The string date representation allows a user to skip
some of leading zeros. This can lead to wrong comparison result if a date/time
function result is compared to such a string constant.
The idea behind this bug fix is to compare results of date/time functions
and data/time constants as ints, because that date/time representation is
more exact. To achieve this the agg_cmp_type() is changed to take in the
account that a date/time field or an date/time item should be compared
as ints.
This bug fix is partially back ported from 5.0.
The agg_cmp_type() function now accepts THD as one of parameters.
In addition, it now checks if a date/time field/function is present in the
list. If so, it tries to coerce all constants to INT to make date/time
comparison return correct result. The field for the constant coercion is
taken from the Item_field or constructed from the Item_func. In latter case
the constructed field will be freed after conversion of all constant items.
Otherwise the result is same as before - aggregated with help of the
item_cmp_type() function.
From the Item_func_between::fix_length_and_dec() function removed the part
which was converting date/time constants to int if possible. Now this is
done by the agg_cmp_type() function.
The new function result_as_longlong() is added to the Item class.
It indicates that the item is a date/time item and result of it can be
compared as int. Such items are date/time fields/functions.
Correct val_int() methods are implemented for classes Item_date_typecast,
Item_func_makedate, Item_time_typecast, Item_datetime_typecast. All these
classes are derived from Item_str_func and Item_str_func::val_int() converts
its string value to int without regard to the date/time type of these items.
Arg_comparator::set_compare_func() and Arg_comparator::set_cmp_func()
functions are changed to substitute result type of an item with the INT_RESULT
if the item is a date/time item and another item is a constant. This is done
to get a correct result of comparisons like date_time_function() = string_constant.
Fixed wrong test case result after bug fix#16377.
Fixed bug#16377: result of DATE/TIME functions were compared as strings which
can lead to a wrong result.
The result_as_longlong() function is set to return TRUE for these classes:
Item_date, Item_date_func, Item_func_curtime, Item_func_sec_to_time,
Item_date_typecast, Item_time_typecast, Item_datetime_typecast,
Fixed bug#16377: result of DATE/TIME functions were compared as strings which
can lead to a wrong result.Correct val_int() methods are implemented for classes Item_date_typecast,
Item_func_makedate, Item_time_typecast, Item_datetime_typecast.
Fixed bug#16377: result of DATE/TIME functions were compared as strings which
can lead to a wrong result.
Arg_comparator::set_compare_func() and Arg_comparator::set_cmp_func()
functions are changed to substitute result type of an item with the INT_RESULT
if the item is a date/time item and another item is a constant.
Fixed bug#16377: result of DATE/TIME functions were compared as strings which
can lead to a wrong result.
Field::set_warning(), Field::set_datetime_warning() now use current_thd to get thd if table isn't set.
Fixed bug#16377: result of DATE/TIME functions were compared as strings which
can lead to a wrong result.
The agg_cmp_type() function now accepts THD as one of parameters.
In addition, it now checks if a date/time field/function is present in the
list. If so, it tries to coerce all constants to INT to make date/time
comparison return correct result. The field for the constant coercion is
taken from the Item_field or constructed from the Item_func. In latter case
the constructed field will be freed after conversion of all constant items.
Otherwise the result is same as before - aggregated with help of the
item_cmp_type() function.
The new function result_as_longlong() is added to the Item class.
It indicates that the item is a date/time item and result of it can be
compared as int. Such items are date/time fields/functions.
Added test case fot bug#16377: result of DATE/TIME functions were compared as strings which
can lead to a wrong result.
Added test case fot bug#16377: result of DATE/TIME functions were compared as strings which
can lead to a wrong result.
2006-06-13 19:09:24 +04:00
2006-01-01 12:01:01
2006-09-08 00:59:34 +04:00
select f1 from t1 where cast("2006-1-1" as date) between f1 and f3;
Fixed bug#16377: result of DATE/TIME functions were compared as strings which
can lead to a wrong result.
All date/time functions has the STRING result type thus their results are
compared as strings. The string date representation allows a user to skip
some of leading zeros. This can lead to wrong comparison result if a date/time
function result is compared to such a string constant.
The idea behind this bug fix is to compare results of date/time functions
and data/time constants as ints, because that date/time representation is
more exact. To achieve this the agg_cmp_type() is changed to take in the
account that a date/time field or an date/time item should be compared
as ints.
This bug fix is partially back ported from 5.0.
The agg_cmp_type() function now accepts THD as one of parameters.
In addition, it now checks if a date/time field/function is present in the
list. If so, it tries to coerce all constants to INT to make date/time
comparison return correct result. The field for the constant coercion is
taken from the Item_field or constructed from the Item_func. In latter case
the constructed field will be freed after conversion of all constant items.
Otherwise the result is same as before - aggregated with help of the
item_cmp_type() function.
From the Item_func_between::fix_length_and_dec() function removed the part
which was converting date/time constants to int if possible. Now this is
done by the agg_cmp_type() function.
The new function result_as_longlong() is added to the Item class.
It indicates that the item is a date/time item and result of it can be
compared as int. Such items are date/time fields/functions.
Correct val_int() methods are implemented for classes Item_date_typecast,
Item_func_makedate, Item_time_typecast, Item_datetime_typecast. All these
classes are derived from Item_str_func and Item_str_func::val_int() converts
its string value to int without regard to the date/time type of these items.
Arg_comparator::set_compare_func() and Arg_comparator::set_cmp_func()
functions are changed to substitute result type of an item with the INT_RESULT
if the item is a date/time item and another item is a constant. This is done
to get a correct result of comparisons like date_time_function() = string_constant.
Fixed wrong test case result after bug fix#16377.
Fixed bug#16377: result of DATE/TIME functions were compared as strings which
can lead to a wrong result.
The result_as_longlong() function is set to return TRUE for these classes:
Item_date, Item_date_func, Item_func_curtime, Item_func_sec_to_time,
Item_date_typecast, Item_time_typecast, Item_datetime_typecast,
Fixed bug#16377: result of DATE/TIME functions were compared as strings which
can lead to a wrong result.Correct val_int() methods are implemented for classes Item_date_typecast,
Item_func_makedate, Item_time_typecast, Item_datetime_typecast.
Fixed bug#16377: result of DATE/TIME functions were compared as strings which
can lead to a wrong result.
Arg_comparator::set_compare_func() and Arg_comparator::set_cmp_func()
functions are changed to substitute result type of an item with the INT_RESULT
if the item is a date/time item and another item is a constant.
Fixed bug#16377: result of DATE/TIME functions were compared as strings which
can lead to a wrong result.
Field::set_warning(), Field::set_datetime_warning() now use current_thd to get thd if table isn't set.
Fixed bug#16377: result of DATE/TIME functions were compared as strings which
can lead to a wrong result.
The agg_cmp_type() function now accepts THD as one of parameters.
In addition, it now checks if a date/time field/function is present in the
list. If so, it tries to coerce all constants to INT to make date/time
comparison return correct result. The field for the constant coercion is
taken from the Item_field or constructed from the Item_func. In latter case
the constructed field will be freed after conversion of all constant items.
Otherwise the result is same as before - aggregated with help of the
item_cmp_type() function.
The new function result_as_longlong() is added to the Item class.
It indicates that the item is a date/time item and result of it can be
compared as int. Such items are date/time fields/functions.
Added test case fot bug#16377: result of DATE/TIME functions were compared as strings which
can lead to a wrong result.
Added test case fot bug#16377: result of DATE/TIME functions were compared as strings which
can lead to a wrong result.
2006-06-13 19:09:24 +04:00
2006-09-08 00:59:34 +04:00
select f1 from t1 where cast("2006-1-1" as date) between date(f1) and date(f3);
Fixed bug#16377: result of DATE/TIME functions were compared as strings which
can lead to a wrong result.
All date/time functions has the STRING result type thus their results are
compared as strings. The string date representation allows a user to skip
some of leading zeros. This can lead to wrong comparison result if a date/time
function result is compared to such a string constant.
The idea behind this bug fix is to compare results of date/time functions
and data/time constants as ints, because that date/time representation is
more exact. To achieve this the agg_cmp_type() is changed to take in the
account that a date/time field or an date/time item should be compared
as ints.
This bug fix is partially back ported from 5.0.
The agg_cmp_type() function now accepts THD as one of parameters.
In addition, it now checks if a date/time field/function is present in the
list. If so, it tries to coerce all constants to INT to make date/time
comparison return correct result. The field for the constant coercion is
taken from the Item_field or constructed from the Item_func. In latter case
the constructed field will be freed after conversion of all constant items.
Otherwise the result is same as before - aggregated with help of the
item_cmp_type() function.
From the Item_func_between::fix_length_and_dec() function removed the part
which was converting date/time constants to int if possible. Now this is
done by the agg_cmp_type() function.
The new function result_as_longlong() is added to the Item class.
It indicates that the item is a date/time item and result of it can be
compared as int. Such items are date/time fields/functions.
Correct val_int() methods are implemented for classes Item_date_typecast,
Item_func_makedate, Item_time_typecast, Item_datetime_typecast. All these
classes are derived from Item_str_func and Item_str_func::val_int() converts
its string value to int without regard to the date/time type of these items.
Arg_comparator::set_compare_func() and Arg_comparator::set_cmp_func()
functions are changed to substitute result type of an item with the INT_RESULT
if the item is a date/time item and another item is a constant. This is done
to get a correct result of comparisons like date_time_function() = string_constant.
Fixed wrong test case result after bug fix#16377.
Fixed bug#16377: result of DATE/TIME functions were compared as strings which
can lead to a wrong result.
The result_as_longlong() function is set to return TRUE for these classes:
Item_date, Item_date_func, Item_func_curtime, Item_func_sec_to_time,
Item_date_typecast, Item_time_typecast, Item_datetime_typecast,
Fixed bug#16377: result of DATE/TIME functions were compared as strings which
can lead to a wrong result.Correct val_int() methods are implemented for classes Item_date_typecast,
Item_func_makedate, Item_time_typecast, Item_datetime_typecast.
Fixed bug#16377: result of DATE/TIME functions were compared as strings which
can lead to a wrong result.
Arg_comparator::set_compare_func() and Arg_comparator::set_cmp_func()
functions are changed to substitute result type of an item with the INT_RESULT
if the item is a date/time item and another item is a constant.
Fixed bug#16377: result of DATE/TIME functions were compared as strings which
can lead to a wrong result.
Field::set_warning(), Field::set_datetime_warning() now use current_thd to get thd if table isn't set.
Fixed bug#16377: result of DATE/TIME functions were compared as strings which
can lead to a wrong result.
The agg_cmp_type() function now accepts THD as one of parameters.
In addition, it now checks if a date/time field/function is present in the
list. If so, it tries to coerce all constants to INT to make date/time
comparison return correct result. The field for the constant coercion is
taken from the Item_field or constructed from the Item_func. In latter case
the constructed field will be freed after conversion of all constant items.
Otherwise the result is same as before - aggregated with help of the
item_cmp_type() function.
The new function result_as_longlong() is added to the Item class.
It indicates that the item is a date/time item and result of it can be
compared as int. Such items are date/time fields/functions.
Added test case fot bug#16377: result of DATE/TIME functions were compared as strings which
can lead to a wrong result.
Added test case fot bug#16377: result of DATE/TIME functions were compared as strings which
can lead to a wrong result.
2006-06-13 19:09:24 +04:00
2006-09-08 00:59:34 +04:00
select f1 from t1 where cast("2006-1-1" as date) between f1 and 'zzz';
Fixed bug#16377: result of DATE/TIME functions were compared as strings which
can lead to a wrong result.
All date/time functions has the STRING result type thus their results are
compared as strings. The string date representation allows a user to skip
some of leading zeros. This can lead to wrong comparison result if a date/time
function result is compared to such a string constant.
The idea behind this bug fix is to compare results of date/time functions
and data/time constants as ints, because that date/time representation is
more exact. To achieve this the agg_cmp_type() is changed to take in the
account that a date/time field or an date/time item should be compared
as ints.
This bug fix is partially back ported from 5.0.
The agg_cmp_type() function now accepts THD as one of parameters.
In addition, it now checks if a date/time field/function is present in the
list. If so, it tries to coerce all constants to INT to make date/time
comparison return correct result. The field for the constant coercion is
taken from the Item_field or constructed from the Item_func. In latter case
the constructed field will be freed after conversion of all constant items.
Otherwise the result is same as before - aggregated with help of the
item_cmp_type() function.
From the Item_func_between::fix_length_and_dec() function removed the part
which was converting date/time constants to int if possible. Now this is
done by the agg_cmp_type() function.
The new function result_as_longlong() is added to the Item class.
It indicates that the item is a date/time item and result of it can be
compared as int. Such items are date/time fields/functions.
Correct val_int() methods are implemented for classes Item_date_typecast,
Item_func_makedate, Item_time_typecast, Item_datetime_typecast. All these
classes are derived from Item_str_func and Item_str_func::val_int() converts
its string value to int without regard to the date/time type of these items.
Arg_comparator::set_compare_func() and Arg_comparator::set_cmp_func()
functions are changed to substitute result type of an item with the INT_RESULT
if the item is a date/time item and another item is a constant. This is done
to get a correct result of comparisons like date_time_function() = string_constant.
Fixed wrong test case result after bug fix#16377.
Fixed bug#16377: result of DATE/TIME functions were compared as strings which
can lead to a wrong result.
The result_as_longlong() function is set to return TRUE for these classes:
Item_date, Item_date_func, Item_func_curtime, Item_func_sec_to_time,
Item_date_typecast, Item_time_typecast, Item_datetime_typecast,
Fixed bug#16377: result of DATE/TIME functions were compared as strings which
can lead to a wrong result.Correct val_int() methods are implemented for classes Item_date_typecast,
Item_func_makedate, Item_time_typecast, Item_datetime_typecast.
Fixed bug#16377: result of DATE/TIME functions were compared as strings which
can lead to a wrong result.
Arg_comparator::set_compare_func() and Arg_comparator::set_cmp_func()
functions are changed to substitute result type of an item with the INT_RESULT
if the item is a date/time item and another item is a constant.
Fixed bug#16377: result of DATE/TIME functions were compared as strings which
can lead to a wrong result.
Field::set_warning(), Field::set_datetime_warning() now use current_thd to get thd if table isn't set.
Fixed bug#16377: result of DATE/TIME functions were compared as strings which
can lead to a wrong result.
The agg_cmp_type() function now accepts THD as one of parameters.
In addition, it now checks if a date/time field/function is present in the
list. If so, it tries to coerce all constants to INT to make date/time
comparison return correct result. The field for the constant coercion is
taken from the Item_field or constructed from the Item_func. In latter case
the constructed field will be freed after conversion of all constant items.
Otherwise the result is same as before - aggregated with help of the
item_cmp_type() function.
The new function result_as_longlong() is added to the Item class.
It indicates that the item is a date/time item and result of it can be
compared as int. Such items are date/time fields/functions.
Added test case fot bug#16377: result of DATE/TIME functions were compared as strings which
can lead to a wrong result.
Added test case fot bug#16377: result of DATE/TIME functions were compared as strings which
can lead to a wrong result.
2006-06-13 19:09:24 +04:00
2006-09-08 00:59:34 +04:00
Fixed bug#16377: result of DATE/TIME functions were compared as strings which
can lead to a wrong result.
All date/time functions has the STRING result type thus their results are
compared as strings. The string date representation allows a user to skip
some of leading zeros. This can lead to wrong comparison result if a date/time
function result is compared to such a string constant.
The idea behind this bug fix is to compare results of date/time functions
and data/time constants as ints, because that date/time representation is
more exact. To achieve this the agg_cmp_type() is changed to take in the
account that a date/time field or an date/time item should be compared
as ints.
This bug fix is partially back ported from 5.0.
The agg_cmp_type() function now accepts THD as one of parameters.
In addition, it now checks if a date/time field/function is present in the
list. If so, it tries to coerce all constants to INT to make date/time
comparison return correct result. The field for the constant coercion is
taken from the Item_field or constructed from the Item_func. In latter case
the constructed field will be freed after conversion of all constant items.
Otherwise the result is same as before - aggregated with help of the
item_cmp_type() function.
From the Item_func_between::fix_length_and_dec() function removed the part
which was converting date/time constants to int if possible. Now this is
done by the agg_cmp_type() function.
The new function result_as_longlong() is added to the Item class.
It indicates that the item is a date/time item and result of it can be
compared as int. Such items are date/time fields/functions.
Correct val_int() methods are implemented for classes Item_date_typecast,
Item_func_makedate, Item_time_typecast, Item_datetime_typecast. All these
classes are derived from Item_str_func and Item_str_func::val_int() converts
its string value to int without regard to the date/time type of these items.
Arg_comparator::set_compare_func() and Arg_comparator::set_cmp_func()
functions are changed to substitute result type of an item with the INT_RESULT
if the item is a date/time item and another item is a constant. This is done
to get a correct result of comparisons like date_time_function() = string_constant.
Fixed wrong test case result after bug fix#16377.
Fixed bug#16377: result of DATE/TIME functions were compared as strings which
can lead to a wrong result.
The result_as_longlong() function is set to return TRUE for these classes:
Item_date, Item_date_func, Item_func_curtime, Item_func_sec_to_time,
Item_date_typecast, Item_time_typecast, Item_datetime_typecast,
Fixed bug#16377: result of DATE/TIME functions were compared as strings which
can lead to a wrong result.Correct val_int() methods are implemented for classes Item_date_typecast,
Item_func_makedate, Item_time_typecast, Item_datetime_typecast.
Fixed bug#16377: result of DATE/TIME functions were compared as strings which
can lead to a wrong result.
Arg_comparator::set_compare_func() and Arg_comparator::set_cmp_func()
functions are changed to substitute result type of an item with the INT_RESULT
if the item is a date/time item and another item is a constant.
Fixed bug#16377: result of DATE/TIME functions were compared as strings which
can lead to a wrong result.
Field::set_warning(), Field::set_datetime_warning() now use current_thd to get thd if table isn't set.
Fixed bug#16377: result of DATE/TIME functions were compared as strings which
can lead to a wrong result.
The agg_cmp_type() function now accepts THD as one of parameters.
In addition, it now checks if a date/time field/function is present in the
list. If so, it tries to coerce all constants to INT to make date/time
comparison return correct result. The field for the constant coercion is
taken from the Item_field or constructed from the Item_func. In latter case
the constructed field will be freed after conversion of all constant items.
Otherwise the result is same as before - aggregated with help of the
item_cmp_type() function.
The new function result_as_longlong() is added to the Item class.
It indicates that the item is a date/time item and result of it can be
compared as int. Such items are date/time fields/functions.
Added test case fot bug#16377: result of DATE/TIME functions were compared as strings which
can lead to a wrong result.
Added test case fot bug#16377: result of DATE/TIME functions were compared as strings which
can lead to a wrong result.
2006-06-13 19:09:24 +04:00
select f1 from t1 where makedate(2006,1) between date(f1) and date(f3);
select f1 from t1 where makedate(2006,2) between date(f1) and date(f3);
drop table t1;
2006-06-19 13:03:29 +05:00
create table t1 select now() - now(), curtime() - curtime(),
2006-05-02 18:00:44 +05:00
sec_to_time(1) + 0, from_unixtime(1) + 0;
2006-06-19 13:03:29 +05:00
show create table t1;
Table Create Table
t1 CREATE TABLE `t1` (
`now() - now()` double(23,6) NOT NULL default '0.000000',
`curtime() - curtime()` double(23,6) NOT NULL default '0.000000',
`sec_to_time(1) + 0` double(23,6) default NULL,
`from_unixtime(1) + 0` double(23,6) default NULL
drop table t1;
2006-10-04 17:13:32 +04:00
Warning 1292 Truncated incorrect time value: '3300000'
SELECT SEC_TO_TIME(3300000)+0;
Warning 1292 Truncated incorrect time value: '3300000'
SELECT SEC_TO_TIME(3600 * 4294967296);
SEC_TO_TIME(3600 * 4294967296)
Warning 1292 Truncated incorrect time value: '15461882265600'
SELECT TIME_TO_SEC('916:40:00');
Warning 1292 Truncated incorrect time value: '916:40:00'
SELECT ADDTIME('500:00:00', '416:40:00');
ADDTIME('500:00:00', '416:40:00')
Warning 1292 Truncated incorrect time value: '916:40:00'
SELECT ADDTIME('916:40:00', '416:40:00');
ADDTIME('916:40:00', '416:40:00')
Warning 1292 Truncated incorrect time value: '916:40:00'
Warning 1292 Truncated incorrect time value: '1255:39:59'
SELECT SUBTIME('916:40:00', '416:40:00');
SUBTIME('916:40:00', '416:40:00')
Warning 1292 Truncated incorrect time value: '916:40:00'
SELECT SUBTIME('-916:40:00', '416:40:00');
SUBTIME('-916:40:00', '416:40:00')
Warning 1292 Truncated incorrect time value: '-916:40:00'
Warning 1292 Truncated incorrect time value: '-1255:39:59'
Warning 1292 Truncated incorrect time value: '916:00:00'
SELECT MAKETIME(4294967296, 0, 0);
MAKETIME(4294967296, 0, 0)
Warning 1292 Truncated incorrect time value: '4294967296:00:00'
SELECT MAKETIME(-4294967296, 0, 0);
MAKETIME(-4294967296, 0, 0)
Warning 1292 Truncated incorrect time value: '-4294967296:00:00'
SELECT MAKETIME(0, 4294967296, 0);
MAKETIME(0, 4294967296, 0)
SELECT MAKETIME(0, 0, 4294967296);
MAKETIME(0, 0, 4294967296)
Warning 1292 Truncated incorrect time value: '18446744073709551615:00:00'
EXTRACT(HOUR FROM '100000:02:03')
Warning 1292 Truncated incorrect time value: '100000:02:03'
INSERT INTO t1 VALUES('916:00:00 a');
Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'f1' at row 1
Warning 1264 Data truncated; out of range for column 'f1' at row 1
Warning 1292 Truncated incorrect time value: '18446744073709551615'
2006-09-04 09:13:40 +02:00
SET NAMES latin1;
SET character_set_results = NULL;
SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'character_set_results';
Variable_name Value
INSERT INTO testBug8868 VALUES ('2006-09-04', 'abcd');
SELECT DATE_FORMAT(field1,'%b-%e %l:%i%p') as fmtddate, field2 FROM testBug8868;
fmtddate field2
Sep-4 12:00AM abcd
DROP TABLE testBug8868;
2006-08-10 15:37:24 +02:00
(select time_format(timediff(now(), DATE_SUB(now(),INTERVAL 5 DAY)),'%H') As H)
(select time_format(timediff(now(), DATE_SUB(now(),INTERVAL 5 DAY)),'%H') As H);
(select time_format(timediff(now(), DATE_SUB(now(),INTERVAL 5 DAY)),'%k') As H)
(select time_format(timediff(now(), DATE_SUB(now(),INTERVAL 5 DAY)),'%k') As H);
(select time_format(timediff(now(), DATE_SUB(now(),INTERVAL 5 HOUR)),'%H') As H)
(select time_format(timediff(now(), DATE_SUB(now(),INTERVAL 5 HOUR)),'%H') As H);
(select time_format(timediff(now(), DATE_SUB(now(),INTERVAL 5 HOUR)),'%k') As H)
(select time_format(timediff(now(), DATE_SUB(now(),INTERVAL 5 HOUR)),'%k') As H);
2006-11-09 16:17:50 +04:00
select last_day('0000-00-00');
2006-12-26 15:08:41 +04:00
select isnull(week(now() + 0)), isnull(week(now() + 0.2)),
week(20061108), week(20061108.01), week(20061108085411.000002);
isnull(week(now() + 0)) isnull(week(now() + 0.2)) week(20061108) week(20061108.01) week(20061108085411.000002)
0 0 45 45 45
2006-08-10 15:37:24 +02:00
End of 4.1 tests